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Show y area is availbeds and a able for use in transplanting. the seedlings after they have grown in the seedbeds one or two years. Forest planting is becoming more and more important each year and the public generally realizes that if the supply of commercial timber is to be maintained a great deal of planting must be done in the future, The government bag encouraged pri- vate land owners throughout the die west to plant trees upon their homesteads, and within the last five or years advice in forest planting has been given to thousands of ers in the middle west. There are now over 150,000,000 acres in national forests and within these are ineludod vast areas of land that require forest planting because seed trees are wholly lacking. Among the various policies connected with the management of the national ests, that of planting is yet in its good-size- UNION ASSAY OFFICE. 'i. . Chemists and Assayers. Hanauer. J. V'. Sadler ' S. 152 West Temple. 1446. Salt Lake City, Utah .P. O. Bo Analytical Work a Specialty. MATHEZ SETTLES, & CO., Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory. South West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Assay, 158 W. G. KING, MANAGER. FRANK A. BIRD. d CHAS S. COWAN. AS3AYERS. Analytical Chemists. 160 South West Temple, Sait Lake City, Utah. The following article, under the Mormonlsm spreading rap- heading: idly in Chicago," recently appeared in the Chicago Tribune: "Mormonism is spreading rapidly in Within the last three years, or since the church was established in its permanent home at Paulina and West Monroe streets, Its active mem- has increased 50 per cent, This increase, great as it is, does not represent the growing strength of the church, for the reason that hundreds and even thousands of those who listen to the Mormon teachings will- inglv accept some, if not all, of the To openly doct lines of the church. conversion to the beliefs of a comparatively chun h Involves the risk of ostra- - fancy, but within elsiri by former friends and neighbors, short time it will assume greater inland for that reason the majority portance in the general management of those who lean to the teachings of of the national forests. if requires from two to four years Ihe Mormon elders and missionaries large prefer to have their change of religi- - to produce slock sufficiently ous sentiment remain a secret until for planting, and therefore the run move into a new community cess of reforestation at. the beginning .must be slow. Any planting that is or perhaps to Utah. The Mormons in Chicago carry on done in the vicinity of this section f a continual and aggressive campaign WU1 serve two purposes: First, cover education. Their elders and nils- - provement of the watershed slonarles never are idle, and as a con- - f an important drainage basin, from crete result of their activities it maywhi'h Salt Lake City is supplied, and, the same time, the production of be pointed out that 1,431 copies of the Book of Mormon were sold from Jhe Commerclal timber on land that mission during Ihe month of merly bore nn excellent stand, but June of this year. It is safe to say which has been devastated by carethat no church or denomination in the less lumbering and forest fires. It will be one or two years before state, Protestant or Catholic, saw that many new billies distributed among any stock is available for planting, its members in the same length of but then there should be at least lime. Within the last two years the 300,000 trees ready to set out on the mission of the Mormon mountain side. There is no question Chicago church has sold 47,000 copies of the about the success of field planting, Book of Mormon. The book is printed 8nce the region is potentially a for on expensive paper and contains 640eHtpd area. There is abundant oppor-pnge- s e Besides f unity for experimental work in of reading matter. books there have been sold 70,- - lnS new species and this spring seeds f a large number of trees that are olid other hooks treating of Mormon- common to the Wasatch Ism. More than a million booklets thirty-twpages each, andans have been sown at the nursery twice that number of pamphlets and to determine their adaptability to that region. tracts have been distributed. Seed of Japanese larch, which is "lu the same length of time 41.876 to the European larch, Chicago families have been visited by very similar Of these. has been sown at this station, and the Mormon missionaries. revisited. 6,733 families were The, while it is not certain just what the hours in results will be, yet It is believed that missionaries spent 22,434 street preaching and gospel conversa- this may prove to be a valuable tree It is estition, and as a result of this they had for planting certain sites. over 16,000 about the mated that there are 53,000 earnest inquiries church and their work. In the Chi- acres within range of this station urgent need of cago church there were 1,162 meetings which are in very In 25 years the barren last year, and several hundred chil- reforestation. dren were baptized in the faith. All slopes will he green again with trees Imof these figures were supplied by the and the planted forest will be water-flowhich is of Mormon elder in Chicago and may be proving the worth to Salt Lake City. accepted, therefore, as an accurate such great in of Mormonlsm extent statistical THE STATE FAIR. this city. "The Mormons, to the average mind, The forthcoming state fair is going are indelibly associated with polygamy, and the first questions asked of to be by far the best ever held in this them always are with reference to state. Not only will there be a larger this subject! And the astonishing fact number of exhibitions, but there will Is that the (Mormons of Chicago, like be added buildings, great improvethe Mormous of Utah, believe in po- ments and a vast number of free and lygamy. Thjey do not practice it, and outdoor attractions. There will be a they do not preach it and they complete exhibit of dry fanning and do its methods while the mining and agrido not sanction it, but they believe in It and they always are cultural, sheep, stock and swine .deready to defend their polygamous be- partments will be carefully looked afliefs with arguments." ter, as in fact, will every department. The officials of the fair are working Subscribe for your local paper. hard night and day and the result is going to be an exposition of a states resources that will surprise everyone FOREST PLANTING IN THE WASATCH MOUNTAINS QF UTAH who attends. farm-bershl- p in-th- e I Fifteen assays or analyses for Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Calcium and Manganese. 3. pro-the- y 1 Write for particulars. CHEMIHENRY HANSON CAL RESEARCH CO.,. .Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo., U. 8. A. THE im-o- THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure Tor drunkenness and the opium d There is no publicity, no slckneas. Ladies treated as privately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute, 334 W- - So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. eases. test-thes- Ltror'i French Dr. Tansy Tablets. An acWill! quaintance these tablets will result in a pleasant a surprise to suffering women Tile ladles' safeIn cases guard. of painful or sup- menstruatpressed ion THKV SUUCKKD. 12.00 per bo. At all drug storesPrice, or by mall securely sealed. Doull Drug Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. John C. Cutler, Jr., INVESTMENT Eat.bli.hed BANKER. 1893. BONDS. SUGAR STOCKS, BANK STOCKS. And Other High Grade Investments Bought Til Sold. 36 Main St.. Salt Lake City, Both 'Phone 127. 4444444 4 L. 4 Land 4 Attend United 44 4 GRAY, 4 Attorney. to all business before States Land Office, S. U. H. 4 Surveyor-Genera- l, Land State Board, ' State Engineer. Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 j t p tpp wrwr To women for collecting names and selling our we give big novelties, premiums send your name today foi our new plan of big profit with little work. Write today. Address C. T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, 32 E. 23rd Street, New York City. 4 Salt LaKe City Real Estate Is growing In value, and now is the time to invest. On Sept. ICth will offer for sale: 500 lots in JORDAN PLACE, A subdivision of Salt Lake City, at Tenth West street between Third South and Sixth South streets. One dollar cash and fifty cents a week will buy one of these lots without interest or tax. Price from $100 to $200. Size, 25 by 157 feet to alley. Streets graded and close to city school and street ears. Send for Plat to E. B. Wicks, No. 69 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. head the At W. C. Clements. 830 Palm Ave. CLEMENTS 8ROTHERS. Utah JSalt Lake City Phone Bell 1289 nz. j! PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS AND DECORATORS. ft SMuresco Tinting, Calcanilning, Wall Paper Cleaning. I'C. C. Clements. 1056 4th St See Old Friends Q Customers. AH kinds of Harness WorR Done on Shortest Notice and Lowest Prices. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Call and See Me. e Hunnecutt. Mrs. E. for business mmjrirD LIINftLLK & men OCLOCK. 432 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. AT Ind end-- "t 1 S Phor- - NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS 1. Utah Newspaper and Mining ComLocation oi pany, a corporation. principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 30th day of August, 1907, an assessment of cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable October 1, 1907, to I.. H. Gray treasurer, at 14 Eagle Utah. Any Bldg., Salt Lake City, stock upon which this assessment, may remain unpaid on the 1st day Oi October, 1907, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and, unless payment is made before will be sold on the 22nd day of October, 1907, at the hour of 12 oclock m., at 14 Eagle Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. L. H. GRAY, Secretary. Office, 14 Eagle Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. First publication Sept. 1, 1907. By the Day or WeeK. conveniences. 0v? Lcjjuua jeweiry Siure, 2o4 Soutn ham Si., SALT LAKE CITY. 4 T THE MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE THE RANGE THAT THE STAY SATISFACTORY RANGE. SAVES. Let us place one in your home, use it thirty days, if it is not satisfactory we will call for it all money paid refunded. $45.00 .to $70.00. MONARCH HARDWARE CO., J. ; ; 27-2- W. 3 S. 9 G. CAMPBELL, St, Salt Lake City. Manager We do a General Commission Parker Lumber Co. Brokerage Wholesale $ Retail. Mining Timbers, Genasco Roofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of building Material. In all UTAH and NEVADA STOCKS. Orders Promptly Executed References, any BanK in Utah. Child, Cole Write or Call at Our 100 Atlas Black, Salt BETTER THAN PRESENTED. Office, SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. Co.,; Lake City, Utah. Piles Removed WITHOUT KNIFE. Doctor Johnson, Specialist for Rectal Diseases ry j 261 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. o 8 . BOCKSTIE T. W. Practical Gents Q Ladies TAILOR.. Suits Made to Order $22.50 up, Pants $6 2L up. fS Altering, Repairing, Cleaning $L Pressing. ROOMS 33 21 35 EAGLE BLOCK, 23 SALT LAKE CITY.S Instruction begins Monday, Sept. SepRegistration of students, tember 13th and 14th. Entrance examinations, September 31th, 12th 13th. and College, engineer1 ag, normal preparatory courses are offered. The catalogue which outlines all the College work, the Preparatory Catalog which describes the preparatory and two years of work, or an illustrated booklet of the School of Mines, will be sent free on application to UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. Salt Lake City, Utah. 16th. normal-preparator- Arbuckles ARIOSA comes in j Has opened up at Where he will be pleased to e. OWNED BY a dtil.eb) Anyone in Denmarks who pays the state $32.50 when he is twenty-on- e is entitled to an anuity of $65 when he But if he dies bebecomes sixty-fivfore that time the state gets all the money. As the result of more than 1,000,000 inquiries, it has been found that of every hundred married men in Germany, France, and England, ninety-seveeighty-three- , and sixty-fivrespectively first met their future wives at social dances. Locksley Hall. 8 RubberGoods o CROW BROTHERS, South Temple Street, of Big Cottonwood it is pressed into become sticky, when bricks. W Estate of Lena Wannebo, Deceased: The undersigned will sell at private sale the real estate situate in Salt Lake county, Utah described as follows: Lots one and two in block six in the First Burlington Addition to Glendale Park in Salt Lake City, according to the recorded plat, together with the apurtenances on or after September 30, 1907, and written bids will be received at the office of McGur-ri- n & Gustin, 309 Auerbach Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Terms of sale, cash or credit as provided by law. Dated, September 4, 1907. Edward Wannebo, Administrator of the estate of Lena Wannebo, deceased. McGurrin & Gustin, Attorneys. First publication Sept. 8, 1907. ASSESSMENT NO. A huge steel chimney, the largest ever erected in one piece, has been put up at Attercliffe, Eng. It is over 100 feet high, 10 feet in diameter at the bottom, and 7 feet at the top. Sawdust is turned into transportable fuel in Germany by a very simple process. It is heated under high steam pressure until the resinous ingredients EVERYTHING Formerly of Salt LaKp City, motin-averagln- g NOTICE. f' BITS OF INFORMATION. canyon, in the Wasatch mountains, To Whom It May Concern. I desire not far from Salt Lake City, Uncle Sam has one of the most Important to state that having read a great deal of the nine planting stations which about Gridley, California, including Gridley Herald, published there, i have been established in the national the I was impressed very favorably with ' In the forests throughout the country. forth set for the the opportunities Of all the planting stations that are maintained by the forest service, this homeseeker, hue doubted if the counwas as good as represented in one, perhaps, is the most Ideal and try out by the Califorit promises to become one of the best the literature sent It is estimated that un- nia Irrigated Land Company, adver- line Fresh Stock. producers. 1,000,000 tising that section. Recently I visited der the present capacity All goods guaranteed. 8end us your and Gridley, and spent several days in can be annually, grown seedlings 'iTtatlgatlrg 2dyns mail orders. if It becomes necessary the nurseiy Tu"y can be increased to two or three there. I was very agreeably surprised ELITE DRUG CO, jjjJ times its present size. The planting to find an extremely fertile' section of 33S Main St, with abundant water for irricountry, N. J. in of are charge operations where land could a be had at Salt Lake City, Utah. Fetherolf, planting assistant, working gation, the reach of those of under the direction of E. H. Clarke, price within means. In fact, the half supervisor of the Salt Lake and moderate has not been told regarding the many Wasatch national forests. GATRELL CYRUS This station is Intended for the natural advantages to be found in that where I purchased land and production of forest tree seedlings locality, Attorney A Counselor, for planting on important watersheds hope to be able in the near future to This establish my home. The statements in the Wasatch mountains. U D. r. Walker BulfcUn an acre in seed- - erence to that section are very consernursery has one-hal- f vative, and in my opinion can be ' Balt Lake City. in the Gridley Herald and the literature sent out by the California Irrigated LanC la lied upon. PETER ALLEN, GEO. W. PARKS, La Grande, Oregon. J jj Frie-linFor particulars write to H. W. Land Attorney, general agent, 209 Ecclei BuildJ fk Auerbach Utah. Building, ing, Ogden, o Salt Laka City UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. J. E. Crow, 13 W,1 nt o days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to. do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which within ten days after service of this summons upon you, will be filed with the clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between yon and the plaintiff. CYRUS G. GATRELL, Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O. address 311 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. First publication, Sept. 22, 1907. - v- j r one pound packages for your only, protection to insure your getting the genuine old- -, sealed f PROBATE y WASH IT AWAY. it i Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its touch. For rate apply to C. H. Soui 'worth. Manager, Room 222 Commercial Club building, Salt Lake City. i i i i the Great Blood lurDI) a Nerve Tonic. ' Ikfiathr Furniihed, Strictly Modern, The Raleigh! Mrs. L. B. McGrath, Prop. 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ' Booms Single SI V r EnSuite, With Private Bath. AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clerk or respective signers for further information. SUMMONS. A Purely Vegetable Compound. Tested by Years of Experience. Posfor Constipation, Kidney itive Cure In the District Court of the Third of the State of Utah, and Stomach Troubles. fashioned Arbuckles Judicial ofDistrict Salt Lake. County Katie Esther Bishop, plaintiff vs. A Sure Relief for Rheumatism. ARIOSA Coffee everytime. Charles W. Bishop, defendant. SumTestimonials furnished on reques. Be real angry if they send you mons. The State of Utah, to the said Dea substitute, which is not as good fendant: Carbo Medical Company, You are hereby summoned to appear and may in time ruin your 56 W. 1st South Street, within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served 3 digestion and nerves. Salt Lake City. within the County in which this action CorapEe with all rKtuirenrnti cl the Natiaed Puae Food Low, Cuonmee No, 2041, filed WadonslQ, Is brought, otherwise, AGENTS WANTED. within thirty t ' Rates Reasonable. , I I Centrally Located. Strictly Modern in all Appointments. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, EUROPEAN. Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. 138 State Street, a 1 Salt LaKe City. $ 5k i mK $ ' $ 1 |