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Show up with her, I must have been thinking, underneath, of the warning she had brought; for, perhaps half s of an hour after she or left, I was suddenly whirled out of by a my reverie at the window thought like a pistol thrust into my face. "What if 'they should include And Just as a man beRoebuck! gins to defend himself from a sudden danger before he dearly sees what the danger is, so I began to act before I even questioned whether my 1 suspicion was plausible or absurd. bell, the went into the hall, tang coat over my slipped a evening dress and put on a hat I'm When Sanders appeared, 1 said: pera out few minutes for going haps an hour if any one should A moment later I was in a ask. hansom and on the way to Roebuck's The door of Roebucks house was t opened for me by a maid a luxwould have been a "sinful ury, a man servant might be the hireling of plotters against his life. I may add that she looked the cheap and her manners were of the free and fresh sort that indicates a feeling that as high, or higher, wages, and less to do could be got elsewhere. I dont think you can see Mr. Roebuck," she said. Take my card to him," I ordered, "and Ill wait in the parlor. Parlor's in use, she retorted with a sarcastic grin, which I was soon to understand. So I stood by the old fashioned coat and hat rack while she went door of the back himself Roebuck on his glasses Bible under his see you, Matthew," said he with saintly kindliness, giving me a friendly hand. "We are Just about to offer up our evening prayer. Come right in. I followed him into the back parlor. Both it and the front parlor were lighted; in a sort of circle extending taken three-quarter- light-weig- Bij DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPS, Author of M77fFCQS2fc (ccwmsffr J9cs bcsss-kzbsc- z oar&zivK) CHAPTER XXII Continued. you her exact words as far as I can. scoundrel!" she hissed, her Well, said I, and why didn't you whole body shaking and her go? She pressed her lips firmly together. appearance of the gracious evening of youth swallowed up Finally, with a straight look into my In a black cv clone of hate. You eyes, she replied: "I shall not dis You gutter-- you for the shame you have brought upon us! 1 opened the door and bowed, with-Du- t a word, without even the desire to retain insult for insult had not Anita evidently again and finally reAs jected them and chosen me? they passed into the private hall I rang for Sanders to come and let them out. When I turned back into the drawing-room- , Anita was seated, was reading a book. I waited until I saw she was not going to speak. Then I said: What time will you have dinner? But my face must have been expressing some of the joy and gratitude that filled me. She has chosen!" I was saying to myself over and over. "Whenever you usually have it, she replied, without looking up. "At seven oclock, then. You had better tell Sanders." I rang for him and went into my little smoking-room,- . She had resisted her parents' final appeal to her to return to them. She had cast in her lot with me. "The rest can be left to time, said I to myself. And, reviewing all that bad happened, I let a wild hope send tenacious roots deep into me. How often ignorance is a blessing; how often knowledge would make the step falter and the heart quail! God will punish plant! cuss that. You probably misunderstand, but that is your own affair. "You believed what she said about me, of course," said I. I neither believed nor disbelieved," as she she answered indifferently, rose to go. "It does not interest me. "Come here, said I. I waited until she reluctantly joined me at the window. I pointed to the steeple of the church across the way. You could as easily throw down that steeple by pushing against it with your bare hands, I said to her, as they, whoever they are, could put me down. They might take away my money. But if they did, they would only be giving me a lesson that would teach me how more easily to get it back. I am not a bundle of stock certificates or a bag of money. I am here, and I tapped my forehead. She forced a faint, scornful smile. She did not wish me to see her belief of what I said. 1 You may think that Is vanity, went on. But will learn, sooner or man-servan- When mamma was here herself. this afternoon," she went on, she was urging me to to do what she wished. And after she had used several arguments, she said something I Ive been thinking it over, and it seemed I ought in fairness to tell you. I waited. She said: In a few days more he that meant you he will be ruined. He imagines the worst is over for him, when in fact they've only begun. I repeated. Who are They! they1? The Langdons? I think so. she replied with an Sort She did not say Ive told he said, amazing me by his Instant frankness "The announcement has been postponed." Why did he not lie to me? Why did he not put me off the scent, as he might easily have done, with some shiewd evastou? suspected I owed it to my luck in catching hint at family prayers. 'When will the reorganization be announced?" 1 asked. "1 can not he answered. say, "Some difficulties chiefly labor difficulties have arisen. Until they are settled, nothing can be done. Come to me and we'U talk about 1 it" That Is all I wished to know, said I, with a fiiendly, easy 6mile. "Good night." It was his turn to be astonished aud he showed it, where 1 had given not a sign. "What was the report you heaid?" he asked, to detain me. That yon and Mowbray Langdon had conspired to ruin me," said I, laughing. He echoed ray laugh rather hollow-I- t was hardly necessary for you to come to me about such a a statement. "Hardly, I answered dryly. Hardly, indeed! For I was seeing now all that I had been hiding from myself since I became infatuated with Anita and made marrying her my only real business in life. We faced each other, each measuring the other. And as his glance quailed before mine, I turned away to conceal my exultation. In a comparison of resources ttiis man who had plotted to crush me was to me as fant to midget. But I hed the Joy or realizing that man to man, I was the stronger. XXIV. GORDON ACADEMY. 3 South & 3 East Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Private Boarding and Art and Music Day School tor hoys and girls. Department, Fifth, Sixth. Seventh, E gth Grales, together with all High Seliool branches. College trained tea hers, imlnldiul help when necessary. Expenses moderate. For Particulars Address: D. CLARK, Principal B. Gordon Hall. Visit Our Stores in NEW and Salt Lake We Carry a Complete Line of SECOND-HAN- D household In SEPARATE STORES. Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Old Stove. Western Furniture Company. later, the difference between boasting and simple statement of fact You will learn that I do not boast What I said is no more a boast than for a man with legs to say, I can walk. into both rooms were all the Roebucks and the four servants. "This is my friend, Matthew Blacklock, said he, and the Roebucks in the circle gravely bowed. He drew up a Because you have known only leg- chair for me, and we seated ourselves. less men, you exaggerate the diff- Amid a solemn hush, he read a chapiculty of walking. Its as easy for me ter from the big Bible spread out upto make money as it is for some peo- on his lean lap. My glance wandered from face to face of the Roebucks, ple to spend it. It Is hardly necessary for me to say as plainly dressed as were their serI was not insinuating anything vants. I was able to look freely, mine against her people. But she was just being the only eyes not bent upon then supersensitive on the subject, the floor. So absorbed was I in the study of She though I did not suspect It You will not have any the influence of his terrible master-charactflushed hotly. cause to sneer at my people on that upon those closest to it, I setaccount hereafter, she said. that 1 started when he said: Let I followed the us pray tled that example I was not sneering at them, I pro- of the others, and knelt The audible tested. I wasnt even thinking of prayer was offered up by his oldest them. And you must know that its daughter, Mrs. Wheeler, a widow. a favor to me for anybody to ask me Roebuck punctuated each paragraph in her series of petitions with a to do anything that will please you amen. When she prayed Anita!' She made a gesture of impatience. for the stranger whom Thou has led I see Id better tell you why I did seemingly by chance into our little I insisted circle, he whispered the amen more not go with them that they give back all they have fervently and repeated it The prayer taken from you. And when they re- ended and, us on our feet, the servants withdrew; then, awkwardly, all fused, I refused to go. I dont care why you refused, or the family except Roebuck. That is, I am they closed the doors between the two imagined you refused, said I. content with the fact that you are rooms and left him and me alone in the front parlor. bre." I shn'l not detain you long, Mr. But you misunderstand It, she an-- s A report reached re red coldly. Roebuck, said I. I don't understand it, I don't mis-- me this evening that sent me to you I ac-- c at once. iderstand it, was my reply. If possible, Matthew, said he, and it. pt She turned away from the window, he could not hide his uneasiness, put ifted out of the room you, who off business until My mird is not in the love or at least have loved, can imyours, too, I trust agine how it made me- - feel to see Her frame for that kind of thoughts now. Is the Coal organization to be anmoving about in those rooms of mine While the surface of my mind was nounced the first of July? I de loudly-whis- pered to-da- u right Successor to Crow Brothers, MANUFACTURER sym-path- DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Robes, Dusters, Horse Sheets. Etc. Good material, Good worK, Just prices. 35 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. Sounds Big, but its True you want to talk with every town in Utah, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the "BELL Otherwise you If CANT! Pure Gold Rings 18k hm 18 k INSIDE. Telephones have this OUTSIDE. DOCTORS WHO CURE mtk Bladder Kean, Thsoed, Steam oh. Uvae. Kidney ulBowel Eaart Dtama SkW Dtaaaiaa, Deefne.t, Fits, 0ATA1UIH hI Anal. all Ilium a, of tka wad CkwaA, Hh.nm.alCT. Pile., sooela, Oeoeirheen, Ayphil ChnaU Kamu tad wad ahtUna. 91 '-- ov torrhal ehreni. . She turned full toward me, and even In the dimness I saw her quick an Impulsive flash instantly gone. But it had been there! I came in here, I went on, to pay that Anita, It doesnt in the ieast matter. No one in this world, no one and nothing, could hurt me except through you. So long as I have you, they the rest all of them together cant touch me. We were both silent for several minutes. Then she said, and her voice was like the smooth surface of the river where the boiling rapids run But you havent me and deep: never shall have. Ive told you that I warned you long ago. No doubt you will pretend, and people will say, that I left you because you lost your money. But It wont be so. I was beside her instantly, was lookWhat do you ing into her face. mean? I asked, and I did not speak gently. (To be Continued.! Crow, . No lights, I WAITED. FURNISHINGS D entered. please dont turn on any more I said, as she moved toward the electric buttons. I just came in to to see if I could do anything for In fact, I had come, longing you. for her to do something for me, to show in look or tone or act some sympathy for me In my loneliness and trouble. No, thank you, she said. Her voice seemed that of a stranger who wished to remain a stranger. And she was evidently waiting for me to go. You will see what a mood I was In when I say I felt as I had not since I, a very small boy indeed, ran away from home; I came back through the chilly night to take one last glimpse of the family that would soon be realizing how foolishly and wickedly unappreciative they had been of such a treasure as I; and when I saw them sitting about the big fire in the lamplight, heartlessly comfortable and unconcerned, it was all I could do to keep back the tears of strong self-pit- y and I never saw them again. Tve seen Roebuck, said I to Anita, because I must say , something, if J was to stay on. Roebuck? she inquired. Her tone reminded me that his name conveyed nothing to her. He and I are in an enterprise toHe is the one gether, I explained. man who could seriously cripple me. Oh, she said, and her indifference, forced though I thought it, wounded. Well, said I, your mother was City. Figure With Us Cefore Buying Elsewhere. Mail Orders Solicited. Goods Promptly and Carefully Packed for Shipping. NEW STORE, 254-25- 6 South State Street. SECOND-HANSTORE, 242 South State Street. n e I dont she interrupted; really mind cigars and the windows are wide open. Besides, I came for only a moment just to say As she cast about for words to carry her on, I drew up a chair for her. She looked at it uncertainly, seated oods. No, WIFE MUST1 As I drove away, I was proud of myself. I had listened to my death sentence with a face so smiling that he must almost have believed me unconscious; and also, it had not even entered my head, as I listened, to beg for mercy. Not that there would have been the least use In begging; as well try to pray a statue into life, as try to soften that set will and purpose. Still, many a man would have weakened and I had not weakened. But when I was once more in my apartment in our apartment perhaps I did show that there was a Weak streak through me. I fought against the Impulse to see her once more that night; brt I fought in vaij. I knocked at the door of her Situng-roon- i a timid knock, for me. No answer. I knocked again, more loudly then a third time, still more loudly. The door opened and she stood there, like one of the angels guarded the gates of Eden after the fall. Only, instead of a flaming sword, hers was of ice. She was in a dressing-gowor tea gown, white and clinging and full of Intoxicating hints and glimpses of all the beauties of her figure. Her face softened as she continued to loon at me, and I BLACKLOCK No, no, w MY XXIII. ATTENDS FAMILY PRAYERS. During dinner I bore the whole burden of conversation though burden I did not find it Like most closemouthed men, I am extremely talkative. Silence sets people to wondering and prying; he hides his secrets best who hides them at the bottom of a river of words.- If my spirits are high, I often talk aloud to myself when there is no one convenient And how could my spirits be anything but high, with her sitting there opposite me, mine, mine for better or for worse, through good and evil report my wife! She wa3 only formally responsive, reluctant and brief in answers, volThe servants nothing. unteering waiting on us no doubt laid her manner to shyness; I understood it, or thought I did but I was not troubled. It is as natural for me to hope as to breathe; and with my knowledge of character, how could I take seriously the moods and impulses of one whom I regarded as a child-likgirl, trained to false pride and false ideals? She has chosen ta stay with me, Actions court, not said I to myself. words or manner. A few days or weeks, and she will be herself, and mine. And I went gaily on with my efforts to interest her, to make her smile and forget the role she had commanded herself to play. Nor was I wholly unsuccessful. Again and again I thought I saw a gleam of interest in her eyes or the beginnings of a smile about that sweet mouth of hers. I was careful not to overdo my part As soon as we finished dessert I said: "You loathe cigar smoke, so I'll hide myself in my den. Sanders will bring you the cigarettes." I had myself telephoned for a supply of her kind early in the day. She made a polite protest for the benefit of the servants; but I was firm, and left her free to think things over alone in the drawing-rooI called it. I your sitting-room- , had not finished a small cigar when there came a timid knock at my door. I threw away the cigar and opened. "I thought it was you, said I. Im familiar with the knocks of all the others. And this was new like a summer wind tapping with a flower for admission at a closed window. And I laughed with a little raillery, and she smiled, colored, tried to seem cold and hostile again. Shall I go with you to your sitting-room? I went on. Perhaps the cigar smoke here manded. It has always been, ana a: ays shall be, my method to fight it, the open. This, not f.xmi principle, but from expediency. Some men fight best in the brush; I don't. So 1 always begin battle by shelling tho IHmum Ala 9 Rapture, Lost Manhood. Preatatle Trouble., and all rrt .ale Dlmaai .f Men, Women or $11 Iw a war. for ah I madlelnaa fro. far it Co-- a U CONSULTATION FREE Eye Departmaat fey (ha gulok am. W aU Pro Dlaueaa nd for the glaaaes la una:iMliU. being in akeie ai a BpaalaUel .a the Era af (tending. Oonsoltadtoa aad Adnoa hta. Dr. Shore.' proper tttls( .f ST ,wn' A Special Department lor Men. ial Department asataatvaly ta tha traatmant and asra af all Prlrata Din an, whether aaoaad hy Ignomam, axeaaaaa ar contagion. man who Younf man wha here haaa fed astray hr had aoenpnalanw--middle-ag-ed unfortunate who man wha lad ihatr eunl rtf or gen hars you fe anaaaaaa tha viotlma af Blood Pnfeon and wl ether, who sued tha here eontraated disc aounaal and aid at axparlanaad and kindly phvaietana, am aardially iavltad ta aonault this department and ha adrteed FBBH Or OHARQA. So aura ta tba eon under DBA. SHORES' MODE AM METHODS In afl Prlrata h. small weekly ar monthly Diseases, that you may wnoge to pay tha fee In a ure Installments, at tha aura progresses, ar you may PAY WMJU till BED. Swtos" foe aar SHORES Dont advertise ' 'single ailment and then charge yea ton tlaua a much eompU as the amount advartieed heoauaa tha ease la Dra. Bhorea laava that to tha Taka Modi eel eated. Dra. Bhorea guarantos that ana fas pays Institutes." for ALL your ailments If they treat your aaea and that tha fas for a CURB win be oboe par than yea aaa ha Dra. .Bhorea alas furnish eured tor elsewhere. for lalnea FREE there is no "hold up after you have arranged tha fas. Quaoks and Fakirs resort to such tricks to rob tha unwary but Legitimate abhor and denounea them. Bewara of any fakir who kidea behind a fake Medibecause ha dare not advertise under his cal Inetitute Thera muat ha a reason for It. own name Home Treatment Corea. Write for Proa Symptom Ldst If you cannot call. Consultation free. p. m. Evenings, Y to OFFICE HOURS: a. m. to Sundays and holidays 10 Dra, a Drs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialist, 249 SSu La'ciuui, |