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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah w m w wannnwmar "wisrg elj t j ' fH ' .i!' Thursday, May 9, 1963 2imco-iJctu- o J.H.S. NEWS and VIEWS (A Nephi Local, Social Items Public Invited lo Junior High Achievement Program The Junior High Achievement Night will highlight the of the past accomplishments year in the Junior High. The program will be held Thursday evening (tonight) beginning with a short band concert atj 7.15 pm. in the Juab High tifiably proud of its program. Although major emphasis has been placed upon the academic program it is felt that the activities program has been excellent The Junior High is an excellent level for teaching and School Auditorium. The Junior High can be Jus training in speech, dance, and social graces". ihe An effort is made to get every student to take part in an .issembly program Dances an opportunity for establishing the social graces. An invitation Is extended to everyone to attend the Thurse day evening event. The annual Mothers and 'ioi H;gh band will play from The formal Daughters Tea will be held on 7:15 until 7:45. May 16 at 8 pm in the Stake program will follow with the House. This event is sponsored seventh, eighth and ninth grade by the seven Federated Wo- boys demonstrating what hap-- , pens in and out of the gym. mens Clubs of Nephi. After the meal has been serv- The Twirlers will show coored, there wil be a short pro- dination and balance that all gram The Senior girls will would desire. Square dancing a new' model every six months sing as their part on the pro- will take you to far places. Music from soloists nd groups to give the students the best gram y should charm and relax you, drivers experience. Sandra Cook and Gayle will give a tribute to the and plays both humorous and Students are given 30 hours their solemn should convince you and in turn, of class room work in the mothers, Mrs. Clarence Wil key that we want to know both mother, Most of all we hope theory of driving during their will give a tribute to the sides. ninth grade, and upon reachthat you will approve of our daughters. ing age 15 are taken into act' and recognizing scholarship ual behind the wheel driver outstanding performance. Each student reexperience. In fact, we are so proud of Pro Vita Members ceives at least six hours of the Junior High that we hope driving experience. you will come and share this New evening with us. Breakfast; Enjoy Instructors In driver edurrr. cation are Barry Avery and Pag Six Cookie Cuffer, Hew 4-- Club, Is H Organized Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Glade Sanders A meeting was held on were in Spring Lake on Fri- Saturday morning, May 4, at day evening, May 3, to attend the home of Janet Wright. the wedding reception for Mr. Members present were Marilyn and Mrs. Lynn J act sen. Kimber'ee Warner, Rosquist, and Jackie Jackson Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cole selectfield. The Birch group and baby of Orem were week end guests of her parents, Mr. ed the name of the club to and Mrs. James E. Singer. The be "The Six Cookie Cutters". occasion was the birthday an- Officers were elected as folniversary of Mrs. Cole. lows: President, Linda Pay; vice president, Barbara Jack-soMr. and Mrs. Keith Worthsecretary and treasurer, ington and family of Granger Marilyn reporter, Rosquist; w'ere week end visitors of his Janet Greenwood; song leader, Kimberlee Warner and game mother, Mrs. Neldon leader, Jackie Birchfield. 4-- H n; af-'o- rd JOIN THE SUMMER FUN AT Jun-Th- DUKES TROUBLE kittens is, then its Duke." a 170-poun- d If your name is Trouble," as this nice to have an influential pal lik companion. NEBO LANES New Ford Becomes Juab PAYSON, UTAH Driver Training Automobile Students at Juab High School are receiving Driver Training in a new Ford furnished under contract by Parkin Motor Co. Pakin Motor Oo. will furnish the car through the 1963-6- 4 school year, and will furnish Senior Class Plans Outstanding Assembly As THIS CURIOUS WORLu The IfAPlI, A LARGE ANIMAL OF CENTRAL AFRICA, WAS NOT KNOWN TO WHITE MEN UNTIL THE 20TH CENTURY. Final Offering On May 16 the Senior Class of 63 will present their final assembly before the student body of Juab High School. The assembly has been scheduled for the third hour on Thursday, May 16. According to the Senior Assembly committee, this will be the top assembly of the year, and the best one that has been given by the Senior class. The assembly has been arranged to give both a serious and a humorous tone to its plot. It is hoped that the student body and the Senior classwill enjoy the assembly, as it has been planned on the basis of the 12 years that the Seniors have spent in school. Remember the date May 16 for the Senior assembly, the final assembly presented by the graduating class of 63. The Seniors are hoping that you will attend the occasion. Everyone is invited to attend this assembly, May 16 at 10:30 am at the Juab High School After successfully passing the class work and the behind the wheel driving, students can secure their drivers license at age 15 V2. Statistics prove that students receiving driver education have fewer accidents than those who do not have this training. FlfrlT TIP IN SOME SPECIES OF OYSTER 7V MALES and FEMALES ARE SEPARATE' INDIVIDUALS, WHILE IN OTHER SPECIES OYSTER represents BOTH SEXES! AOf THE STATE OF VIRGINIA ONCE LEVIED A TAX ON BATH TUBS tilhlMUHilti A DIET OF SANCTITY spring sports and another school year's athletic endeavors. The teams of this year should be given a big applause tor the way they have represented Juab in regional and in state-wid- e competition. They may not have had the kind of winning record that they would liked to have had, but they could have won the sportsmanship trophy. Things may not have been as good as they could have been, but with the younger boys that are coming up, the athletic situation looks brighter for next year and the years thereafter. HENEVER KNSMENEUKCP FELT ETHIOPIA (1844-191- 3) SICK OR DEPRESSED, HE ATE A PAGE OUT OF THE B'&-- &. . ' V WIUohs At 'p r ; C x YRENSTH? FRIENDLY LIGHTNING ER A HUNDRED MILLION TONS OF FERTILIZER ARB PRODUCED EACH YEAR BY U&H7WNB WHICH COM 'ERIE f. INERT NITROGEN IN THE ALL. !& j A , AJR WTO K'TR'G ACID. .ILK- ..J4v MONEY... y 4 :: tV ;' t I1 ... NTEDTCD N US. SAY SS BONDS hE.PS A.'.' T'CA FA FA N 7C.'.A On OOR fATCS AL FE'OT! TODAY SO F-A' TO E tJO 1 T. W'LL H A.E &OrH Ny.EY- AND TtE FIZLL - j cy.c Helps Sell When you are going to sell your home, the little details are important. If you have a tree in the front lawn, be sure branches do not obscure the view from windows. An obscured view may be the deciding factor In a prospective buyers not buying the house. This is also important if you an planning to plant a tree the front. No Method There is no home .method for dyeing fabrics made of glass fiber. Glass fiber and other mineral fibers get their color during the Phone 623-132- 7, Nephi, for additional information Officers Are Named Were you awakened early Friday morning by the tooting of horns, the ringing of doorbells, and the knocking on doors? If so, you realize it was just the ProVita out for an early morning breakfast. The breakfast was held out to Rays Cafe and all the new members of the Pro Vita were taken out there by the Senior members of last years club. Varsity cheer leaders for the are: LaRue year 1963-6head cheer leader; .Tudy Jackson, aPtricia (Mories Junior md Cheryl Williams. varsity cheer leaders for the oming year are: Diane Tolley, head cheer leader with Cheryl 4 Step-hense- GIFT 17 JEWEL WATCHES 19.95 and up n, Anton; Carolyn and Marilyn Stephenson. New Pro Vita officers are: Shauna Shepherd, president; Linda Marie Ingram, secretary and treasurer; Angie Brough, reporter; Carolyn Ostler and Connie Kendall, sergeants at arms; Cherrinda Beck and Linda Powell, drill mistresses. Members of the Pro Vita are: Janice Ballow, Jean Boswell, Carol Chapman, Kathy Bonnie Jarrett, Christensen, Monna Lee Jones, Barbara Lunt, Sandra Newberry, Lorraine Steiner, Adene Tolley, Marilyn Christensen, Ann Hall, Sue Ingram, Barbara Madsen, Beverly Myers, Sheila Sperry, Becky Stuart, Ann Brough, Myda Carter, Marjorie Green-halgCindy Ingram Sandra Jackson, Rhea Lynn Otteson, Claudia Parkin, Emily Sue Sperry and Sarah Starr. Reporter, Angie Brough T Year's Sports Activity Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Starts May 13 al Kelvin Clayton. Track, Tennis Meets This Week to Complete This week just about wraps up the athletic contests for this year on the Juab High Sohool schedules. The only meet remaining are the regional track meet at Richfield on Wednesday and the Regional tennis meet on Saturday at Mt. Pleasant. These wall conclude the MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUES Wil-ke- act-ul- h, Four WATCH BANDS WEDDING BANDS 10.00 and up DIAMOND SETS STAINLESS STEEL SERVICE FOR 8 SILVERWARE SPECIAL -- Service for 12 89.95 -- Chest Extra 1.00 EARRINGS 50$ plus tax BEAUTIFUL FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS 5.00 and up 39.95 LADY ELECTRIC SHAVERS 17.50 NEW SUMMER JEWELRY -- 1.00 and up FRENCH PURSES OR WALLETS -- 4.95 NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 6231598 Nephi, Utah |