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Show be expected to be charged with evWho is the most discussed man in We from America? asks a contemporary. Patterson erything striking Billy When the herring fishery season is to consuming too many cigarettes. do not know, but John D. Rockefeller at its height, something like 5000 oc doubtless is the most cussed. 6000 miles of nets are set nightly in to Louis is the install St biggest the North Sea. A scientist says that the planets are lightning rod factory in the world, enhance This should much its very a lot of our heat. There does stealing The worlds oceans hold in solution . . he fit tnd proper p ace for not appear to be any storage, at least 2,000,000 tons of silver. There the ne t two cati al conventl is also much copper and a little gold in sea water. Learn to shoot straight is the All over the world there are 562,436 Presidents advice to the youth of the miles of railway lines' now open. land, and he should have backed that America has 285,781 miles, and Eu- up with the caution not to aim an unsecond with 193,133 loaded gun at anybody. rope is a poor ' miles. In one day recently the mayor of AlThe largest orchards in the worla ton, Iill., kissed a thousand babies, , are at Werder, near Berlin. They ex- and when he got through he was tend without a break to about 13,000 probably just in a mood to start on Headquarters for all Gasoline Lamps and Supplies. Send Descrip ion of Goods Wanted and I. E. REDMAN. Manager. We Do the Rest acres. They yield about 48,000,000 their big sisters. 109 E. Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. pounds of apples and pears every o year. SEPTEMBER EXCURSIONS EAST. Some trees are much more liable to Via the Colorado Midland, greatly be struck by lightning than others. Thus the oak and the elm are often reduced rates, September 4th and 5th, struck and destroyed; but the ash is Ticket office 77 W. 2nd South. Tel. C. C. Clements. W. C. Clements. Back to the farm I L. H.HARDING, rarely struck, and the beech, it is 678. 830 Palm Ave. 5 1056 4th St. General Agent never. said, where Thats you CLEMENTS BROTHERS. o Utah At Stenton, Prestonkirk, is a wonBETTER THAN PRESENTED. get good coffee, iSalt Lake City 5 derful hen a first cross between a Phone Bell 1289 n2. fresh loose black Minorca and a buff Orpington. cf that roasted one LALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, S 1 IpAINTERS. HANGERS desire PAPER This hen has just laid an egg weigh- to To Whom It May Concern. deal DECORATORS. AND a state read that great from having the stuff store pound ing six ounces, and measuring nine about Gridley, California, including uy f!Muresco Tinting, Calcamlning. inches by eight inches Si the Gridley Herald, published there, nobody knows where, full of dust, Wall Paper Cleaning. I was impressed very favorably with De-partmebut soiled and hands, atmosphere the The Vatican was thoroughly cleaned the opportunities set forth for counhue doubted if the the real old, genuine egg and sugar lately, and a quantity of repainting homeseeker, done. The work employed 5700 peo- try was as good as represented la sent out by the Califor- coated Arbuckles ARIOSA John C. Cutler, Jr., ple for six months. Merely in clean- the literature Land nia Company, adveo Irrigated 1000 loaves of bread ing wallpapers, in INVESTMENT BANKER. the folks which 'Coffee, keep tislng that section. Recently I visited were used daily. EstablUhed 1893. Gridley, and spent several days in the original package and grind in BONDS. SUGAR STOCKS. BANK STOCKS. conditions the investigating The largest quill Toothpick factory fully And Otheri in the world is near Paris, where there there. I was very agreeably surprised the kitchen. High Grade Investments Bought of section Sold. is an annual product of 20,000,000 to find an extremely fertile Thats Coffee I irri36 Main St Salt LaKt City, quills. The factory was started to country, with abundant water for Both Phones 127. make quill pens, but when these went gation,, where land could be had at a Complin with requirement of the Nation Pun out of general use it was converted price within the reach of those of Food Law. Guarantee No. 2041, Sled at Wellington. Vwhs moderate means. In fact, the half into a toothpick mill. has not been told regarding the many While the average man is satisfied natural advantages to be found in that BRANCH OFFICES t Wall-Pape- r, with a maximum of thirty-twteetn, locality, where I purchased land and 234 Main St., PROVO. LOGAN. a Turk, near Baiburt, in Asia Minor, hope to be able in the near future to OGDEN. PARK CITY all perfect. He establish my home. The statements Salt Lake City boasts of forty-fivPainting, Graining, Paper-Hangin- g, Calcimining, Tinting, l family, his contained in the Gridley Herald and belongs to a DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager Sign , Painting. Calimother and a sister each having the the literature sent out by the leeth Extracted Pooltlvely Without Tain Free With Other Work Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. fornia Irrigated Land Company in refsame number. K 00 Phones: Bell 178 IK, Ind. 2287. Set Teeth (best red rubber erence to that section are very consero 83 M to 5.01) k Gold Crowns, and in my opinion can he reAll low-price- d 16 00 vative, to ....13.50 figured papers trimmed unless otherwise best Work, Bridge ELECTRIC SPARKS. lied upon. Gold Killings 00up ordered. too 50c, All Other Fl.liugs PETER ALLEN, 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. The discovery that one Michigan La Grande, Oregon. 12 YEARS GUARANTEE. man has held office continuously for For particulars write to H. W. Frie-linFREE Examination and Advloe. fifty years has created considerable general agent, 209 Eccles Buildconcensus of the and Sundays 10 to 2. opinion ing, Ogden, Utah. Open till p. m. talk, seems to be that if he ever was a 3- - RRINC THIS AP. WITH YOU AT EITHER OFFICE. democrat he managed to cofiteal the Dr. fact. Prenet Tansy Tablets. An ac1906 MODELS. So jnany aeronauts are having wltn quaintance these tablets will thrilling escapes every day that reckGrand Prize, Paris, 1900; Doub! -Practical Gents Q Ladies result In a pleasless automobilists are rapidly reachSt. Louis, 1904. Grand, ant to surprise careers where in their that stage fl'led out, ing Send coupon below, women sufferingTHe ladles' safeour nearest dealer or to us and gel they will receive no more notice than cases In beer off who a falls guard. wagon. man a our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of, of painful or sup- fer to responsible parties anywhere menstrua pressed Senator Beveridge differs from tion THEY SUCCEED. Price, 2.00 per in the United States. Dont delay; Salts Made to Order $22.50 21 up, Pants $6 Q up. box. At all drug stores or by mall, Bryan in that he has never lost a securely sealed. This is your opportunity to secure ab Doull 833 Co., Drug ConstiAtlanta the Machine night shirt, says Main, Salt Lake City, Utah. ysolutely onthe best Talking Altering, Repairing, Cleaning & Pressing. tution. But he resembles Bryan in payments that will not be made, ROOMS to , 33 21 35 EAGLE BLOCK, talk. M that he never lost a chance felt. We accept old machines In part from written A guarantee , payment. Jjj PAUMIK BVRIS1AN The women of this country can the oldest, largest and most successful manufacturers of Talking never be biought to look upon Japan in the entire world. , chines as one of the world powers, since it Columbia Phonograph Co., GenI. has leaked out that the styles in women's clothes in the Mikados M. R. realm have not changed in 2500 years. WORKS & Main St., Salt pany, General 327-- 2 T5 Lake City, Utah. Strictly Modern, Elegantly Furnished, lot,.., and WO' SAL Before the date of the next repubPlease send me your Free Trial and,lith 55 W. Second South. Easy Payment Offer with illustrated lican convention, Mr. Fairbanks can Stal 'City erature. MT BITS OF INFORMATION. cm , i competition V3 I COLLEGE! ALL HALLOWS Boarding School for Boys. Classical, Scientific S Commercial Gymnasium ? 11 nts. $ Drill KNAPT0N, CURTIS $ : HAMMER CO. Paints, Etc o UTAH DENTAL GO. well-toothe- d 12-- V,- - 5tt3fc3ai3a;3Sfc3St3Sfc3St5:2Ja;5iSSS:3a lieroyi T. W. .1 BOCKSTIE, TAILOR. iv SAiT LAKE CITY.K jn MKt CITY. The Raleigh! We Cure Men For Say to the Agent WHEN YOU GO EAST want to go as far as possible via the Mrs. L. B. McGrath, Prop. 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Rooms Single Q EnSoite, With Private Bath. 1 No Pay Unless Cured r Consultation Free. I WE ARE THE Leading Specialists ROAD BED; The argument is this; A SHORT ROUTE; TREATMENT. That ia COURTEOUS EXCELLENT SERVICE; For information and rates see any Oregon Short Line Agent or address D. E. BVRLEY. G. P. A. ? Salt Lake City D. S. SPENCER., i?V A. G. P. A k pi a. m. to SALT SCENIC LINE OF THE CANYON panorama KOF NATURAL through trains. I LAKE 7 MEDICAL WHEEL GAP. GLENWOOD CANYON .X&M,KM.M,.r.MKK. 4444444'444444444444444444 SPRINGS. of the GUNNISON. GARDEN OF THE GODS. MANITOU The SPRINGS. nrpvrprvrrrrrrri'ryryr VtVt444"444444'4 4 4 44444'4444 44 k I. ( I i 2 62-- 54 a Sanitarium Baths. H t Swimming Pools! Turkish Ba.ths! h Private Baths! THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH r TOURIST SLEEPERS. AND PULLMAN TO DENVER. ' ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address .CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D Salt Lake City. IHI if Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart ol the City. PEN DAY & NIGHT. W. 3rdS. St. SALT LAKE CITY. S3 44'4vr444444'444'4ir444'4'4'44444 prw H. 133 State Street, Salt LaKe City. r pt 1 ) KYAN, offomoa INSTITUTE, - Ind. Phene. Bell Phone. 3901-- Ml SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY. The Largest Independent Linotype Plant Weit of Chicago. All Kind of Type Setting from Agate to Plea Promptly and Skilfully Executed Special Edition, Tnx Lists, Hrlrfe and Prospectus a Specialty. Write for Ell A Full Line of Machine Border Always on linnd. ms tea. Address P. O. Bo 1141. Ball l ake City. Bell Phone S1 17. 159Va S. MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. - Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. 582 LINOTYPERS. to S JO; Sundays, ( a. m. to U noon. WORLD. of the GRANDE WAGON beauty THREE p. m.; evenings, EAGLE RIVER CANYON. A all way. the i I EUROPEAN. KOMNEY A . We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to write Us About His Ailment. Hours: NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, Itk Not oriy In Salt Lake City, but In the whole Paclflo West. The results of our to our ofprofessional work are bringing fice men from every state and Territory In the West. We use the mlscroscope to make our diagnosis. If you want a permanent cure, consult us. We cure all forma of Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous Decline. Plies. Fistula. Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary Diseases due to Weakness and the result of speclfio diseases, and all Private Diseases of Men. OUR BYSTEM OF TREATING le superior to any In this country, and our cures are the result of these methods. We never fall to effect a cure In suffer from neglect, from want of money or from any case we take. If you unskilled practice here Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled years of ripe experience In treating specialist, a graduate physician, with It will cost nothing to complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. talk to us,, and may be the means of restoring you to health and happiness. Our offices are very private. You see only the dootor. Why not call today? Our fee being so low. It enables many who are afflicted to procure the medical assistance. Terms made to suit If necessary, to that scientific highest anyone need not go without treatment. GOOD everything in traveling, I Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located. all Modern in Strictly Appointments. hj a i ii it s it K-- Zx '4'444'44X44'4444444'4tt(Mr4ll r |