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Show Nephi. Juab County, Utah cTIjc Levan Local, Social News Cimcfi-iVct- Neplii Local, Social Items Mrs. Bessie Witt and daught- and two daughters of Center-lielMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Toler and Maynard Mangelson of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Peter- ley and family of Delta were Trovo spent Tuesday night and son and two daughters of Saturday and Sunday visitors Wednesday with their parents, Gunnison, and Mr. and Mrs. f Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tolley, Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Man- Bryce Christensen and family. Air. and Mrs. Mark Warner gelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin Ander- and daughter of Ogden were Mrs. Erin Poulsen visited in son and son of Salt Lake City week end visitors of Mr. and Salt Lake City on Saturday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jay Warner. with her sisters. Mrs. Ferrin Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Glen Broadhead and Anderson, Mrs. Josh Robinson Erin Poulsen recently. children of Dugway visited on and Mrs. Doyle Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett Saturday at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan and and family of Holden, Mr. and and Mrs. Lynn Whittington. family were Sunday dinner Mrs. Earl Woodall and family Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunt and guests of her parents, Mr. and of Bountiful, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John D. Shepherd. Rulon Wood and family were children visited in Sandy with guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lunt on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Soren- Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood his birthday anniversary Sunsen of Magna visited with his to celebarte his birthday an- day. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mackey Sorensen on Monday. and children of Garland visited Mrs. Marie nf Morgan on and with Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Step- Mapleton and Douglas Olsen his Friday Mr. Saturday Mrs. Norand parents, of Salt Lake relavisited City henson and family visited in man Mackey. Moroni on Saturday with her tives in Levan on Tuesday. The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Fern Francom. Richard Greenhalgh was blessNews Briefs ed and given the name of RichMr. and Mrs. Alma Winter Nephi ard Arland at the Second Ward visited in Bountiful recently Pexton of Salt Lake Ray with Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Win- City visited with his sister, Sacrament meeting on Sunday. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Win- Mrs. W. H. Belliston last week. There were five great grand parents and four grand parter, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton ents in attendance. They were Winter and Max Winter. and family of Provo, Mr. and all dinner guests of Mr. and Max Winter of Bountiful Mrs. Charles Bowles and child-te- Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh after the Maxyne, Christine and services. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Chuck, of Springville visited at The family of Mrs. Catherin the home of Mr. and Mrs. MelWinter. vin Stanley on Sunday. The Bowles met at the heme of Mr. Sunday dinner guests of Mr.' occasion was the 44th wedding and Mrs. Robert Barker in and Mrs. Lyman Christensen anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bountiful on Sunday, May 5 to celebrate the birthday anwere Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Bogh Stanley; of Mrs. Bowles. A niversary m delicious dinner was served by her daughters to 24. This included ten grandchildren and d, Ru-lo- n n five n. Airs. Nonna Mackey daughter Flora visited in Lake City. They visited Mrs. Clara Garrett and Roy Hayes, sisters of and Salt with Mrs. Mrs. Mackey, and also with Clark Mackey, son of Mrs. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Sherwood of Provo visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Sherwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Burton of Kearns spent two days of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton. Their children accompanied them home after visiting their grandparents for a few days. Mrs. Reva Ballow and sons Leon and Jimmy of Sandy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chase. Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Clayton of Orem were Sunday visitors of their son and daughter .n law, Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Clayton. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper were Mrs. K. Peterson and her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Houch and two sons, all of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson and family of Bountiful were week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Airs. Lavon n. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd were Air. and Mrs. James Allred and family of Sandy. Square Dancing, Saturday Visiting at the home of Mr. d and Mrs. Byron Johnson over May 11 at 8 p.m. at the Ward Hall. Dancers the week end were her mother and sister, Mrs. Marion King are being taught dances for the All are of Manti, and Mrs. Ross Still- June Dance Festival. invited to attend. well and two children. First-Secon- that say: YOU ILOVEMOTHER The greatest gift of all is to give her YOUR LOVE! Other Suggestions are: STATIONERY PERFUME or COLOGNES HAIR DRYER PEN AND PENCIL SETS LADIES ELECTRIC SHAVERS BOXED CHOCOLATES CLOCKS - Both Electric and Windup Models PORTABLE RADIOS BATHROOM SCALES MOTHERS DAY CARDS LADIES BILL FOLDS TOASTERS UNIVESAL HAND MIXERS--12.- P11D Frank Untended liyjfvjivjj Roast Tom Turkey 1.40 Choice Halibut 1.40 Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimp 1.50 Tenderloin Dinner Steak 1.80 Dinner includes Homemade Soup, Spring Salad, Dressing, Hot Choice of SNAK SHAK CAFE & STEAK HOUSE DRINK- BAR iUnUi 112.1 t 1 2.73 Q GRILL WITH MOTOR - -- 14.98 99 4'H9 1 SAVE 13c STAND BERRIES LETTUCE Solid! lb lb 59c 69g lb Crisp! NEW TANGY DELICIOUS IGA FROZEN 6oz3fgg MORRELL CHEF BONELESS HAM- - IGA FROZEN No Waste -- 2 pairs PEARLS NYLONS JAM with ,0 Case 12 2.39 Brach Assorted IU MEAT PIES lb ORCHID AND Quart LI Dr,0 LEMONADE WHIP & FRESH LUSCIOUS STRAW LEGS MIRACLE 45 Reg- - NYLONS LB W t IGA Both for tablerTte grade a or at CLIP THIS COUPON NOW gf Pjars ELLIS VIENNA I SAUSAGES WindowforO0 reg. cans I Boxes 0. 00 1 First, he was able to switch from premium to regular in his 1955 Ford V-- 8 with NO ENGINE PING! Second, his mileage increased from 13 to as high as miles per gallon a 30.7 increase! Add the increased mileage to the money saved in 0 switching from premium to Regular and you have cash savings of 13c per gallon. More mileage, less cost per mile and better engine performance can be yours, too, when you use Beeline and 0 Frontier the greatest scientific breakthrough in petroleum history! B GS-100- GS-100- Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! CHECK THE IGA ADS - Nephi Utah YOUR NEPHI IGA STORE SHOP EARLY! FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS n S. L. and Provo Papers available at 1 00 for AUTUMN GOLD CHINA GRAVY BOAT & Reg. 294 at IVMmM- - BONUS BUYS - Phene 623-- BREAD n FOR MORE 66 South Main for300 ? twenty years. Last year, he switched to Beeline and Frontier The result? GS-100- TABLE TREAT - 46 oz BREASTS Bayne McMillan, a Salt Lake City railroad ticket agent, used a major brand premium grade gasoline for oPtat-oe- s, Drinks, and Desserts IGA OVEN FRESH 9 3.47 ANGEL CAKES WHOLE THIGHS PER GALLON SAVINGS Garden Vegetable, Whipped Snak Shak Rolls, IGA PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT Signature... 7 Department spokesmen noted that the nests and young birds destroyed during the critical period at hand means less chances for the hunter this tall. Recognizing the seriousness ot this and other problems, the law states that it is illegal to take, kill, capture, chase or injure any game bird or anim-- I a! during closed seasons. T.V. Features WITH PURCHASE OF (5.00 OR MORE Limit I Coupon per family! Expires May 15, 1963 I-- ;- the SPECIALS FOR MOTHERS DAY Airs. David Neilsen visited in Murray with Mrs. Russell Neilsen ; in Kearns with Mr. and Mrs. Vern McCleery, and in Granger with Mr. and Mrs. James Lofgran last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lofgran accompanied her home on Sunday. 9 FREE LUNCH PLATE Tm going to surprise my wife when she puts on her new wig! dogs roaming 17 KOOK OUT KITCHEN Deluxe Model Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brooks returned home Saturday after visiting for five weeks in San Fernando and Pasadena, Cal-- j ilornia with their children. in FOR CONFIDENTIAL HUSBANDS ONLY Theres just no use spending half a day going from store to store trying to find a suitable Mothers Day gift for your wife! We have just the things that will make her day enjoyable! Well be more than happy. to help you with the selectMaries Fashions! ion. MIRRO SAUCE POTS 4.95 MONA NEWS BRIEFS cans Case of 24 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Penney. Mrs. Greenhalgh and Mrs. Penney are sisters. PROVEN ELECTRIC FRY PAN with cover 9.88 --3- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chappell of Salt Lake City visited on Mrs. Robert Saturday Chappell. 303 Green- CORNING WARE Coburn was given by Airs. J. 1 1. Cot ton. The review was enjoyed by the entire group. Alcmltcrs present were Mrs. W. W. Stephenson, Miss Mabel Sperry. Airs. J. L. Belliston, Aire. Ralph Belliston, Airs. Harry Foote, Mrs. A. H. Latimer, Mrs. Lester B. Belliston, Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. James A. Eagar, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. Jack Wright, Aire. Jack Berwick, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Airs. John Robertson, Mrs. J. II. Cotton, and the hostess, Airs. Joseph Bedson. BEANS halgh and daughter Marjory spent Sunday at Meadow with SETS--13.- 88 48 By Rolfe Great-grandparen- ts CORNING WARE SAUCE MAKERS 3.50 - 9.88 g Dog Owners in Controlling Animals The Ladies Literary Club tields of the State during the met at the home of Mrs. Jos- game bird nesting season now eph Bedson on Monday even- at hand annually results ii. ing with Mrs. W. W. Stephen- destroying nests and a loss of son, president, conducting the birds. In view of this problem, the Club collect was meeting. read by Mrs. James Eagar. The Department of Fish and Game roll call and minutes were read today urged the cooperation of all dog owners in keeping their by Miss Alabol Sperry. A review of the book "Mothdogs close to home during the er Was a Rebel by Mary next two months. IGA CUT 18.88 ELECTRIC 4-- Fish and Game Department Asks Aid of ,4-St- ar 45 PC. MELMAC DINNER WARE SETS 15.95 and 21.95 The Nephi Junior Riding Club met in the Blue Room May 1st to hold their first meeting of the season. Twenty nine members are enrolled and the newly elected officers are ns follows: Dale President, Rovoe; vice president, Trist I.uAnn secret aiy, Roberts; Jones; reporter, Gary B. Jones; treasurer, Alerrill Sanders; activity chairman, Glen Davis and drill master, Trist Roberts. Leaders are Mi's. Harold Jones and Bob Wot wood A demerit system was inaugurated whereby any member found guilty of disrespect of a leader or a member, of a horse, swearing, or being out of order In a meeting would lie given a demerit. Should a member receive 50 demerits he has disqualified himself as a member. Any officer will become disqualified to hold office if he receives 30 demerits. Members will each be striving to improve and to become better club members under the Members also voted system. to pay 50c club dues each month to cover costs of trips and other activities. The first regular meeting was called for May 11th at the fair grounds. Each following Saturday at 6:30 p.m. the Junior Riding Club will participate in activities with each member striving to be the outstanding club member for the year 1963. Gary B. Jones, Reporter Snow on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Sperry (Kathy Parrish) of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a son on April 7. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sperry of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parrish of Taylorsville. are Mr. Mrs. Joseph P. Jensen of Ftn. Green and Mr. Sanders of Taylorsville. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Westring, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Starr returned home on Wednesday of last week after attending a school boards convention at Denver, Colorado. They returned by way of Colorado Springs where they visited the Air Force Academy, and other points of interest, and also visited the Royal Gorge near Canon City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sud-weespent the week end in Tremonton with their son in Mr. and law and daughter, Mrs. Don Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Club Monday Evening New Officers Shopping Around MB UNIVERSAL HAIR DRYERS -- 2 Models PROVEN Mr. and Mrs. Clark Snow and two children of Ely, Nevada visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Bedson Hostess To Ladie Literary Junior Riding Club Names Page Five May 9, 1963 Thursday, uc 1 rrvn 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI Phone 1 623-113- Custom Cutting, Wrapping, Freezing rjl- - |