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Show Weather REPORTS SEE OUR SPECIAL ON GE FREEZER IT IS NOW DOWN TO NKlIII STATIO.V Date May WE STILL HAVE A FEW MOTO LAWN MOWERS & TILLERS 77 76 .87 Appliances .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 HOME .21 rooms, full 4J 49 UIMES-il- 50 50 43 Four Recently admitted pi tents at the Jiicb County Hospital it EWS ), ALKERS Nephi include the billowing: Mrs. George T. Ostler, Nephi. Terry Spctrj, son of Mr. anJ Mrs. Blame Ingiam, Nephi Paul Mungelson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mangolaon, Levan. . Evelyn Carroll. Nephi Lone Kendall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kendall. Nephi. Patric.a ' Bransgan. daught r of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bran-agaGovhen. Mrs. Reese ShcrwuxI, Nephi Alden Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stanley, Nephi. Diane Vest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Vest, Mona r COLON AND RECTUM New cases 70.000 van. Oaughter, born May 30. to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. of Lynndyl. Grandparents are Mrs Evangelyn Rasmussen of Fillmore and Mr. and Q. Dutson of Salt South Main Mrs. John Great 66 South Main- -66 grand mothLake iCty. PHONE 306 er is Mrs. Delia Robinson or p.nn, y; 319M. 3 SaltLake City. S U B S C R I BE : 240 East Center Street, Provo Columbine Utah. FOR SALE giant pansies, basket of gold, delphinium, painted daisies, sticks, pholox, sweet william, SALESMEN WANTED carnations, portulaca, pinks, WANTED AT ONCE Man snap dragons .astors, zinnias, or woman to supply families marigolds, dahlias, cockscombs, with Rawleigh Products in tuberous besalvia, verbena, Nephi. Many dealers earn $50 gonias, geraniums, chrysanthe- weekly part time, $100 and up mums, several varieties of pe- full time. Write Persistent cough, or respiratory Annual checkup, Learn chest facts on smoking. Unusual bleeding Annual checkup, including; pelvic examination and or discharge. Pap" smear. m ionr pipsidam ) pfc lasting longtr tXan two MIA DANCE SFEGTACLE uww wwimi a t anKgw!iiy a - 1 754-391- FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS S GRAPES 25' MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS 1 LB PKG -- 49c BAR S WEINERS L B 39c PURITAN BALONEEY GROUND BEEF Lean and Fresh -- 2 LBS 89c 1LB PKGS - EACH 49c BACON 19 CANTALOUPES 0 Economy lib can 71 c 2 lb can 1.39 MARGARINE -- 3 LBS 99C POPICE- - -- New Confection for freezing 6 for 19 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES - 3 for 95c SUPREME VARIETY CREME SANDWICH W4 lb 49c rolls 95c TESSIE TOILET TISSUE--1- 2 2 phgs 31c POWDERED SUGAR DELRICH FOR SALE Modern FOR SALE Small home home with full basement. at second south and third east GE kitchen. You $2500.00; shop building on west Furnace. Concenter street $1500.00; Also must see to appreciate home at ninth north and sec- tact Bill Howard phone 350. ond east for sale or for rent Contact Mrs. Cole at 477W MENS AND BOYS quality shoes at reduced prices at WANTED Contact with Kens Hardware, Nephi. i X COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF APPLIANCES Washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, and water heaters. Also a good supply of cleaning and laundry supplies! Plenty of supplies for house cleaning Plumbing & Builders Supply, 66 South Main Nephi. Phone 306. , DOWN A DOLLAR A DAY until sold See our special GE Freezer advertisement on page 6 of this issue Plumbing and Builders Supply, 66 South Main. 4-- D IF YOU plies, you materials at KENS I ' $ $ r.-- 'Wj. - . ilV Mr v,:?: l 0 X SWJ- 6 li a wA iCts- X to Six thousand young dancers from 17 states and Canada will appear June 9 and 10 in the University of Utah stadium, Salt Lake City, in a gigantic dance festival. The is a feature of the 64th annual conference of MIA (Mutual Improvement Associations), the young peoples organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints (Mormon). pro-ducti- on WALLPAPER Patterns to fit your decorating style colors to fit your taste washability to fit your needs -priced to suit your pocketbool Isnt this the selection you wan1 to choose from? See it now. eligible. Give a wedding gift that is really worthwhile Join with your friends In buying substantial gifts gift lists on all weddings at 4D1 Builders Supply j ' 306. FOR SALE IFkkimll B 14 - - -- Carded SHELLED KOOK- S- 2 cards 15c BAIT CANTEEN MOSS" LARGE BAG FLY HOOXS EGGS ORLY 5c EACH 19c bottle White con-- 1 -- if, 24c MOROFILMENT SPINNING LINE 100 YARD SPOOL GAST-A-BUBB- RLY each LES per dozen - - 2.89 39c 29c HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS AT L0YEST PRICES HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS Hi CAMPING EQUIPMENT AND GARDEN SUPPLIES HARDWARE 8 ARMY-NAVSTORE 48 NORTH MAIN--NEPY ventional Maytag Washer Call 375 for information. ORLY --O- ITEMS GLASS FISHING RODS 98c and up REELS , 69c up SALMON 9 - SPINNING REELS SPECIAL "OPENER" PURCHASE $6.00 REEL - SALE PRICE 3.99 NOTHING TO BUY IN THIS CONTEST FISHING East Center, Nephi & FURNITURE canyon stream or at Burrastons Pond in the 1st week of fishing, beginning June 3. A fish caught any other place will NOT be Main, Nephi. SAVE ON EARLY WEEK purchases too! Check our windows and shelves for specials effective Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as avertdised on News (Channel 4) Monday at 10 p.m. Johnsons IGA the hardware center 66 South Main, Nephi, Utah. Ph. CHAPMAN 4 RECOVERING Kitchen and living room chairs recovered platform rockers recovered and restyled Living room sets recovered with newest style fabrics Also automobile seat covers Fast at service, reasonable rates Vints Upholstery, 186 South Plumbing IMPERIAL FISHING CONTEST FOR BOYS & GIRLS TO AGES BEAUTIFUL FIRST & SECOND PRIZES for the longest "trout" caught in the local Co. CHAIR a wide choice of ITS PLANTING TIME Petunias, singles, double and ruffled; Asters, Snaps, Moss We loan Carpet Shampooer at no cost with purchase of Blue Lutre shampoo. Chapman Fur- niture We have Rose, Salvia, Gloriosa daisy, Lobelia, Ageratium, Dahlias, Marigolds, Zinnias, Verbenia, Pansie, Daisies, Delphiniums, NEED fishing sup- sweet Wiliam; Basket of Gold, can get top quality Babys Breath, Hibiscus, Huckat the best in prices leberry, cabbage, cauliflower, HARDWARE. egg plant, onion sets, tomatoes, hot caps, peat moss Nephi NOW 5983 .1 operated car wash multiple operation. No land to lease, no building to buy, no fixed overhead, no labor problems, no experience necessary. We furnish location, installations, and training. You furnish $3150.00 (total) and reap the profits. Can be handled without disturbing present occupation. Write for local interview. Give number. WESTERN phone SALES, 329 Idaho Bldg., Boise, Idaho. Floral, 213 East 5th North SEE OUR SELECTION of Phone 329. used furniture and appliances Chapman Furniture Co., 61 South Main. 56 PHONE 7 - COMPLETE PROCESSING OF BEEF - PORK - LAMB J ,4, y CAR WASH FOR SALE OR RENT TURN KEY INSTALLATION Keith Winn home. 4 bedrooms Be first to enjoy this amazing with 2 baths. Phone 129W for opportunity. Enjoy these adadditional information. vantages as an owner of a coin ar "FRIENDLY SERVICE t " V people who wish freedom from FARMERS worry financially. INSURANCE GROUP Auto FOR GIFTS THAT LAST for Fast and weddings, birthdays and gradfriendly service. Call Art JenNephi Jewelry. sen at 567 or Bob Tolley at uation 635, Local Agents. A II A 3. 4-- D FROZEN FOOD DEPARMENT 4 for 50c LIBBY ORANGE DRINK for 59c 7 3 Pgs STRAWBERRIES FILLET OF COD FISH -- 1 LB PKG 39c BLUE STAR DINNERS -- Beef, Turkey or Chicken Sfock your freezer now! 2 FOR 93 f Rawleigh, Denver, 1, SUE breast' monthly X tunias, alsum, lobelias, perenn- Dept. UTF-151-ial astors, doronium, gladiola bulbs, rose bushes, peppers, cabbage, cauiflower, egg plant, tomatoes, Insecticides fertilizSEE OUR SPECIAL GIFTS er peet moss. Roy Olsen, Fathers Day 212 South Center, Santaquin. for Nephi Phone Jewelry, Nephi, Utah FOLGERS COFFEE -- Annual checkup, Lump or thickening In the breast J W ?$& f JxV w barter' Call $300.00 down, balance on easy monthly terms. Call Mr. Haror write to vey at FR Dut-so- n ; DON'T BORROW or land in Nephi. house BUILDERS SUPPLY ; Annual checkup, avoidanceof overexposure to sun. V ft PLUMBING AND ... copy. Pax-ma- ome in and see our Display -- includingproctop Sore that does not heal, or change In wart or mole. Pax-ma- n 66 South Main 66 South Main NEPHI, UTAH Annual checkup, Change in bowel habits; bleeding. 39,000 Deaths g)MF' -- :)e bTrths BEST BUYS IN TOWN! $ 30 83 83 85 Pag C? X,y Low Tree. 53 56 1961 n, Equipment and Camping Supplies NORGE ... K5 June 1st, Thursday, 5 WANTED TO RENT-la- rge FOR SALE basement furnace, modem home See James Precipitation for May . SKIN GE kitchen. See to appreciate. Painter or phone 10 or 613. lrecipitation for period New cases 66,000 61 1961 1 ...4 31. Jan. to May Contact Dill Howard, 108 So. Deaths 4,000 350. or West 2nd phone LEVAN STATION Tired of cooking? Try BREAST Hot liar B Q Chicken or Salesmen Spare Ribs only 59c lb at 63.000 New cases HELP WANTED 52.50 per hour or Johnsons IGA Saturday only or Agent Death 24,000 more for part or full time so phone your order now route work. Large repeat or Phone 57. LUNO Write ders. Man or woman. McNLSS CO., Box 4014, Oak 44.000 New cases land, 23, Ca llfornla. Deaths WANTED TO RENT 37,500 A See large modern home Precipitation for period L Painter at Painter Janie ..6.57 Jan 1, to May 31, 1961 UTERUS Stnall mod- Motor Co., 140 South Main or FOR RENT New cases Mr. and Mrs. Ruvsell Keene 40,000 em home at the rear of 268 telephone 10 or 613. and son Russell of Long Beach Deaths 14,000 South Main. Mrs. Lois Nelson, California were dinner guests phone 90J or 187W. FARM FOR SALE 85 of Mr. and Mrs. John Roliert XiliMtWtr JMI. f ( acres irrigated; 400 acres pas- son on Saturday evening. New babies born during the 85 V4 shares Juab Lake ture. WATCH AND JEWELRY Co. water; 7 room past week at the Juab County REPAIR Reasonable price Irrigation include: Ellis Russell, Mills. house Hospital Nephi prompt service MORMON YOUTH REHEARSE FOR Daughter, born MayVV.29. ton Jewelry, Phone 841. Mr. and Mrs. George FORECLOSURE SALE of Logan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William WOULD LIKE TO TRADE $1950.00 2 bedroom brick of Nephi and Mr. and in home at Orem on house in Nephi. acre lot. equity Leof C. Anderson Mrs. Niels Come in and see our supply of Fishing & 25 26 27 28 29 May 31 GET READY FOR FISHING GE High May May May May May 282.95 --C- Nephi, Utah Juab Hospital SAFEGUARDS AGAINST Patient List COMMONEST GANGERS HI I |