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Show Nphl, Juab County, Utah bljc r Thursday, May 9, 1963 Ciiitco-iVctu- fl Mrs. Christensen Is Hospital Patient List Hostess at Meeting of Lircrrrv flub Recently admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital, according to the list released Wednesday by Hospital author- ities, include the following: Mrs Bernice Painter, Nephi Mrs. Caroline Kay, Mona Mrs. Don Jones, Nephi Mrs. Leo Christensen was nostess to members of the Beta Literary Club on Thursday, May 2nd at her home. Mrs. Jack Ludlow, club piesident, conducted the meeting and club collect was read by Mrs. Arnold Brough. Miss Ruth Brown entertained the group with a vocal solo, and she was accompanied by Miss Lula Largo on the piano. These young ladies are attending school here under the L D S Indian Student Placement Program. John Ludlow, who recently returned from the Southwest Indian mission, was the speaker for the evening. He gave a brief history of the Indian people and told of some of their He also interesting customs. showed films taken in Arizona and New Mexico while on his mission assignments to these areas. were Light refreshments served by the outgoing officers of the dub to the following members: Mrs. Ernest I. Wilson, Mrs. Harlow W. Pexton, Mrs. Mrs. Ray Christiansen, Clark Morgan, Mrs. Allen Belli ston, Mrs. Jack Brough, Mrs. Bert Powell, Mrs. Roy E Gibson, Mrs. Jack Ludlow, and Mrs. Duane Bracken, Nephi Mrs. Emma Wilson, Neptii Melvin J. Ixmg, Eureka Tom H. Hayes, Nephi Kenneth Zabriskie, Nephi Mrs. Alice Bailey, Nephi D. Roe Brian, Loa Mrs. James T. Sherwood, Levan Mrs. Pearl Stephens, Mammoth. Mi's. Arvilla Newton, Mona i I State Urges Anglers to Obtain Licenses Now the hostess, Mrs. Leo Christen- - sen. Kiwanis Dates Miniature BIRTHS advance in irrigation is this adaptable steel headgate, developed at Utah State University and per fected by two years of intensive field tests, that will be marketed in Utah this Spring for the first time. C. Earl Israelsen, U. S. U. irrigation engineer, top, shows how easily the modular structure can be assembled and installed. From simple,galvanized steel sections, a headgate can be adapted to nearly all ditch sizes, stream conditions and soil types, as shown by the multiple outlet structure, bottom. Developed under a special grant from U. S. Steel Products Division, U. S. Steel Corp., the device for more effective water control has undergone field testing at 120 different western locations since the basic design was unveiled by irrigation scientists in 1 961 . Latest - NOTICE OF SALE BE SOLD for labor, material and storage at Parkin Motor Co., on Friday the 24th day of May, 1963, .the following motor vehicle: Year 1954; TO Daughter, bom May 1, to Mr. Young men of East Juab and Mrs. James E. Bills, FounCounty will have an opportuntain Green. ity to show their riding and Son bom May 4 to Mr. and roping abilities, as the Kiwanis Mrs. Doyle Coombs (Aim Car- Club of Nephi will present ter) of Nephi Grandparents the worlds first all miniature are Mrs. Gyppe Lowry and rodeo show on Friday and SatLynn Carter of Nephi, and urday, May 17 and 18. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooambs of Burnice Hunsaker of is bringing the Little Fountain Green. is Mrs. Emma Smith Buckaroo Rodeo to Nephi of Salt Lake City. under the sponsorship of the Kiwanis Club, and features Daughter, bom May 6 to Mr. shetlands, brahma calves and and Mrs. Jerry L Beck of KIDS! Fountain Green. Grandparents The contestants are limited are Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Beck to no riders under seven of Fountain Green, Mr. and old, or over 14 years of years age. Mrs. Grant Brotherson of Mt. The boy or girl cannot be over Pleasant. 54 in height, or weigh over are Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim 120 pounds. Any boy or Thomas of Provo and Mrs. can enter at the Toggerygirl or Clara Beck of Spring City. T Son bom May 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. Frampton (Shir-- ' ley Anderson) of Nephii. Grandy parents are Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Frampton of Fillmore. are Mrs. Mary Shaw of Nephi and George C. Anderson of Salt Lake City. Tre-rnont- Great-grandmoth- er CARD OF THANKS The family of Dan Davis wishes to express their deep thanks and gratitude for all the kindness and expressions of sympathy shown during this time of our sorrow. We wish to thank all who brought food to the house, the Third Ward Bishopric, Relief Society, the Anderson Funeral Home, and the many friends who did so much to comfort Mothe at this time. The family of Dan Davis. Make, Chevrolet; Body Style, Sedan; Motor or ID Number registered in the name of K. P. Sullivan, whose last known address is Chicago, FOR CONFIDENTIAL Illinois. Amount now due, $30.00. HUSBANDS ONLY JOHN PARKIN, dba PARKIN MOTOR CO. We may not know her exact Lienholder size, but we surely can help you choose her Mothers Day Dates of publication, May 9 and gift . . and will allow exchange Times-New16, 1963, in The if your selection privileges Nephi, Utah. does not fit! Maries Fashions, 45 South Main. Great-grandpare- availability of fish and game licenses at their place of business. All are presently well stocked with the 1963 licenses. The agents and the Department of Fish and Game alike encourage an early license purchase to avoid the rush and on Christensen's Monday, the last minute chance that Tuesday or Wednesday, but ab- some dealers may run short of solutely must be accompanied supply. by a parent to sign their permission slip. The hour and a half show will consist of three sections of pony bareback riding, and three sections of calf riding, and one sectoin of calf roping each day. There is also the world famous chariot barrell race and other specialty acts. Trophies and prizes will be awarded to each days winners. The final feature of each days show will gve each little cowboy and cowgirl six years of age and under, who are too samll to ride, a chance to participate in the Rodeo by trying to lasso a pony colt. ts V2 The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water in Juab County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year unless otherwise All locations are designated. to SLB&M. To Change: Melvin B. Robbins, Mona, Ut proposes to change the point of diversion of 6 sec.-f- t. of water initiated by Application No. 28380. The water was to have been diverted from a well at a point N. 510 ft. and E. 2490 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 33, T1QS, R1E, and used from Mar. 1 to Nov. 1 for the Irrigation of 213 acres in S1 Sec. 33, T10S, R1E, SttSW Lots 3, 4, NW& Sec. 4, T11S, inciR1E, and for year-roun- d dental domestic purposes. 20 Part time, $35 per week; full time, $70.00 per week. Versa Jones, 128 South 700 E., To Appropriate: 34657 Seventy-Fir- st 12-i- n. LaMar C. Winter, 4! Blocks from to rent 640 WEST NORTH TEMPLE Next to riding these strange vehicles, getting on and getting off are the hardest problems according to Douglas Schiller, left, and Dennis Oostdik of Monroe, Wis. Sec. 15. U. S. Dept, of the 34932 Interior - Burtau of Land Management, P. O. Box 777, Salt Lake City, Ut .015 sec. ft. from a Spring Area - Riley Springs, trib. to Tanner Creek, at a point N. 2667 ft. and E. 1592 ft. from SW. Cor. Sec. 13, T12S, R2y2W. The spring area 3432E. Jus9 Bn 1 sec.-- ft bet. point S. ft. from 100 Auburn, MOTHER'S DAY NEW EUREKA m jar 79c 79c IMS IS 19$ cup ea. 5$eadi Calif., Clip Special Cord Automatic off-o- n Switch All Steel Construction 95 Brushes NEW MODEL 1 1 EUREKA PVLnXL&AAs H VACUUM CLEANER 1963. $ JACK'S 6-i- n. 39 95 I MIRACLE WHIP---quartjar--51- or Thighs - -- 1.89 - - 63C 98c C to 65c lb2oz 623-03- 50 -- COMPLETE PROCESSING OF BEEF -- PORK -- LAMB MODani Complete 8 pc. set of accessories REF. & APPLIANCE NEPHI, UTAH ft I'a Ms CHICKEN lb pkgs Breasts, Legs CUT UP FRYERS - 2V LB PHONE MORE VACUUM CLEANER FOR LESS MONEY Over 1 H.P. Motor New Mobility Flip top Lid Cordwind Handle -- 10 BEEF STEAKS or VEAL CUTLETS - - 69c 2 lb for 93c LEAN GROUND BEEF -2ftC12 WEINIES for 49c BAR S HAMS - Boneless - Ready fo eaf - - lb 89C $-Q- Lifetime Lubrication All Purpose Oversize 1450 CUKES 1 IfAlJTSRb n. Box 182, Levan, Ut .05 sec.-- ft Wayne D. Criddle. from a STATE ENGINEER well, bet 25 and 500 ft deep at a point N. 539 and W. 294 ft from S Published In The Times-New- s, Cor. Sec. 15,. T15S, R1W. The Nephi. Utah, from May 9 toj water is to be used for the May 23, 1963. loaves -6- LARGE RANCH EGGS - "B" 2 POLISHER-SCRUBBE- R from a well, and 400 ft. deep at a 10-i- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 3 1 Carl L. Lloyd, P. O. Box 1174, - MJB INSTANT COFFEE BREADED SHRIMPS Time For S. N, S4976 Square ICE CREAM and Pint SHERBET 69 gal BIG PROBLEM watering of 200 cattle and 10 horses in SESESWK said 165 a Temple rrr Jlf; SE RANCHO MOTOR HOTEL 623-116- 7. ft. and W. 280 NE. Cor. Sec. 2, T11S, R17W. The water is to be used for the domestic requirements of one family, for the watering of 50 cattle, 100 34717 Western Geothermal, chickens, 75 sheep, 10 pigs, Inc., a Nevada Corp., Inter- 4 horses and 50 turkeys, and national Bldg., St. Mary's from Mar. 15 to Nov. 15 as a San Francisco, Calif., supplemental supply for the Square, wat- irrigation of 70 acres, all uses 15 Bec.-- ft of super-heate- d er from a 12 58 in. well, bet. in E!4E said Sec. 2. 500 and 5000 ft deep at a Protests resisting the grantpoint S. 1650 ft. and W. 330 from NE Cor. Sec. 10, T14S, ing of any of the foregoing apft R8W. The water is to be used plications with reasons therefor power purposes and ex- for, must be filed in duplicate in Secs. with the State Engineer, 442 traction of I State Capitol, Salt Lake City, 10, 11, T14S, R8W. Utah, on or before June 22, 34871 24-ho- 24-ho- CANTALOUPES 25? A three bedpartly furnished, Phone WANTED room home 5528E. ft., 90 ft., S. 3432W. 165 ft., N. 5528W. 45 ft. to beg. The water is to be used for the domestic requirements of a campground, a recreational area, and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the watering of Quor- 500 cattle, all uses in Church of SWM said Sec. 13.. um of Seventy, Jesus Christ of Latter-Da- y Saints, Nephi, Ut 4 sec.-f- t. lrom a well, 250 ft. deep at a point N. 1815 ft. and W. 33 ft from S!4, Cor. Sec. 31, T12S, R1E. The water is to be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 120 acres in ENW4, NE4SW14 said Sec. 31. Centrally located, each room features: NEW radio and TV, with power antenna, hi fl music, switchboard service, phones, message service, fenced childrens playground and tennis courts. Adjacent to Rancho Lanes recreation center, and 3 res taua rants. For reservations phono EL Provo. Hereafter, the same quantity is described as follows: . Beg. at the point of collection, thence N. 5528W. 45 ft., N. of water is to be diverted during the same period as above well described from a 16-i- n. bet. 100 and 400 ft. deep at a point E. 2640 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 4, T11S, R1E, and used as for the same purposes heretofore. Time To Travel . . and SI RANCHO is the Place fo Stay . . . While Youre Away!! NEPHI STATION Four ladies to NEEDED help with our spring rush of business. have use of Must car. Its PETER PAN BREAD s, NOTICE TO WATER USERS 1 NBC VANILLA WAFERS -- 12 fk 29c 4 cans 63c SPRING GARDEN PEAS PIERCES PORK & BEANS 300 size 4 cans 51C De-Lo- Great-grandparen- Utah anglers were reminded today to beat the last minute rush by purchasing their 1963 angling licenses early. The general fishing season begins on June 1st this year, leaving just over three weeks in which to buy a license and have the gear ready to go. With approximately 500 agents located over the state, it is not necessary at present to stand in line while waiting to purchase a license. However, the angler who waits until just before the season opens may lose valuable time in the usual last minute rush. All license agents display prominently a sign noting the Peters, Mrs. Ava Christensen, Mi'S. Norma Pay. Mrs. Nola Pay. Mrs. Kudora Ilowers, Mrs. Otis Kay, Mrs. Evelyn Kendall, The Indies Literary league Mi's. Velma Hansen, Mrs. met on May 2 at the home of vern Worthington . Mi's. Max-.n- e Painter, Mrs. Lucille Car-te- r, Mi's. Stella Boswell, club presMrs. Lorene Kirgan, MLss ident. to eelebartc the anniBeryl Shaw and Mrs. LaVon versary of the club, and to Jones. hold the annual Guest night. An enjoyable evening was spent. A delicious lunch was served at beautifully decorated car'd tables. T he committee consisted of Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. Isabel Carter, Mrs. Mint Sperry, Miss I ret a Carter, Miss ltheta Sperry, Mrs. Rex Tolley, Mrs. Coquel la McPherson and Mrs. Euna Cooper. Bingo Open for business with BARwas played and prizes given. BEE and INLAND equipment! The following guests and club members enjoyed the afJENKINS SALES AND fair: Mrs. Carolee Miner, Mrs. SERVICE 1 1. L. Grace, Mrs. Thomas Ken-dall, Mrs. J. R. Greenhalgh, 805 North Main Nephi, Utah Mrs Leo Ingram, Mrs. Sylvia Guset Night, Club Anniversary Observed Rodeo; Kids 7 to 14 Invited To Sign for Events of Show Recent new babies at the Juab Comity Hospital indude the following: pre-form- ed i Page Three FRIENDLY SERVE! 1 |