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Show mjm AFFLICTED A NEW TRIUMPH IN DIP MAKING DOUBLE STRENGTH, LOW COST. LESS FREIGHT A MOVING for Capt. Bascombs termittent Hearing. Good Reason EPISODE By CARROLL M. HI.RBST Ive found the lovliest flat," began Mrs. Pepper. Mr. Pepper laid down his paper and loked at his wife wearily. This was a No doubt, he said. lovely flat when first you found it. You know, dear, that the bedrooms are too small and the closets are Yes, yes, I know. Youve told me often enough. I wish we were savages and lived in a cave, and then whenever you wanted to move we would pick up the bearskin rug and the fire clay kettle and hike out to the lovely new cave you had just found. Absolutely tree from ny crude substance. There were tears in Mrs. Peppers Contains no tar oils. Infallible In curative effect. No Injur to sheep or wool. Requires eyes. no addition besides water. No sediment. No O, go on and move, if you want to, stirring. Mixes with cold water whether bard, he growled as he got up from the brackish, alkali or salty. table. Only dont bother me about it. IT! USE PERMITTED In all OFFICIAL DIPPINGS If you have found a flat, rent it and CUEEE MERGE and LICE ON CATTLE OB HOGS move when you get ready. Let me MUCH CHEAPER THM TOBACCO AND CRUDE know the day you are going to move LIQUID DIP and I will stay at the office till midNO DEARER THAN LIME AND SULPHUR night, and by that time you will have 1 gal. makes 180 gals, (or Scab, official strength things partially straightened out, or 800 gals, for ticks, lice, etc. You act more like a stranger than 1 gal Can US, 5 gal Can 8.50, 50 gal. brl. 75.00 head of the house, said Mrs. Pepthe WILIM. COOPER 4 NEPHEWS per, reproachfully. 177 Illinois St., Chicago I wish I was, murmured Mr. PepORDER OF YOUR MERCHANT OR WRITE per under his breath, and with this Dr.S. D.CILLETT, Ceneral Agent 715 SIXTH AYE., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. enigmatical remark he left the house. said Mrs. PepWell, I rented it that per night. When You Come to Salt Lake City He interrupted her with a wave of his hand. Doa't fail to call at our store and look through, Not a word, not a word," he said. whether you want to boy or not. Ton can lean Youve rented it. That's all. When something. are you going to move? Ill let you know, said Mrs. Pepper Indignantly. She began to tear the house to pieces the next day, but he pretended not to notice the fact. A week later, when he came down to breakfast one 170 morning, Mr. Pepper found the rugs ST. rolled up and the chairs wrapped. said going" to move SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Mrs.Were Pepper. You mean you are going to move." He put on his hat and threw his overcoat across his arm. Well, I wish I could help you, but Im awfully busy. Will have dinner downtown. Be home about midnight. So long. Obtained without delay and He kissed her hastily and hurriedly. with little trouble in Utah and It was the busy season for Mr. really Idaho. Write at once. Pepper, and his day was full of worries. It was six oclock when he left P- - 0. Box 319 Pocatello, Idaho I etiiuflr the office. He dined at a restaurant, LdWlCli P. 0 Box 544 Salt Lake City. and then went back to work at his books. At 11 oclock he went home. Abnormally Sensitive. Mr. Pepper opened the door as usual about trifles. sensitive "Awfully his latch key and ran upstairs with I should say he Is! Why, Isnt her that man is so personally sensitive and into his room before he struck a that he can tell If a single one of the match. Great Jupiter, he exclaimed, as 8,500 pores that fill the average Inch of human skin Isn't in working or- the light flared up. The room was empty. der." She has moved, of course. But When you start to read Satan San- where? - Mr. Pepper did not know. derson, Hallie Ermlnie Rives' latest He turned out the gas and went novel, published by the Bobbs-MerriAfter ringing Brown's Company, Indianapolis, you should be downstairs. sure that you are In shape for a pro- bell next door for five minutes he tracted reading spree, for the Inter succeeded In awakening Brown, who est is such that you will in all proba raised a front window on the second billty find it Impossible to lay aside floor and looked down. this fascinating story until you have What in the deuce is the matter? reached the final page. The characWho is It? asked Brown. ol action ters are forcibly drawn, the ' Do Weve moved, said Pepper. the plot moves swiftly, and one seems to walk and talk with the characters you know where we live now? Ill ask the No, of course not. so vivid Is the word picturing of Miss Rives. The physical resemblance ol missus. two men causes no end of misunderIn a minute Brown came back to the standing and misery, and from the mo window. ment of the automobile accident 1c You live over on Calumet avenue which one loses his Identity, until the somewhere. That's as near as I can time when he is saved from dis come to It. Better come In and go to grace and possible death by a repent bed. You can find your house in the ant and dying man who so closely re sembles him In general" appearance morning. said Pepper. one is kept guessing as to the final No, thank you, outcome. Satan Sanderson Is well She'll be crazy about me before worth the time spent In Its perusal. morning I'll go back to the office. When she remembers that I dont Will Take Precautions. know the new address shell teleA New York woman has become the phone. wife of the man who saved her from At 12 oclock Mrs. Pepper began to will are men who drowning. There feel uneasy. She was tired to death be mean enough after this to Inquire from moving, but when she awoke before they save drowning women from a short sleep at one oclock she whether they are married or not got up and dressed, and at two she waked the maid. Francis by Empire Builders, I know something has happened to Bobbs-Merrithe Lynde, published by Mr. Pepper, Freda. He never would Company, Indianapolis, Is a 6tory ol home until this hour railroad building In the west, and stay away from word. Theres no me without sending should be of special interest to Utah I so cant call him up. readers, many of the scenes being fa telephoneandhere, dress. We must go and miliar to residents of the Mormon Get up state. The fight of strong young men look for him. It was three oclock when the two seeking fame and fortune at their chosen avocation and among the grand women got a belated night car for the old mountains of the Rocky Mountain city, and it was 3 : 30 when they reachrange, makes one feel the thrill ol ed the Temple of Commerce building. mastery over new and unnamed lands, The door was locked,, but after they camp life, and get a whiff of far-of- f had knocked for a minute the sleepy long for the wild life of the railroad watchman appeared and let them In. builder through the wild gorges and matter? he demanded. the Whats counmountainous of this great passes love-stor- y Mr. a is course Of there Pepper. He hasnt come home. try. Interwoven in this tale of the mighty Is he here? He was before midnight. There is accomplishments of gritty men, and It looses none of its interest by rea- a light in his office now. Let us go up son of the scenes in which it Is laid. and see. Are you his wife? All right, It Is a wholesome western story and come on. one which the average westerner may The elevators were not running, and most thoroughly appreciate. It was a long, tiresome climb to the fifth floor and the watchman who had Victory Over Self. It was with profound wisdom that caught something of the panicky feelthe Romans called by the same name ing opened the door of Mr. Peppers In. Mrs. courage and virtue. There is in fact office and peeped cautiously without Pepper was afraid to look. no virtue properly Mr. Pepper was sitting in his arm and what victory over ourselves; chair with his feet on the desk slide. costs us nothing is worth nothing. He wa3 asleep. He awoke to find his wife weeping over him. Industry Causes Blindness. Most persons employed In the VeneWhy didnt you come home? O, tian glass industry begin to lose their Ive been so frightened. Bight when they are between 40 and I didnt know where I lived, said 50 years of agd, and often In short Mr. Pepper sheepishly. time become blind. This blindness Is caused by the excessive heat and Knew Whereof He Spoke. glare from the furnaces. Can you name something that it is more blessed to give than to receive? The Male Man Likes to Parade. asked the Sunday school tef.cher. Abolish uniforms and you abolish Yes, maam, answered mall Herald, war, says Col. Euston True, but Judgremembered a recent Int who ing from the popularity of the uni- with his mother, a spankin. war you formed lodges by abolishing do not abolish uniforms. . Divorce . ll . ll ONLY AT TIMES. In- When Capt. Bascomb had left his old friend, Capt. Somers, and the new school teacher sitting on the south porch, and had disappeared down the road, the young woman spoke of him with some curiosity. I understand from Mrs. Bascomb that her husband was very deaf, alshe told me. Im most stone-deaBut sure, said the school teacher. he seemed to hear all we said with perfect ease. Capt. Somers leaned toward her and spoke in a low, cautious tone, although there was no eavesdropper to hear him. "Don't let Mis Bascomb know it. He does seem he said, hurriedly. to hear pretty well when she aint round, but none of us folks ever let on to her. She's a good woman as ever lived, hut a most tremendous bosser and an everlastin talker. An we all think that Gersh Bascomb begun to realize ten years ago that if he didnt want to he harried right off'n the face o the earth, the thing for him to do was to grow deef, gradual, but steady an he's done it, to all maam! intents an purposes, Youth's Companion. f, FULLY Oklahoma UH. WITH City TnE TIMES. Surprised New Yorker. Narrow-Minde- d Oklahoma amazes an easterner. The wide, asphalted streets, the plate glass fronts of department stores, the clean unhurried sidewalks, the shoppers, the finish, the metropolitan air you find In Oklahoma City, for example, seem marvels to find In a territory only 17 years old. But do not say so. A New Yorker who went there on business complained that fate was thrusting him into a wilderness, and his Oklahoma associates could not reassure him. But coming down to breakfast the first morning, at his hotel In Oklahoma City, he stared around in wonder as he entered the well-dresse- dining-room- AH Buried by Government. Fresh Fuel. In some parts of Switzerland all ths The scrap between the married couAmateur Fancier Thought His Re- - ple had died down to a few listless dead are burled by the government, mutterings, and the canary bird in the without respect to wealth or position. aponsibility Had Ended. cage was beginning to tKnk about An Indiana man tells of the efforts singing again, when she remarked, as of an author belonging to the Hoosier a sort of Afterthought : "At any rate, everybody In my famschool of historical novelists to put In hts leisure time as a hen fann- ily thinks I am very intelligent" er In that state. The literary perYes, by the side of them you are, sons venture afforded his agricultural he replied with a hitter snort. After this the scrap was renewed neighbors no end of amusement. During the first year the amateur jubilantly. farmer discovered that all his little Not His Element. chickens, which were confined in And If I give you money, said the coops, were languishing at the point of death. The novelist went over his philanthropist, will you promise to hen literature to locate the cause of go and take a bath? Redface' Leary drew himself up to the trouble, hut to no avail. Finally he called upon an old chap Ills full height. A bath? And Is it a mermaid you named Rawlins, to whom he put the me for?" he cried bitterly. take question: What do you suppose Is the matYes, Yes. ter with those chickens? I said Mrs. Tartlelgh. suppose, said Rawlins. Well, I dunno, when you die you exixct to meet all What do you feed em? your husbands? "Feed them! exclaimed the novelist-faYou are very rude," retorted Mrs. rmer. Postil vely cured by Why, 1 don't feed them "When i die 1 expect to Muchweddo. these Little Pills. anything! Then, bow'd you suppose they go to heaven." Young's Magazine. They also relieve Die troHHlrotu Dynpcpnla, Inwas to live?" into Shake Your Shoes digent Ion audToo Hearty I presumed, replied the literary Allens . Katin. A perfect rein It cures painful, swollen, person, "that the old hens had milk smarting, sweating feet. Makes new shoes edy or DUiinctia, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad enough for them now Lippiucotts easy. Slid by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Table in the Mouth, Coat Dont accept any substitute. SampleKHKK. Magazine. e LEFT IT TO THE OLD HENS. . This, he exclaimed, this is Oklahoma!! Why, do you know? confidentially, I even found a porcelain bathtub In my room. Well, said an Oklahoman, drily, dont you have those in New York? SICK HEADACHE Foot-Euse- Tongue, Pam iu the Address A. S. Olmsted, I.e Hoy, X. Y. BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. My way Is to go Rash Covered Face and Feet Would Cry Until Tired Out Speedy . Cure by Cuticura. My baby was about nine months old when she had rash on her face and feet. Her feet seemed to Irritate her most, especially nights. They would cause her to be broken in her rest, and sometimes she would cry until she was tired out I had heard of so many cures by the Cuticura Remedies that I thought I would give them a trial. The improvement was noticeable In a few hours, and before I had used one box Of the Cuticura Ointment her feet were well and have never troubled her 6lnce. I also used it to remove what is known as cradle cap front her head, and It worked like a charm, as it cleansed and healed the scalp at the same time. Mrs. Hattie Currier, Thomaston. Me.. .Tune "06. straight forward and aim at what is right. Bishop As-bur- side, They regulate the bowels. TOKP1D LIVER. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Mm. Wlnatow'i Hoothln Njrrap, toothing, oftons the guma, reduces to fiaminaUua, alleys pslu, cures wind oollo. B&caboiiie. Fac-Simi- For chtUlrco Let thy discontents be thy secrets. Franklin, Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. fflSIOilR ojf For Infants and Children VSjrQl The Kind You Have .Ww Always Bought gfcSXfcl1 s-- ! I He Was Not to uiamt. Little Bartholomews mother overheard him swearing like a mule driver, says the Cleveland Leader. He SBiAkkiAUuiiiTTmi displayed a fluency that overwhelmed She took him to task, explaining her. Architects and Closets. wickedness of profanity as well Promotes DigestionJChmful An architect, 6ays a writer, com- the as its vulgarity. She asked him where women for a have that mania ness and ReskContalns neither plains dreadful had learned all those closets and that when a woman is al- he Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. announced that Bartholomew words. lowed any liberty in the matter she Not Narcotic. Cavert, one of his playmates, had ebangos his whole architectural plan him. Caverts mother was taught in order to make room for them. This, jfecafouikSMnrmm Informed and Cavert was he says, makes him a laughing stock straightway Sud- debook. to He vigorously jUx.Smm among his fellow architects. This is frought Instructed nied Bartholomew, having very interesting, but why do architects and neither threats nor tears could ftnttmhtf- make plans if not to make every effort his confess. At last he hurst JlUartuikWSttb fwo1 themselves to secure conveniences? A make him Bartholomew I tell didnt out: any Suqor house may be architecturally perfect should I know how words. YiMaftm Hanr. cusS Why and yet not fit to live in, and it certaindoes? he to than cuss better any ly is not if there is not closet room Hasnt his father Aperfect Remedy forCdnsflpa got an automobile, enough, lion . Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca too? Worms,Couvulsionsfevcrish ' Cunning Chap. The Manchester canal was built at andLoss OF SLEEP. ness Yes, confessed the blushing girl a cost of 875,000,000 to reduce freight I thought it rates for a distance of 35 miles, and, with the white parasol. Facsimile Signature of rather odd that Jaok should keep on while It did not prove a good interasking about our college yell. Finally, est bearing Investment on such a NEW YORK. to get rid of him, I told him it was large expenditure, Its indirect and three yells In quick succession. more permanent benefits are said to What then? asked her chum. have warranted it. What then? Why, the goose kissed Germany has 3,000 miles of canal, me three times before I could re- carefully maintained, besides 7,000 monstrate and when I gave a yell for miles of other waterway. France, each kiss mamma thought I was giv- with an area less than we would conExact Copy of Wrapper. THS CENTAUR COMPANY. NSW VORR OITV. ing the class yell. sider a large state, has 3,000 miles of E2 hhuumii and in the northern part, canal; The Crack in His Armor. where the canals are most numerous, Its a good Jthing for a man to be the railways are more prosperous. a little bald said the girl as they France, Holland walked along In the rear of one be- England, Germany, & th! world and Belgium are all contemplating bare neath whose hat showed a small FOR EVERY MEMBER OFw--v i38HOE8 extension and Improvement of further ALL THE FAMILY. AT PRICE8. half moon. It takes the conceit out their canal systems. Century Magawho can prove IV. L. of them. Now theres John. He has not &OfUUUDouaiaa doe,, zine. Menm $3 A S3. SO mhoom a bald spot that he has spent about a m jmore Lthan other any manufacturer. A Country Marvel. hundred dollars on to no effect. When THE REASON W. L. Doniflan .hoes are worn by more people In all walk, of life than any other make, la because he gets too smart all I have to do is to or their The, little fresh air boy was comexcellent style, and superior wearing qualities, glance carelessly toward that vulner- fortably quartered In a farm house .the selection of the leather and other materials for each part of the shoe, and ever detail of the making is looked after able spot and he subsides immedi- near the salt water for his summers by the mostcnmpleteorganizationof superintendents, forcinenand outing. The first day he strolled down killed shoemaker, who receive the highest wages paid In the ately. shoe Industry, and whose workmanship cannot tie excelled. the road to the marshes and he stared If I could take you Into my large factories at liroekton.Mass., WHATS THE USE? in astonishment at the growand show you how carefully W. L. I looglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shaie. lit better, ing there. Then turning around to a wear longer and are of greater ahie than an other make To Pour In Coffee When It Acts as a native of the place who was accomMy $4 Ollt Edt' CAUTION Vicious Enemy. Gosh; I didnt panying him he said: No Kutistitiite. know that sausages grow on sticks. direct to factory Fasters have gone without food for many days at a time but no one can go without sleep. For a long time I have not been sleeping well, often lying LIVE STOCK AND STOP WOMAN MISCELLANEOUS "wake for two or three hours duriBg tne night but now I sleep sound every AND CONSIDER night and wake up refreshed and vigorous, says a Calif, woman. First, thatalmostevery operation Do you know why? Its because I in our hospitals, performed upon used to drink coffee but I finally cut It women, becomes necessary because IN GREAT VARIETY of neglect of such symptoms as out and began using Postum. Twice FOR SALE AT THE Backache, Irregularities, Displace- since then I have drank coffee and LOWEST PRICES BY Pain in the Side, Dragging ments. both times I passed a sleepless night, Sensations, Dizziness and Sleeplessand so I am doubly convinced coffee A.N.KELLOCG NEWSPAPER CO. ness recaused the trouble and Postum Second, that Lydia E. rinkham's 73 W Advni Street. CHICAGO moved it Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has cured My brother was In the habit of more cases of female ills than any drinking coffee three times a day. He other one medicine known. It regwas troubled with sour stomach and I ulates, strengthens and restores women's health and is invaluable in would often notice him getting soda and during the period of Change preparing women for from the can to relieve the distress in of Life. RFATYFRS of thistopaper fcruy his stomach; lately hardly a day Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on advertised in file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn. Mass., many of which are from passed without a dose of soda for reits columns should insist upon having what they ask tor, r el using ail substitime to time being published by special permission, give absolute evilief. tutes or imitations. of the value of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Mrs. dence Finally he tried a cup of Postum Pinkhams advice. and liked it so well he gave up coffee and since then has been drinking E. Postum in its place and says he has HOWARD E. BURTON, achVmi8t.nb For more than 30 years has teen curing Female Complaints, such as not once been troubled with sour stomSpecimen prices. Gold. 8ilTer.Lcad.il; Gout, Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inach. Ver.75c; Go d. 50c; ZinoorCopper.il. Cyanide test, flammation and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves list sentonapphoa'. hug envelopes and full Even after this ladys experience lion. Control and Umpire price work solicited. Tumors at an early stage. Lead and expels Mile Colo Kelereuce. C&rtton&to&aUonal Bank. with coffee her brother did not suspect for a time that coffee was causing his to Women Invitation Mrs. Standing 16 ounces to sour stomach, but easily proved It. the package' Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to Coffee Is not suspected in thousands other starch only 12 ounces same price and. write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, for advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who 'DEFIANCE IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. of cases just like this but its easily has been advising sick women' free of charge for more than twenty Lydia E. Pink-h- a proved. A ten days trial works wonyears, and before that she assisted her mother-in-lan in advising. Thus she is especially well qualified to guide sick ders. Theres a Reason. Kiceyru Thompsons Eye Water women back to health. Write today, don't wait until too late. Read the famous little book, The W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 34, 1907., Road to Wellville, in pkgs. Bears the ww Signature of JhMtr&itt-AuseS- tti If . m 1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3.50 SHOES $3.00 nuirir eay-ihtln- cat-tail- s I Electrotypes child-birt- h i any-thi- Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I 811 firl&i Pinkhams |