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Show A BEAUTIFuL COMPLEXION ' We Cure Men For Say to the Agent Now Revealed. FREE WHEN YOU GO EAST I want to go as far as possible via tho What beauty is luore desirable thau an exquisite complexion and elegant .Jewels. An opportunity for every woman to obtain both, for & limited time only. The directions and recipe for obtaining a faultless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master mind3 of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most beautilul women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and It will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of lat- at dertgn. We st'' you this ring as one small roflt abo.o manufacturing cost The what others price is less than one-hacharge. The recipe is free with every ring. It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 14Kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more b' Fer-Don- D. E. BVRLEY, G. F. A. Sell Lake City FUtula. Kidney. Bladder and all Urinary Dlaeaaaa' dua to Weakneaa and tho of epeclflo dlseaaea, and all Private Dlaeaaaa Men. OUR ST8TEM OF TREATING la auperior to any of country, and our ourea are the raault of theao methoda. Wa never infallthla to effect a eura In uffer from neglaot, from want of money or from LSTTJ ? praotlow-he- re Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with years of ripe experience In treating complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. It will coat to th of restoring you to health and nothing happiness. Why not call today! Our offices art very private. You see only tho dootor. lw- - R enable many who are afflicted to procure the b!" hi md th no? rult 1905 MODELS. Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Double Grand, St. Louis, 1904. Send coupon below, fl'led out, to our nearest dealer or to us and get our Free Trial and Easy 'Payment Of, fer to responsible parties anywhere In the United States. Don't delay This is your opportunity to secure ab solutely the best Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be' felt. We accept old machines In part payment. A written guarantee from the oldest, largest and most success ful manufacturers of Talking Ma chines in the entire world. Columbia Phonograph Co GenI. M. R. 2 Columbia Phonograph ComName pany, General 327-2- 8 8. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Street and No. Please send me your Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer with illustrated lit- erature. , bc-i- ?owuioltrra.rirm' " uyou Sd We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. Hoars: a. m. to SALT I p. t evenings, LAKE to 1 .10; a. m. to Sundays, MEDICAL 159ia 8. MAIN ST., IS noon INSTITUTE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. m aloforaa State City cr-P- Not only In Balt Lake City, but In tha whela Paclflo Waat. Tho results of our Srofessional work aro bringing to our ovary atata and Territory in the Waat. Wa uae tha mlacroacope to make oar dlagnoala If you want a par- -' manent cure, conault ua. D. S. SPENCER A. G. F. A. Salt Lake, Utah -- In view of the enormous sale of preparations now going on in Sait Lake and the intense interest which Mr. has stirred up since his ara rival, representative of the local daily papers of Salt Lake spent yesterday afternoon at the young mans headquarters, watching the swarm of humanity come and go. during the afternoon the reporter interviewed many of the callers and obtained statements from all who cared to pive them as to their exand his perience with Fer-Po- n The are sefolowing preparations. eded from those statements as typical of the general expressions of the people seen : Mr. J. King, living at 666 North Seventh West St., when interviewed I had suffered with stomach trouble for several years. I was so pad the last few months I couldnt cat am thing at all. I could not digest my food and had severe pains in my stomach most of the time. I did not sleep well and had severe headaches at times. I have tried many remedies, and have been to a number of physicians. I bought 3 Medical Combottles of before I took and for $2.50, pound one liottle my stomach felt much better since I have taken the three bottles, my stomach trouble is all gone and not a trace of disease is I have come here to thank left. I want to say, also, Mr. that I tried Catarrh be best it the to found and Remedy thing i ever used for catarrh of throat, head and nose.' Mr. Dcmicl Brisco, living at 936 Euclid, stated he was 85 years old and has been troubled with partial deafness and catarrh. I tried one bottle of Magic Reliet and one box of Catarrh Remedy and I can now hear a common conversation. Fer-Don- 's Leading Specialists The arfumsat is this; A SHORT ROVTE; GOOD ROAD BED; EXCELLENT SERVICE; COVRTEOVS TREATMENT. That is everything in traveling, 5 9 Ter information and rates see any Oregon Short Line Agent or address 's icines. WE ARE THE $2.00. We mail you this beautiful complexion recipe free when your order Is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in before our supply is exhausted. This offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertising and introducing our goods. Send today before this opportunity Is forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY, 82 East 23rd Street, New York City. T' wurnK rf luirnnnif lh'ii at $au Lake. Jvlta are mm enormous. Many Salt Lake people medcured by the Great No Pay Unless Cured Consultation Free. lf than NUMBER BEING INTERVIEWED. ng Fer-Do- capei Fer-Do- n. Fer-Don- 's Fer-Do- Fer-Do- , Headquarters for all Gasoline Lamps and We Do the Rest 109 E. Second South Street, S implies. f SALT LAKE CITY, JJTAH. Send Description of Goods Wanted and I. e. REDMAN, Manager. ns HU ft Turn Dimes Into Dollars. Phenominal Success of J SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. X X CANYON SA panorama of the GRANDE EAGLE NOF NATURAL WAGON BEAUTY ALL The St. Patrick Mining & Milling COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated). Over 15.000 already bought by eag'er InOur company is capitalized at 250,000 shares, vestors aud we now offer ths 35,000 of which 100,000 shares are set aside- for working iJTHE WHEEL GAP. GLENWOOD SPRINGS. X WAY. CANYON of X GARDEN THREE trains. k the GUNNISON. k OF THE GODS. MANITOU THROUGH X RIVER CANYON. k k k SPRINGS. THE ROYAL GORGE. - shares remaining' of its first dlock . of 'treasury stock placed upon the market at the low price of ten cents per share. The proceeds of the sale will be judiciously expended to the further development of the property, which is loctaed in Big Cottonwood Mining District, Salt Lake Countv, LTtah, and consists of six promising mining claims. Over fifteen hundred dollars have already been expended in development work since date of incorporation, February, 1906, consisting of over 500 feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals already found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead and Iron. We are now driving the tunnel ahead to cut the mineral vein w hich is believed to be an extension of the well known Maxfield mine, that has already produced hundred of thousands of dollars. The property is equipped with hoisting and pumping engines, ore cars and steel rails in tunnel. capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock is pooled until at least or more of its treas-nur- y stock is sold. Bear in mind that this stock is unassessablc, and that private property of stockholders is not liable for corporation indebtedness. one-ha- lf The Board of Directors are A. J. Smith, PresiB. A. M. dent; Hans II. Peterson. Froiseth, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Leona F. Smith and David A. Buck. The latter is also superVice-Preside- intendent. THIS REALLY is $1 SECURITY for 10 cts. Remember Good mines from good prospects grow, Thus we harvest as we sow. Dont delay, buy now, and get in on the ground floor. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. TO DENVER. ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address k CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., a Salt Lake City. 44 DOCTORS '' AAAAA'Vaa WHO CURE akaeale Ilium ef the Bara, Kan, Thaoal Btomeeh, Live. Kldnaja, Bladder and Bowels Heart oluua Diaaaaea, Dealn.it, Pita, Chorea, Rheumatisa, Pila. Baptora, Loll Manhood, Oenerrhoae, Syphilis ProMetl. Troublei, and all Ghr.nl. Farr.ua and Private Dia.aau ef Man, Woman 1 e treatment er end ahUdraa. gll far a cure for Catarrhal Dtaeaaeai Yd I meetkf madlalnaa fra. (n all ahronie dlaeaaaa. OATABKH and all emrabie Ini CONSULTATION FREE Men. lor flu treatment and tore far ef all Private Dlaaasaa ef Man. whether aaoaad by lgnmnea, exeaaaaa ar eontagtoa. middle-ageman who bad lad bean man by hare vha Young aatrsy eempanieae have gone te axaaaaaa old man whe ind their texuel vigor gene anfortonetea who Poiaon all whe athem and have eontraoted dlaeaaaa tha victim af Bloat ijed tha counsel and aid af experieneed and kindly phvrioUna, are eerdially Invited to eonaolt Or OHAXOB. thla department and be adviaad So anra la th ear undar DBS. SHORES MODISH METHODS la all Private monU1 to Dlaeaaaa, that yon may arrange pay tha fee tor er ran may PAY WHXJI CURED. Installment!, aa th ear toe retaa' Don't edvertiee any SHORES DRS. tingle ailment and than .barge yen ton time na ana eomplV at the amount advertised bacauaa the eeae is Medlaal eeted. Dr. Bhora leav that to ththat Pnke aa fee pey Dra. Bhora guarantee Inatitntea." for ALL your ailment if they treat yeur eaaa end that tha fee for a CURB will be eheaper than yed aan be cured for eliewhera. Dr. Bhora ale ftumlah rear mdr Mdialns,' leinea rREB there la no hold np for aftar you ksr arranjtd tha faa. Quoh ana Fakirt wort but lfitixautu to rob tha an to oh tricks Spa unwary iallsta abhor and denounea thorn. Bowara of any fakir who hidaa bohlnd a faka lfadt hia aal Inatituta" boeauaa ha dara sot adrartiaa undo own name. There most be a reason for it. Home Treatment Ourea. Write for Fra Symptom List If you eannot call. Consultation frau. OFFICE HOURS: t a. m. to i p. m Brontefi, V to Sundays and holidays 10 i. m. to 13. Street. Drs. Shores & Shores, Specialists, 249 Ity, Utah d $ 5.00 down and $5.00 monthly for four months CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL NOW. B. A. M. Froiseth, Sectv., buys 250 shares. St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., $ 10.00 down and $10.00 monthly for four months Salt Lake City, Utah. 500 shares. buys I subscribe hereby for shares of $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months and stock, of the "St. fully paid 1000 shares. buys Patrick & Co. at the price of Ten Mining Milling $ 30.00 doin and $30.00 monthly for four months Cents a share, for which I enclose $ I lys 1500 shares. as first payment, balance to be paid in four equal "$ 40.00 down and $40.00 monthly for four months monthly installments. buys 2000 shares. Name $100.00 down and $100.00 monthly for four months Address buys 5000 shares. Date . !Sfi J1 progr, " l Expert Mrs. Mary Brugger, of 15 Fulmer Ave., whose picture appears-above- , said she had been suffering with stomach trouble for years. Hot and cold flashes came over her at times and a numbness of the limbs. At times I felt so weak and worn out I could hardly walk. I took Medical Compound and now I am entirely cured. n said that there were over two thousand people called on him to purchase his remedies yesterday. Fer-Do- Fer-Do- HOW REMEDIES CAN BE SECURED. FER-DON- S Yari-ooal- Drs. Shore' Eye Department tor the gnlak aore ef aQ Ere Dliaaaaa and for the being In eharge el 4 ipeelaiial am tha Eye ef proper Itting of glaaaaa u uneieeH IT yean tending. Oonaultatlon and Arose A Special Department Die. Shore have e Spaalal Department exahutvely k k k k uft'c People living outside of Salt Lake can secure the remedies at their drug store in their home town or by sending in to the Great Fer-Do- n. The prices of Remedies; Medical Compound for the Blood, Stomach, Rheumatism and Kidneys, $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles $5.00. Magic Relief for Deafness, Rheumatic Pains, Lame Back, and all Aches and Pains, 50 cents per bottle, tor six bottles for $2.50. Catarrh Remedy for Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Hay Fever and Asthma, 50 cents per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. First ask your home druggist for the remedies. If he dont have them, send all money orders payable to th Great P. O. Box 175 Sail Lake, Utah. A!! druggisto ui order from We want i as our exclusive acent in your towr. Salt Lake City the Great Fer-Do- Fer-Do- ns ns Fer-Don- B Fer-Do- ns Fer-Do- n, Fer-Do- n. yt-- |