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Show WANTED TO RENT-la- rge home See Jamct modern Painter or phone 10 or 613. Tired of cooking? Try a Hot Ear B Q Chicken or Spare Ribs only 59c lb at Johnson's IGA Saturday only so phone your order now 57. MONA NEWS BRIEFS Nephi Local, Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Nielsen Don Brooks of Chicago were and son of Logan spent the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin week end and Memorial Day Read on Memorial Day. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Sirs. J. S. Winter Roy Nielsen. and family of Bountiful visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nielsen with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Step-henseon Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. accompanied William Corey of Springville to Memorial Day guests at the the St. George temple Thurshome of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo.nt day. Carter were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mildred Hartwell of Douglas Day and son Michael Salt Lake City spent Memor- and daughter Beth Ann of ial Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Salt Lake City. n PIANO TUNING Repairing Re-Styli- ng thur Scott. Refinishing Call 20J For appointment, Lament Enterprises Box 47 Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keene and son Russell of Long Beach California were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Robert-sq- n on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brooks of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Verl Worwood and Mrs. Verla Mackey and baby of Brigham City were Memorial Day and week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kay. Mrs. Glen Jarrett and her daughter Stacey of Salt Lake City spent the week end with her brother In law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jones Mr. and Mrs. Clair Anderson and family of Salt Lake City spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George V. Jones. Memorial Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Udell R. Jensen were Mr. and Mrs. Ros-co- e A. Grover, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carlston of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. John Abersold of ElPaso, Texas. IMPROVEMENTS BUY READY MIX CONCRETE IN NEPHI Mr. and Airs. Norman Ostler and daughter Joy attended the Sorensen family reunion at Benjamin on Sunday. The reunion was held at the Arrowhead resort Were set up to give you prompt, efficient service delivered to your location just on any amount when you need it! Call us at 310 for additional information and for free estimate on your concrete improvement job. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor of Provo were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler. Mr. and Mrs. Gam Stewart and family of Ogden also were Mem- NEPHI LUMBER CO. Phone 310-- - Nephi WesT Second North 55 orial Day visitors at the Ostler home. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Ostler had as their guests, his brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Guptill of Oregon City, Oregon. E AEOWNERS Lawrence Memmott and family of Woodscross visited on Memorial Day in Nephi with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Memmott of Salt Lake City visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Memmott and Mrs. Mrs. i&rratAmmcirajj For full information about the low cost Great American Homeowners icy, available on a basis, get in touch with: nacr(jMfi Pol- ftagotfc pay-as-you-- K. IHSURHACE J. Sperry AGENCY Phone Nephi, 287-- How to save Delos day. Ut. Garrett on Memorial a automatically on the Payroll ing well worthwhile. Savings Plan for U.S. Savings Bonds Almost double your Sav- You do World's handiest savings plan. When you save Bol-listo- Bel-listo- n for JUNE VELVEETA cm Payroll Savings, you just sign your name once. From then on your payroll clerk sets aside whatever amount you wish each payday, buys your Bonds, and delivers then to you. Millions of Americana are buying $2 billion in Savings Bonds yearly this automatic way. Whats more, they hold their Bonds an average of 7 years and find the wait DELICIOUS LEVAN SOCIAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Vem Winter and family of Price visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Winter on Tuesday. n Mr. and Mrs. Kenard and family of Springville spent Memorial Day with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stephen-seStep-hense- n. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sudweeks of Salt Lake City are spend ing a few days at the home of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pay-stru- p. Mrs. O. S. Aagard. Mr. and 'Mrs. Vaughn MathMr. and Mrs. George Connel- ews and family of Kearns were ly and daughter Margo of Salt week end guests of her parLake City were week end visit- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern ors at the home of her mother, They all visited in HolMrs. R. H. Gardner. Mrs. Gard- den with Mr. and Mrs. Lorner accompanied her son in law enzo Stevens, parents of Mrs. and daughter to Salt Lake City Mangelson. where she will be their guest Mr. and Mrs. Willis Shepherd for an indefinite time. and family of Magna, spent Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pierce of Memorial day with his parents, Salt Lake City spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shepwith his mother, Mrs. O. H. herd. - 2 - - lb 28g A BOAT ENTRY Man-gelson- HAWAIIAN 3Tc pint35e STRAWBERRIES HERE CalFame PUNCH 6 oz cans gallon 2 WHIPPING CREAM Will money back. UB. ings Bonds are guaranteed to grow. $1 becomes $1.33 yean and $1.93 in 10 more yean. You can get in 7 your money with interest anytime you need it And every Savings Bond you buy is a share in a stronger America. Get your aharsa the easy way by joining the Payroll Savings Plan now. On Saturday, Miss Loralse Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall and family and Mrs. Elden Engle of Salt Lake City and Morgan visited in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson City on Sunday with Mr. and of Fountain Green were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clinton Kirgan. Ralph Jackman on her birthanniversary. Miss Engle On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. day remained until after Memorial Carl Fran com and two daughters of Lehi visited with his Day. parents, Mr. and Mrs H. Ray on Friday Earl Francom; Francam and two sons of YOUR OLD WATCH IS Springville also visited at the Francom home. WORTH MORE ON Mrs. Amelia Crane of Delta TRADE IN AT and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew AnNEPHI JEWELRY derson of Woodscross visited with Mrs. Florence Rosequist Phone 341 Nephi on Memorial day. . UMMER ... V?J V 2 - - FREE BLANKS ! ONICE I 1061 THE ICE -- PETER LAWFORD MIWflM 1 WELL-TRIMME- BAR ;' , jkl ' S the may I STONE FOUR BACON -- lb LOIN END PORK ROAST -- lb SNOKREEM s.l W MIRACLE WHIP ; .. s'' MMfcUIIM&ttaiMdNMfetili 1941 and tt "V . &J V'-'i- . the Treasury Department has replaced almost 1 Vi million Bonds at no cost to the ownera. OUPS BOE3BS U.S. SATINGS work or bank where far W yaara Amanea'! amatpnpm lama poMiahad alafai la TAa SEE 1 ''?' OUR TNT, FOR ADDITIONAL U'lllf Market CUSTOM fi hl- - H cans 8Iq LIMIT 4 CUPS fresh green .11 SHAVERS SECTIONS 35 dz AAA ... . v you at na mat ta iba Qovarnmant. Tka Traaaary Vapt. it f Cimwl asA Ikm nmmfppm par doz.CORN c GRAPEFRUIT ' 4 'ftRs? x&tD ( BUYS! Channel 2 8 Pf.l o JUNE 6 than money with Buy them , 53c ) EIU7V too. Sinoe You aava more af iat - Quart NIBLETS : &gn v - 3 lbs 72g ... 12 GARS 89c CARNATION CHUNK TUHA i cMUif R. ' SHORTENING VET'S DUG FOOD . :? LB CHEESE : CAPADES! vgrm art - 5 pkgs 86g PIZZA 3 for89e cl MILD F--l LEMONS--45- lose-proo- f, forc w d TENDER j Fire-pro- jt D FULL theft-proo- 30c IGA TABLERITE LEAN, MEATY V 1: U.S. Saving! Bond $ ---- FROZEN FOODS GOLD PRODUCTS CHEESE MILK PKG LB ICE M!LK,29i,S3 c LOW III CALORIES COTTAGE ---- TABLERITE LB SO SCORE -- SOLID PACK ROYAL GOLD MEADOW I2C WITH RITZ CRACKERS BUTTER IGA 2 Pierce. small fortune with youd fritter money it The average American would save about $20,000 during his working years if he tucked away just a dime for every dollar he earned. The big problem is how to save the dime. But its no problem at all when you sign up for Savings Bonds on the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. ;r2r DAYS Bel-liste- Bishop and Mrs. Leo Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lees and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hyman, all of Ogden were Saturday night and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carter and family of Soldier Summit Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gadd of were week end guests of his Mr. and Mrs. Don parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Provo, Christiansen of Sprmgville, and H. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dansie of Joseph Bradfield of Kaysvilie Salt Lake City visited in Neand his daughter, Mrs. Mildred Mrs. Parkin with George phi of Clearfield are visand in Fountain Green on Sorensen iting at the home of his brothMemorial Day. er in law and sister, Mr. and See your local Great American Agent , INSURANCE AT A SAVING? K--J Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brooks Mrs. Donna Anderson. In advisited at Lake Shore on Sat- dition, Mrs. Eldon Sherwood Thursday, June 1st, 1961 Nephi, Utah Page Thres urday with his brother and sis- played a violin selection and ter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Thad Nebeker sang a voBrooks. cal solo, and a ladies trio, Mr. ana Mrs. Tom Iiossito composed of Mrs. Spencer Kay, of California spent Sunday in Mrs. Ivn Yates and Mrs. RussScouts and Explorers of the Mona at the home of Mr. and ell Ncilsen sang one number. Juab District are notified that A luncheon was served to those Mrs. Jess Brooks. the next district Court of Hon11 Jtyi955 BUSIEST nay EVER IN THE LIVES OF "LOft present. YOUMO AMERICANS FR CM ALL WALKS OF LIFS.Thf or wil be held on Saturday, On Wednesday evening, the Tha OATH OF ALL&5IAMC8 AS FIRST CLASS Of INfANT June 21, according to Glen U&AJR FORCS ACAPSMY. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sumparents and teachers of Mona district advancement sponsored a supper for the 16 mers of Salt Lake City and chairman. US. AIR FORCE graduates and their parents af- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers We all CHIEF OF STAFF ter the graduation exercises, of Orem visited their parents, scouts andare asking that schedule 6EN. NATHAN TWIRfNS followed by a dance for the Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Summers in t hi sdate explores and work towards CAULS ON CADETS public. 11 on Memorial Day. TO FORM A HARO receiving a rank advancement CORE OF LEADERS f 1 or some merit badges at this On Saturday evening a surDEDICATED TO Earl Newton and family visn SERVING THEIR t prise party was given in hon- ited at the home of Mr. and district recognation Mr. stated. COUNTRY. or of Homer Christensen on Mrs. Warren Newton on MeAll Scoutmasters and Post his birthday anniversary. En- morial day. Advisors are reminded of the AS IRON CURTAIN joying the affair were Mr. and RPftMWMrtVE5 LOCK lOt (T council advancement schedule Week-en- d Mrs. Mont Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. of and guests MCRfWaf AIR FO ON Farren Keyte, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Vaughn Molyneux were so be sure to complete all adMAXD TALBOTT vancements in time to get Don Yates. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Blaine G. MolypfPCATSS TbMPORARy them in and back. C 6ITAT UDWRYAFN The adMr, and Mrs. Earl neux and children Polly and Sperry. ' MSAR DSNVW.6A1N4 vancement committee asks HoFowkes and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. that W1 NOT ONiy WANT all advancement for this F8ACe,WBMAANTO mer Christensen. A delicio'is Clark Molyneux of Tremonton Court of Honor be listed and KW(t- supper was enjoyed after which and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Prit- the list forwarded to Mr. the group enjoyed bowling. chett of Spanish Fork. by June 22. Mrs. Betty Ellertson is conMiss Norma Molyneux of valescing at her home after Salt Lake City spent Memorsurgery. ial Day with her parents, Mr. Nephi News Briefs Visitors of Mr. and Mi's. and Mrs. Willard Molyneux. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles Ray Newton on Memorial Day Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cowan were in Vernal toRoy' visit with were Mr. and Mrs. Leon New- and son Mike of Layton were their son and daughter in law ton and family of Salina, Mr. Memorial of her Mr. and Mrs. Donald Day guests Bowles, and Mrs. Earl Newton and brother in law and sister, Mr. and to attend the Seminary family of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Kay. graduation exercises for their and Mrs. Bill Sorrell of Provo, grand daughter, Kathleen, on Week-en- d and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers Mr. of guests and family of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Rogerson were the week end of May 20th. Mrs. Paul Newton of Kearns, Myron Vest of Milford, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and and Mrs. Bill Lowell of Faust, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd family and Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Utah; ard Summers and family of Roundy of Mendon, and Mr. Sait Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Cornell Vest and fam Clyde Jarrett and family of ily of Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City also are spendMr. and Mrs. Arlin Styler ing this week at the Newton Mr. and Mrs. of Bountiful, home. James Neilsen and family of The Mona Ward Relief Soc- St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Jack iety held their closing social Neilsen of Leamington were SAVE on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Memorial Day visitors at the Merl Worwood gave a talk on home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin LB PKG Charm. She was assisted by Neilsen and Paul Neilsen. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Lunt visited in Rexburg, Idaho with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bodell; and in Pocatello, Idaho with her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hiskey. CAN I BUY WHERE DISTRICT HONOR COURT SET i 53533B933 56 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 57 NEPHI WRAPPING FREEZING CUTTING prices are our Approximate G9ST OR LESS To which we add AH only 10 CASE LOTS are at cost plus 6 |