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Show A NEW TRIUMPH SALAD IN DIP MAKING OOUBIX STWINOTH, LOW COST, . LESS rRCKIHT 1 ' Absolutely free froa ny crude rebalance. Contain no tar oil. . Infallible in curative eSect No injure te bee, or wool. Require no addition bcaidea ureter. No aedimcnt. No attiring. MUea with cold water whether hard, brackieh, alkali or aaltjr. m Vtf PERMITTED CURES MANGE RUFCM tad la all OFFICIAL DIPPINGS LICE ON CATTLE OR HOGS CHEAPEN THIN TOBACCO LIQUIO DIPS ANO CRUDE HO OEAREN THAR LIME ANO SULPHUR 1 faL sake 120 (ala. (or Scab, official atrenitb or 200 gala, tor ticka, lice, etc. al Caa I.7J, gal Can AW, W gal. brl. TUB If NEPHEWS WIUJL COOPER ITT llllnataSL, Chicago ODDER OF FOUR MERCHAKT OR WRITt Dr. 8. D. CILLETT, General Agent LAKE UTAH. AVE SALT 716 RUTH Its OITT, About Time Now To begia thinking of getting tone good piece of Our linea are now Jewelry fur the holidays. complete, eo write at once. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Fine Repairing, Watch and Jewelry. ' SHOULD HAVE SLEEP OUT. Writer Objects to Custom of Arousing Children Early. Dr. Woods Hutchinson, 'writing of Sleep In the American Magazine, criticizes boarding schools sharply for getting young people up too early in the morning. He says: A baby or young child should have absolutely every minute of sleep that it can be Induced to take, and sleeplessness Is even more emphatically a sign of disease In children than In adults. The necessity and capacity for large amounts of refreshing sleep persists up to adult life and the amount required seldom falls below ten hours before the eighteenth or twentieth year. To make children or rapidly growing young adults get up before they have had their sleep out, and feel thoroughly rested, is not merely irrational but cruel, and when It is done as a routine practice at boarding schools, or other Institutions, by those who pretend to be fitted to have the care of children It is little short of criminal. WITH THE MEAT. HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. Combination That Will Be Pronounced Excellent. of Soldiers Contracted Thousand Chronic Kidney Trouble While in the Service. Shred finely halt a small head of crisp, tender cabbage and a crisp cuThe experience of Capt John L. Ely, cumber, an onion, two sweet peppers; of Co. E, 17th Ohio, now living at 500 exclude the seeds and compartments East Second street, Newton, Kansas, where seeds rest; a stalk of celery, will Interest the thouall shredded and mixed. Use the acsands of veterans who One cup companying mayonnaise: came back from the sweet milk, one teaspoon granulated Civil War suffering torsugar, a dash of cayenne and white tures with kidney compepper; thicken when at boiling point Capt. Ely says: plaint. with a heaped tablespoon of corn I contracted kidney starch; when cooked, remove from the trouble during the fire. Add one tablespoon olive oil, Civil War, and the ocone tablespoon good butter, one tablecasional attacks finalspoonful any favorite salad dressing, ly developed into a and two tablespoons lemon juice or chronic case. At one time I had to use best cider vinegar. Salt to taste. Keep a crutch and cane to get about My on ice until served. Place a slice of back was lame and weak, and besides tomato on top of each plate and your the aching, there was a distressing mayonnaise over all. retention of the kidney secretions. I was in a bad way when I began using COFFEE FRAPPE IS GOOD. Doans Kidney Pills in 1901, but the cured me, and I have been remedy Necessitates Only a Little Work with well ever since. the Freezer. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MIlbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Prepare a pint of strong, black cofwith boil enough fee; granulated sugar WHY HE WANTED LAW. water to dissolve it until it almost and coffee to add the this strings, Man Had to Be Forced Into Pathe of place the mixture in a freezer. The Righteoueneaa. amount of sugar must vary according sweetened be to your taste; It should James E. Watson of to about the same point that you like theCongressman Sixth Indiana district told a story Turn more. the no breakfast coffee; anent the opwhile In town dasher of the freezer first to right then eration of the recently, pure food law, and into the left, alternating the movement tended to Illustrate his expressed and scraping down the mixture from more would be that people theory the side of the freezer as it begins to good if had to be. they rock crysharden. When it looks like, It was while we were wrestling and showtal, that Is, with the pure food bill at Washingin glasses ton, he ing little sharp points, heap said, that I got a letter from and serve Immediately with very thin written by a man from whom I home, wafers that are not too sweet. bought a big quantity of maple sirup each year. He urged me to fight for For a Back Porch Shade. A simple and inexpensive shade for the pure food bill. Now, I couldn't the summer porch, or for a window, help remembering, to savo my life, man bought five barrels of may be made by using Japanese mat- that this at the opening of the brown sugar and cut In the required length ting, season. So I wrote molasdes maple bound at each end with a piece of him. a note suggesting that advocacy the To roll cotton goods. strong screen up take two pieces of heavy of a pure food measure seemed odd from a man who bought five barrels Btrlng or cord about three times as of brown sugar before beginning the of end as the the tack long matting; each string about two Inches above manufacture of his pure maple sirup. "Never feazed him. He turned my the shade and about a foot from the over and wrote on the back: I letter beedge; let the string come down hind the matting and up In front of know it, but I want the law to make me do right. Indianapolis News. it, and draw through an ordinary matfirst beside the tack placed just ting A Little Courtship Comedy. one. This simple device will keep well-to-dA bachelor the porch cool and serve to darken of Manchester was teased by being any specially sunny window in the some young women of his acquaintGood matting for this purhouse. ance for not being married. He said: pose may be bought for 10 to 12 'Til marry the one of you whom on a cents a yard. secret vote you elect to be my wife. There were nine women in the comRochester Pudding. Set to boil one cup of canned, shred- pany. Each one went into a corner ded pineapple, one cup of water, one-hal- f and used great caution In preparing her ballot and disguised her handwritcup of sugar,- Wet three of corhstarch with three ing. was that there were nine The tablespoonfuls of cold water. Stir this votes result cast, each receiving one. The into the boiling pineapple syrup and boil five minutes. Take from the fire man remains a bachelor, the friendall and cool one minute. Beat the whites ship Is broken up, and the women, deone In mortal united the enemfes, of three eggs, fairly stiff, and then beat into the boiling mixture for two termination that they will not speak to or three minutes. Pour into a mold the man again. The Tatler. and Bet to cool. Serve cold with boiled He Set a Date. custard sauce made as follows: Pour A merchant in a Wisconsin town two cups of boiling milk on the beaten who had a Swedish clerk sent him out yolks of three eggs and three to do some collecting. When he reof sugar. Cook in a double turned from an unsuccessful trip he boiler until as thick and smooth as reported: cream. Cool and flavor with one Yim Yonson say he vHl pay ven he of vanilla. sells his hogs. Yim Olesen, he vill pay ven he' sell him wheat, and Bill Pack To Wash Greasy Flannels. say he vill pay in Yanuary. flanThe best way to wash greasy Well, said the boss, thats the nels is to soak them for half an hour first time Bill ever set a date to pay. water. water The should in soapy cover the garment and should not be Did he really say he would pay in allowed to get cold while the flannels January? Veil, aye tank so, said the clerk. Add a good quantity of Are soaking. He say dat It ban a dam cold day ven Ammonia to the soapy water and place a cover over the tub or receptacle you get that money. I tank that ban Harpers Weekly. where the flannels are soaking. Wash In Yanuary. in a second fresh lather and then rinse Disillusion. thoroughly. The American contractor stood at the base of the great pyramid and Spice Cookies. looked at the venerable monument In f one-halTo one cup of sugar add ' disgust one-hal- f one of egg, butter, beaten; cup a big pile, all right, he said; Its one-hal- f teaof sour milk; cup and It may do well enough for Egypt, teaspoon spoon baking soda; one-hal- f If a man in the United States but f cinteaspoon baking powder; turn out a job of stone work should f namon; cup chopped raisins; like the papers would roast him that a little nutmeg; one-hal- f cup chopped to Hegewisch. from Hoboken f one-halEnglish walnuts, and two and away disappointed, he conTurning flour. thin. Roll Bake out of cups on a a soled himself good-lookin- table-spoonfu- ls table-spoonful- s Girls View of Beauty. Beauty in some ways is. a handicap, she sajd, slowly. Do you know, One Jerry, that it seems to me almost as humiliating to be loved for ones beauty as for ones money. ' And it gives false values for a short time. Money, after all, doesnt vanish like ones good looks, with years. How is one to know what. one will have left The when ones beauty goes? Cen-Jlr- Just to A Noble Idea. be good, to keep life pure from degrading elements, to make it constantly helpful in little way to those who are touched by it, to keep ones spirit always sweet and avoid all manner of petty anger and irritability that is an idea as noble as it Is difficult. Edward Howard Griggs. One Cause of Drowning. Renewed attention has been called to the probable explanation of many cases of drowning that was some years ago advanced by Dr. Lowrie, a British physician, as a result of his own experience. After cycling on a hot day, he took a swim in cold water, and was soon seized with headache, dizziness and drowsiness, while muscular effort became feeble and sluggish. In many similar cases, he believes, the swimmer loses consciousness or faints from cerebral anemia. If there is no help near, the result Is another drowning accident, and the report of It will probably state that the victim was seized with cramps and sank. Swimming In cold water is dangerous if the circulation is weakened from any cause, especially after a fast of several hours, or if there Is any heart trouble. l one-hal- one-hai- JOKE ON THE CONGRESSMAN London Inn Responsible for Origin of Common Saying. Mowly. two-third- sugar-and-wa-t- Walter Drew Wrong Inference Guest's Attitude. The old inns of England have been responsible for the origin of many common sayings. An Instance of this is the proverbial phrase He has On Fleet Btreet, gone to the devil. London, near Temple Bar, was once a tavern which was known by the strictname, The Devil and ly Saint Dunstan. It was famous for Us good dinners and excellent wines, and received, a large patronage from the lawyers of Temple Bar. It was familiarly known as The Devil, and when a lawyer left his office to go there he usually left a notice on his door, Gone to the Devil. There were some who patronized the tavern to the neglect of their business, and the notice was so regularly exhibited on their doors that it finally came to be used to characterize the man MR. JOHNSON NOT TO BLAMfc. from n d THREE BOYS HAD ECZEMA. Were Treated at Diapenaary Did Not Improve Suffered Five Months Perfect Cure by Cutlcura. "My three children had eczema for five months. A little sore would appear on the bead and seemed very itchy, increasing day after day. The baby had had It about a week when the second boy took the disease and a few sores developed, then the third boy took It For the first three months I took them to the N Dispensary, but they did not seem to Improve. Then I used Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment and In a few weeks they had improved, and when their heads were well you could see nothing of the sores. Mrs. Kate Kelm, 613 West 29th St.. New York, N. Y., Nov. 1. 5 and 7, 1906. Nickname for War Vessels. We had a ship called the Muriel, say 8 the New York Press, and the sailors promptly dubbed her the Merry Hell. The Georgia, as everyone . The Pennsylknows, Is the vania is the Billy Penn. The Kearsarge The Washington is is the Cuss-Age- . Papa George, and, singularly enough, Is commanded by John Adams. The Indiana is Red Annie. The Terror Is the Tear Her. The Cleveland is Grover. The Des Moines is The Mine. The Galveston is Shirtwaist a clever hit The Amphitrite is the Ample Tight The Solace Is the One Ace. Jaw-Jaw- Disparity. The two young women, who had not met for a long time, embraced each other with much fervor. How's this, Kate? I hear you have gone and married a rich widower. Is he much older than you? Well, theres considerable difference between our ages, Clara. In fact, hes a war veteran. Spanish war? Oh, no; he wasnt in that Civil war, then, of course." No er Mexican. What the Poet Says, After their honeymoon to Niagara Falls they came back and settled on the old farm. Gracious, Slle! said Cynthia. Why are you In such a bad humor?' Making butter is blamed ha! work," grumbled Sile, removing the beads from his brow. Oh, cheer up, Sile. Dont the poet say that It Is love that makes the world go round? Yes, but, by gosh, It dont make the churn go round. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the die portion of the ear. There U only one way to cure deaf 068. and that ts by consiliucoua) remedies. Deufiiefl la caused by an lnilarned coudiil n of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tune is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or ini perfect bearing, and when It B entirely closed, Deaf DC'tH U the result, and unless the luilaiumation can be tiikeu out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be dentroyed forever; nine cakes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dearness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured for circulars, free. by Halls Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. OHttCil floM bv Druggists, TV?. Family Fills for constipation Tae Hulls Product of the Lowly Hen. Washingtons monument Is 555 feet high. The eggs shipped from 50 counties in this state, leaving 64 yet to hear from, if placed end on end would build a monument 221,882 times higher than the Washington shaft Kansas City Journal. TRAGEDY OF A BROADWAY Truly It Is Good Old Lady Understood the There Is a good old lady who cannot resist speaking well of all her acquaintances. On Thanksgiving day she told the colored man who did chores about the place that he might go into the barnyard and help himself to a chicken. The man obeyed with alacrity and was most profuse in his thanks. In the course of a few days the lady's husband informed her that on Thanksgiving day neighbors had Been Mr. Johnson seize two choice bens from the coop. I did tell him to take one, confessed the lady regretfully, "but, you know, dear, how Intensely Mr. Johnson celebrates the holidays. Why, he Bimpiy cannot help Beelng things SICK HEADACHE CAR. rARTFR.N LIU In Everybody for Himself New York. F D There were six In the seat of the Broadway surface car, which was too ,9, many. However, everybody who boarded the car seemed to take a fancy to that particular seat, so some were also standing. A very small man sat crouched on the end seat, a pretty girl next to him. The small man seemed to be very restless, and no wonder, for all the rest were pushing the pretty girl, who necessarily pushed him In a way that seemed to Infer that hie room was better than his company. At length, unable to endure It any longer, he all at once shoved bis shoulder under the rail and fell out, apparently. "Mercy! screamed a nervous passenger, has he committed suicide? I dont know, answered the pretty girl, "but, anyway, Ive got the end seat." N. Y. Press. Positively cured by these Little Pills. tn raiUv Die They tresa from Dyapepate, In- illgntion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem-- I edy for Diuineea, Mae- - ms, Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Month, Coated Tongue, Pain In the Iwide. TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Signature CARTERS rilTTLE Jar Fac-Simi- le REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. DOWKNOW THE VET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a The Peaceful Joy of the River. Spaniard says that rivers and the Inhabitants ot the watery element were made for wise men to contemplate and fools to pass by without consideration. And though I will not rank inyself In the number of the first, yet give me leave to free myself from the last, by offering to you a short contemplation, first of rivers, and then of fish; concerning which I doubt not but to give you many observations that will appear very considerable; lam sure they have appeared so to me, and made many an hour pass away more pleasantly, as I have sat quietly on a flowery bank by a calm river. Isaac Walton. An Ingenious Slicker? Clean Light -- .Durable Guaranteed Waterproof' ijqo Everywhere f this paper tiring to buy any- thing advertised in Its columns should insist upon having what they ask lor, refusing ail substitutes or imitations. P?AT)FPQ L Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TOHIA, s aafe and fare remedy for infants and children, and aee that It ji Bean the Signature of la How Mistake Occurred. A Georgia congressman gleefully tells of an experience during his last visit to New York. The representative had put up at an American-plahotel. When, upon sitting down at dinner the first evening of his stay, the waiter obsequiously handed him a hill of fare, the congressman tossed It aside, slipped the waiter a dollar bill, and said, Bring me a good dinner. The dinner proving satisfactory, the southern member pursued this plan during his entire stay In New York. As the last tip was given, he mentioned that he was about to return to Washington. Whereupon, the waiter, with an expression of great earnestness. Bald: Well, sir, when you or any of your friends that cant read come to New who was losing his grip and going to York, just ask for Dick. Harpers destruction. The Sunday Magazine. Weekly. Dutch at Home and Abroad. Holland has a population of only but there are 40,000,000 of people In the Dutch East and West Inride by taking camel, which animal he found fully up dies. The Dutch are not at present to all the descriptions he had read of much addicted to emigration. In the United States, at the time of the last 1L census, there were only 105,000 persons of Dutch birth. The number of FOUND OUT. Netherlander In the Dutch East Indies is barely 12,t)00. A Trained Nurse Made Discovery. Cheese Wafers. One cup sugar, three tablespoons s cup milk, three-fourtshortening, one egg. cheese, cup grated Flour to roll (about two cups, but flour differs); one teaspoon baking powder. Roll very thin and No one Is In better position to know bake in quite a quick oven. Watch the value of food and drink than a burn Nice as easily. they carefully trained nurse. for lunches. Speaking of coffee, a nurse of Wilkes Delicious Junket. Barre, Pa., writes; I used to drink To make junket, heat half a pint of strong coffee myself, and suffered new milk to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. greatly from headaches and IndigesAdd a grating of nutmeg and a quar- tion. While on a visit to my brothers ter of a junket tablet dissolved in a I had a good chance to try Postum tablespoonful of water. Mix and turn Food Coffee, for they drank it altoAn Edible Seaweed. at once into a little cup. Allow It to gether in place of ordinary coffee. .In Dulse is more frequently eaten than set and then place in a cold place. two weeks after using Postum I found any other seaweed. .It Is usually dried Serve with a little cream. I was much benefited and finally my and eaten raw. In the Mediterranean, headaches disappeared and also the where the plant Is common, it is cookGrape Juice Punch. indigestion. Make a pint of strong lemonade, ed, and is a chief ingredient In Soyer's Naturally I have since used Postum famous SL Patricks soup. sweetening with boiled among my patients, and have noticed syrup. When cold add a quart of a marked benefit where coffee has been Busy British Bees. bottled grape juice and pour over a left off and Postum used. The average weight of honey taken block of Ice in a bowl; add bits of I observed a curious fact about from an English hive annually is 50 sliced orange, lemon and pineapple Postum when used among mothers. It This is double the average pounds. harpers Bazar. greatly helps the flow of milk in cases product from American bee hives. where coffee is inclined to dry it up, Bacon Rarebit. The record taken from any hive 13 and where tea causes nervousness. 1.000 pounds, from a stock of Take one pound of good American I find trouble in getting servants to heese, wet it with a cupful of ale, make Postum properly. They most over the fire, melt put It In the pan serve before it has been it always And work smooth and creamy by conChinese Doctor's Medicine. boiled long enough. It should be boiled in Add a dash givdoctor believes generous The Chinese stant stirring. 15 to 20 minutes after boiling begins ing "like for like, that Is, poison for of' cayenne and pour over hot toast and served with cream, when it Is cerIn his each of a Includes thus pracon and the and piece lay top poison, Read tainly a delicious beverage." tice almost every element known to thin crisp slice of bacon. Wellvllle" In pkgs. to The Road Mature. His medicine is "Theres a Reason. . "GONE TO THE DEVIL. Cee For Over 30 Years. The Kind Yon Have Alway Bought. And Its easy to advertise the fact that you are a fool. All you have to PACKERS HAIR BALSAM Clean and bfAutiftei ths ha Promotes A luxuriant growth. Falls to Bettors Gray Hair to its Youthful Color Cures ecalp rittmaei k nalr foLhiA FV, and gl.iioaf Dntgftitf HOWARD E. BURTON, 8c8VMer8f.ND Hpeclmen price. Cold. Silver. Lead.il; Uotef, Stiver. 76o; Cold, GOc; Zmoor Copper. II. Cyanide tesla falling envelopes and ll prt ie list Rent on Hon. Control And Umu.ro work solicited. appllea Lead- Villa Colo Ktiiereuoe. CaruonAieiiaaomU tiatila do Is boast publicly of your wisdom. Mm. Winslow's Boot hi n Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces Ina bottle. allay s pain, cures wind colic. flammation, Eye Water ui.reey'e.rit Thompson's can do no wrong after the undertaker gets him. A man W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 38, 1907. 2S9 f1EN ADMIRE a pretty face, a good figure, but sooner or later learn that healthy, happy, contented woman is most of all to be admired. Women troubled with fainting spells, irregularities, nervous irritability, backache, tlio blues," and those dreadful dragging sensations, cannot hope to be happy or popular, and advancement in either home, business or social life is impossible. The cause of these troubles, however, yields quickly to Lydia K. Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs It acts at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers, dispelling effectually all those distressing symptoms. No other medicine in the country has received such Unqualified indorsement or has such a record of cures of female ills as has the' Iink-ham- 's Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Miss Emma Runtzler, of 631 State St., Schenectady, N, Y., writes: For a long time I was troubled with a weakness which seemed to drain all my strength away. I had dull headaches, was nervous, irritable, and all worn out. Chancing to read one of your advertisements of a case similar to mine cured by Lydia E. Iinkhams Vegetable Compound, I decided to try it and I cannot express my gratitude for the benefit received. I am entirely well and feel like a new person. , Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is the most successful remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and Is invaluable in pre paring for childbirth and the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. W. L. DOUGLAS theSwo'rld & $3.50 SHOES $3.00 MEMBER OF tno fi?SHOE8 FOR EVERY -s- 8 AT ALL PRICES. To any one who can paovoW.L. dftOfJ 1 EJougia dooa not make A sell M on's S3 A S3m6U shoes flCrlfVtil U (yffioM than mny other ttiMnulacturnr THE REASON W. I Douglas shoes are worn by more In all walks of life than any other make is because ofpople their excellent style, and superior wearing qualities The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by the most completeorganizatlon of FUpennteiidents.foremenand killed shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the hoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. If I could take you into mv large factories at Brockton. Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than anv other make. THE FAMILY, ft ftft( easy-titlin- Gold Bond Shoe cannot ha equalled at any l $4 Gilt My Tlie genuine have V. L. Douglas name and price elaminxl on bottom. Taka CAUTION EdgoandSS No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douirhic shoes, if he cannot supply you, sen direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by maiL Catalog free. W Brockton, Mae. 1 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more good brighter and fatter colon thin ny other de. One 10c package colon all fiber. say garment without ripping jirL Write tor bee booklet How to Oje, Bleach and Mu Color. They dye in cold water better than any other tya.' MONROE DRUQ CO. Quincy r You can dv UUnolm |