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Show 4 A Houte-Buildin- Maxim. g A. Richter estate West First South, True design is not constructed decc ration, but decorated construction CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of lion fences. Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and iron work. We do Electro Plating in Nickel and Copper in all the Latest Finishes. Write for Prices. 627 Salt Lake City State St 328-32- 14 ESTABLISHED 1893. A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting into business? For instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or. In fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be ' money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. $3.50. 36 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. mak- Old New Ones. Ths new 1806 models of the COLUMBIA ORAPHOPTTflllBl In th talking miiNes embody all of the latest Improvements sofld and are the standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In exchange for the latest types, and dont forget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Backed by the Largest Twitting Machine Company in the World Goes With the Machine. ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND S IJ7-U- COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH So. Main St. Both Phones. 1 GLADSTONE HOTEL. Mt st gait Lake City, ftehciy lurrushed rooms by tne aay, Week or Month. Rates. 50 cents to f 1.50 per day. Special rates by the day, week or month. 119 South it it it it BALT LAKH . CUT. Bell Phone 797. If you money on time, easy tlons, drop irkish Ba.ths! ivate Baths! it want to borrow your farm, long-i-t terms, liberal op- - 4) us a line. Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart ot the City. 1 2 s PEN DAY & NICHT. -- 54 W. 3r dS. St. SALT 0 0 0SSS9SSCOOSOO THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium diseases. There is no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as privately ns at their own homes. The Keeley Institute. 334 W- So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. - IN COCA-COL- k 31 fc M P O. Box 10C. M 144444444444 334 Main Salt Laki City Branch Offlea, 47 Utah Dental Co. ).Main, Logan, Utah D. Salt Lake. Jr1 e ,.... fl-1- 0 IS.OC Easiest terms., 5.00 prices. Salt Lake City. CIGAR. Whitaker and Dallas, Makers. 134 W. 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. WASH IT AWAY. Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at its touch. For rate apply to C. H. 222 Room Southworth, Manager, Commercial Club building. Salt Lake City. ........,i0e i, FREE J7444444444444444444!' 4444e.-:4444444444444- you need anything in Pure Wines or Liquors, mail us your wants. . . . We will do the rest. n For If : 44 k O.v ;5 u II jj a. Nice Room in a go to the tb Hotel First-clas- s We have all kinds of Investments In real estate and we write all kinds of insurance. New Southern Hotel. YOUNG & YOUNG, ! s? and cold running water and steam heat, electric lights and i bj5 bell Hot service in every room. Roo ms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand- centrally located at WEST FIRST SOUTH JC STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Jf P. H. CANDLAND. ? iKTrFrrrFyrFrFrrFi'rr,yij V!yiyiiFvyrFFFrrrrrrrErrF! 4 4 A 4 4 444 44 4 4 4 4 4 44 444 A 44ll4'4:44 4 4 4444 4 44444 4 4 444 4 4 L I Bell Phone 2767 MVLVEY & CO. 1416 Cast First South Street 9 Salt 230231-23SALT LAKE CITYS HOTEL EVERYTHING Independent 4444 2 THE NEW YORK 100 BOOM 1VCRV SUITS WITH BATH HOT AND COLD W ATEN IN KVIBV BOOM RATES RtASONABLI ALEX J. CBNTRALLY LOCATED, BLOCK WEST OF POST OFFICE 48 MARKET STREET SALT LAKE CITY STRATTON, formerly Clerk of Cullon Hotol. Proprietor, Moses W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Tel. 171 Utah National Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best investment In the World. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest in the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Utah Eyes correctly fitted &nd cared for by the year. Wa are the originators of the years care system. Call and let as explain. NEW and , t i 4 4 ECZEMA AND PILE CURE FREE Knowing what it was to . suffer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any afieflted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Dont suffer longer. 'Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue. New York. Enclose stamp. RANGE MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES. PEINSULAR RANGES GARLAND TERMS MOUTH.. ....IS AN ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE -- $20 tp $1.00 CASH, $1.MMER WEEK Y. Taylor. Do You Yant Work?. WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. We Furnish All Kinds of Help. ' DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. & 62 East First South, Salt Lake City. Ind. Phone 923. Bell Phone 1872-X- . 4 A CLEAN FOR REAL ESTATE Peterson Real Estate Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates Old reliable and agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Main St.. Salt Lake City, Utah. See Frank Alexander Optical Co. Lake City, Vtah General Insurance, Real Estate and Loans, 202 Whitingham Bik., Salt Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. $70. MONARCH HARDWARE: COMPANY, O 0.0:0 O 0.00(1 music; PIANOS, Organs And All Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearance, restores lost expression $5.00 A Gold CroWn. mads of the very best gold, will not come off, or wear out $4.00 to $6.00 Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, mads of the best gold, will not break and fully guaranteed $4.00 to $5.00 Gold Fillings, absolutely purs gold, and guaranteed not to come out $1.50 and up . Alloy Fillings, the next best fillings to pure gold and guaranteed to preserve the teeth from further decay 75o to $1.00 Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to come out 60c and np If YOUR teeth ars crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They havs three doctors each an expert In hla branch. A Set of MAXMELD VINEGAR CO., PURE FOOD of VINEGAR. 720 South Second West Telephone 979-- z gvvKkvitrttvri'vi'rrwwi'rs PAUMIB PARISIAN ELEOTRO DENTAL CO. DRS. WARD AND EDGE, DYE? WORKS CITY. SALT LAKESouth. 55 W. Second Main SL, te 15,00 01 00 te 76 OUR PRICES. . Manufacturers 251 Lowest 13 Year Guarantee. EUROPEAN SMOKE THE BEST. Factory: Homes for rent and sale. Tree With Other Work. ............ .......... ............ ....... .... o,,..... AJ $ WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . .Located In the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms, First-clas- s in every respect. Steam, heat, Electric Lights. Kw,,r.r-r,rrvrr- HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. C(X A. XIXUEAltAX, MOB. Teeth Bxtrseted resWvdy Wltkent YsU. Bet teeth (beet red rubber) Geld crown,, tS-Bridfe work, beat Gold fllUnrt e e,e All ether fillings k iiS BLUE POINT PERFECTO In both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 590-Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN witti quaintance these tablets will result In a pleasant surprise to suffering women. The ladies safeIn cases guard. GEO M. McCONAUGHY, of painful or supmenstruapressed tion THEY SUCCEED. Price, $2.00 per Real Estate and Loans, box. At all drug stores or by mail, 326 Doull sealed. Co., securely Drug investment. Securities, Trades and Main, Salt Lake City, Utah. Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. 41 West Second So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 44'4'44i Hotel gjland. NO 144 foiiver R. Meredith, I g g Manufactur- Trunk fe 3 155 Main St.. 443. tieroyi Tansy French Taut eta. An acDr. Sundays, 10 te 8. HIS AD WITH TOI TRUNKS. pr Attorney-at-La- Practice a or telegraph, Phones THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. TEA. (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and floral work for 5 ' 5 e Tall occasions. g We make a specialty of shipping funeral designs. Write , telephone BOTTLES. D(i) JuT.V SVft BUY a LOT or a HOME before We advise you rs prices advance. gardlng localities and make your interests ours. MARINGEU INVESTMENT CO., 40 East Second South. Manager Seeing Salt Lake City Cars. E. 2nd So. 6 , REMEMBER. if your local merchant does not carry In stock Temple Brand Garments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Se-g- o Lily Underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works. TRUNKS, t j 114-11- Lots. DRINK. HUDDART FLORAL CO. att SOUTH WEST TEMPI, E ST, SALT LAKE CITY. Tlie I.nrKrat Independent Linotype Plant Went ot Chlenpro. AH Kinds of Type Nettlnic from Aprnte to Plea Promptly and Skilfully Executed Speelal Editions, Tax Lists, Uriels and Proapeetus Specialty. A Full I. Inc of Machine Harder Always on Hand. Write for Esti. mutes. Address P. O. IIox 1141, Salt Lake City. Bell Phone 3117. a Xi $3.00. J. M. THOMAS Attorn Salt Lake City, Utah. Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Block. Inventions Trade patented. marks secured direct with ROMNEY AND RYAN, LINOTYPERS. We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we want an agent in every town in Utah to handle It. Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Coca-ColBottling Co. Salt Lake City. P. O. Box 3. $ If jou want to buy or sell Real Estate, list your property with ua lor quick sales. We have the buyers. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. THE OWL (The buyers Is locab friend) Write for particulars. W. J. HALLORAN, ed next door THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL of Real Estate and Loans. north of the postoffice, in the city RESEARCH CO., Established 1841. Analytical and Consulting Chemists, opportunities, and we do Owl drug Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, business. 54 Railroad Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Denver, Colo U. 8. A. $350.00 buys very choice Main hi. If 1 Satnitarivim Baths. vimming Pools! cialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Silcia, Calcium and Manganese. Salt Lakes Greatest All Year Attractioh 0 o0 THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Spe- Quick Sales in Real Estate. Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc, & 303 MoCarixtok Building. SALT LAKE CITY. tr EUROPEAN HOTEL. Exchanged. Sait Lake City. Room 8 OMeara Block. No. 63 W. Second South Street, Located In the heart of the Salt Lake City. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. Flrst-eni- ii tn every respect Steam heat, Electric OUR MOTTO: Lights. DRUG Manufactured by John Reeves Co., Salt Lake, and Indorsed by the M. & M. Assn of Utah. Ask your Grocer. v-- . Now is the time to invest. A rapid advance is certain. Choice building lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, $12.50 cash, $7.50 month, 7 per cent. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO 78 West 2d So. SL wiN6s5ir l Fifteen assays or analyses for rrvrrvrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv rrrrvirrrrrirrrrrrrR 444444444444444444444 'SS44SS4aS4SS4SS44SSS o fj FARM LOANS. o VIELE MILLER 0 44444444444444L:4-;4-C4i,;444d- GENL. CO., r r HISTORIC WORCES- TER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See the On the Labels. THE Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. that runs to all points of interest, f with a good guide. Fare $1.00. 2 Seeing Sait Lake Car and Autos., 5 40 E 2nd So. FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. SALT THATS ALL SALT 5 MOBILE NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. sr broken Disc or Cylinder records taken as part payns sat tag g Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Sait Lake City, Utah. liTO-- SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. 'ty. J,,iprrpiripypyrrryyrrrra DONT MISS THE LARGE wuwwuwtw If 9 -- Salt Lake City, Utah. 29-3- 1 Many bright boys and girls are ing $5 weekly after school working for us If you want the same chance, send in your name and address and we will send you $2 worth of our quick-sellinWhen sold, Household Specialties. send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. You can do this in one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. II. Groesbeck & Co., Sprlngvllle, Utah. Men and women to learn barber trade PETERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE in 8 weeks. Wages paid every night COMPANY, Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. D. F. Walker Bldg Cat. freo. Write us. Mohler System Salt Lake City, Utah. of College. 62 E. First South St., Salt We are prepared to undertake all akd City. Utah. proper detective business intrusted to us for corporations and individuals. Consultation and advice free. Call or CUTLER BROS. CO. write. Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-We want three good, capable, detecKnit Underwear and Woolen Goods. tives. Write for particulars. Best pants on earth, to order, Open dally until 176 State Street B4HMPMB0 6 P. M. Rooms Galena Block. Sundays 10 to 2 Ind. Phone 2999 Musical Instrument Beesley Music Co THE WHITE 41 SEWING MACHINE fall please your Utah. wife for Christmas. Write us and arrange for delivery. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. 29 W. First South South Mala Street, Salt Lake CK Self Lake City 0.0.0 t 5 k t k k k b a OlC 1 rtj t H)QOO.odB R. A. HA8BROUCK. Physician and 8urgeon, 60 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utal$. Phones 1412-- and 1429-K- . Offlcs, Z 4444444444444444444444444 . |