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Show TELLs AMUSEMENTS! Four Performances. 2, 1908. APRIL I SPRING MUSICAL FESTIVAL. THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY CHESTRA. OR- vs Scene HI Elsie, the humble maid ho resolves to Rive up her life to ssve that of her Prince, tells her dot- ng mother the resolve, and cannot he persuaded out of It. Peasant's are singing their evening hymn. on Scene IV Prince and Elsie their way to Salerno, where the sacrifice Is to be made. Lucifer Is among tne band of devout pilgrims on his way to receive Elsie and lure her to her death; he ridicules the hymns of the pilgrims. Scene V Place of sacrifice. Lucifer awaiting the victims. The Prince and Elsie with their attendants arrive. Elsie firm In her resolve against SYNOPSIS OF PROGRAM. the protest of the Prince, who deTwo complete works of the most clares her mad, Is rushed Into the modern and best: Hiawathas Wed- place of sacrlflee by Lucifer,- but Is rescued by the Prince and attendants ding Feast, by S. Colerldge-Tayloand "The Golden Legend," by Arthur through the purity of her own heart. The music of both being Sullivan. Scene VI Elsie, her faith and pur set to the poems by the great Longfellow will be rendered by the com- pose tried, returns to her mothers bined force's of orchestra, soloists), home with the Prince, who Is now and two great choirs. The festival cured. Wedding bells are pealing and chorus, being one hundred and fifty all Is peace and love. picked singers (mostly soloists and the tabernacle choir making a grand SEATS MAY BE SECURED AS FOLchorus of over 500 voices, under the LOWS: direction of Evan Stephens, besides Season tickets to a childrens choir of 500 voices (transferable) at half regular prices by subscribers, sing at the matinees. A brief synopsis of the four con- either by mall or otherwise, before 9th. Subscribers certs is as follows: Monday, March have also the first choice of seats First Concert. the Art week of seat sale being only Matinee at 3:45 oclock, Wednes- for them. Regular single admission sale of pro day, Alpril 1st: Miscellaneous gram of noted orchestral composi- seats Is on during the weeks succeedtions; vocal and instrumental solos ing the subscription sale. Special rates for two matinees will by the visiting artists and selections be granted Btudents of the High by the childrens choir. School, U. of U St. Marys Afcademy, Second Concert. L D. S. U., All Hallows College and Wednesday evening, April 1st, 8:15 Rowland Hall, and all college stuo'clock: First part: Selections by the dents, by presentation of student orchestra and soloists. Second part: check, at 25 cents for each performThe Indian Legend, Hiawathas ance. The Scenes: Special rate of 15c will be made Feast." Wedding Feast; the Indian Dance; the Indian children of district schools to each Love Songs; Iagoos Story Telling; matinee by presentation of student he Parting; "Leaving Hiawatha checks. Student checks will be furnished to Minnehappy with the night and furnished to Principals of schools for haha." distribution among students. Third Concert. All mail orders should bo sent to (All visiting artists) Thursday Mr. Fred C. Graham, Manager, No, 8 afternoon, April 2, 3:15 o'clock. A South Main street, Salt Lake City, program of favorite selections by the Utah. orchestra and all soloists. Salt of seats at Clayton Music Co., No. 109 South Main St beginning Fourth Concert. Monday morning, MarCh 9th. Fill out the blank below and mall Thursday evening, April 2, 8:15 Oclock. The beautiful romance, "The same to Mr. Graham at once before Golden Legend," words by Longfel- Subscription rate closes. , low, music by Arthur Sullivan. FesSalt Lake Musical Festival. tival chorus, tabernacle choir, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, great orSpring of 1908. gan, Mrs. Wilson, Soprano, Miss Oan-ro- I, the undersigned, hereby subscribe Contralto, Mr. Miller, Tenor, Mr. for season tick Middleton, Basso. ets to the Salt Lake Musical Festival, Evan Stephens, Conductor; John J. of 1908. Amount McClellan, Organist; A. II. Peabody, Spring The above amount to be paid to Asst. Conductor. Fred C. Graham, Manager, 109 South Main St., prior to said festival, In exSYNOPSIS OF "THE GOLDEN LEG- change for said tickets. END." (Signed) 1 Strassburg Cathedral. (Address) Scene Night and storm. Lucifer urging the Season Tickets: Reserved Sec. B Spirits of the Air to tear down the cross. Spirits answer (ladles chorus). and C, Rows 1 to 27 (which will be Chanting of the Monks from the Ca- made Into a stall by the use of white thedral (male chorus) mingling with draperies') $3.00. All of Secs E. F, the clanging of the bells, the roar of G and balance of B and C, $2.00. the nlght-wlndetc., gives a most Single admission tickets (Reserved) $1 50 and $1.00 respectively. dramatic and vivid musical picture. Rates on all Railroads, Commencing Scene II The Prince longing for March 31st. o death, despairing of the flat that he may be saved only by the blood of a maidens veins, who will of her own accord glvd her life to save his. Lucifer appears and offers alcohol WeeKs. ns the great cure of all ills. The Prince partakes and Is charmed with the momentary effects, while Angels sing the warning of Its awful, final curse. The readers of this paper can alto ways find an interesting place while away a pleasant hour In Salt Lake by going to the Grand theatre. m ' During the coming four weeks this Is especially the case as that popular Salt Lake favorite, the brilliant young Russian actor, Theodore Lorch, with still another Utah favorite, Miss Cecil Fay, and a very strong company will hold the boards. Newly Furnished. During the week commencing March STEAM HEAT AND BATH.1 8th, the bill will be Captain Herne, U. S. A. Mr. Lorch and a very 528 W. Second South St. strong company including U. S. soldiers In the battle scene, will appear Salt Lake City. In this stirring spectacular military drama, In which a cast of thirty-twpeople is required. It is a superb offering and has a plot a story Interesting and effectively told. The most dramatic scene comes at GRINDING AND SAW FILthe end of the third act, when the ING. audience Is made to fully realize what to the corner of Come is meant by the cry, "On to VicksFirst West and Second South burg." The bluff at the head of the " Dull with Streets your road to Vicksburg must be taken, and Knives, Scissors, Saws, RazCapt Herne leads the attacking forces. This battle Is probably the ors, etc. Get them sharpened and Repaired WHILE most realistic ever seen on a local Satisfaction WAIT. YOU stage. Adolph Rosenbecker, Conductor. - r, , Grand Theatre. Four March 8 to April 4. WASHINGTON Rooming House o well-define- d r ; Guaranteed. The second March 15th, will Terrible Secret, This play key. A BUTLER, Prop. Tell your friends. 4 4 L. f H. 4 4- - GRAY, Land Attorney. S: 4 it t week, commencing be presented His or The Man Monis distinctly novel In construction. You never saw anything like it before In your life. The plot reveals that a learned man while in making scientific Investigations Africa, is attacked and strangled to death by a wild ape In the presence of his wife, who Is about to become a mother. Her child Is horn with natural form, but the face suggests a wild ape. The child Is highly educated, and when the play opens he Is 21 years old and is known as the Man Monkey.' At times he (s a man of education and refinement, but there are sudden changes to the ferocious Instincts of a wild ape a Mel-mot- 1 TO MIX IT. Directions to Prepare Simple Yet Remarkable Home Mixture. A authority on Rheumatism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless prescription, which any one can easily prepare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-hal- f ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bottle, and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are harmless to take. This pleasant mixture, If taken regularly for a few days. Is said to overcome almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, If any, diminishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without Injuring the stomach. While there are Rheumatism remedies, many patent medicines, etc., some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results, and the above will, no doubt, he greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time. Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the Information that these drugs are harmless and can be bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to. Public Roads any practical question nance. Questions and answers will shlch they desire answered relating be published by this paper at suitto road construction and mainte able Intervals. d J. H. Hill a. The fourth and last week, commencing March 29th, the company will play Only a Shop Girl. bt is seldom that the Grand puts on a play requiring twenty speaking parts, and jet that is the cast oil Only a Shop Girl. As one might Infer from the title, the story Is woven around an employe of one of the big departnUdt stores of New York City. The Shop Girl Is Eva Aldington, and being a beautiful young girl, a villain In the form of a scoundrelly lawyer seeks to make her other than his wife. Naturally she resents his advances and he attempts to Becure her by force. This falling, he tries to murder the girl, but in the end he in foiled and the Shop Girl marries the hero. Scen-ically the play is one of the most elaborate of the season, an entirely new and appropriate Investiture having been painted for It. There are four srlendid comedy parts, thus relieving the Intense emotional situations. Mr. Lorch has a splendid part, while all the members of the regular company, as well as several extra people have been given excellent roles. In Its entiertv, Only a Shop Girl is one of the most pretentious offerings of the year. It Is worth a trip from any of the near-btowns to see one or more of tnese plays, and those from greater ct'stances who have business in the metropolis will be well paid to remain over a day or two for the same purpose. In any case, all who can do so should be sure to enjoy the coming four weeks treat at the Grand. o AN ENERGETIC BUSINESS FIRM. 2408 Washington Ave., . Electric Light. Baths. Hot Cold Water, t ft Mrs. Burt Phillips, Prop. 4 4 4 BATES from 50c to $1,50 per Day. SALT LAKE CITY 329 S, State St. 4 4 J THE MIDLAND J PROPRIETOK 44 W. 1st. Good Investments! Buy for you! Wotuill Sell for you! Local representative for Stockton to and vicinity look after renewals and Increase subscription list of a prominent monthly commismagazine, on a salary and sion basis. Experience desirable, but for lot necessary. Good opportunity Box Publisher, Address person. right 59, Station O. New York. , I f Lunches Put Up. Meals Served at All Hours. Phone, Ind. 2702. i The Delicatessen I Acre Lots $300. acres of fine land, with large Barn, fine well, chicken-coop- , right on the State Road, 14th ized and electric lighted. 7 ft I 4 K FARM LANDS. Twelve miles south of Salt Lake, specially adapted to Also Dry Farming. Prices $9.00 and $15.00 an acre. $2000 4 4 first-clas- s water-righ- t, which alone is worth $63.00 per Including share. On Fourteenth South and Fourth West Streets. Fourteenth South is Macadamized and Electric Lighted. UNIMPROVED 4 South, Salt LaKe City. 4 K Brick House, La Court. fruit-raisin- Nicely Furnished Rooms. Single or in Suite, day. tates, 50c, 75c and $1.00 per 2449. Steam Heat Ind. Phone J. A. BENSON, Prop. 47 East First South Street. very fruit trees, located South Street, macadam- 4 Other Improved Farm Lands. A. L. Scott, 402 D. F. Walker Building, ( Model Dye WorKs. Owner. Salt Lake City. TALKING MACHINE And A Cabinet ABSOLUTELY FREE! Beau-tif- ul 143 South West Temple. and Gents Clothing Ladies Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Laces, Silks, Gloves, Fancy Goods, Portieres, Woolens, Draperies, etc. C .C. BONNARD, Manager. Both Phones 2193. French Benzol Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing a Specialty. WITH A GUARANTEE. This Dandy Talking Machine Is absolutely the best value ever offered, and the only real high-price- Big discount allowed to merchants, who wish to use them as premiums. Agents wanted everywhere. Big profits assured. The only talk- ma- d chine ever ' given away. Plays Standard, Columbia or cylinder Edison, records, Is superior to many both in and reproduc appearance tion of tone. Free from dust and mounted on a beautiful reversible cabinet. Send no money in advance, but write today and of agree to sell thirty-nin- e our easy selling, attractive novelties at 10 cents each; and when sold, send us $3.90, and we will send on a "Dandy Motor Talking Machine exactly as illustrated and described above. It costs you nothing to try, as we take back all articles you are unable to sell and give you a premium of equal value, as to the amount you send us. ing with ever machine away. cabinet g 1 ven -- New YorK Write today to 'Chicago Supply'Co,, SUITE 519 SECURITY TRUST BLDG. Salt LaKe City,IUtah. Main Office, New York City. - Curious Compound Capsules combine the virtues of Big G, Pa bit O. K. Santal Pepsin, and tell for $1.25 a box. Mail orders promptly attended to. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, 33 Main St, Salt Lake Cliy. Nona gonulna wlthou the trade mark tha Curlew D. A BEAUTIFuL y 190S MODELS. COMPLEXION Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Doublt Grand, 8t. Louis, 1904. Send coupon below, fl'led out, to ur nearest dealer or to ua and gel our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of ter to responsible parties anywhere In the United States. Dont delay This is your opportunity to secure ah aolutely the best Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felt We accept old machines In part payment A written guarantee from the oldest largest and most success ful manufacturers of Talking Ma chines In the entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co., GenI. Among Salt Lakes solid business men who pursue the even tenor of their way without fuss or feathers may very properly be classed the firm of Fowler & Smith, 139 W. First South street. By close attention to business and honorable dealing, they have built up p good and dependable trade In the harness and saddle line. They employ M. R. 2 Columbia ComName six or seven first class workmen, and pany, General 327-- 2 Phonograph S. Main 8L. Salt Lake make a specialty of hand-seweCity, Utah. harPlease send me your Free Trial and Street and No. ness, showing now on their racks Easy Payment Offer with illustrated some sixteen varieties ranging from State City the light buggy harness to the heaviest dray. They keep In stock a full line of mining horse goods for which there will be an Increased demand as soon as the weather opens up. Visitors from are always welcome to their shop, and buyers will find their word as good as a bond. Practically applied In the treatment Read their adv. In another column. and cure of all diseases and correction of bad habits by Prof. Geo. HamALONZO F. BARDWELL, E. M. den and Wife, Graduates of the Welt mer School of Magnetic Healing, at Mr. A. F. Bardwell has taken the Nevada, Missouri, the largest Instiof management Betties, Mathez ft tution of its kind In the world. Every Co.s assay and chemical laboratory known disease cured without drugs or of Salt Lake. Mr. Bardwell has been Rheumatism the use of the knife. In the assay business in Alspen, Colo., relieved as if by Magic. Female disfor over twenty years, and comes to eases POSITIVELY cured. Appendour state well recommended. Utah icitis and all kindred diseases cured will be the gainer by Aspens loss, from one to ten days. Asthma and In and we are always glad to get such Bronchial troubles yield ' quickly all men to come here. to our treatment can positively be healIN THE INTEREST Every known disease that Is cureable OF GOOD methods. our ed by ROADS. DONT BE A SKEPTIC, But Investigate, The U. S. Office of Public Roads and then you wont say Im from Missouri, for we are here to will supply this paper with practical show you. The Weltmer School can show a larger percentage articles on various features of road In the of and permanet cures than any other institution of healing building maintenance, which will world. Come and see us. Consultation free. be published from time to time. Our GEORGE HARNDEN AND WIFE, , subscribers are urged to give this Board of Trade, Room 35. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. matter careful consideration, and ere requested to forward to this office for transmission to the Office fo d ........ n a Neatly Furnished Rooms. ? 4 MRS. MARY MARRIOTT, Ogden, Utah. Bargains in Reed Estate. dual character somewhat similar to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and you all know that In such characters Mr. Lorch Is without an equal In America today. The third week, commencing March 22nd, King of the Opium Ring, one of the best of Blaney plays, will be the bill, a complete production has been built for it, and we can promise our patrons the best show of the season so far. It will be one of our bigand several new gest productions, people will be In the cast besides the regular company. Mr. Lorch plays a character quite different from any' In whleh you have seen him, but It Is he leading part, the suave, scheming, "deliberate, calculating high caste Chinaman, who has been educated In this country, but who retains all the cunning of the yellow race. We predict a tremendous hit for King of the Opium Ring, because It will be so well played; the members of the company will be at their best, and the story is so Intensely dramatic that It holds the attention of the audience from start to finish. There are enough splendid situations for several plays; In fact, it Is full of color, life, vividand laughness, pathos, heart-throb- s ter. It Is simply a great melo-dramIs King of the Opium Ring, pnd you'll Bay so too after youve seen it. 9 f THE CRESCENT, f well-know- n Great Attractions Coming' to Salt LaKe Very Soon. At The (Tabernacle. nun Magnetic Healing Now Revealed. FREE What beauty Is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity for every woman to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recipe for obtaining a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood nd simple to follow and it will gave you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It alone Is worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of lat-s- t deelgn. We st'' you this ring as one small roflt abo.o manufacturing cosL The price is lesB than one-hawhat others charge. The recipe is free with evlf ery ring. It is a genuine rose eut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed, very dainty, shaped he a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 14KL gold shell, at your local Jeweler It would cost considerable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful complexion recipe free when your order Is received for ring and $2.00 In money order, stamps or bills. Get your order In before our supply Is exhausted. Tbis offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertising and Introducing our goods. Send today before this opportunity b forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY, 2 East 23rd Street, New York City. |