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Show l of which is ore. In one is a streak of free gold ore. One of tne NORTH BINGHAM. tunnels in running 260 feet Into the mountain will gain nearly 500 feet in Four Companies Have Good Prospects vertical depth. A contract for 100 feet in Barneya Canyon. of work has just been let, and the company has eight men at work in two places. The men behind the comEAGLE BIRD IN LEAD ORE pany are confident that they will have a paying proposition here In a Gets Gold Nevada Exploration Reshort time. From publican, issue July 26, 1907. Knight and Newhouse at Work. Five of the claims in Barneys canreferred to above, acquired by yon in North is Bingdoing Something purchase by the Nevada Exploration ham; much more Is likely to be do- & Mining Company, Is patented ing la that region within the next ground, and it is the Intention of the few months. company to run a tunnel through so as to tap at depth the other ten outOf one the biggest Covering in ever Been any mining croppings camp is a string of four properties now being worked by companies, one of which is backed by Samuel another by Jesse Knight, the other two by well known mining men. The ledge crosses Barneys canyon about a mile north of Bingham canowns yon. The Knight company ground on both sides of the canyon and has a tunnel driven about 200 feet toward the ledge. The Newhouse operations are in a southerly direction from the Knight workings, on the opposite side of the hllL North of the Knight property the Nevada & Company, Mining Exploration formed by local men, has acquired a group of 15 claims, while still north of this group the Eagle Bird Mining & Milling Company owns a group of 14 claims, in which Interesting developments are in progress. The Nevada Exploration & Mining THE Company has only recently rounded out its possession, having taken over, one by purchase, the others by bond CURIOUS and lease, three adjoining groups of have been five claims each which thrown into one group. Little work -Dhas yet been done, but quantities of surface rock have been found which Curious Compound Capsules comruns from $4.80 to $16 in gold, no tests for the other metals having bine the virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K., been made. It Is the Intention of the Santal Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a at box. Mail orders promptly attended company to begin . development to. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, 338 once. Main St., Salt Lake City. Has Good Lead Strike. Noie genuine without the trade The Eagle Bird Company has only mark the Curious D. fairly started, but It has an excellent showing.' In a shaft 42 feet deep it is In a body of lead ore 14 feet across either way and how much larger it Is is not known. The ore averages 37 per cent lead. Aside from this strike the company has two tunnels In both THINGS DOING NOW IN CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MEN. six-inc- h Inter-Mountai- n CO M FO RT AB LE SUMMER WEAR your wants in clothes or furnishings, we offer the newest ideas Whatever at most popular prices. SUMMER SUITS New-houB- and OUTING SUITS $12.50 to $40.00 SUMMER 4 tttrm (hdftr fttrAtfn 1 made in new york I shirts, ties, belts, hose, Straw and Panama hats. underwear, poul lonadservOwenj IN IIHI3 I 13 WHERE THE CLOTHES FIT Ma i n SI reel: - Ham Street Salt Lake City. 4 4 4 4 4 Strictly First Class. Mrs. Mary Marriott, Prop. 4. FURNISHED ROOMS BY 4 4 THE DAY, Week or Month. 4 4 Rates 50c, 70c, and $1.00 per Day. ... 44 Vi West First South St., Salt Lake City. Bell Phone 6198 Red. 26 TRAINS 4 44444444444444444444444444444444444 S g i ti 5 K i S I 1- -2 .mills RECORD (Temple . o i-2- 444 l, - STATE AGENTS Fox Visible anil Blickensilerfer Typewriters Special Prices on Used Type writers of All Makes. UTAH 62 5 $ W. EXCHANGE Second South Street, Salt Lake City OWNED BY Mrs. gft niuiarrD DllMIiLLK . Hunnecutt. F0R BUSINESS men i oclock. 432 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. at 8 8 8 8 Independent Phone 2776. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS By the Day or Weak. convenFences. Over Leysons Jewelry Store, 234 South Main St., SALT LAKE CITY. ll2cts. 5)(Cto Per Share ct. TYPEWRITER LocKsley Hall. TIME TABLE I Co. Aloxander-Dlbbl- DAILY SflLTflIR WASH IT AWAY. Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its touch. For rate apply to C. H. S 222 Soul ''worth, Room Manager, PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. Commercial Club building, Salt Lake Stop Those HeaAj City. aches. We Are Here. .Jj THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT 1 STONE CO. Those Dizzy Spells Timee a Year CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MA That Eye Strain. UFACTURERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want o : establish a plant In every city, to and village In Utah. Block machines from $100 up Co. Alexander Optical Formerly Start a email plant and become ISO-J- I 4444. Phones M Atlas Block, 8alt Lake City. Both Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City. Ind Phone 3806-7- . 2 ( - THE MIDLAND! NEATLY e, above them. This claims located tunnel runs towards the Eagle Bird CRISMON & NICHOLS. claims. at their properties While developing Assayera sad Chemist.. Bingham, however, the Nevada Exno : Office and Laboratory, 229 S. W. ploration & Mining Company has intention of neglecting the Nevada Street, field. There it has maintained a prosCITY. pector In the field for four months, s and he has succeeded In locating some valuable ground. It is the companys - i'JJSS1 -- 5 intention1 to develop these claims, and advisable S. BIRD. CHAS COWAN. A. FRANK would it certainly appear to do so, as the prospector reports ASSAYERS. that on the surface the showing is divideequally as good as that famous Analytical Chemists. nd-payer, the Nevada Hills. 160 South West Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not 4':4-carry In stock Temple Brand Head Sweaters, Se-gL. H. GRAY, 4 4- Lily Underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt 4Land Attorney. 4 Lake Knitting Works. 4 Attend to all business before 4 United States Land Office, 44 U. S. Surveyor-GeneraBETTLES, MATHEZ A CO., State Land Board, 4 State Engineer. Assay, Chemical and Metallurgical 4 Laboratory. 4 Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 158 South West Temple Street, 4 4-Salt Lake City, Utah. four of NEVADA EXPLORATION COMP W vM. W SO MINING A N Y. ii Vi 0 8 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 FOUR MONTHS AGO NOTHING but HOPES, X jj? TO-DA- Y: 3 Claims 6 miles from Ely, Nevada; 3 12 miles from a Railroad; 7 miles from McGills Smelter. Five Patented and five Unpatented Claims in North Bingham. Bond and Lease on 300 Acres in North Bingham. O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 From Nevada Ore: $351.80 Cold and Silver. The NEVADA Vein is 400 feet Wide, Pay Streak on the Surface 6 inches Wide. Also a Rich Cross Vein. $4.80 to $16 Gold. The Bingham Vein is an Immense outcrop, Thousands of tons in sight. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O O O For the Developement of These Groups a Limited Amount of StocK is Being Offered at the Low Price of 5 cts. mills to 5 cents a Share per Share; This StocK Will Double in Value Within Thirty Days. Remember from 2 in 4 Months! 1- -2 2. F. B. SCOTT, For Stock and Information Apply to 14 to 16 Secretary Eagle Building', Salt Lake City. i : i |