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Show r ASSISI OF DENVER PRIEST ATTEMPTS TO OREM 003 Jill FLEET ,1 TOUR liKF OF THE ORCHARD ENTERS IBID for the Italian Anarchist Who Murdered Father Heinrichs at the Altar of His Church. No Escape Under the Law of Colorado at Least Allowed the Sixty Day of Life Convicted Man Asaasain Displayed Little Emotion When Convicted. I Denver, Colo. Just eighteen days after firing the shot which brought death to Father Francis Leo Ileln-yichat the altar of St. Elizabeths Catholic church, while In the act of the holy sacrament, administering but not CulseppQ All, an alleged proven anarchist, heard his doom, the jury returning a verdict of guilty of murder In the first degree and fixing feentence at death. In the court room, not three blocks fiom the church where he committed Ills heinous crime, and within tho sound of the chimes, which he claimed drew him to that church, Alla received the Judgment delivered by a jury of his peers. Stolid to the last, lie simply nodded his head and whispered to the Interpreter, "Is there no appeal?" Then his chin sank upon his breast and he made no further movement When the jury had been polled the Judge thanked them for having done their duty and expressed his approval of the verdict. Attorney Wlddicombe, for the defendant, made a motion for a new trial and was granted five days in which to file papers. Under the laws of this state, Alla can not be hanged within sixty days of the rendering of , the verdict AT MAGDALENA BAY. murGiuseppe Alla, the condmned derer of Father Leo Heinrichs to escape from the county Jail, where ho has been under guard day and night. He made use of a razor blade, with which he slashed tho neck of a trusty who was cleaning his cell, and then made a rush to get away. The trusty, despite his cut, rushed afte- and pinioned him and he was quickly overpowered with tho help of Deputy Warden Carpen. When returned to the Jail after his Alia was conviction on Thursday, stripped of everything and a complete new outfit was given him except his socks, which were turned Inside out, examined and returned to him. Ho was then placed In the cell for tho condemned, which had been thoroughly swept and cleaned and supplied with new bedding. This cell had been occupied by an Italian named Brunettl, who accompanied Alia to Denver from New York, and has been held since the assassination of Father Leo as a suspect and possible witness. conviction Brunettl After AliaB was removed to another part of the Jail and the cell he had occupied was then made ready for the condemned man. Brunettl was released from Jail Friday night, and aB he passed Allas cell he spoke to the condemned man In Italian. It Is surmised that Bru-petmay have left the razor concealed In the bowl of the water closet In the cell and told Alla where to look for it when he passed out. THE CLARA NEVADA LOCATED. Vessel Went Down Eleven Years Ags and Sixty-fou- r People Perished. Alaska. James Juneau, Currie, keeper of the lighthouse at Aldridge Rock, brings news of the finding of the wreck of the Clara Nevada, which was lost In 1897, with sixty-fivpassengers on board. The purser was the only om ever found. The exact location of the Nevada's hull has been .a mystery these eleven years, until the terrible winds of the last few days expose 1 the remains of the craft e to view. Many human bones have been picked np on the beach In this vicinity. The Nevada is believed to have had a large amount of gold dust on board, s several Klondlkers were on the way out with their first clean-ups- . Parties here are preparing to search for her treasure. Reduction In Wage for Cotton Mill Operatives. Lowell, Mass. Nearly 25,000 cotton operatives In seven large mills here were notified by notices posted during the noon luncheon hour on Thursday of a 10 per cent reduction Id wages. Tha reduction Is to be effective on March 30. The manufacturers State that the discouraging situation is without a parallel In many years, the whole cotton manufacturing industry, north and south, being seriously Impaired. It Is also stated that further curtailment of production may become necessary. Lumbermen Protest. Protests against a faWashington. vorable report on the senate resolution directing the attorney general of the United States to institute suits to recover title to several hundred thousand acres of lands originally granted to railroad companies and especially the Oregon & California Railway comhave pany. when those companies failed to observe the conditions under which the grants were issued, have been made to the house committee on public lands by western lumbermen, lawyers and railroad representatives. Says Scheme is Socialistic. Myron Columbus, O T. Herrick delivered an address before the Ohio legislature Thursday on Guarantee of Bank Depositors, in reply to W. J. Bryan. Declaring that the guaranteeing of bank deposits Is socialistic in that it weakens the Incentive for individual initiative along proper lines, and that it is an unconstitutional proposition and unjust, former Governor Herrick appealed to bis hearers not to jeopardize the best interests of the state of Ohio by tho passaee of such a law. I American Interest Are Not in SeriMaous Danger, But Fighting chine Will Be Sent as a Precautionary Measure. Self-confess- Washington. Admiral Evans battleship, fleet, after leaving San Fran-risewill visit Hawaii, Samoa, Melbourne and Sydney, Australia; tbe Philippines, and return to New York by way of the Suez canal. Secretary Metcalf announced the future movements of the fleet after the cabinet meeting on Friday. It will leave San Francslco on July 6 for our Pacific possessions. The vessels will first touch at Hawaii, where they will coal. After that they will go to Samoa; following this, a visit to Australia. They will stop at the cities of Melbourne and Sydney. The Invitation of the Australian government to visit that country has been supplemented by a most cordial one from the British ambassador, Mr. Bryce. Leaving Australia, the vessels are to go to Manila, and while in the Philippines tbe annual fall target practice will be held. Thence they will return to the United States via the Suez canal, stopping only at such ports as are necessaty for coaling purposes. The date of their return to the United States Is dependent entirely upon the amount of time required for tbe target practice in the Philippines. Tbe visit of the battleships to Puget sound will be made some time between the conclusion of the grand review In San Francisco bay on May 8 and the date of the sailing over the Pacific. n, war American Washington. An vessel, probably the gunboat Eagle, Is now on the way from Guantanamo to Port Au Prince, Haytl, where the Haytlen government on Monday summarily executed a number of alleged revolutionists. The vessel Is not sent there because of any serious apprehension on the part of the officials here that American interests at Port Au Prince or at other points in Haytl are in serious danger, but as a matter of precaution. The decision to Bend a war vessel was reached after the officials had read the newspaper accounts of the executions, supplemented by the information which the state department received from the Island. Commander Potts, whose flagship Is the cruiser Des Moines, Is the senior officer at Guantanamo, and he was directed to despatch one of his vessels to Haytl. It Is not believed at the state department that foreign Interests in The Haytl are seriously menaced. disposition of the administration .is to keep hands off and to give the jftp-pl- e POSTOFFICE APPROPRIATION GREATEST IN HISTORY. of Haytl an opportunity to werk Prospects of Definite Settlement of out their own salvation. It is real- Measure Which Has Just Been Apized that in dealing with revolutionTrouble In Morocco. proved by the House Provides for stern repressive Paris. The government at last be- ary movements the Expenditure of measures are often necessary. Is a lieves that there good prospect of a definite settlement of the trouble STRIKE ON RIO GRANDE. In Morocco. This will be based upon Washington. Carrying the largest Mu-l2 the submission and elimination of Fifteen Hundred Shop Men Walk OLt appropriation in all Its history the postofflee appropriation Hafld, the insurgent sultan. , of Rules. Because Objectionable While negotiations with Mulal Habill passed the house on Friday, hav-- 1 Salt Lake City. The machinists, lng been under discussion fld have not yet actually begun, Genfourteen eral DAmade, the French commander blacksmiths, boilermakers and help- days. This is $1,425,000 more than In Morecco, telegraphs that supplicaers employed in the Rio Grande shops was the committee. Chairtions for peace have been received at Salt Lake, Bingham and Bingham man reported by when the reading of Overstreet, from Hafld and his leaders. The gen- Junction went on Btrike at 10 oclock the bill had been concluded, wagetj, a eral reports also that French troops are camped outside the gates of Set-t- Monday morning. In addition to the vigorous fight on the proposition to and that the pacification of the en- Salt Lake shops and the Burnham Increase the pay of the letter carriers, tire Chaoula region Is proceeding rap- shops In Denver, where 300 men which was voted into the bill last struck, the following cities are af- Wednesday, but that action was conidly. fected: Pueblo, Grand Junction, Sa- - firmed, 130 to 126. Stopped Socialist and Zionist Meeting. llda, Alamosa, Leadville, Mlntum, Philadelphia. Acting under orders Gunnison, Chama, Ridgway, In ColoFIVE YEARS FOR WALSH. from Director of Public Safety Clay, rado, and Ogden, Helper, Thistle, the police on Sunday night aroused, Bingham, Tucker and Green River jn Chicago Banker Making Hard Fight to the Socialists and their followers by Utah. In all about 2,500 men will be Keep Out of Prison. stopping a number of meetings which Involved, and all of the Gould roads Chicago. John R. Walsh, former were scheduled to take place In var- will probably be Involved as a result of the Chicago National president ious sections of the city. One of these of the Introduction of the new shop of this city, who was convicted bank, was a Zionist meeting, at which Dr. rules of the company. of illegal use of the funds of the inCharles Worstman, of New York, a Briefly, the new shop rules will re- stitution, was on Friday denied a new former professor in Heidelberg uni- sult in the abolition of the nine-hou- r trial by Judge Anderson In the Unitversity, was to have talked on the Zionist movement, or the return of day, the doing away with all overtime ed States district court and sentenced the Jews to Palestine. The stopping for Sundays and holidays, a graduated to serve five years in the federal peniof this meeting caused those who had scale of wages, refusal to recognize tentiary at Fort Leavenworth. An application was arranged for it to retain counsel, and men as union men or members of orimmediately they will ask for an Injunction to re- ganizations, the payment of all em- made to Judge Grosscup of the United strain the police from interfering with ployes according to individual merit, States circuit court of appeals for a future meetings. regardless of maximum or minimum writ of supersedeas, which was grantscales, and the right to change the ed, and Walsh was released under Blaze House Causes Panic. Apartment bonds of $50,000, pending the hearing rules at will. Denver, Colo. Panic caused by fire shop of his appeal. In the ne.w Barnard block, situated at MIKADO BLUFFED THE CHINKS. Fooled With a Revolver With Usual the corner of West Tenth avenue and eleventh street, and used principally Steamer Charged With Carrying Arms Sad ResulL as living apartments, came near reLos Angeles, Cal. H. H. Hitt, local to Revolutionists Has Been Resulting In wholesale loss of life, evileased. representative of N. W. Halsey & Co., Incendiardently the plan or would-bNew York bankeis, accidentally shot ies. The blaze was discovered by a Peking. The terms under which When the alarm was the Tatsu Maru, the Japanese steamer himself in the left groin In his apartpoliceman. given a rush for the open was made, that was seized by China In February ments at the Hotel Pepper on WedThe bullet was extracted and a jam of people became wedged on the allegation that she was nesday. conat the rear door so that It was ImMr. after Hitts removal to the Caliarms and ammunition to the possible to open It. Many were over- veying and it was stated that fornia hospital, come by smoke and lay prostrate Chinese revolutionists, has been set- his recovery is probable If blood poisreas steamer and the follows, when firemen arrived. Many others, tled oning does not set In. It was exunable to get out of their quarters, leased by the Chinese authorities: plained that Mr. Hitt was were overcome. AH were rescued, no China agrees to punish the officers his revolver when It slipped examining from his one being injured. who lowered the Japanese flag on the hands to the floor and was discharged. Tatsu Maru, and to send a warship Explosion of Gas Causes Wall of where the vessel was seized to fire a Anna Gould Coming Home. Building to Collapse. salute as the Japanese flag is Paris. Anna Gould booked her pasNatchez. Miss. Eight persons are' China will purchase the sage on the Adriatic for New York She under the name of Miller. She had dead, another Is badly injured, and arms and ammunition seized. property valued at many thousands of will punish the officers who commit- originally taken passage for herself dollars Is a mass of wreckage as the ted this breach against international and children on the Kron Prinz Wil-- 1 result of an explosion of gas in the usage. The viceroy of Canton will helm, but changed her plans at the basement of the building settle the amount of demurrage for last moment Although she had the occupied by the Natchez Drag com- the retention of the steamer after con- written consent of her former huspany and located at the corner of sultation with the Japanese consul band, Count Bonl de Castellane, to Main and North Union streets, near and, finally, Japan agrees to exercise take the children out of France, she the business portion of the city. The extra vigilance against her subjects1n adopted the ruse of changing steamexplosion tore away the rear wall the matter of smuggling arms into ers and using an assumed name In cf the building, which In falling crush- China. case the count should attempt at the ed an adjoining tenement building. last moment to prevent the childrens departure. Comptroller Closes Bank. Funds for Army Maneuvers. Aspen, Colo. The People's NaCensus of Canal Zone is a Dif- Senator Warren had a tional Washington bank of this city has been Taking ficult Task. conference Saturday with war depart- closed by order of the comptroller of ment officials relative to jont maneuv- the The Washington. taking of the in currency, consequence of the ers of the regular army and militia failure of its officers to put up $25,-00- 0 new census of the Panama canal zone erganizations during the coming sumin order to make up the capital ts in progress. It Is a difficult matter mer. In passing the army apropria-tiowhich was impaired recently by a to take a census of the zone inhabithill the house omitted an approof loan made by former ants because of the composition of priation to pay expenses of the ma- Cashier $40,000 the population, the frequency with Pomphrey, who was arrested which neuvers, which would approximate persons change their residence in week Kansas last on a senate affairs The City charge and the number of languages in commilitary This committee probably will add this item growing out of transaction. The mon use. Almost all the to the army bill when it reports it to bank has $26,000 capital and about both white and black, live Inemployees, barracks the senate, and an effort will be made $14,000 cash on hand. Cashier Ben- or bachelor quarters and must be to have It retained in the bill. said the bank would be enumerated there. jamin Kobey able to pay its indebtedness In full. Policemen Turned Robbers. Shot Wife While Asleep. La.- - Following New Orleans, the Congress Restores Motto. Washington. Hugh Hollis, a treascomplaint of two laborers that they Washington. Under the suspension ury department clerk, who came here had been taken off a street car at the of the rules, the house on Monday trom Louisville, Ky., and served for point of a pistol, conducted to a near- passed the bill providing for the res- a time as private secretary to the a squad toration of th( motto In God We commissioner of Internal by building and there robbed, revenue, shot of police went to the building and Trust" on gold and silver coins of the and killed his wife Thursday night The find two to of their United States. The bill was were surprised wife arose to attend to their child, passed brother officers in the place. One of by a vote of 255 to 5. The debate on when Hollis pulled a revolver from the officers. Patrolman Warren E. the excited the liveliest inter- beneath his pillow and fired, instantly was identified as the man who or est subject of Mr. Carlin of Vir- killing her. Immediately he went to members. off car the after he dered the citizens said in that Issuance of his sleep again, and knewwasnothing of the the ginia bad shown them bis police badge, afterwards shooting until he orders abolishing the motto, President awakened. while the other officer acted as a serHe has always borne an, Roosevelt had acted unwisely and in excellent geant and collected tbe money. reputation and he declares violation of the spirit of the law. he was dreaming of burglars. ti $222,-190,39- 2. al American War Vessel Complete 13,-0Miles of Long Trip. San Diego, Cal. When the American battleship fleet under command of Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans steamInto Magdalena bay, passing ed marked through the rocky gateway by Sail rock on the north and Rodon-d- o point on the south, and dropped anchors behind the high peninsulas promontory which stretches a protecting arm down from the mainland and makes Man o War Cove the most sheltered harbor of the lower Paclflo coast, the history making naval cruise of more than 13,000 miles begun aj Roads less than three Hampton months ago, practically came to an end. Magdalena Is the present naval base of the Pacific for American target work and battle practice drills, and by right of temporary ownership through government lease the vessels, if not the men of the fleet, may feel that they are again In home waters. Visit Australia and the Philip pines and Return to New York by Way of Suez Canal. at e . five-stor- y n Bo-fil- l, $222,-190,39- , Murderer of Steunenberg Will Not Put op Fight for His Life. Man Who Stands I Shadow of the Gallow Perfecly Calm When Judge Wood Set Date of Sentence for Wednesday. March 18. Caldwell, Idaho. In the district court here on Tuesday, the assassin of Frank Steunenberg, former governor of Idaho, Harry Orchard, whose startling confession made public in February, 1907, caused the arrest of Charles H. Moyer and William p. Haywood, president and secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, and George Pettibone, honorary member of that organization, and the subsequent trials of the latter two, faced Judge Fremont Wood and pleaded guilty to the charge of murder in the first degree. There has been a great deal of speculation as to how Orchard would con-- , duct himself when arraigned at this time. Juries in the trials of Haywood and Pettibone refused to believe his tale of crimes committed at the instigation of the officers of the federation. They were all freed. After that the opinion was etxpressed in many quarters that Orchard would take advantage of every legal right he might have to obtain his own release or a light sentence. The stand he took was a surprise to most every one and, his attorney says, was entirely voluntary on his part and against the advice of many who had seen and talked with him. It Is known that strong Influences have been at work the past few weeks to get the man to stand by the plea of not guilty and stand trial. Judge Wood questioned Orchard as to whether he fully understood the status of the case, what it meant for him to plead guilty and If he understood that to plead guilty to the charges In the Indictment meant pleading guilty to the charge of first degree murder. Perfectly calm, with no indication of any emotion in face or voice, Orchard answered that he had gone over the matter thoroughly with his attorney and hacT made up tin mind definitely. Judge Wood allowed the plea to be changed and set the date for sentence for Wednesday, March 18, at 10 a. m. Harry Orchard was born March 18, 1866. The crime for which Orchard has been held was- committed on the eve of December 30, 1905, when Frank Steunenberg was blown to eternity while passing through the gate leading to his home in Caldwell by the explosion of a dynamite bomb. Orchard was arrested two days later and placed in the state penitentiary for safe keeping. Early in February tbe news was given out that he had made a confession which implicated Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone and others in the Steunenberg murder and In a series of most horrible crimes in Colorado. The three men in Denver were arrested, brought to Idaho and Haywood and Pettibone, after long delay, tried and acquitted The case against Moyer separately. was afterwards dismissed. LUNATIC SCARES BANKERS. Threatens to Up Omaha Bank and Land In Jail. Omaha, Neb. A bold attempt was made Tuesday morning to rob the Merchants National bank at Thirteenth and Farnum streets by a man, who, although at first thought to be a desperate criminal. Is now believed by the police to be a lunatic. The man, who gave his namet as I L. Fee, formerly of Rockford, 111., 'walked into the bank soon after it opened and menacing Luther Drake with a bottle which, he desaid contained Mr. manded $5,000 cash. Drake, though believing for the moment that his life and those of his fellow officials and employees of the bank might be In imminent danger, conrobferred calmly with the would-b- e ber until other officials called the police and the man was taken into custody. Tests by the police seem to show that the contents of the bottle were harmless. With Nitro-Glycerin- 001 SENATOR IN STREET CUILff rtilT Summary Execution of Number of Revolutionists Results in Dis Denver, Colo. An attempt was made about 8:30 oclock Saturday by patch of tbe Eagle. STATE SHOT PEEA OF Murderer Alia I Foiled In Attempt to Overpower Guards and Escape the Hangman Noose. LOUISIANA Blow e Vice-Preside- nitro-glycerin- Quarrel With Young Politician Over Political Situaton Results in the Death of Senator-elec- t Kemp. Amite, La. The strained political situation in Louisiana Democratic circles was responsible for the killing of Democratic State Senator-elec- t D. S. Kemp of this ci.y. He was shot and killed by C. F. Hyde, a young political and business leader of this section. Tbe men quarreled about the recent Democratic primary for lieutenant-governe- r. In which J. J. Bailey and Paul Lambremont competed, with the result that Bailey, the defeated candidate, filed a protest, charging fraud, with the Democratic state central committee. Hyde, in discussing this controversy, is alleged to have called Kemp a liar. Laten the men met on the street and in a pistol duel Kemp was killed, while Hyde escaped uninjured. SCALDED WIFE AND CHILDREN. Inhuman Act of Wisconsin Farmer Who Went Home Drunk. Chicago. Tbe story comes from Kenosha, Wis., that Christian Rasmussen, a farmer, is alleged to have gone home in a drunken frenzy Monday night, and heating a large kettle of water, to have gone to the room occupied by his son, four years of age, and his daughter, nine years old, and deliberately poured, the boiling water over the children. Mrs. Rasmussen attempted to save the lives of the children and the man turned on her and poured the hot water over her as well. She fled from the house and sought aid of the neighbors, while the children went into another bedroom, and, locking the door, hid themselves under the bed. Neighbors released them later and the children were given medical aid. Rasmussen Is in jail. GRAND REVIEW ON MAY 8. Great Gathering at San Francisco to See Fighting Machines. Washington A partial itinerary for the battleship fleet, after finishing target practice at Magdalena bay, has been announced by the navy department. It includes visits to Cando (Coronado), Santa Barbara, San Pedro, Santa Cruz and San Francisco, arriving at the latter place on May 5. announcement The says that the plans for the future movements of all vessels of both the Atlantic and Pa- eifle fleets, after the naval review at San Francisco, have not as yet been made. The grand review of the ships cf the Atlantic and Pacific fleets in the bay of San Francisco will take place on May 8. On the day of the review all vessels will be full dressed and at night the ships will be illumiWill Be nated. President After the Bucket Shop. President Roosevelt Washington. has directed Herbert Knox Smith of the bureau of corporations to investigate the methods of stock trading, with a view to furnishing the basis of possible future legislation regulating such practices. The difficulty Is recognized of attempting federal regulation for the transfer of stocks which will operate to curtail purely gambling contracts, and at the same time work no hindrance to legitimate transfers, and it is announced to be for the purpose of proceeding on sound principles that the investigation is being made. President Roosevelt has declared himself to be decidedly in favor of eliminating stock gambling. Ruef May Be Granted Bail. San Francisco. Following the set-tin-g at liberty upon ball aggregating $345,000 of former Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz Tuesday evening, after being confined for nine months in the county Jail, the preliminary steps were taken Wednesday for the release of Abraham Ruef. Immediate advantage was taken of the admission of Assistant District Attorney Francis J. He-ne-y In the voluminous affidavit filed by him that Ruef had been twice Indicted on every charge against him, with the exception of half a dozen charges on which he was indicted separately. Tried to Kill King Haakon. A Swede, Christiania. apparently Insane, fusilladed the royal castle here with a rifle at noon Tuesday. He fired altogether a dozen bullets, several of which crashed through the windows and embedded themselves in the interior walls of the castle. The man was promptly seized by the police and At the police station he disarmed. declared that it was his intention to kill King Haakon. He still had forty or fifty cartridges In his pockets. The king and queen were not at the castle. Fifteen Thousand Homeless. Manila. Fire destroyed 2,000 native shacks in the Samplouill district of Manila, on the evening of March 8. The damage is estimated at $100,000. It is believed that the fire started fiom a spark from a railroad locomotive, which caught on a thatched roof. The high wind drove the flames Only native through the district. shacks were burned, and there were no Fifteen thousand casualties. homeless natives are being cared for in the churches by the police. There is no danger of any starvation or suffering among the refugees. Night Raiders Whip Negroes. Paducah, Ky One hundred masked night riders rode into Birmingham Tuesiay night, shot six negroes, one of them, it is believed, fatally, and whipped five others. The riders took possession of the town and shoot into negro cabins in the place. In one of these. John Scruggs, his wife and three children and a granddaughter, were struck by bullets. Scruggs Is probably fatally wounded. The riders then took five other negroes to the banks of he Tennessee river, where they whipped them. Both Candidates Have Been Requested to Withdraw. New Orleans. After considering the charge that about 9,000 fraudulent votes were cast in the recent Democratic primary for lieutenant governor, the Democratic state central committee has appointed a committee to request both the successful and defeated candidates to withdraw end allow the committee to appoint a nominee for lieutenant governor. The charges of fraud were filed by .1. J. Eailey, the defeated candidate, who was opposed by Paul LambremonL |