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Show UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PRAISES MANY WAYS OF SERVING CIOUS FRUIT. DELI- Filled with Nuts They Make a Dainty Dessert Baked and Served with Meat Apple Croquettes Something New. ' Dyspepsia Is Often Caused By Catarrh of the Stomach Peruna Relieves Catarrh of the Stomach and Is Therefore a Remedy for Dyspepsia. Hon. M. C. liutler, U. S. Senator from South Carolina for two terms, in a letter from Washington, IX C. , writes to the Peruna Medicine Co., ' as follows: " can recommend Peruna for dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I have been using your medicine for a short period and I feel very much relieved. It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine , besides a good tonic. '"'ATARRII of the stomach is the cor rect name for most cases of dyspepsia. Only an internal tatarrh remedy, such as Feruna, is available. Peruna Tablets can now be procured. The Necessary Evil, "I have a friend who says he doesnt eat much through the day, remarked the woman, but every now and then he takes a little nip to comfort himself, I suppose, for not eating. He says its very good for a man who Is on the shady side of 50 to take little nips of - something strengthening ' through the day. You tell him frum me, said the Kentucky colonel, that when ge gits to be on the shady side of the sixties, itll ben ot only good fuh him, but it will be absolutely necessary to his existence. Grammar and Grippe. A professor at the University of Virginia was endeavoring to impress upon the youths of his class the monstrous crime of using the adverb badly where the adjective "bad should be used. Now, he said, after an exhaustive if a man should say to explanation, you I feel badly, what would you think? Id think he had the grippe, sir, responded the wag of the class. Baked Apples. A baked apple the most easily digested of any aj oX serving apples, but there are baked apples and baked apples. For variety's sake, try peeling them before baking. Peel and .core the apples carefully, fill the hollows with sugar and any spice preferred, lay in an enameled baking pan, pouring just enough water to cover the bottom, then bake in a moderate oven until tender and delicately crisped on the surface. Sometimes a bit of butter is placed on top of each apple before putting In the oven. Meantime take the cores and peelings, cover with water and stew gently for an hour. Strain, sweeten slightly, add a little nutmeg, cinnamon or kmion, and pour over the apples, cool in the pan in which the apples are baked, then serve cold with cream. Apples should never be baked in tin, which' darkens both apples and juice. Fillings for Baked Apples. As a variety is the spice of life, even in baked apples, here are a few good fillings that may be used from time to time. Nuts are specially nice for this. Any kind may be used, but pecans, black walnut's, hickory nuts or butternuts are perhaps best. FoV a dozen large apples, a cup and a half of the meats will be required. Chop fine and mix with sugar, allowing a dessertspoonful for each apple. Fill the cavities and bake in the usual way. A half banana sprinkled with sugar and lemon juice makes a good filling for an apple. Figs and dates steamed, chopped and rolled in sugar, chopped nuts with strips of lemon or orange peel, or honey and butter are all appropriate and usually approved. Baked Apples to Serve with Meat. Wash and core tart apples, then fill with equal parts crurubs and mushrooms. Season with catsup or fine herbs as preferred. Put a bit of butter on top of each apple, add a little water to the baking pan and bake until tender. Fried Apples. These are also excellent served with any form of pork. Select large, firm apples rather tart and wash without paring. Core, cut in slices half an inch thick, then brown in pork fat or butter, turning with a pancake turner, so as not to break. They should be tender but not broken. If preferred, a trifle sweet, sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over the uncooked side just before turning. Fried Apples are especially nice with fried pork or sausage. Apple Croquettes. Put over the five in a saucepan one cup stale bread crumbs and a half cup milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until smooth, then add one large apple chopped fine, and a dozen almonds, ground, the yolks of two eggs beaten with a tablespoonful lemon juice and the grated yellow rind of half a lemon. Cook until thickened, then turn out on a platter to cool. When quite cool form into croquettes; roll in 'fine crumbs and fry in smoking hot fat. Serve with caramel sauce, maple sugar or powdered sugar. EASILY MIXED RECIPE FOR NEYS AND BLADDER. KID- How to Prepare This Mixture to Cure the Kidneys and 'Bladder and Rheumatism. Tells Readers Home-Mad- e Get from any prescription cist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, pharmaone-hal- f ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an eminent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, as the finest prescription ever written to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urinary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may no't feel Inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial. It certainly comes highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. HIS MEMORY WAS GOOD. Commodore Vanderbilt Had Not For gotten Old Days. The coming of age of Miss Gladys Vanderbilt and the payment to her of some twelve millions of dollars Inheritance has brought out a new crop of foranecdotes about the Vanderbilt One of the latest illustrates tune. the democratic spirit of the old commodore. Sitting on the porch of a fashionable hotel at a fashionable resort on one occasion, it is related, the commodore saw' a lady aproaching His with whom he was acquainted. wife and daughter, who recognized her, could scarcely contain their anger when he arose and politely addressed her. . Don't you know, said the daughter after she had gone, that horrid woman used to sell poultry to us? Yes, responded the old millionaire, and I remember when your mother sold root beer and I peddled oysters in New Jersey. ON A MACKEREL SCHOONER. Daily Routine in the Life of the cester Fishermen. Glou- 30C3(t 3 Beecher Scored Point. one-hal- k Mica Axle Grease lengthens the life of the wagon saves horse power, time and temper. Best lubricant in the world contains powdered mica which , forms a smooth, ard coating on axle, and educes friction. ' If yon want your outfit o last and earn money rhile it lasts grease he axles with Mica ule Grease. TANDARO OIL COMPART MADE FOR SERVICE and guaranteed absolutely WATERPROOF iflMMl hsestsP OILED SUITS. SLICKERS AND HATS Every garment guaranteed Clean Light - Durable Suits 392 Slickers 32? jots trttsr Metres rrrereyeet tsutos na roe nrurM A j TMfll CO VIS Hnndrvl Dollar Reward for any that cannot be cured bj Haii T. J. CHRSKY CO., Toledo, O. We, the ondemlifned, have known Y. J. Cbeitey 15 for the last year, and believe him perfeotl j hontransaction and financially orable in ail tuisiuo able to carry out au obllaailoua made by hla Arm. Walpiko. Kinra A Marviw. Wholesale DnufiKU, Toledo. O. Hal!a Catarrh Cure takeu tmeruaUy, acting blood and tnucou surface of the the directly upon system. Testimonial arm free, Prtc 5 ceuU pet bottle. Hold by all hruKK'ats. lake Hall's Family PUU fur constipation. Beecher entered Plymouth church one Sunday and found several letters awaiting him. He opened one and found It contained the single word Fool. Quietly and with becoming seriousness he announced to the conI gregation the fact in these words: have known many an instance of a man writing a letter and forgetting to sign his name, but this is the only instance I have ever known of a man signing his name and forgetting to write the letter. B. Frank Doremus, veteian, of Roosevelt avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., I had been says: showing symptoms of kidney trouble from the time I was mustered out of the army, Keep thy heart, and then it will be hut in all my life I easy for thee to keep thy tongue. never suffered as In Leighton. ' 1S97. Headaches, dizziness and sleeplessness, first, and then Conceit. dropsy. I was weak man and helpless, having There goes the rosilh fly cured by run down from ISO to 125 pounds. 1 in town! pessimistically said a citithe&e Little Pills. was having terrible pain In the kid- zen of Pettyville, indicating with a conThey aino relieve Dl neys. and the secretions passed almost temptuous jerk of his thumb a tress from Dyspepsia, In unwas who left -appearing swelled Involuntarily. My leg d tfestlon a ml Too Hearty personage til it was 34 inches around, and the passing. He thinks so darned much Haling. A perfect remedy for I)izsineaa, Naudoctor tapped it night and morning of himself that he wont loaf in a grosea, Drowsiness, Bad until I could no longer stand it, and cery store like ordinary folks if he Tunte In the Mouth, Coatthen he advised amputation. I reed Tongue. Pain in the can't loaf lu the bank he wont loaf Hide, TORPID LIVER. fused, and began using Doan's Kidney at all. And, as far a3 I can see, he Pills. The swelling subsided gradu- alnt' so better than some ot They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Puck. ally, the urine became natural, and all the rest of us, neither! I my pains and aches disappeared. Genuine Must Bear have been well now for nine years Gathering Ostrich Feathers. Ostrich feathers can be taken every since using Doans Kidney Pills. Signature For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a eight months. The plumes are not, are cut box. Foster-MIlburCo.. Buffalo, N. Y. as some suppose, pulled, but with a sharp kuife. The stumps withREFUSE SUBSTITUTES. er and fall out. COINED A BIG WORD. SICK HEADACHE pompous- i all-fire- Fac-Simi- le n Little One Wanted to Pick the Flowers. 4UL When the first little granddaughter was big enough to want to pick the garden flowers, the grandparents tried every guileful means to save their pet posies from devastation. A truce was reached when It was agreed that Harriet should let the garden plants alone and pick only childrens flowers, a descriptive name bestowed at once on alike dandelions, buttercups, daisies and clovers. After this there was peace la the family. One day Katherine, the newest granddaughter, was contentedly pulling grasses while grandmother snipped off blossoms from the Katherine remembered that fresh flowers had not been gathered for the dinner table. She ran over to grandmother and promptly coined one of the longest words a ever used. Grandmother, she begged, cant I flowers pick the underchildrenable for dinner? OUCH OH, MY BACK IT IS WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY THE PAIN AND STIFFNESS CO WHEN YOU USB OIL S-JACOBS OLD-TIMTHIS WELL-TRIED- , REMEDY FILLS THE BILL 25c. ALL DRUGGISTS. 60a. CONQUERS PAIN forget-me-not- tnr four-year-ol- SLEEP BROKEN BY ITCHING. Eczema Covered Whole Body for a Year No Relief Until Cuticura Remedies Prove a Success, , For a year I have had what they call eczema. I had an Itching all over my body, and when I would retire for tlje night it would keep me awake half the night, and the more I would scratch, the more it would Itch. I tried all klpds of remedies, but could get no relief. I used one cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Cuticura, and two vials of Cuticura Resolvent Pills, which cost me a dollar and twenty-fivcents In all, and am very glad I tried them, for I was completely cured. Walter W. Paglusch, 207 N. Robey St., Chicago, 111., Oct. 8- and 16, 1906. - Drink More Water. (There are so many soothing and hygienic elements in water,, just clear water, either hot or cold, that, generally speaking, the whole human race would 'be better for more varied, if not necessarily copious, use of It. Few persons drink enough water between meals. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CABTORIA, a aafe and sure remedy for Infant and children, and see that it BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT t Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $L , Bears the Signature of la Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought, The whole duty of man is embraced in the two principles of abstinence and patience. Seneca. Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc. Lowest prices. Write for free catalogNo.l N. V. Hide & Fur Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. What deep wounds ever cloBe without a scar? French. , Sold by all Druggists. W. L. DOUGLAS & $3.50 SHOES THEWORLD $3.00 OF ltgg8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER one-hal- GuaraJ Hows This? Justin McCarthy tells a story of the W Offer On of i'atarrh late Henry Ward Beecher. Mr. en Catarrh Cure. e The routine life on a mackerel Bchoones is not strenuous. The crew consists of 14 men, a skipper and cook. Two men constitute a watch; one aloft as a lookout, the other at the wheel, so that each man has two hours on duty, and then 12 hours off, before his turn comes around again. During this period he may be called on to shorten sail, wash the deck or to perform other work. Half of the Indian Relish. crew have their bunks forward with Peel and chop one white cabbage the cook, who is king of the forecasand six white onions and arrange in tle, and the rest sleep aft With the layers in stone jar, covering each lay- captain. We were assigned to a er with salt. Stand for 24 hours, then double bunk aft, where we were not rinse in cold water and drain in "co- troubled with galley smells, but had lander. Bring a pint of vinegar to the to be on our good behavior. All the f boiling point, with pound of rollcs and revels were forward. The f brown sugar, teaspoon ot crew ate In two shifts, the older men alum, a heaping teaspoon each of with the skipper. Travel Magazine. turmeric, mace, black pepper, allspice A Ventilation Test. and ground cinnamon and two teais It hard to make an .Impresvery each of and mustard spoons celery seed. Stir this spiced vinegar into sion on those people who defend their cabbage and onion mixture, set aside possessions on all occasions. A lady over night. In the morning drain off was explaining to a visitor the many the vinegar, beat to boiling point advantages of concrete hollow-blocagain and pour it over the pickle. Do construction, of which the walls of this again on the next day, then set her new home were built. The air spaces In the walls afford aside over night. Now turn the vegetables an vinegar into a kettle, boil insulation against heat in summer and Behard for five minutes. Then set aside cold In winter, she explained. sides, such walls afford ventilation until cold and pack in jars. and insure a more healthful house. The visitor reflected a moment, and Fried Corn. Cut the corn carefully from six ears replied: Our frame house must be quite as of nice sweet corn Do not score, and be careful not to cut any of the cob well built. Every night we lock the with the corn, but have each grain cat in the cellar, and have to let her separate. Put one tablespoonful of out of the attic In the morning. butter in a frying pan; put in the corn Youths Companion.' and fry nutil a nice brown, stirring TRANSFORMATIONS. often. Draw the pan away from the half add of a. cupful hot cream Curious Results When Coffee hot fire, Drinking and salt and pepper to taste. Serve is Abandoned. at once in a hot dish. Nice for breakfast or lunch. It Is almost as hard for an old coffee to quit the use of coffee as it Is toper Window Curtains. Buying for a whisky or tobacco fiend to break Vvhen buying window curtains aloff, except that the coffee user can ways allow sufficient for a deep hem quit coffee and take up Postum withboth top and bottom, one wide enough out any feeling of a loss of the mornto take the lath. On the top hem sew for when Postum i3 well beverage, ing a strip of tape, through .which to put and served with cream, it is boilej the nails or clips which secure the in point of flavor than blind to the roller. When soiled at the really better most of the coffee served nowadays, bottom blinds made in this way can and to the taste of the connoisseur it easily be turned upside down and need is like the flavor of fine, mild lava. to go to the cleaners not nearly so A great transformation takes place often as if made In the ordinary way. in the body within ten days or two weeks after coffee Is left off and Saving the Boiler. When the boiler is dried and ready Postum used, for the reason that the to the nerves caffeine has to put away after the week's wash, set poison been and In its place is discontinued, It on the stove, and while hot rub it all food- - that contains the a taken liquid over the Inside and around the seams most powerful elements of nourishwith laundry soap. It prevents rusting, and the, boiler will keep new and last ment. is to make this test and It easy very much longer. All the soap is not lost either, as it Is dissolved in the wa- prove these statements by changing from coffee to Postum. Read The ter for the next weeks wash. to Wellviile, in pkgs. Road Theres Harper's Bazar. a Reason. . GKGfc EXPERIENCE. How a Veteran Waa Saved the Amputation of a Limb. PE-RU-N- A. M. C. Butler. A' TERRIBLE APPLE IN COOKING SAID TO BE SIMPLE THE FAMILY. AT ALL ( than ' PRICES. con prore W.L mako A moM $3.50 mhoom any other manufacturer. THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people In all walks of life than any other make, is because ot their and ti(erinr wearing qualities. excellent style, The selection of the leathers and other materials tor each part of the shoe, and erery detail of the making is looked after by the most completeorganisation of superintendents, foretnenand killed shoemakers, a bo receive the highest wanes paid in the shoe industry, and whose workmaiiHlnp cannot be excelled. If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their bae, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. $4 .OO and $5.00 Oiit Edoo Shoom cannot bo equmttod at any ppfem. My CAUTION 'J he genuine have W.L. Douglas name and price stamped on bottom. Take No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. L. imugla shoes. If be cannot supply you, send direct to factory. Shoes seut everywhere by mail Catalog free. W.L.Douglas, Brockton, Mass easy-tittin- ! To eonvinee any woman that Fax. tin AntWptle Womanhood The greatest menace to womans permanent happiness in life is the Buffering that comes from some derangement of the feminine organs. Many thousands of women have realized this too late to save their health, barely in time to save their lives. To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her energies are flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, she has backache, head- sensations, nerache, bearing-dow- n vousness, irregularities or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound the great womans remedy for womans ills, made only of roots and herbs. It cures Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and all Organic Diseases, and is invaluable in the Change of Life. It dissolves and Expels Tumors at an early stage. Subdues Faintness. Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the wjiole female svsem. It is an excellent remedy for derangements of the ' , Kidneys in either sex. will improve her and do all we claim f o r 1 . We will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Famine with book of in Ur notions and genuine testimonials, bend your name aud address on a postal card. 1 cleanses and heals mucous m e m brane af fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic catarrh and Inflammation caused by feminine Ills; sole eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment Its curative power over these troubles Is extraordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and recommending It every day. eo cents at ruggi st s or hy mail. Remember, however, IT COSTS YOIT NOTHIN! TOTKY1T. Til El K, FAXTON CO,, lto.tou, JU.au. 1 Return Pain Paint ibis-wit- 0 one-ce- itimpe and I will mill you Dollar of Wolcotts Palo. powPilot tiers with full directions to make sixty bottles. Pain Paint stops pain Instantly; remove Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, in one minute; cools foster than-Iceburns will not blister, A spoonful taken four Hold 40 veers by a (rente times a day kills PYFpepeia. Jt. WUUOTT, W.I..U Bolfdus, Saw I.ri. I S30 AN HOUR Hu Been-Take- In With Our MERRY GO ROUNDS- - We also manufacture Kazzle Dazzles. Strikers, etc. HKLL-h- Pl HKRi-LLMAN CO., eneral Amusement Outfitters. Dept. M. North Tunowanda, N. Y. 0 CHANCE STARCH W. N. twcbM elothM U, Salt Lake City, No. alc.h 41, 1907. |