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Show Half-pas- HOTEL ELY. 1 ? iSTORYlg Third South St. Utah Salt Lake City 41 W THE HOUSE OF REASONABLE RATES! THOUSAND A CANDLES The Obuchan Cafe. 22214 South State St. Utah Salt Lake City By MEREDITH NICHOLSON Astkor el "THE MAIN CHANCE." CAMERON," Etc. Right in Line of Travel. Lunches. and sandwiches. New Management. Everything FIRST CLASS. Try Us. DRUNKENNESS CURED and permanent cure for Drunkenness and the There is no Opium Diseases. Ladies publicity, no sickness. treated as privately as in their own homes. The Keeley Institute, 334 W. South Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utan. A positive , k ' , Miss Mary Morgan, of Nephl Will be Pleased to Have Her Friends Call at the Womans Co-o- p. Full and Complete Line of MILLINERY at Reasonable Prices First South Street, Salt Lake 29 E. City. t - syr sriis. zprw jyr sTjsTji bettles, mathez 3"V 4 & CO., . $ Chemical and Metal$ lurgical Laboratory. 158 South West Temple Street, 4 Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 A. F. BARDWELL, Manager. Assay, La rti ttr rfr sir .tit DR. J. 4 xir it atziQf-sttstzj-tz B. KEYSOR, Dental Parlors. 240 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. Over Davis Shoe Store. Salt Lake City. . The Largest and Most Complete Dental Office in the West. TEETH FILLED WITHOUT PAIN. f5.00 Solid Gold Crowns, 22-- k White Crowns, like Natural Teeth 5.00 . NOTICE. The smallest GRINDING AND SAW FILING SHOP on Earth has moved from 160 to 351 SO. STATE ST. Call and get your dull tools sharpened and repaired while you wait. A Razors and scissors a specialty. work guaranteed. PHIL. BUTLER, Prop. Tell your friends. Dr. LeRoys French Tansy Tablets. THATS ALL $2.00. Mail Orders filled. promptly DRUG ,DOULL AH CO. The Owl Corner. Market and Main next door Sts. and the Post-offic- e South. tt t4 4 HARRIET FONTYN, SPIRITUALIST. Clairvoyant and Trance Medium. Sunday and Thursday, Spiritual Meetings. READINGS DAILY. 267 S. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. MRS. j JOSEPH DEVEY. Manufacturer of All Kinds of Mine and Smelter, Iron and Machine Bolts, Tie drills. All kinds of Iron and Steel 'or Builders and Contractors. Edison St., Salt Lake nd. Phone, 3441. Bell Phone Work. 211-21- 3 Steel Rods, Work City, 5245. rhe smallest GRINDING A,ND SAW :ILING SHOP on Earth has moved rom 160 to 351 SO. STATE ST. Jail and get your dull tools sharp-me- d and repaired while you wait, lazors and scissors a specialty. All vork guaranteed. PHIL. BUTLER, Prop. Tell your friends. ZELDA Copyright 1WA by Co CHAPTER XVII. Continued. There was a sound of mirth and scampering feet in the hall above and then down the steps, between the line of guests arrested in their descent, came a dark laughing girl in the garb of Little Red Riding Hood, amid general applause and laughter. Its Olivia! She won the wager! exclaimed the spectacled gentleman, and the girl, whose dark curls were sheken about her face, ran up to us and threw her arms about him and kissed him. It was a charming picture the figures on the stairway, the pretty, graceful child, the eager, happy faces all about I was too interested In the scene to be uncomfortable. Then, at the top of the stair, her height accentuated by her gown of white, stood Marian Devereux, hesitating an instant, as a bird pauses before taking wing, and then laughingly running between the lines to where Olivia faced her In mock abjection. To the charm of the girl in the woodland was added now the dignity of beautiful womanhood, and my heart leaped at the thought that I had ever spoken to her, that I was there because she had taunted me with the risk of coming. Above, on the stair landing, a deep-tone- d clock began to strike midnight and every one cried Merry Christmas! and Olivia's won! and there was more hand clapping, in which I joined with good will. Some one behind me was explaining what had Just occurred. Olivia, the youngest daughter of the house, had been denied a glimpse of the ball; Miss Devereux had made a wager with her host that Olivia would appear before midnight; and Olivia, defeating the plot against her, gained the main hall at the stroke of 12. Good night! Good night!" called Olivia the real Olivia in derision to the company, and turned and ran back through the applauding, laughing throng. The spectacled gentleman was Olivias father, and he mockingly rebuked Marian Devereux for having encouraged an infraction of parentl discipline, while she was twitting him upon the loss of bis wager. Then her eyes rested upon me for the first time. She lifted her brows slightly, but continued talking placidly to her host. The situation did not please me; 'I had not traveled so far and barglarlously entered Doctor Armstrongs house In quest of a girl with blue eyes merely to stand by while she talked with another man. I drew nearer, impatiently; and was conscious that four other young men In white waistcoats and gloves quite as Irreproachable as my own stood ready to claim her the instant she was free. I did not propose to be thwarted by the beaux of Cincinnati and I addressed my host boldly. I beg your pardon, Doctor , I said with an assurance for which I blush to this hour. All right, my boy ; I, too, have been in Arcady! he exclaimed In cheerful apology, and she put her hand on my arm and I led her away. He called me my boy, so I must be passing muster," I remarked, not daring to look at her. Hes afraid not to recognize- - you. His inability to remember faces is a town joke. We reached a quiet corner of the great hall and I found a seat for her. You dont seem surprised to see me, you knew I would come. I should have come across the world for this, for just this. Her eyes were grave at once. Why did you come? I did not think you were so foolish. This is all so wretched. You didnt know that Mr. Pickering Mr. Pickering She was greatly distressed and this name came from her chokingly. Yes; what of him? I laughed. He Is well on the way to California, and without "No you! you dont know you dont understand hes here! He abandoned his California trip at Chicago; he telegraphed me to expect him here tonight! You must go at once at once! Ah, but you cant frighten me, I said, trying to realize just what a meetwomen for To collecting yw M names and selling oui ing with Pickering in that house might novelties, we give big mean. she looked anxiously about, No, send your name today for premiums our new plan of big profits with litthcy were to arrive late, he and the tle work. Write today. Address C. Taylors; they know the Armstrongs T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, quite well. They may come at any 22 E. 23rd Street,. New York City. moment now. Please go! But I have only a few minutes myself, you wouldnt have me sit them out In the station down town? There are some things I have come to say, and Arthur Pickering and I are not afraid of each other! "But you must not meet film here. trade maitt, Free edrioe, how to obtain patents, what that would mean to me! Think opynghln, ebs, N ALL COUNTRIES. . Business direct with Washington saves time. You are very foolhardy, Mr. Glenarm. money east often the patent. I had no idea you would come Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively., But you wished to try me, you Write or come to os at Its atBth Street, spp. Vetted State Fetant me. challenged WASHINGTON, D. C. That wasnt me, It was Olivia, I she laughed, more at ease, thought Yes, what did you think that I fpp wish I were Olivia! she declared, her eyes away from me. Thats rather idle. Im not really sure yet what your name is. and I dont care. Lets imagine that we havent any names, Im sure my name isn't of any use. and Ill be glad to go nameless all my days If only If only she repeated Idly, opening and closing her fan. It was a frail blue trifle, painted in golden butterfI lies. Coffee The Keeley Cure. t 12 struck on the stairway was tied baud and foot by a dead and 1 started to my feet. mans money "You wouldnt I repeated. No, It wasn't that wretched for"1 might, you know! tune; but I enjoyed playing the child I must go. but not with that, not before you I really love Olivia and It seemed that the fairies were protect- with any hint of that, please! If you let him defeat you. If you ing me and that I could play being a child to the very end of the chapter fail to spend your year there. we'll without any real mischief coming of it. overlook this one lapse, she looked .There are so many if onlies that I hesitate to choose; but I will venture one. If only you will come back to St. or the next Agathas! Not day, but, say, with the first bluebirds. I believe they are the harbingers up there. Her very ease was a balm to my spirits; she was now a veritable daughter of repose. One arm In Its long, white sheath lay quiet In her lap; her right hand held the golden butterflies against the soft curve of her cheek. A collar of pearls clasped her throat and accented the clear girlish outlines of her profile. I felt the appeal of her youth and purity. It was like a cry In my heart, and the dreary house by the lake, and Pickering "find the weeks within the stone walls of my prison were as though they had never been. The friends who know me best never expect me to promise to be anywhere at a given time. I cant tell; perhaps I shall follow the bluebirds to Indiana; but why should I, when I cant play being Olivia any more? Why not? You have seen how dull I am; and that note of apology you KNAPT0N, $ CURTIS HANGER CO. Wall-Pape- me steadily in the eyes, wholly guiltless of coquetry but infinitely kind, then, She paused, opened the fan, held It up to the light and studied the golden butterflies. r, Paints, Etc. , Painting, Graining, Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. Orders by mall receive prompt Paper-Hanging- Yes Then let me see oh, 1 shall never chase another rabbit as long as I live! Now go quickly quickly! I But you havent told me when and where It was we met the first time. Please! She laughed, but urged me away with her eyes. I shant do It! It isnt proper for me to remember, If your memory is so poor. I wonder how It would seem for us to meet just once and be inGood night! You really troduced! came. You are a gentleman of your word, Squire Glenarm! She gave me the tips of her fingers without looking at me. A servant came in hurriedly. Miss Devereux, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Pickering are In the 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. Say to the Agent WHEN YOU GO EAST 1 want to go aa far as possible via tha dVaw-ing-roo- Yes; very well; I will come at once. Then to me: They must not see you there, that way! and she stood in the door, facing me, her hands lightly touching the frame as though to secure my way. M turned for a last look and saw her waiting her eyes bent gravely upon me, her arms still barring the door; then she turned swiftly away and passed through the hall. Tha argument i this; A SHORT ROUTE) GOOD ROAD BED EXCELLENT SERVICE; COVRTEOVS TREATMENT. That Is vorything la travail ng, 9 9 For information and rite tea any Oregon Short Lina Agent or addreea half-raise- D. E. BURLEY, G. P. A. Salt Lake City D. S. SPENCER.. A. G. F. A. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. CANYON PANORAMA of natural beauty the of the GRANDH EAGLE RIVER CANYON. WHEEL GAP. WAGON all GLENWOOD SPRINGS. way. CANYON Sthree through of the GUNNISON. GARDEN OF THE GODS. MANITOU f TRAINS 8PRINGS. THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. R TO DENVER. AND Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address j iCH,CAG0 I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D k Salt Lake City. J Jf fr THE At the Top bf the Stair, Her Height Accentuated by Her Gown of White, Stood Marian Devereux. wrote from the school really fooled me. But I have seen the real Olivia now. I dont want you to go too far not where I cant follow and this flight I shall hardly dare repeat. Her lips closed like a rose that had gone back to be a bud again and she pondered a moment, slowly freeing and imprisoning the golden butterflies. You have risked a fortune, Mr. Glenarm, very, very foolishly, If you are found here. Why, Olivia must have recognized you! She had seen you often across the wall. But I dont care Im not staying at that ruih up there for money. My grandfather meant more to me than that Yes; I believe that Is so. He was a dear old gentleman; and he liked me because I thought his jokes adorable. My father and he had known each other. But there was no expectation no wist to profit by his friendship. My name In his will is a great embarrassment, a source of real annoyance. The newspapers printed dreadful pictures of me In connection with the will. I say to you, quite frankly, that I wouldn't accept a cent of Mr. Glen-arm- s money if it were offered me; and that is why, and her smile was a flash of spring, "I want you to obey the terms of the will and earn your fortune. She closed the fan sharply and lifted her eyes to mine. , But there isnt any fortune; its all a myth, a joke. , Mr. Pickering doesnt seem to thiuk so. He had every reason for believing that Mr. Glenarm was a very rich man. But assuming that theres money buried there by the lake like a pirates treasure, it Isnt Pickerings if he finds It. There are laws to protect even the dead from robbery! 1 concluded hotly. How difficult you are! Suppose you should fall from a boat, or be shot then I might have to accidentally take the fortune after all; and Mr. Pickering might think of an easier way of getting It than by Stealing It! Yes; I know what you mean; but you wouldnt ! Outside I found my hat and coat, and wakened my sleeping driver. He drove like mad Into the city, and I swung myself upon the north-bountrain just as It was drawing out of the station. CHAPTER XVIII. I Meet an Old Friend. When I reached Glenarm House the next morning I found to my astonishment that the window I had left open as I scrambled out the night before was closed. I dropped my bag and crept to the front door, thinking that if Bates had discovered my absence it was useless to attempt any further deception. I was amazed to find the great doors of the main entrance flung wide, and in real alarm I ran through the hall and back to the library. The nearest door stood open, and, as I peered in, a curious scene disclosed Itself. A few of the large cathedral candles still burned brightly In several places, their flames rising strangely in the gray morning light. Books had been taken from the shelves and scattered everywhere, and sharp Implements had cut ugly gashes In the The drawers containing shelving. sketches and photographs had been pulled out and their contents thrown about and trampled under foot The house was as silent as a tomb, but as I stood on the threshold trying to realize what had happened, something stirred by the fireplace and I crept forward, listening, until I stood by the long table beneath the great chandelier. Again I heard a sound as of some animal walking and stretching, followed by a moan that undoubtedly was human. Then the hands of a man clutched ihe farther edge of the table, and slowly and evidently with Infinite difficulty a figure rose and the dark face of Bates, with eyes blurred and staring strangely, confronted me. He drew his body to Its height and leaned heavily upon the table. I snatched a candle and bent toward him to make sure my eyes were not tricking me. CTO BE CONTINUED.) 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Shores low rates are not held out as an INDUCEMENT to patronize them they simply make the low rate because it Is right and Just but solicit your patronage SOLELY ON THE GROUNDS OF PROVEN COMPETENCE. Home Treatment Cures. Write for Free Symptom List If you cannot call. OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8. DR G. W. SHORES, Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 12. Consultation free. 249 So. Main St. Salt Lake City. Sounds Big, but if s True If you want to talk with every town in Utah. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL. Otherwise you CAN'T! A Pure Gold Rings hw 18k" Telephones 18 k INSIDE. have this 0VTS1DE. |