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Show VOL. II. 31 Alt YS VALE, The Piute Courant. Published Every Saturday at Printing and Publishing Company. Salt Lake City, Utah, and Marysvale, Piute County, Utah. , Room 14, Offices of publication, .Eagle Block, Salt Lake City, and Johnson Bros. Store, Main Street, Marysvale, Piute Co., Utah. Subscription: One year, $1.00; six months, 75 cts: The Courant Entered as ruary 8, second-clas- 1907, s matter at the post Salt Lake City, Utah, under the at cyclopedia of information on locali: ties that he renders guidebooks next Act to superfluous. Accustomed to the domineering bearing of the police in LIONEL H. GRAY. Manager. their own big cities, the comparisons J. A. BELL .... LOCAL MANAGER which they make on their return home are apt to be all in favor of the London representatives of law and order. PIUTE COUNTY OFFICERS. But they see only one phase of the County Seat, Junction, Piute County. London police in the discharge of their duties. They imagine because Clerk E. E. Sprague. mo.h a potent and peaceTreasurer Lorin Fullmer. ful sway over Londons multitudinous Recorder L. T. Stark. Jehus that elsewhere their control is Sheriff Charles Morrill. equally effective. If they visited the Assessor C. J. Heinhold. slum district, especially at night, Attorney James Walton. they would see that so far as checkSurveyor J. F. Neville. ing brawls and fights is concerned E. C. Bagley and H. London policemen are far less efficient Commissioners D. Willey. than the majority of American policemen. It is not because they are LONDON POLICEMEN. lacking in courage and stamina. It Is entirely due to the absurd rules and London, which long has prided it- regulations which restrain them in self on being the best policed city in the exercise of force the only authorthe world, is gradually waking to the ity for which the rough everywhere discovery that facts no longer justify has any genuine ana abiding respect The explanation of the difference bethat proud boast. Rowdyism is rampant in the more squalid quarters of tween the efficiency of the American that metropolis, and violent assaults, police in checking petty outbreaks of after making due allowance for the disorder and the inefficiency of the difference in population, are more London police is found in the club, numerous than in any of the larger and the use made of it. That formidAmerican cities. Instead of the police able weapon, which the American terrifying the toughs it is the toughs bluecoat swings in his hand, ready for who terrify' the police. instant use should he be called on to For six- months a royal commis- deal with an obstreperous character, sion, which is a sort of glorified legis- will be looked for in vain here. The lative committee, has been investi- London cop patrols his beat without gating the subject of police adminis any appent weapon. Revolver he of Congress of March -- Feb- office tration in London. The voluminous evidence taken shows that there is nothing much the matter with the men themselves, but there is something very much the matter with the system. There are no more ardent admirers of the London bobby than American tourists who pass through London. The perfect control which he exercises over the street traffic in the most crowded thoroughfares by the mere raising of a hand is to them a never ceasing source of wonder. They find him always civil and obliging, and such an excellent walking en- 3, 1879. UTAH, SijTUltDAY, GOTO HUH the Martians, the Juplterites lit there has none, and though he possess club, it is only & diminutive oiffl. are any,) and the inhabitants of other known as a truncheon. By the reg- stars, thus realizing the dreams of ' ulations, moreover, he is compelled dead and gone scientists. to carry it in a special constructed JUST LIKE HIS POLICY. pocket in his trousers, where itkis generally inaccessible if needed itvfa The Milford Times. hurry, as when, for instance, he is AEver since he was assistant secrettacked by roughs. Then, when he does use it he must face a strict In- tary of the navy, Mr. Roosevelt has shown the keenest interest in the vestigation by his superior officers, naval arm of the military establishasof a and' in most cases charge Since he became president he sault which is far from being techni- ment. cal. The theory of the regulation, is has more than once enjoyed the hos that the policeman must use his. ba- pttality and service of a navel vessel ton only when his own life is in dan- and when he was on his way to Panama he familiarized himself with ger, and that he must be prepared to prove in every case that Its u.se every detail or a fighting ship, even was Justified in the terms of this regu- going so far, it will be remembered, lation. Practically he must wait Fo as to throw a few shovelsful of coal a task which be hit before he can hit. The advaatr into the furnaces, sounds in the telliug. but age which accrues from getting ytmr which issimple attended with difficulties is reserved for !tne blow, in fust none can appreciate who have not tough, who eagerly avails himself Hif experienced the fearful heat of a allots law the which the privilege naval vessels stoke hole when she is him. . J under way. Even with the ship lying at anchor and nothing fired up PESIDENT MADE A WISE CHOI but the boilers of some donkey-enginthe heat is sufficient to cause the unaccustomed visitor to faint if he remains there more 'than a moment or two, and to indulge in so strenuous an exertion, under such conditions, as to throw coal from the great scoop shovels into the fireboxes, is beyond the energy of a citizen less strenuous than the e When, a short time ago, Admiifal Converses health became Buch fig Jo necessitate his retiring from the important post of chief of navigation, the president himself chose Admiral AdBrownson as his successor. miral Brownson had ' already ben placed on the retired list, under tie provision which compels a naval to retire at 64, regardless of bis physical and mental ability longer to serve his country, but that didnpt deter the president from calling updn him to fill the most Important' popt in the navy department and the have clearly demonstrated t$e Admirtil of the choice. wisdom f Brownson Is the youngest man has ,fevpr 64 the navy department seen and his energy is such ..that some of his far younger subordinates are almost ready to retire now. But the effect of his administration Is proving most beneficial to the ney, and if a few mollycoddles the wayside, President Roosevelt wjll spend upon them few regrets. pf-flc- Egg shells as gas mantles is an izing when they cant even interest idea from Germany. The contents are the judge who must decide the issue. drawn or blown out, the ends are neatly cut off, and the body of the shell Is fixed in position like the regular article. The light thus obtained is very good, while the new form or mantle is Or. f. J, Lyon, much more durable. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, A Virginia judge apologizes for goMarysvale, Utah, ing to sleep while the attorneys were It would seem to us that arguing. tho attorneys ought to do the apolog MARK YOUR MAGAZINE MONEY Do double duty by investing it in my marvelous bargain oilers. Any publication in the world furnished with a saving. Heres one and have hundreds of others; .McClures, $1.50; Women's Home Companion, $1.00 both' ;; for $1.(55. Success, $1.00; Cosmopolitan, $1.00; both for $1.05. When you want anything by subscription write me. If you mention this publication a sample copy of some, delightful magazine will he GEO. MOTT SHEPARD, The Magazine Man, Salt Label City. , 1 . fally . dent-extra- MUSICAL NEWS ITEM. GASOLINE LIGHTING S STEMS OF ALL KINDS. Nymphs o the Mist, is the title of a new Instrumental piano piece just issued from the press of the Tolbert R. Ingram Music company of Denver, Colorado. It is an ocean characteristic and gives promise of becoming one of the big musical hits of the season, possessing all of that wierd charm, both in rhythm and melody, that the ocean induces. Those who have heard it say that it is one of the most? original numbers published in a long time. Hiawatha, Anona and other Indian Musical numbers have had the public attention for several TO. TALK WITH MARS, f years, but the ocean, which offers, so uftich for musical and poetic lngiglna-tio- n The Milford Times." has, for some unaccountable reason been slighted. Dr. Albert C. Albertson, of ; Nymphs o the Ask Your Dealer For York, the ingenious electrician i aid Mist is the forerunner of the best of scientist, who attracted the attention the popular In this class and its popu of engineers some three years .o by larity is already assured. It is said the invention of a magnetic tijain to be an excellent number, both for which developed a speed of 300 parlor and teaching purposes 0 an hour, has since then been ei MARBLE .'RINGS, along new line, He has il UTAH PATENTS. mentlng - V The Pure Whiskey. ceeded In constructing an extrarijl ,. "W ary appWatns'foFTttra'.tiutf Vjfdpwt "hy other sounds by light rays from the A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys, sun, moon, or the remotest visible Washington, D. C. Michael J. McGill, stars. Park City, plug valve. For copy of It might be supposed that the more above patent send 10 cents In postage RIEGER & LIXDLEY, Distributors. powerful the light ray the better the stamps with date of this paper to C. musical result, but this Is not so. It A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. y : fixed star that Is the pale, o produces the sweetest tones. The Subscribe for your local paper reason for this is not quite clear, but Dr. Albertson thinks it is due to noninterference of the reflected light from the invisible planets revolving about dim sun, ftfr, obviously, the fara-waSuits, skirts, jackets, jiats, gloves, such reflected rays must be extremely portieres, piano covers, ostrich plumes or anything that has become soiled orew weak and ineffective by the time they fix reach the earth. faded, to us and we will It Is a scientific fact," Dr. AlbertOR DYE CLEAN, son is quoted, that a light ray fallit so that it will be almost as good as ing upon the surface of a small polnew. ished steel plate, for example, will Wages 25c per hour We to work pay particular attention 7j evto tone. is a This known produce out of the city and on jobs of ery school boy who has mastered the n$5.00 or over we prepay the express W first lessons in elementary science. Vhanes. The tone, however, Is Inaudible unless Main office, 112 N 2nd So. St. the plate be Inserted into an electric (Opp. Grand Theatre) circuit also containing a microphone Equipped with Plank Wagons W 1st So. St, Salt Lake City. Works, 338-4- 0 This is the or a telephone for Grading Work. principle underlying the new inven- WAGES $4.50 FOR EIGHT HOURS. tion. But instead of a plate or hollow steel shell, there is here involved a EMPLOYMENT number of small steel cylinders vary- STEADY ing in length and perfectly polished inside, the open ends of which are arMORAN P. ranged in such a manner within the box that they may vibrate freely. The entire box is made part of an Utah electric circuit from the battery, and Salt Lake City in this circuit is contained the mkro-phon- e In W, A, Hodge. F, Hodge. E, Hodge. or telephone a is front of the cylinders which is perdisc, revolving forated in such a manner that a Dr. light ray will be thrown in different directions when passing through the Assayers & Chemists small holes. There is also a glass prism fixed behind the revolving disc, 135 W. 2 S. St., Salt LaKe City. and a tube containing a lens which may be directed towards any particuSalt Lake City, Utah, October 3rd, lar star. When the instrument is Almost instantly and leave no bad effects. 1907. must a soft used be it upon placed The business of the late John They also relievo every other pain, NeuraV foundation, a pillow, for instance, and Assayer, will he continued by Rheumatic a Backache in Sciatica, with cloth older covered Pain, dark gia. that all light, except that from the his wife, at his request, under the Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from inname of John McVicker Assay Office star, may be excluded, the tube and at 46 Richards St. Mr. Arthur Selby, e alone remaining exposed. pains, Indigestion, Dizjury, Bearing-dow- n for three Union office, at the years in The disc the may and perforations Sleeplessness. ziness, Nervousness correspond to any musical composition will act as manager, which will he of-a or notes. Instead of an ordinary light guarantee that all work done at the will be satisfactory. ray I use the seven component colors ficeMrs. McVicker and Mr. Selby ask of light, and as the disc revolves the various notes cut the spectrum and that all old customers continue their lead the respective colorp of light into patronage and solicit new work from the openings of the different cylinders, their friends. striking at an angle. Any piece THE KEELEY CURE. of music may be thus perforated In the discs, which, in turn, can be re4 4 Ml Drunkenriess Cured. moved and another one inserted. The A internal polished walls of the cylinpositive and permanent enre for drunkenness and the opium ders are coated with a certain chemiThere is no publicity, no cal substance which makes them sickness. Ladles' treated as prihundreds of times more sensitive to All-Ach- es the touch of light. vately as at their own homes. The When asked what the primary value Keeley Institute, 334 W- - So. Tern-pie- . of his Invention would ultimately prove Salt Lake City, Utah. Bv taking one or two Dr. Miles' Anti-Pai- n to be, the scientist appeared at some Pills when you feel an attack coming on. loss to answer. WTiether the human You' not only avoid suffering, but the weakTo women for collecting race is on the verge of realizing its T names and selling oui own relative position in the scale of P ening influence of pain upon the system. If novelties, we give big nervous, irritable and cannot sleep take a creation, as it were, and the invention is the beginning of interstellar premiuma send your name today for tablet on retiring or when you awakes. 7ur new plan of big profits 'with lit-l- e communication, he was unable to say. This soothing influence upon the nerves When perfected, however, he declared T. work. Write today. Address C. MOSELEY, Premium Department, brings refreshing sleep. that it was not at all unlikely that 2 E. 23rd Street, New York City. we should be able to converse with a; doses, 25 cents. Never sold Is baft. - NO. 52. IS), 11)07, SPECIAL LAMPS FOR THE HOME. Absolutely safe and reliable. per hour.j Full line of Mantels, Globes, etc. Correspondence solicited. Send us diagram of your building and we will submit estimated power, e SUNBEAM LIGHT COMPANY, c 107 E. Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. (so-calle- f ij 4 THE MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE THE STAY SATISFACTORY RANGE." THE RANGE THAT 8AVES." Let us place one in your home, use It thirty days, If it la notL satisfactory we will call for It all money paid refunded. $45.00 - to V $70.00. AfCjH H ARDW AREvCQ J.C.CSMFSZtUK l 'ulc; ,L'i -.- 1 - 27-2- 9 W. 3 S. jt St, Salt Lake City. far-awa- fd Parker Lumber Co. WANTED Send Your 200 ft Templeton Cleaning Co., 50 tg Wholesale Retail. LABORERS Mining Timbers, Genasco Roofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of Building Material. TEAMS Write or Call at Our SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. ear-piec- e. J. ear-piec- W.A.Hodges S Sons Miles' AntLPain Pills Cure Headache Office, jj 1 T. W. BOCKSTIE, Practical Gents Si Ladies TAILOR. Suits Made to Order $22.50 & up, Pants $6 Q up. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning & Pressing ROOMS 33 jd 35 EAGLE BLOCK, r, ear-piec- OTVTT Elatfently Furaiihtd, Strictly Modern, The Raleigh! Mrs. L B. McGrath, Prop. 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Rooms Single Vl EnSuite, With Private Bath. Prevent Rates Reaonable. Centrally Located. in Modern all Strictly Appointments. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, EUROPEAN. Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. Befi Fb.nL 3901-- K. 138 State Street, Salt LaKe City. $ ii f i. $ |