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Show SEEK TREASURE OF LAFITTE. We Cure Men For Its Hiding Place Has Been Pointed Out in Dreams of Ghosts. No Pay Unless Cured Consultation Free. ' WE ARE THE Leading Specialists Not only In Salt Lake City, but in the whole Paclflo West. The reaulta of our are bringing to our of Jrofesaional work every state and Territory in the West. We use the mlscroscope to make our diagnosis. If you want a permanent cure, consult us. We oure all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases, Nervous Decline Plies Fistula. Kidney. Bladder and all Urinary Diseases due to Weakness and the result of epectfio diseases, and all Private Diseases of Men. OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING is superior to any In this country, and our cures are the result of these methods. We never fall to effect a oure In any case we take. If you suffer from neglect, from want of money or from unskilled praotlce here Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with years of ripe experience In treaUng complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. It will cost to talk to us, and may be the means of restoring you to health and nothing happiness T Our offices are not call You dootor! see today very Why only the Our fee being so low. It enables many privata who are afflicted to procure the highest scientific medical assistance Terms mads to suit If necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment treasure. After getting to the depth of four or five feet he found nothing of any moment except a very unusual stoue in this part of the world, where nothing of Its kind was ever seen here. Had he kept on possibly the treasure might have been found and the restless spirit of Lafitte, wherever It may be, might have been released from this burden of secrecy, a burden from which, seemingly, he wished tc be relieved, as another visit has been made in the same house, and this time in a dream Lafitte appears in the pres ence of a lady, urging her to get the lost jewels, gold and silver. After ail these years Dr. Beazly has at last consented to have some one else who believes in the undertaking oin him to find the treasures, and they .have made arrangements satis factory to all parties concerned and now, In a short time, Mr. McKay, a banker at La Porte, being the associ ate mentioned, will begin operations to find the treasures stowed deep down under the old house. Hoars: Um.ltlp.rn.; evenings, SALT LAKE t to I:; Sundays. MEDICAL a. m. to IS noon. INSTITUTE, 159Va 8. MAIN ST., SAIT LAKE CITY, UTAH. oferaSa None Such Now. Pierpont Morgans superb collec-tionin his London town house," sale a New York decorator, were opened to a few of us during our summer con vention at the South Kensington Mu seum. Among Mr. Morgan's treasures an old book that I liked foi there Its quaintness. This book, which was splendidly bound, was Hoptouns Con cordance of Years. It was a chronol ogy of remarkable events and I copiec a few of these events down. We havs none such now. Listen. The decorator then read: 1116. The moon seemed turned into . t bloode. 1128. Men wore haire like women. x 1233. Four sunnes appeared, beside a true sunne, of a red coioure. X 1631. Fiends were seen speake uatc X X men as they traveled. X 1401. A red birde with a girls head X X seen thrice In London. X 1477. A blazing star on Palm SunX X near the sun. day X s s " if MC "" X X X X From Prehistoric Days. The burial place of an adult, prob X ably of the Stone Age, was excavated 3 in the Island of Tlree, one of the Hebrides. The body had been placed in the smallest possible compass on Its right side, with knees drawn up to X the chin, but rather breast downwards. A K The relics around and upon the skele ts ton are In harmony with the theory, u ft deducible from the position In which B the body had been placed, that the B THROUGH ft burial belongs to a very early period. B bones and the Si B The condition of the B relics Is so good that they could be readily set up In a museum In the Discoveries have THROUGH original position. made recently In the Island been also S PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. of Coll. An Important find was that ft TO DENVER. flint of a set of 30 small, finely-madAND 5 ST. LOUIS For Folders, , Booklets, Etc., Address Bronze the of probably implements, U CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D.f age. The objects include one of the b; flint arrow Salt Lake City. most beautifully-mad- e common more in Ire a of type points, HlSkkkililkkk ,.4VjI'4A444444 444,;'iCJ land than Scotland. f s J CATARRH !, sad Q sorabla akraada dlaeaaas Kldnsya, ef tVe Bladder Chorea, Rheumatism, soeela, Oeaorrhoea, CONSULTATION FREE Dra. Choree' Xya Department tor ' proper ittlaf of (laseea ( anaraaliad. IT yoare Handing. Coasnltatloa sad A Special Department for Men. and Dra. Shore have a SpaaUI Department aaataatyriy tor the trastmaat hy Iruwaaa, t aU Privata Dlaaaaaa of Men,Ud whether aatrar hr bad aamnaatoar-Hulddla-M- ad ineto. Young men trha have hen men wba old lndthe Jtaxual to hava gona -vigy end dl havs eon treated dleeaeea the vlettma af BloedPolsoa ara aerdt afiy la riled aouneal and aid af axpartanaad and Madly at deDsrtMsnt kbA 1m kdvlMt 7Bfl 0 OnAHQHg KITHODS tu MODRRM enre U tha aura under DBS. SHORXa' Dleeesem, that you amy arrange to pay tha to. 7 JAT WRAM CUMD. laetallmanta, aa tha sura pro greases. Dont advortlas Twtoa DR3. SHORES timaa aaman ton elnrle allmant" and then aharga you mad aim.. mw oontagloa. man wh. whe to son atilt all Frleato trt Al mmIs 53X5? tha amouut Faka Dra. Bhorw laav. that to tha tad. to. pays Dra. Shoraa guaraatsa that Inatltntaa." eeao-oa- d that treat If your they for ALL your ailments ba tha fas for a CURB win ba eheapee than yaaenra mar Dra. Shoraa alas furnlU aurad tor eleewhere. Medlelaea tor bold no Is there .up sad Faklra laaan tain. FREE after you bars arranged tha fas. Quaoks to such trioks to rob the unwary but Legitimate abhor and denounce them. Beware of any fakir who hides behind a fak Kett-aa- l baoauea ha dare net advertise aniea hia Inatituta own name. Thar mnet be a reason tor lh Write for Free Symptom Ida! Homo Treatment Cures. ' If you cannot ealL Consultation free. m. to p. m. Eveataga, V to 6 Eaadaya and keUdaya 10 a. HOURS: OFFICE dfrtid . Spa-alalie- Drs. Shores & Shares, Eipert Speciallsti, 249 SaiyciuuB C. Cutler, Jr., INVESTMENT BANKER. Eelabliehed 1893, BONDS. SUGAR STOCKS. BANK STOCKS. And Other-Hig- Grade Investments Bought H Sold. Beth 36 Mala St Fhonee 127. J Salt Lake City, THE CURIOUS -- D Curious Compound Capsules combine the virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K Santal Pepsin, and ee for $1.25 a box. Mall ordera promptly attended te. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, 338 Main 8t Salt Lake City. None Qenulne without the trade mark the Gurloue D. Say to the Agent WHEN YOU GO EAST I went to go ns far ae possible via tho TRANCE MEDIUM, J DAILY READING TEST MEETINGS Sunday and Thurs days at 8 Oclock. Admission 10 Lents. 267 S. W. Temple St., W. C. Clements. 830 Palm Ave. SC. C. Clements. 3 1056 4th St I CLEMENTS BROTHERS. Utah Lake City . Phone Bell 1289 nz. PAPER HANGERS f PAINTERS, AND DECORATORS. Mureeco Tinting, Calcamlnlng, Wall Paper Cleaning. The argument is this; A SHORT ROUTE; GOOD ROAD BED; That la EXCELLENT SERVICE; COURTEOUS TREATMENT. For information and ratea ate any everything in traveling, 9 Oregon Short Line Agent or address crSalt D. E. BURLEY, G. P. A. D. S. SPENCER., Salt Lake City A. G. P. A. SSXiX(SXRXSXSsX2Xsye)C5XS7SXsX5SX5xSXsXs) ! We Will Meve On or About October First from Our Present Location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt LaKe City. A V t til We do a General Banking, Savings Bank Trust Business. a Ho? as 1 yl We act as Executor, Administrator. Guardian, Receiver, Etc. -J" It was so nice of you to see me home, she said. I hope the trip has not been very tiresome to you. Oh, no, not at all, not at all, he replied. In fact, It has been rather Secrets. Stenographers Stenographers will be interested In a recent decision in New York by which It was decide that a stenog rapher may not be enjoined from tell !ng what she knows about her employ er8 business. A young lady in a brok ers office was summoned to tell what she knew about it by a rival broker Her employer sued for an injunction but the justice denied the Injunction Very few girls would willingly betray any confidence, however, unless com pelled to do so. c. Moseley, Street, New York City. DM!!! He Was Interested. You cannot know how glad you have made me. Do you really mean it, Mr. Worthwads? I shall be delighted to have you call at any time. Cant evening? I you come over felt the first time I ever saw you that we were destined to become Excuse me, Miss Oldun. I am afraid you didnt quite understand. I have found the trip interesting because 1 supposed we had the most foolish ad vertisements in the trolley cars out our way. I find that the ones in these cars are even more funny especially the rhymed ones which the advertis ers have composed themselves. John Mrs. H. Fontijn, We Furnish Surety Bonds for Other Purposes. tracts interesting. Chroaia Mamas da 1 a and ahUdrsa. tarrhal Diseases l kfonta 4Imum 23rd 4 Alfred Allmuth, private secretary to HitchAssistant Postmaster-Genera- l cock, has resigned his position at Washington, in order to get a vacation, which was denied him because of extra He was press woik this summer. offered promotion and increased salary if lie would stick to the work, but preferred a vacation. $ Throat, Btaaush, Lira. Bari, Bna Di ynS Bewlp Heart Dissaa t, East REE What beauty Is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity for every woman to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recipe for obtaining a faultless complexion la the secret long guarded by the master minds of and the ORIENTALS G KEEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It Is the method used by the fairest and most beautitul women of Europe. You will do better work for Hundreds of American women who now-- use It have expressed their dea cup of fragrant delicious light and satisfaction. Is easily understood ARIOSA Coffee and you andThis secretto follow and It will save simple will rest better afterwards. you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever you a beauCuts your coffee bills about tiful complexion and give free your skin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, in half. etc. It alone Is worth to you many times the price we ask you to send Sold in one pound packages for the genuine diamond ring of lat-s- t only, sealed for your protection. derlgn. Wo siM you this ring as one small Loose coffee isn t the same refit abovO manufacturing cost. The what others it may be dusty, dirty and bad price is less than one-hal- f charge. The recipe Is free with evfor your stomach and nerves. ery ring. It is a genuine rose cut diamond Corapbe. with all requirement. cl die National Pure ring of sparkling brilliancy absoluteFeed Lew. Guarantee No. 2041, Bed al Wwhiagtoa. ly guaranteed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting ot A French chemist hajs patented a 14Kt. gold shell, at your local Jewprocess for rendering celluloid proof eler it would cost considerable more $2.00. against fire. This result is obtained than comWe mail you this beautiful by adding to a celluloid mass In course of preparation when at the highest plexion recipe free when your order received for ring and $2.00 in monof liquidity, a certain quantity of is salts phosphates, bicarbonate of am ey order, stamps or bills. Get your exnionia or magnesia. Celluloid thus pre- order in before our supply Is hausted. when touched or fire flame, by pared. This offer Is made for a limited gives forth a gas that cheeks com time only as a means of advertising bustion. Immersion of celluloid in and introducing our goods. a solution of any of the above-nameSend today before this opportunity salts reduces its inflammability. e DOCTORS WHO CURE 32 Now Revealed. F much-talked-o- We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment COMPLEXION Pf Since the French privateer and sailed the high Jean Lafitte, smuggler, seas and bi ought hU treasures to the gulf coast and buried them now and then it happens that some sensation ari.es as to their immediate whereabouts, says the Houston Post. Thirty-fou- r years ago the pirate of the gulf, as Lafitte was called, appeared in a dream to Dr. Beazfy, and. rather roughly taking him by the collar, told him to come with him and he would show him where there were gold and silver and diamonds burled. The doctor In his dream followed his midnight visitor and he directed him to a certain place in the cottage, which was then the Beazly home and occupied by the family, and designated the spot under which lies the wealth of the privateer. The doctor, having the same dream repeated twice in the same night, became wide awake after Lafittes third visit and much interested, the result being that he did, and peihaps, too, very shortly afteiward, begin digging under the house in pm suit of the Is forgotten. A BEAUTIFuL AFTER WORK, Con- We Make Abstracts S Insure Titles. We are the LEADING TRUST PANY of UTAH. Call $ COM- See Our SPLENDID NEW BANKING ROOM. Utah Savings panys Q. Trust Com New 7 Story Fire-Pro- of Building. Utah Savings ! ' i , We Want Your Business. ' a Send for Booklet Banking by Mail. w Trust Company, No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. ' The Bank that Pays , 4 i per cent. . f |