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Show r r- Great Things in Store for North - ALL HALLOWS Bingham. The Nevada Exploration and Milling and the Utah Newspaper and Mining Companies Benefited. COLLEGE. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. usage: CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS consists of eight of two squads; a platoon of GYMNASIUM AND DRILL. two a company of two plaEagle Bird Company Makes Good toons,sections; a batallion of eight or twelve Gold Strike in Barneys companies; a regiment of two ; a brigade, geographical, generCanyon. ally three regiments; a division, geobranch OFFICES I GOES THROUGH SOLID IRON graphical and a corps of three divi- Salt Lake FROVO. LOGAN. CO. OGDEN, sions. A squad is commanded by City UTAH PARK CITY a section by a corporal; DR. ZIMMCRMAN, Manager Formation of Ledge Gives platoon by a lieutenant; sergeant; a company le,U Extracted Positively Without polo Freo With Other Work Promise of Great Things.' by a captain; a batallion by a major; a regiment by a colonel; a Set Teeth (heat red rubber IB.o brigade by 13.50 to tb 00 Crowns, a division by a Two feet of ore that runs $524 a a brigadier-general- ; 15 oo 13.50 Work, Bridge best to lieutenant-colone- l and a corps by a ton. In gold. 00 up fOiJ Mlllura All Other Fillings... ,50c, Ibo It Isnt a Goldfield nor even a Seven rank between officers 13 YEARS GUARANTEE. Trough strike. It is In Bingham, and of The relative thevnavy and army is as follows, North Bingham at that. FREE Elimination and Advice. The Eagle Bird Mining & Milling lineal rank only, being considered: Admiral with general; vice admiral with Open till 5 p. m. Sundays 10 to & company, operating in Barneys and lieutenant-general; rear admiral with into a ran a vein Harkers canyons, BRING THIS AD. WITH YOU AT EITHER OFFICE commodore with few days ago that gives the returns r-general; with captain colonel; mentioned. About two tons of the 3 South 3 East Streets, ore have been saved and it is appar- commander with lieutenant-colonelieutenant commander with as major; the is vein better ently getting LAKE lieutenant with captain; lieutenant opened up. A. G. Mahan, an officer Private first with (junior lieutenant grade) and Boarding Day School for boys and girls. of the company, took a sample clear Art and Music sixth Seventh, Elgth Grades, together with all High across the vein and had it assayed. and ensign with second lieutenant. 5rbar!nKnt branches. College trained teachers, individual help when necessary The assayers certificate shows valJUST BY THE WAY. Expenses moderate. ues at 26.20 ounces in gold to the ton, some silver and copper. For Particulars Address: Good complexions receive the least While these values are highly gratD. B. ifying to the management, ft may attention. Principal as well be said at the start that they do not for a moment imagine that gold mine. they have a It has been the history of gold strikes Our near the surface in Bingham that in We Carry a Complete Line of they go into copper at depth. But it shows a highly mineralized condition SECOND-HAN- D indicative of strong ore bodies when the depths are reached. The strike is at the bottom of an In SEPARATE STORES. incline shaft sunk on a vein 22 feet With Us Before Buying Elsewhere. Mail Orders Solicitwide, the shaft being only 62 feet Figure deep. In sinking this shaft it went ed. Goods Promptly and Carefully Packed for Shipping. through 18 feet of almost solid iron. Have led the way for over eighty 254-25- 6 This iron ore, which itself brings a NEWSTORE, South State Street. acSECOND-HANyears in piano forte construction, and good price at the smelters on STORE, 242 South State Street. are today the unhesitating choice of count of its fluxing properties, plainthe musician. ly shows the effects of intense heat Old and it is evident that the gold values which it once contained have been melted down to penetrate lower strata. TWO FEET OF $500 ORE IN NORTH BINGHAM. of common A squad men-ectio- n 'batal-lions- DENTAL 22-Fo- fi-- k 1 major-genera- l; GORDON ACADEMY. brigadie- l; ' Pianos. $ SALT CITY, UTAH. Chickering &(5 - sure-enoug- CLARK, Gordon Hall. Davenport) $ Tracy, Visit Haddorff, NEW and Clarendon h Stores Salt Lake City. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Bishop. D Feeder. Vein After passing through the iron the shaft penetrated a soft formation containing fair gold values and some copper. But the two feet of high-grad- e gold ore leads off from the main ledge, evidently a feeder. It is being followed now, with no apparent the change of formation or values short distance it has been drifted upon. That the strike will increase the interest in operations in North Bingham goes without saying. For some reason that section was long neglected, despite the fact that the surface indications are among the best in the entire district. The great ledge on which the Eagle Bird is working outcrops boldly for a long distance. Samuel Newhouse and Jesse recently Knight have comparatively become interested in properties in the vicinity, and the Nevada Exploration and Milling company has taken a bond and lease on a large group of claims lying directly south of the Eagle Bird and, it Is said, on the same ledge. The Knight property lies yet south, or southwest of the Nevada companys holdings. Republican, Septl' 6, 1907. NOTE. The Nevada Exploration & Mining Co, will start work to develop their 15 claims in this region on the 16th inst Mining Editor Argus. Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Stove. .Chickering Upright Pianos, $550.00,; Chickering Quarter Grand, $750.00.' High-Grad- e Sold on easy monthly payments. We s also have a fine line of other Pianos and Player Pianos, including well known makes as the the above: THE first-clas- CURIOUS -Curious Compound the virtues of Bantal Pepsin, and box. Main Always Bargains in Second-Han- d D Capsules Big G, sell com-bin- e Pabst for Western Furniture Company. O. K., $1.25 a Mail orders' promptly attended Doull Drug Co Distributors, 338 8t, Balt Lake City. Nona genuine without the trade mark the Curious D. A. H. Crow, Pianos. Successor to Crow Brothers, coS, Utah-Idah- o MANUFACTURER B DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Robes, 270 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, Telephones 699. ! Dus-ter- si Horse Sheets. Etc. Good material, Good work, i?4 Cheapest Store in the West! . Just prices. 9 35 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. Inter-Mounta- 1 EETS BARGAIN STOR SALT LAKE CITY. o EAGLE BIRD FINDS GOOD SILVER VEIN. OUT. HOLDS LEDGE 1 14 16 $ The Eagle Bird Mining and Milling operating in North Bingham, has encountered another surprise in its workings. This time it Is a vein of ore that gives values of about 32 ounces in silver and a trace of i copper. Drifting is being continued on the gold vein encountered last week two feet of ore running $524 in the yellow metal and it appears to be improving as it is opened up. That vein is a stringer following the main ledge. The silver vein is a feeder of the main ledge, leading oft from it at an acute angle, ft is a strong proof vein and provides additional that the Eagle Bird company assuredmineralized ly is exploring highly ground. Jesse Knights expert examined the showing Monday and his estimate was that it is the biggest thing in the camp, so far as present developments go in forming the basis of an opinion. Mr. Knights North Bingham company is developing a group of claims just to the southeast of the Eagle Bird. It is employing a force of 13 men and is meeting with good results. Samuel Newhouse is developing a property north of the Eagle Bird. The Nevada Exploration company has taken a bond and lease on a large group of claims said to have the same vein that runs through the Eagle Bird, and is arranging to start, development, so that there is promise that soon more will be known concerning that neglected portion of the Bingham district. Those who have been following developments thus far predict that some of the greatest ore bodies in the entire camp will be opened there. n Sept. Republican, 11th, 1967. Paints, Etc. r, , Painting, Graining, Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. Phones: Bell 1781 K, Ind. 2287. d All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. Q Paper-Hangin- g, t NOTION BARGAINS. COATS THREAD, PER SPOOL, 5c. Coats Darning Cotton, per dozen, 22c. Best Aluminum Thimbles, lc. Rubber Fine Combs, 3 and 5c. Two dozen Good Hooks and Eyes for lc. Metal Back Horn Combs, 5, 8 and 10c. Turkey Red Marking Cotton, per spool, lc. Talcum Powder, per box 5 and 10. ALL OTHER NOTIONS IN PROPORTION. Co., HANGER CO. Wall-Pape- Good Pins, per paper, lc. Gold Eyed Needles, per paper, lc. Greatest Showing in Camp Is Verdict of Knight Expert. sf KNAPT0N, CURTIS 18 State Street. We sell cheaper because we buy cheaper. We go into the markets and buy our goods for cash from parties who want money. In this way we can sell the same goods for 50 cents that the regular store sells for $1.00. This is no humbug but facts which you can see for yourself by Examining Our Goods and Prices. Another Surprise Sprung on Owners By North Bingham Property. GOLD i a, ; low-price- . 16-in- , CLOTHING Boys Knee Pants Suits 98c, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Boys Knee Pants, 25, 35 and 50c. Mens good Suits, $4 95 $5 95, $6.95 and $8.95. Mens Working Pants, 75, 98 and $1.25. SPECIALS. Men's Draw Pants, $1,95, $2.50 and $3 00 no nn Mens Over Coats 1 on Mens Wo. king Shirts', 35 and 45c Mens Nice Dress Shirts, 48, 65 and 85c. PLACE YOUR 5 "P' EYES IN OUR HANDS. WF.tF.FFtF.F.FstriatFrts Stop Those aches. Ws Are Here. Those 22-fo- ot Times a Ysar Shoes! Shoes! Come and See Our Line of Shoes. That We Can Save You Monev. Alexander-Dibbl- o Ladieg Long Coats, latest styles, $4.75, $5.75 and $6.75 and up. Nice Cloth Skirts, $1.95, $2.50, $3.00 and up , Ladies Silk Petticoats, $4.75. 65 75 98 and S8t.teen Childrens Bear Skin Coats, $2.25 and up Iaffies Heatherbloom Underskirts, look and rustle like silk, Childrens Jackets and Coats, from 75c up. Skirts, 230-31-3- 2 Idies Ladies Fleece Lined Hose, 12 c. and up. Ladies Ladies Wool Hose 18 20 Childrens Underwear from Long Sleeve undervests, from 12 X sfr.Err,r.r.p.r.n.rr --- Sounds Big, but its True Z WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE OF TIN AND GRANITEWEAR IN THE CITY AND AT PRICES ABOUT HALF WHAT YOU PAY ELSEWHERE; ALSO GLASSWARE, CROCKERY & HARDWARE. WRITE FOR PRICE-LIST- . The only difference In Our Goods and other stores Is the Price. Remember the place, F. M. Teets, State Salt Lake o 114, 116 & 118 INFORMATION. Here are little bits of Information regarding the army not generally known and explaining several phrases St., up. - want to talk with every town in Utah Idaho Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL." Otherwise you If you CAN'T! City. Pure Gold Rings ha 18k 18 kM INSIDE. Telephones have this OVTSiDE. T JL X Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. Inter-Mountai- ARMY Spells Eye Strain. 1 '& HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. 15c. X Co. $1-5- 1-- 2 j J LADIES' COATS AND SKIRTS. Childrens and Misses Ribbed Hose, 10, 12 and Ladles Fast Black Hose. 10, 15, 18 and 25c. Dizzy Hea-j- - |