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Show OLD GENTLEMAN NOT PLEASED. Letters Inscription Certainly the Re- - In the English club at Hongkong a old gentleman, who had come down from some northern port, was seated at dinner when he suddenly became very excited. He had been Chibrought a letter by a solemn-facenese butler, and he saw something on the outside of this letter which sent him downstairs two steps at a time to interview the hall porter. When he came back he told us what was the matter. The hall porter had inscribed in the envelope, in Chinese, for the information of the butler: This is for the old baboon with white fur. .Unfortunately for the hall porter, the old gentleman was a first-clas- s scholar In the Chinese language. d d ECONOMY CARRIED TOO FAR. Villagers Conversion Had Not Been of The Interesting Experience of an Old Old Mans Thrift That Led Him Into Settler of Virginia. Ridiculous Action. Great Avail. verse of Flattering. white-haire- A WELL MAN, AT 81. JUDGING BY THE RESULTS. The old man will not march He meant to be in line; You mind last year he stepped along so jaunty and so fine His hat atilt so boyish, his shoulders to-d- straight and square. And him near eighty but as young as any marching there? 'Twas yesterday hie shamrock come. Twas Clancy sent It him; And when he saw the little leaves his eyes grew soft and dim And he sat down and patted It like 'twas a baby's hair The little bit of green that came from far oft County Clare. Daniel S. Queen, Burrell Street, Salem, Va., says: Years ago while a lifting a sudden weight pain shot through my back and after that I was in constant misery from kidney trouble. One spell kept me in bed six weeks. My arms and legs were stiff and I was helpless as a child. The urine was discolored and though I used one remedy after another, I was not helped until I used Doan's Kidney Pills, and I was so bad then that the first box made only a Slight change. however, I am a well man, at 81, and I owe my life and health to the use of Doans Kidney Pills. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents & box. Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. In our business we get many doubtful compliments," said Col. John F. Dishop, deputy surveyor of the port, the other day, but I do not think I ever received & compliment such as my grandfather got down in my native state of Tennessee. My grandfather was a minister and' I was a very small n we both strolled down the road one day. One of our fellow villagers came along toward us. Good morning, said the villager, who apparently had looked upon the conver hie ted, parson,' cup. he stammered with difficulty. con hlo con hie that verted hlc me. That must be so, replied my grandfather, for its certain the Almighty had nothing to do with your New York conversion. Evening Telegram. hevy boy-whe- h To-da- y, Twas like a man that had a spell, the way he'd sit and look A FACT WELL WORTH KNOWING. And sigh about the way It grows along the little brook runs Into the Shannon 'Twas the It affords me pleasure in giving the That song it sang," said he, readers of this paper the following "That led me to the Shannon and from THREE CURES OF ECZEMA. MORE THAN LIKELY. there across the sea. 6imple prescription of an eminent speis the voice of home, grown Woman Tells of Her Brothers Terrible cialist. This is a sure remedy for in- But euresothis sweet and clean; up Suffering Two Babies Also Cured creasing the growth and beautifying And like the love I bear for It, still tender, the hair; a positive cure for falling of Cuticura Invaluable. young and green. the hair, dandruff, and other itching, It paints a thousand things for me I wish that I was there; My brother had eczema three difburning skin diseases. This can be I wish that I was where they find the mixed at home by taking an ounce of ferent summers. Each summer it came green in County Clare. out between his shoulders and down Carpus Compound and adding enough water to make eight ounces or to fill And long Into the night he sat adream of his back, and he said hts suffering other days. a half pint bottle. If the genuine He whispered of the boyhood paths, as was terrible. When it came on the one whose fancy strays is will used third summer, he bought a box of be you Carpus Compound over long forgotten fields and then Cuticura Ointment and certain to get the guaranteed results. Backwith gave it a faithaflame One ounce of the genuine Carpus He looked eyes and looked into the past and ful trial. Soon he began to feel better and he cured himself entirely of ecCompound will be sent to any address, whispered mother's name! . . . Norah! zema with Cuticura. A lady in Inpostpaid, on receipt of fifty cents in "Acushla! Sure twas Joy that held him when diana heard of how my daughter, money. Express or Post Office Order, he sighed. by The H. Edward Gove Co., Mfg. He dropped his head upon his arms, and, Mrs. Miller, had cured her little son dreaming so, he died. of terrible eczema by the Cuticura Chemists, Haverhill, Mass. And In his hand, pressed close against his Remedies. This ladys little one had locks of sliver hair Not Born There. Was crushed the little bit of green from the eczema so badly that they thought A Washington man, whose business far oft County Clare. they would lose it She used CutiChicago Tribune. had brought him to New York, took a cura Remedies and they cured her W. Willie I see automobiles have run not long ago into Connecticut, child entirely, and the disease never been. Introduced in Borneo. HONOR. WORTHY HIGHEST OF where he had lived in his childhood. came back. Mrs. Sarah E. Lusk, T.T. M. What do you think will he In the place where he was born he Mich., Aug. 15 and Sept 2, 1907. the result? to All Is Indebted World Christian the accosted a venerable old chap, of W. Willie An Increase In the numSt. Patrick. HER SUSPICION. some 80 years, who proved to be the of wild men. ber very person the Washingtonian sought In bold out Patricks St. day brings to answer certain inquiries concernThere Is more Catarrh Id this section of the country relief the fact that one of the most then eh other dlMnwei put together. And until the last ing the place. As the conversation few year was supposed to be Incurable. For a great ever world has nations warlike the tnAQy year doctors pronounced it a local dlaeaee and proceeded the Washington man said: preaonbed local remedies, and by constantly failing "I suppose you have always lived known cherishes as its patron saint a to cure w Ith local treatment, pronounced it incurable. missionary of the Prince of Peace. Science bas proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disaround here? ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. renown as I waa St. Patrick gained undying Oh, no, said the native. Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. j. Cheney the personification of Irish Ideals and A Co., Toledo, Obto, Is the only Constitutional cure on born two good miles from here. the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from 10 Irish national spirit because he won drops to a teaspoonful. It ecu directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one Ireland for Christianity. bundled dollars for auy case It falls to cure. Sand If the banishing of the snakes from for circulars and testimonials. Address: F.J.CHKNEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Erin is a fable It Is a fact that Patrick Sold by Druggists, ?c. Take Halls Family Fills for constipation. expelled gross superstitions and gave Ireland a new bond of unity and naLesson In Music. tional feeling In the form of a far Little Marlons music teacher, while Does your husband ever admit that higher religion than the Emerald Isle endeavoring to make plain to her the had ever known. If much that is myth- he was wrong? no of has been ical and Importance Yes, frequently, but I dont suppose different note values, used an apple as an illustration. Cutting it in two, told of his life and deeds there Is no he ever really believes it. Those pieces are Marion announced: room for doubt that he transformed an On bisecting the halves, she Marble Consolation. halves. entire country and uplifted a nation. Never mind, dear, said the authors repffed Quarters, but when it came It appears to have been a comparatively easy task for the ardent and wife, the- world doesnt appreciate to dlvldihg one quarter to bring out gifted missionary of the church.- Ire- you now, but some of these days it the idea of eighths, here was the wise Thats a bite! land responded to his appeals with will see things in a different light, and response: one of those great waves of swift en- give you a big monument; and if it Important to Mothers. thusiasm which have always been should not you just keep up your life Examine carefully every bottle of warm-heartesee to to and and Ill the it myself. CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for insurance, possible g Celts. The emotion and You deserve a monument, if ever man Infants and children, and see that it the thought of a race moved in unison, did! Bears the and paganism was swept away as a And then he said it looked like rain, but he thought hed risk It outside Signature of ( great wind might banish a fog. In Use For Over 30 Years. servfine a with Irish is It analogy awhile, anyhow. The Kind You Have Always Bought ices to the world many times since To Save Trouble, Patricks day. It harmonizes perfectly Wouldnt Burn. A Connecticut man tells of two with the hopes which may well he man came down like a wolf on cherished for the Ireland of the future Irishmen from Boston who, while driv- The coal the fold; and for the children of Erin and their ing through the state named, observed He Jingled with silver, he tinkled with s weather-vanedescendants in all parts of the world. that many of the barns had gold; He sold us hla specialty walnut by in the shape of huge roosters. Where is there not great need of name Dennis, said one Irishman to the And we slated our roof in the spring with high enthusiasm? Where Is there not much to do for humanity that will other, can ye tell me why they althe same. never be done unless by the help of ways have a rooster an niver a hln LYDIA. E. PINKHAM A Sore Throat or Cough, such devotion to on the top of thlm barns? No other medicine has been so such fervorthe ,and Irish have always been Sure, replied Dennis. Its because If suffered to progress, may affect the successful in relieving the suffering ideals toas show g Browns Bronchial Troches when roused to their of the difficulty theyd have in lungs. of women or received so many gen- quick immediate counts relief. which work for full the give eggs. uine testimonials as has Lydia E. In capacity of the world? the progress Pinkliams Vegetable Compound. Only unselfishness wins affection; Ireland may well celebrate St. PatPerfectly Plain. In every community you will find toil achieves success; it is only Inonly and all of With the the for Irish the parrace, guided impartiality women who have been restored to rick, the courageous heart that does brave consuch Prof. deeds set Price such and Ideals forth the tisan, by spired health by Lydia E. Pinkliams Veghe a great power tentions of both political parties re- deeds. T. Farquharson. etable Compound. Almost every as his, mustthealways wide and eternal good garding the tariff. one you meet has either been bene- for good You ought to be satisfied with nothing At the close of his talk he was sur- less than Natures laxative, Garfield Tea! fited by it, or has friends who have. of mankind. rounded members of the fair the Made of Herbs, it overcomes constipation, by In the Pinkham Laboratory at Womans Current Events club. regulates liver and kidneys, and brings Ballyhooley Lemonade. Lynn, Mass., anywomanany day may O Prof. Price, cooed the fairest, Good Health. A joke was played on Arthur Balfour see the files containing over one million one hundred thousand letters on the first St. Patricks day of his thank you so much for your perfectly If the opportunity for great deeds lovely talk! I understand all about should never come, the opportunity from women seeking health, and tenure of the Irish chief secretaryto him delivered A now. the tariff cigar box, Its just like a lovers for good deeds is renewed for you day here are the letters in which they ship. are the the house of commons, contained a comparisons the openly state over their own signa- at by day, Farrar. Sunday Magazine. tures that they were cured by Lydia bunch of shamrocks, From asincere other girls! to of terror the ONLY ONE BROMO QUININE E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Irish admirer. But, That 1. LAXATIVES BKOMO QU1NINB. Look fol the box was also THE DOCTORS GIFT. the signature of IS. W. GROVE. Used the World Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable his secretaries, ver to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. steel contain a wicked-lookinCompound has saved many women found tocovered white with a queer Worth Food Its In spring, Gold. from surgical operations. Weight Ef you haf money to trow to der A chemical expert was Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable compound. iss appropriately to hant id infernal blrtsld the examined he We usually expect the doctor to put Compound is made from roots and called and to der goldfinches. exmachine momentarily on some everybody us kind of penance and give herbs, without drugs, and is wholepecting an explosion. The puzzled us hitter medicines. some and harmless. FILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. A Penn, doctor brought a patient PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any o&se The reason why Lydia E. Pink- chemist, venturing to put a particle of of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Files In found on his tongue, the compound something entirely different and' the 6 to U days or money refunded. 60c. hams Vegetable Compound is so i successful is because it contains in- that It was simply sugar Impregnated results are truly Interesting. box turned the He r then lemon. with Leap-yeaTwo girls would rather marry years ago, writes this pagredients which act directly upon the feminine organism, restoring it upside down and out rolled a anrusty tient, I was a frequent victim of in haste and repent at leisure than old acute indigestion and biliousness, be- never have a chance to repent at all. corkscrew, a spiral spring and to a healthy normal condition. was also a ing allowed to eat very few "Women who are suffering from nutmeg grater. T1 things. Buy the One day our family doctor brought me Mr. Winslow Soothing Rynip, Inthose distressing ills peculiar to their scrap of paper inscribed: For children teething, softens the gurus, reduce sex should not lose sight of these whisky yourself; you can then con- a small package, saying he had found flammation, allay pain, cure wind ooiio. fee a bottle. of lemonade famous coct Ballythe facts or doubt the ability of Lydia something for me to eat, at last Be wise tis madness to deHe said It was a food called Grape-NutE. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound hooley and drink to ould Ireland. and even as its golden color fer. Young. to restore their health. Apostle of Joy. might suggest. It was worth its weight The shamrock, the small white clo- in gold. I was sick and tired, trying THE MEN WHO KNOW ver of Ireland, Is associated with St. one thing after another to no avail, Patrick from the day on which he but at last consented to try this new THE SUPERIOR used the trefoil to Illustrate the doc- food. OF QUALITIES trine of the Trinity. It Is interesting Well! it surpassed my doctor's tfJWERj to know that the Arabic name for the fondest anticipation and every day trefoil is shamrakh, and that it is since then I have blessed the good held sacred in Iran as emblematical of doctor and the inventor of Grape-Nutthe Persian triads. Pliny comments SLICKERS, on the fact that serpents are never I noticed improvement at once and AND HATS found near the trefoil leaf. In a months tin my former spells of The course of St. Patrick through indigestion had disappeared. In two are the men who hove Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales months I felt like a new man. My put them to the hardest tests in the roughmay be traced by the existence of brain was much clearer and keener, est weather. places named after him. Legends my body took on the vitality of youth, Get the original abound without number, each adding and this condition has continued. Tower's Fish Brand vo the love and veneration investing Theres a Reason. Name given by made since 1836 this saint, who was in truth an apostle Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read ASKM! CATALOG PMC fOR THC works and joy. vt The Road to Wellville, in pkgs. n . Cold-wate- r, . - d quick-thinkin- free-trade- to-da- s, President J. G. Schurman of Cornell was college discussing elective courses, of which in the freshman and sophomore years, he disapproves. A freshman of 16 or 17, said Presis too young to ident Schurman, choose for himself the courses best for him. Ills mind Is not mature enough. It will make mistakes. "In Its immaturity, its proneness to error, it is like the mind of an old man in my native Freetown. He, though old, was mentally undeveloped, and saw nothing wrong or ridiculous in a piece of economy that he put in practice in the cemetery. The old man had lost four wives, and desired to erect for each a headstone, with an inscription commemorative of her wifely virtues. But inscriptions, he found, were He economized in very expensive. this way: He had the Christian name of each wife cut on a small stone above her grave Emma, Hester, Mary, Edith. Under each name a hand pointed to a large stone in the center of the lot, and under each hand were the words: "For epitaph see large stone." Cleanses tlto vVstem Effectually, Dispe Is Colas nndlleaJ-arlfetluo to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts Truly as s a Laxative. . Best forMenkmprt an dCluli and Old. lo $et its Denejicial Effects Always liuy tke benuine ukick lias ike jull name oj tke Com- nt' ren-you- "CALIFORNIA Syrup Co. TTo by whom it is manufactured, printeil on the Jr nut of e ry paekne. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. one size only, regular price 50 SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by these Little Pills. The Editor of the Rural New Yorker, than whom there is no better Potato Expert in the country says; Salzer's Earliest Potato is the earliest of 38 earliest sorts, tried by me, yielding 464 bu. per They also relieve Die. tress from Py epepelw, I nr digestion and Too Heart? Eating. A perfect no edjr for Dlsxlneae, Naw sea, Prowsines, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain In the Side, TORPID UV The regulate the Bowel. Purel Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Salzer's Early Wisconsin yielded acre. for the Rural New Yorker 736 bu. per acre. Fee iSalzer's catalog about them. JUST BEND 10c IN STAMPS and this notice to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and they will mail you the only original seed catalog published in America with samples ot Emperor William Oata, Silver King Barley, Billion Dollar Grass which produces 12 tons per acre. Sainfoin, the dry toil luxuriator, etc., etc., etc. And if you send 14c we will add a package of new farm seeds never before seen by you. K. A. W. lit Genuine Must Bear Signature Fao-Simi- le REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. True Generosity. They say very few authors sleep more than seven hours a day. But think how much slumber they furnish other people. The Herald and Presbyter. Every Lover of Good Music should take advantage of the offer the Jerome II. Remick Co. of New York make in the advertising columns of this paper to send for 25 cents the words and music of nine of the best pieces of the Merry Widow Opera, all the race at present in London, Paris and New York. TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from no and disagreeable odors, healthy germ-lif- e which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A Some person says. But what of that? This much Is flat! It always pays. You Walk. cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Dont accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. is a certain Foot-Eas- e A powter magoozlne lss full Invaluable omy. for inflamed eyes, throat and naaal and uterine catarrh. At It Cures While Allens dials, germioidal, fccting and deodor, izing toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ- Get Busy. "It costs to advertise, toilet and drug stores, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. Largs Trial Sample mit HIALTH AHD SCAUTV" BOOK SINT SHIS WITH latent enertchy und sometimes mlt THE PAXTON TOILET CO, Boston, Mas powter. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May, Cold are the most frequent cause of Headache, LAXATIVE BROMO UININE remove cauae. E. W.Grove on box fee If lntaraM In poultry, writ for our now booklet with Poultry; Yearsof fact 20 Illustrated. fag Brimful the advauoed poultry rattier. H. into. Malice supplies the want of age. Latin. W. N. U., Salt Lake and Idea PHRKt UK to., Omaha, Veteb , City, No. 11, 1908. PATRICK Drove all the snakes from IRELAND SMACOBS OIL Drives all aches from the body, cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and CONQUERS PAIN 25c. ALL DRUGGISTS 50c. MUSIC MUSIC $w.?of MERRY ' MUSIC WIDOW Fo5c,. On account of the fact that there is no copyright on the music of this wonderful opera, . we are enabled to make this unusual offer. 25c Merry Widow Vocal and Instrumental Gems 25c THIS BEAUTIFULLY BOUND BOOK CONTAINS NINE NUMBERS The SiDy Cavalier For I Love You So For Im a True Loving Wife Land of Our Home The Lovely Women My Vilia Im Happy at Maxims Im So Parisian and the celebrated Merry Widow Waltz. All for 25c, postpaid 40 pages In aD. Lamp art glow lag, lov ia grow lag, for Merry Widow Gems complete, 25c. Postpaid. 5 copies for $1.00. 10 copies for $ 1.80. ALSO 3 BIG HITS, 25c EACH Sweetheart Days Im Afraid to Come Home in the Dark" Theee 3 Song Hits and Merry Widow Book Sl.OO postpaid. Address JEROME H. REMICK &. CO., 131 West 41st St, NEW YORK Dreaming The largest publishers and retailers of papular music in the world. ' surrs goi i SHOES AT ALL r PRICES, TOR EVERY OFTHE FAMILY, MISSES AND CHILDREN. MEMBER MEN, BOVS, WOMEN, L Dougtaa mens $3.00 and $3.60 ahoem other manufacturer In the than $2.60, make and ssffs more any world, bocauao they hold tholr mhape, fit bettor, woar longer, and ore of greater velum than any other etioem In the world W. to-da- W. y. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price No W. T, Pooirla name and price is stamped on bottom. dealer shoe everywhere Shoes mailed from factory to any part of the world. wrArriOST. Sold by the bet (rated Catalog free to any 'Hires, We Take 8nhtltut. Uios L BOI)ttLAK, lirocktoa, Mwre |