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Show GREAT CHANGE IN BELL TELE PHONE POLICY. OPPORTUNITY tl ,X NO GREEK FOR HER. The most important change in the the time for you to secure policy of the Bell Telephone .company for thirty years has just been ana Business Training in the Best nounced. School in the West. The report that the Western Elec.7 New quarters, experienced faculty, tric company, the concern that manufactures the apparatus used by Bell 17 001111 rooms, odious, companies, would hereafter sell teleand supplies to all buyers. Is courses, individual instruction. phones confirmed by the president, Theodore Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Shorthand N. Vail, of the American Telephone & Telegraph company, and President - and Typewriting, and English. Vail explained that the Idea had been Enroll now. Write for terms, etc. under consideration for a long time, but that heretofore one difficulty had Address UTAH BUSINESS COL- been that the Western Electric comLEGE, Jennings Block, Salt Bake City. pany needed more plant, Its full energies being required by the Bell companies alone. This obstacle to doing a general business has been overof come by the recent completion very large additions to the Chicago factory of the Western Electric company, and hence it is now in a position to take care of outside orders. In reply to a question as to the probable effect of this action on the reve& nue of the American Telephone NOW la Bum--S- 3 well-lighte- d O tsjaJ H KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR. r Pianos. ChicKering 3 Davenport $ Tracy, Haddorff, Clarendon Bishop. Have led the way for over eighty years in piano forte construction, and are today the unhesitating choice of the musician. Checkering UprightJPianos, $550.00ft Chickering Quarter Grand, $750.00. We Sold on easy monthly payments. also have a line line of other first-clas- s Pianos and Player Pianos, including well known makes as the the above: Always Bargains in bo-cal- Pianos. Second-Han- d Utah-Idah-o COMPANY, 270 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, Telephones 699. WITH It us figure with you on Installing a Range "Water Heater and some Gas Heaters in your home. There is no greater house convenience at so reasonble a cost. We do all the plpln g at cost, and install the appliances at cost. Call 4321, either phone, and ask to have our representative call. Main St., Salt Lake City, UTAH GAS 4, COKE CO. 61-0- 5 I''' ,KyKIWKWKnKKKKnr.w.KKKKKWryKKWK'itKtKBtKKKKr V'tofcfcfeMfcMttetoMV Ifltaint 4 PLACE YOUR I titnititititMatitiiititKttitr.it We Are Here. Those .. Hearf-- Formerly Alexander Optical Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Dizzy Eye Strain 31 A I , o American Chameleon. chameleon, a small lnhaHs various parts of the southern United States. The little animal has the remarkable habit of quickly and completely changing Its colors, varying from brown to yelof business. low and pale green. Its food consists of insects. The little animal is perBITS OF INFORMATION, fectly harmless to higher forms of On the death of a blacksmith named life, is often kept as a pet, and has Moehle, of Belleville, Illinois, a tomb- been worn attached to a chain as an stone was erected to his memory in the ornament. The toes are provided very appropriate form of a model an- wdth adhesl . pads, which enable the vil. Moehle was a village blacksmith, lizard to run upon smooth, vertical and for over thirtv years he had toiled surfaces. St. Nicholas. at the same anvil, which had been given him by the old blacksmith to whom he was apprenticed at Pilot Growth of California. Knob. He became greatly attached to A few years ago some of the secthe old anvil, and many times ex- tions now comprising the most pressed a wish that he should not be wealthy districts of California were In separated from it in death, but that sage brush. The farmers had no mar it should be his monument. In accordance with his wish the old anvil kets for t(eir products. Fruits were was coated with enamel topped with shipped out in carload lots, and those a large horseshoe, and set in a base who could see no future in the indue Now of solid grante. The old tombstone try predicted overproduction. the shipments are made in trainloads is one of the sights of the cemetery. and the demand is greater than ever. For the mooring of the gigantic Lusitania in the Mersey, where the tidSPEAK OF IT, al currents run at six or even seven We would call the attention of our knots an hour, a huge buov readers to a little thing; something has been anchored between Tranmere that will not hurt them and will help and Rock Ferry, on the Cheshire side us. Whenever you answer an adverof the river, near the school-shiCon- tisement in this paper, will you menway. The buoy is held bv four enor- tion the fact? Kindly tell the advermous chain cables, made of links with tiser where you saw the advertises inetal three and inches ment. It will help him, help us and in diameter, having an aggregate will not hurt you. weight of about 200 tons. The four anchors between them weigh thirty-siAny intelligent person may earn for tons The cables have twice the a good income corresponding strength of those used for mooring the newspapers: experience unnecessary. largest warship of the British navy, the Send for particulars. Empire Press Dreadnaught. Syndicate, Middleport, N. Y. Ame-ea- n S Waist Coat, Suit HOUSE; B I G Special Sale 6oats, $6.50, 18.00 and $10.95. All this seasons. styles and materials, representing the plain colors in Black, Brown, Tan, also the pretty new Novelty Mixtures. We are showing a beautiful line of Childrens Silk Crushed Velvet Coats, sizes from 1 to years, Colors Rose, Brown, Blue 6 and Green, a regular $5.00 Coat, Special at $3.25.. ? KNAPTON, CURTIS $ HANGER CO. Wall-Pap- Paints, Etc. er, Painting, Graining, Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. , 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Paper-Hangin- g, low-pric- ed . Piles Removed WITHOUT KNIFE. f 0 8 8 Doctor Johnson, Specialist for Rectal Diseases S 261 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. Visit Our Stores in Salt Lake City. We NEW and Carry a Complete Line of SECOND-HAN- - D HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS In STORES. SEPARATE Before Buying Elsewhere. Mail Orders SolicitFigure With ed. Goods Promptly and Carefully Packed for Shipping. NEW STORE, 254-25- 6 South State Street. SECOND-HANSTORE, 242 South State Street. Us Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Old Stove. LocKsley Hall. OWNED BY Mrs. E. DINNEER Hunnecutt. F0R buswesItToclock. 432 South Main Street, Salt LaKe City. If you want to talk with every town ir Utah. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have AGENTS 8 8 8 1900 WASHING MACHIN ES STEEL SAFES. A. H. Crow, Successor to Crow Brothers', S DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Robes, Du- Otherwise you sters, Horse Sheets. Etc. IndBdt Phor nicelythefurnished rooms By Day or Week. - coSctt INSIDE. " Telephones haffc this OVTSfDE. 8 Western Furniture Company. MANUFACTURER ' 18 k f x Both Phones 4444. 18 k " . D Sounds Big, but its True Pure Gold Rings hat MILLINERY1, d Co. stnatKtnnnnnniMtnnnnrtnnr.atnurfewrr?rwrtrittr.nnnnrr the BELL. CANT! k Spells Co. Aloxander-Dibbl- e 1304 Happiness Tfcri Cunca m Result e? Making Others Happy. When you rise in the morning form a resolution to make the day a happy one to a fellow creatare, says Sydney Smith. It is easily .done a left-of- f garment to the man who needs it, & kind word to the sorrowful, an encouraging expression to the striving Trifles in themselves as light as air will do it, at least foi the twenty-fou- r hours, and if you are young, depend upon it, it will tell when you are old, and if you are old it will send you gently and happily down the stream of time to eternity. By the most simple arithmetical sum look at the result you send one person, only on happily through the day; that is 365 during the. course of the year. And suppose you live only forty years after you commence that kind of medicine; you have made 14,600 beings happy, at all events for a time. Now, is not this simple? It is too short for a sermon, too homely for ethics, too easily accomplished for you to say, I would If 1 could. The lizard, Salt Lates Great A DAY. three-quarter- That j? ONE KIND ACTION m p Stop Those aches. I a Instruments and apparatus. In answer to the question, as to whether it was intended that the Western Electric company should become an aggressive competitor of the independent manufacturers, who up to this time have had a monopoly ol the selling trade, the only reply was that the Bell Interests were fully prepared, either from the manufacturing or operating Bide of the business, to meet all the needs of the public, and that they wish to demonstrate that they claimed or asked no advantages other than their ability to meet those needs under square competitive conditions of quality and price. There would he no trade war, but any manufacturers who have been getting higher prices for Inferior goods un der the old monopoly of the selling trade would naturally suffer the loss pear-shane- EYES IN OUR HANDS. "Zf "Mi. Vail said Telegraph tompany that no considerable direct increase was anticipated, but that a great indirect advantage was looked for from improved relations between the public and all of the associated Bell companies, because there has been an entirely erroneous idea more or less prevalent that the charges of these companies ior their services , were based on a monopoly of telephone Instruments, while the fact is that the Instrument is but a small part of the plant required in giving telephone service. It is felt that this action may cause it to be more clearly understood by the public that the Bell companies only claim for patronage la based on their ability to furnish the best service at reasonable prices and not on any instrument monopoly. Mr. Vail explained that at the present time many inefficient telephone instruments are in use on local and private lines, and that the Bell companies desire to see these replaced by standard Instruments In order that they may make traffic connections with the greatest possible number ot equipped properly lines, assuring proper service and transmission. For example, there are thousands of farmer Hues which vU fur nlah valuable feeders for the toll lines of the larger system when properly equipped and maintained. This situation can now be provided for through the sale outright of Bell Fearing that the infatuation of Miss Hannah S. Raymond, maiden lady, aged 56 years, worth a half million in her own right, a descendant of an aristocratic Beacon street family of Boston. for a Greek fruit peddler might lead to a marriage between the two, Hannah Osgood, her aunt and guardian, has filed a bill In equity in Newbury port. Mass., to prevent such a culmination. The romance started when the woman met William De Morris as he came to her back door to sell fruit from his push cart Miss Osgood applied to the supreme court to prevent a marriage between her ward and De Morris, alleging that Miss Raymond was incapable of managing her own affairs and asking tht she be restrained from taking De Morris as her husband. All Newbury-poi- t has been watching for months the romance which culminated in the Miss Raymond court proceeding. came from Boston some years ago and lived with her mother in seclusion in the brick mansion at 105 State street, in the fashionable residential section of the city. Miss Raymond has been regarded ns eccentric, but until the death of her mother recently and her evident of the preference for the society Greek fruit dealer it had not been thought that she was of a romantic turn of mind. William De Morris and his two brothers came to Newburyport from Greece about a half dozen years ago. He was unable to speak English and started in this city as a push cart peddler. During his travels through the richer portion of the city Miss Raymond became a steady patron. William De Morris became friendly with Miss Raymond and of late he has been a steady caller at the home. - Ovs LcJjOu' jewelry Siore, 2 Soutn SALT LAKE CITY. ham Su, Good material, Good worK, Just prices. 35 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. |