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Show Nephi, Utah Ij 1 i i Thuridey, June Ut, 1961 Pag Two Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bailey and family of Salt Lake City , spent the week end and Memorial Day with his mother, Mrs. Alice F. Bailey. Bert SwindlehUrat, Mr. and Mrs. Leon itwindiehurst and family, all of Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haynes and family t , rmiiirt I EDITORIAL NATIONAL lAScgLfN rM f M it !. :4 V-- f UI ! V I ? ' of c MEMBER f'lHl Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: One year $4.00; Six months $2.25. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates on request. Editor-Manage- Roy r: E. they Mont Mrs. Ruth Wells and Mrs. Losi Nelson spent the weekend in lleber City and Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Ashael Rigby, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones of Salt Lake City attended the funeral services for Mrs. Flossie Carter on Monday. com- their They City. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Haycock and family visited in Salt Lake City over the week end with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Max Hawkins and family of Kearns were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins. Gibson Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah PUBLIC NOTICES IV THE DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB COUNTV, STATE OF UTAH Jackson to Ogden where visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and attended the mencement exercises for daughter, Nancy Bailey. also visited in Salt Lake Mrs. Mary Burraston and baby of Salt Lake City are visof Provo were Sunday dinner iting at the home of her parMr. and Mrs. Jesse Baiguests of Mr. and Mrs. Angus ents, ley. Haynes. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Beagley Mrs. J. Norman Jorgensen and Miss Iris Irons of Salt of Springfield, Missouri, Mr. Lake City spent the Memorial and Mrs. Farrell Douglas of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis holiday with Mrs. Gilbert Bai- Magna, Beagley and family of Amerley. ican Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mrs. Gilbert Bailey accom-panie- d Tate and family of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Citv. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph : 0 J l t iodines Kelson and family of Salt Lake City were rweol visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley. 1 NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS thence West along the North side of what is called Bellis-to- n EXPLODED VIEW A speedy Elva Courier sports car, guided by William Widdowson at a Smithfield, Tex., track race, misses a turn. Flying bay bales and flying Elva parts were captured by the camei a of newspaper photographer Bob Jackson. ELVA COURIER rett. He is uncle of Mrs. rett and Mrs. Brown. NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS Lane 13 rods 9 links; thence North 100 feet; Miss Clarice Kendall of Salt thence East 13 rods 9 links; Lake City spent the thence South 100 feet to the Day week end with her place of beginning, mother, Mrs. J. A. Kendal. under or by virtue of the proMr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson visions of Title 38, Chapter 1, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as of Salt Lake City and Mrs Murray visited amended, are hereby notified Bateman of to be and appear before the with Mr. and Mrs. George Latabove Court on Monday, Aug- imer on Sunday. ust 28, 1961, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. and to ex Guests at the home of Mr. hibit then and there the proof and Mrs. Brigham Garrett this of their liens. week are Mr. and Mrs. Duane Garrett of Kaysvile; Mr. and Dated this 1st day of June, Mrs. Max Garrett and family 1961. of Provo visited on Saturday ALLEN L. HODGSON, and Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Attorney for Plaintiff, Stanley Pitt of Bountiful visited on Monday and Tuesday. Payson, Utah. TOMATO JUICE - 46 oz 3 for 85c LIBBY Gar-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Han-- 1 Guests at the home of Mr. sen of Shelly, Idaho and their I and Mrs. Douglas Brown on three grand sons of Salt Lake SCHWARTZ LUMBER COM-PANSaturday to celebrate her City visited with Mrs. Olive a limited partnership, birthday anniversary were Mr. Broadhead on Sunday, Plaintiff and Mrs. Cyril Jex, Mr. and vs Mrs. Larry Johnson and famMrs. Don Gledhill and Mrs W. F. MORGAN, AIJ1ERT A. of Salt Lake City visited ily Lavina all Croft of Spanish GERHART and ELMER C. Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hor- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GERHART, Defendants ton of Goshen, Mr. and Mrs, Miss RaNae Ellertson on SunFrank Sperry of Payson, Mr, day. They all motored to Delta and Mrs. Ray Hiatt of Pleas to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gol-- 1 NOTICE ant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ray den Theobald. No. 4060, Civil Liddiard of Tooele and Mr. and On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. T. All persons holding of claim-in- y Mrs. Ronnie Brown of Salt D. Davis attended the baccaliens upon the following Lake City. laureate services at Snow Colreal property in Juab County, State of Utah: Mrs. LaRue Taylor and lege where their son Tom will Colleen of Salt Lake graduate this year. Tom also daughter received an award for the Beginning on the West side the past week-en- d spent City of U. S. 91 at a point 42 rods higest scholastic record In her with and Mr. Mrs parents, 4 links South and 16 rods 5 for the year 1960-6- 1 j chemistry Delbert Broadhead. links East, morei or less, of on the award achievement the Northwest comer of the at Snow. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Ogden Bishop and Mrs. D. C. Win night Dates of publication: June and Southwest quarter of Section visited of Provo family and of ter are family Garland visitors at the home 9, Township 13 Sbutft, Range 1, 8, and 15, 1961, in The Times last week with Mr. and Mrs. visiting with their parents, Mr. of Sunday 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian; i Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis News, Nephi, Utah. Lester Briggs. and Mrs. Harry Irons; and in were Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Pax-ma- n Levan with Mr. and Mrs. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Pauli J. Winter. McCune of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Leah Bosh of Levan The Second Ward Relief Soc-- 1 spent Saturday and Sunday, iety will hold a combination and Mr. and Mrs. William Bosh work day, beginning at 10 a.m. and four children of Kearns Tuesday, June 6, in the wardl spent Sunday at the home of hall. A pot luck dinner will be Mrs. Hazel Bosh. held at noon and the visiting report meeting will Suitable for warehouse, feed and implement store, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Garrett teachers 2 p.m. All women of the be at and family of Kaysville were ward are manufacturing plant, bottling works, - bowling cordially invited. week-en- d visitors at the homes uses. other and commercia alleys, many of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins and Hansen Marion Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Brigham Mrs. Frank Fullmer and baby Located at First West and First North in Nephi, Garrett. of Blackfoot, Idaho, Mrs. Nel-d- a Brittian and two daughters on railroad siding (Union Pacific). One story brick Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harmon of Idaho; and Mrs. JenFirth, and block constructio. Ground floor 7,730 sq. ft.; visited in Salt Lake City on nie and two daughters Lowry Sam Guarantees Uncle Sunday with their son in law of Manti were Memorial Day cement basement 4,370 sq. ft. and Mr. Mrs. and daughter, week end almost double youi money guests of Mrs. Reed Alderman. They also atContact: JAMES P. McCUNE, Attorney at Law E. Howard and Mr. George tended Fast Day meeting to and Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh. When yon hold 0.1 Savings 53 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah witness the naming and blessMr. and Mrs. Clark Greenlondi 17 fears, 9 months ing of their grandson, by his Telephone 257 great grand father, M. S. Har- halgh and three children vismon. ited in Springville with Mr. and Mrs. Greenhalgh, Week end guests of Mr. and and Mr. Hyrum and Mrs. Willis K. Mrs. Clarence Hansen were Johnson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Goble and Visiting at the home of Mr. family of Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Peterson of and Mrs. H. L. Grace this week are their son and daughter in Salt Lake City. law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mere rill On Sunday, Mrs. Wanda Grace of Barstow, Califhad as her dinner guests ornia. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Chris-tisoMiss Lola Mathews spent Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Black and daughter, Mrs. Eva the week end at Payson at the Baldwin and Mrs. Phyllis Mar-tel- l, Derwin Fran com home and atRegular 13c all of Salt Lake City. On tended the graduation exercises Memorial day, Mr. and Mrs. of the Payhon High School on Max D. Strong of Tooele were Friday night. her guests. Sine 1941, thousand of folks in Mr. and Mrs. James W. communications advertising, Mrs. Ralph Carter spent Mathews attended the 12th anROYAL TREAT and antartalnmant hava pooled last week in Magna visiting nual Community reunion held on Nevada at May Caliente, their talonta to make U. S. Carwith Mr. and Mrs. Grant ter; and in Tooele with Mr. 28. They had an enjoyable time Savings Bonds a household word and Mrs. Raymond Paystrup. renewing acquaintences with old friends of the community The first Minute Men put down their Ira Cropt of Yuma, Arizona, of 24 years ago when they reguns in 1783. has visited the past week with sided there. A barbeque beef In 1941 a new breed of Minute Men Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown dinner was served to all who came to the aid of their country to help and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Gar- - attended the reunton. sell U.S. Savings Bonds the Nations backed musicians and actors, singers up by Americas advertising agencies, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, outdoor and transit media. A $59 million budget tm. Put all the Savings Bond advertising on a dollar basis and it would approach $50 million a year. The total since 1941 is estimated at $1.3 billion in free space, time I and services. This amount is swelled every day by the folks in show business. Yet not one penny of this cost is paid by the government or the taxpayers. The built-i- n features. U.S. Savings Bonds are guaranteed to now in value. Your Bonos are replaced if destroyed or stolen. And every Bond you buy is a share in a stronger America. 1.00 SPRING GARDEN PEAS -- 5 for 89c TASTEWELL APPLE SAUCE 6 for 95c DEL MONTE CREAM CORN 5for89c LIBBY PEAS & CARROTS - 5 for 89c LIBBY SELECT OLIVES Ripe -- 4 cans!. 00 24 oz cans, Each 49c LIBBY BEEF STEW HUNTS NEW POTATOES 10cans99c LIBBY POTTED MEATS I I cans NALLEYS SPAGHETTI &MEAT249C NALLEYS LIMA BEANS AND HAM - 24 oz can 45eo PIERCES PORK & BEANS 2 s 4 for 85c KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE 2 lb 83c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR 4 lb pkg 45c COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE Hie 20 th Century Mrrate Men who help defend Mterica --- -8 -- GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 oz 4cani.ob DEL MONTE SALMON - TALL 89e HILLS BROS COFFEE 2 pounds 1.34 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM tube, and Regular 53c tube -- BOTH 39$ SALTINE SODAS- -2 LB PKG -- 53c MUSHROOMS 2 for 69$ tin WHITE STAR TUNA-Regu- lar c Bur-ridg- n, A --- 31 SNOW CROP PEAS EMERGENCY SERVICE 6 packages 1. 00 LIBBY LIME ADE OR LEMONADE 10 cans 1.00 6 packages 1 .00 STRAWBERRIES FRESH STRAWBERRIES TOMATOES YELLOW ONIONS "The Advertising Council is proud of it role says Theodore Dtpplier, President, The Advertising Council. Every on in the advertising and entertainment fields and allied industries who has been involved with tbs UJ5L Savings Bpnd Program will tell you what a rewarding experience it has been. Were proud of our part in tha Bond Program which has helped Americans become owners of $43 billion in Bonds today." JU4, You save more than money with Everyone who has had an illness in their family knows the vital importance of prompt prescription service. In an emergency, you can have your doctor call for service at any hour of the day or night. Even in emergency service your prescriptions are for complete accuracy and compliance with your doctor's orders. double-checke- d iuohww mm- - - BACON BIG SAVING GROUND BEEF- - -- Fresh! cup -- 19 2 cartons for 29c 3 LBS 17$ LB 53c 2 LBS 89C ROUND STEAK POUND79$ LUNCH MEAT-BI- G SPECIAL ASSORTED KINDS LB 53c ON CALL FROM YOUR DOCTOR 'i.U trn SO r Buy them where you work or bank , ha Asttricm'l Mnpoptn htm pub tu had l lha Oooernmrnt J Its T ramat ey iMpt. T 4 a mat tm Jm AMertvuie Csumttl mad the tmmpapar for thaw patrmtm amppaH, 6 Nephi, Utah fcf: |