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Show SPECIAL NOTICE. CALIFORNIA The Rev. Irl R. Hicks has been compelled by the popular demand to resume the publication of his well known and popular Almanac for 1907. This splendid Almanac is now ready. For sale by newsdealers or sent postpaid for 25 cents, by Word and Works Publishing Company, 2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo., publishers of Word and Works, one of the In THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT best dollar monthly magazines One Almanac goes with i America. STONE CO. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MAN- every subscription. UFACTURERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR ILAPITONE HgTK Concrete Block Machines. Want to establish a plant In every city, towi Mrs. K M. Marika), Ffafci and village In Utah. m fcwtb Main Street tan Ukfi (TtS Block machines from f 100 upward. Neatly famished Rooms far lbs Daft inbecome small and Start a plant Week ar Month. dependent. Bataa, (0 oasts to (1JM par (ay, Correspondence solicited, Ipaeial ratal by the day, waafe at P. O. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. month. . 3806-7Ind Phone POPULAR .WINTER RATES, . . Shortest and best line to Bullfrog and Nevadas Miners.! Belt, via. The La.a Vega. & Tonopah Railroad. Ask the Agent, but specify San Pedro, Los Angeles ZL Salt Lake J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A., Salt 'W8P2S If thia paragraph is marked with a Sub red cross It inaicatea that scription to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black cross it has only two weeks to run, but unless otherwise notified we shall continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND . . The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac. 0.0 ..CO Of ()() To be assured of a pleasant trip jast, purchase your tickets via "iie c 3 FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN .'.t OGDEN AND DENVER, CHOICE OF ROUTES. . Catarrh, Diptheria, Rheumatism, Stomach Troubles Indigestion, Canker, Rupture, Cancer, Kidney Trouble, Gall Stones, Urinary Troubles, Chronic Sores. Eczema, Piles. Remove Tape Worm, Dropsy, Asthma, Blood Poison. L A BUTTON, 0. A P. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE from Omaha to Chicago. First-clas- s service also between OmahsAand Minneapolis and Chicago and St. Louis, as well as all points In the South and Southeast. For full Information call on or writs J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent, Vn 75 West Second South Street Third South, Between Arv State Salt Lake Gltu, Utah and Main Enviable X Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul Railway want to talk with every town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL. Otherwise you CANT! If you and description may Anyone sending quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest airency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muttn & Co. receive ipedal notice without charge, la the handsome! Illustrated weekly. largest of sny sclentltfn journal. Terms, 9 a : (our months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. year MUNN & Co.36,Broadw New York Branch Office. 626 F Bt, Washington, D. C. (U R r. Walker BulUlng, Salt Lake City. MODI )C I .i l, S$JX!XSXjX2X On no railroad In America la the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher degree than on the Pure Gold Rings hav T X $ x GEO. W. PARKS, Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, j? w s Good Salt Lake Clty.j Service-Goo- d C. S. Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 4 4 jg L. H. GRAY, K Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United States Land Office, b S f4w4- f-f U. S. REDUCED RATES From Utah and Idaho to All Points East and Return, Via Santa Fe. J00-30- 1 S From Ogden and Salt Lake City to: Missouri river points $32.00 44.50 Chicago SL Louis 39.50 Under Absolute Guarantee of PAY US FOR CURES ONLY. CONSULTATION FREEI We desire to reach the poor ae well aa the rich man, and by making our fee payable on easy terms, we Increase our business and secure lasting gratitude from thousands, who would otherwise remain afflicted If It were not for this liberal I I LIFELONG CURE FOR Prtanptly obtained or no fee. Write for oar before CONFIDENTIAL applying for patent: it is worth money. We letter Uiain PATENfS THAT PAY. ana to success. help inventors I Bend model, photo or sketch, and we send IMMEDIATE FREE REPORT ON PAT- offer. A Proportionate rates from Idaho and other points. Date of sale, January 22nd, 1907. Return limit, sixty days. Send for literature. C. F. Warren, Agent A. T. & S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. IENT ABILITY. 20 years practice. Patent Lawyers. Write or come to 312.50. Regis-Itere- us We Are Reliable Specialists. at B05-B0- HI I II M 7th St.. WASHINGTON. 0. C. THIS Ji D Our Fee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured. I 111 H BEAUTIFUL ORGAN u. I WaaaNaefeMMNVriiV'MialtleMBliiT 1 ?? Y T Y Y X i ch'-onl- k :: B We Y We Want Every Man in the Country Who is Afflicted to Write Us X About His Ailment. WE CURE YOU AT HOME. Y Write for Free Diagnosis Chart and 100-- p tge Book on Diseases of Men. Y X Hours: S a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:a ; Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Y Y Y SALT LAKE I MEDICAL INSTITUTE I I Y 159V6 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE r g Jmm .WNF rrf tending Trade Marks Designs Ac. Copyrights a sketch Anvrtn nd description may our opinion free whether an quickly ascertain Invention ! probably patentaNe. Communio. itoneatriotlyconfidentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents token through Muuu A Co. receive without charge. In the Rectal Scientific American. TORONTO. OTTAWA, MONTREAL. BOSTON. QUEBEC, PORTLAND, And all principal points in Canada and New England, via Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from A. C. SHAW, General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago Juet oompleted ar- world, whereby we can now offer to our many patrons here an Instrument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily been known as FACTORY COST. This Is an arrangement that should he investigated thoroughly before you look elsewhere, s, we are sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from $25 to (78.04 on one organ. This Is certainly worth earing. EAST TERMS. You can send ns $1.60 to $5.00 per month, to suit your convenience. WE FAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver one of these organs at any R. R. station In Utah or Idaho without any additional to you whatever. Do not charge Imagine that It Is Impossible for ns to do as ws say. Our system of handling our outside business is so perfect that we can without any trouble whatever make delivery to the smallest town la this western section. WE BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thus enabled te make the ridiculously low prices that we do. YOU OBIT THE ADVANTAGE OF THIA Write us at cnee if Interested. If not, see that your friends hear of this great money saving op- Y V hr rangement, with the largeet manufacturer of Organa In the A handsomely Illustrate weeklv. largest ey. eulatlon of any scientlfio Journal. Terms, i a year : four months, L Sold by all newsdeak t MUNN & Co.36,BrMdw New Yorls Branch Ofltoa. (BE F Bt WeabtoaiKi -- THE LAGOON ROAD- - portunity. Salt Lake and Ogdeh REMEMBER we have bten In business here fer FIFTY YEARS the oldest house In tbs State. OUR GUARANTEE on aa Is absolutely good. We fully warrant everything wa eeU. If you doubt our financial rating look us up. Wo refer you to any Banker or Commercial ageo- cy In this Stats. Railway. Time Table In Effect May 30. 190 Salt Lake Leave 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m.; 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 p. m. First six trains run through to Kays-ville- . Extra Lagoon to Kaysville. m. (Sunday, 8:30 p. m.) 19:00 p 12:00 a. Lagoon Leave 7:00, m.; 3:00.5:00. 7:00. 9:00, 10:30 p. m. (Sunday, 9:30.) Sundays and holidays special through trains to Lagoon at 3: no and 5:00 p. m. SIMON BAMBERGER. President and General Manager. Come and see for yourself, or write for samples and seltmeasure ment blank M, DANIELS, 57 W. Second South St, Salt Lake City Until Further Notice SI Te pror, to H-H- -l t Milling SI n the aflUtod tk, uparallid ,f D, New Trrato.nl, Dr. Shorra will trrat all Oaterrha Dlaraira, Inahiding Daefaraa, Aathma. Hay Few and Lam TMblaaUNTn. FURTHER NOTICE fer tfa. low fra of ,r teeatmrat ns til CURED, all Uadi SSraraa4, f lra. 8kra' WONDERTUL NEW TREAT KENT they are enabled to rare many mud or resent urai treatment erra the old and ehrojAo eaa 1 Wh7 from Catarrh wnan yo, WF today rad b rr- alao trrat and rare an rarabla Narrraa, Ckronla and Prlvato Dli SorjWoman and Children of ovary name and nature. Conreltation raua of Mon, rad Ad lco Froo rad Centdantial for ray diaoaaa. Call ar write. 8kra' vr A Specisl Depsrtmsnt tor Men. 8 DPrtnt Oxolualvely for tho treatment and rareYoie paUi Dlaeastoef Man, whether aantod by Ignoronaa, axoaaaas ar oontorton. all Private may eonralt Dra. Shorra abont the moat delicate or amrarTaatlng the aararanra that yon will b, honest advise and .kffifuf teeatmaS. andVTr, tbtog wUl bo STRICTLY PRIvTtE AND OONmENT Yora, mra who h.7 kad companions middle-agoman who have gone to axcaraee ol m.n who and thdr tanal viror rrao nafortunatra who her. contracted dl,.a..i thi alT .than B.ood. fUaon-- raa who need tho eonmel and aid of Tlc.tt' r4i11 tnTltd eon,ttl department and hi IRE OP oSIrOA to tha cure under DRS. SHORES' MODERN METHODS In all 8o Prlvao Dto jure Mia- - that you may arrange to pay tha fra tor a rare In email weakly or monthly la itallmonta, aa tho cur, proErwsra, or yon may PAT WHEN CURED. No matter wha your trouble to, or who Baa falltd to cure you. eonralt these Maater Speslallata. frra o charge, and learn how you can yet bo cured. CALL OR WRITE. 1B adSI HOME CURES BY MAIL. IP YOTJ UVB OCT OP TOWN, WRITE DRS. SHORES A SHOB1S for thoir Now Symptom Xatoh and gto thalr advloo PBBS. OmOB HOURS: Dally, t a. m. to I p. m. Bvon-tog- 7 to Sandaye and holiday 10 t, m. to 12. KOVSTOH BLOCH, ttS SOUTH MAIN STREET, SALT XJLXB CITY, UTAH. HW H' X. Suits or Overcoats worth from $35 to $50, from $20 up Pants worth from $8 to $12 from $6 up Leading Must a Dealers. S. Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. ) X Wishes to inform you that he has Just returned from the East and Is now In a position to show his patrons the largest and most varied selection of uptordate all wool fabrics In the west at prices which are well within the reach of everybody, Drs. Shores & Shores, 109-U- -lI 1 THE ARTISTIC TAILOR Clayton Music Co., 10-0- 1906-- 7. M. DANIELS XX WE COVER THE ENTIRE FIELD OF CHRONIC, COMPLICATED DISEASES. acute both and RHEUMATISM, forms, cured without using any poisonous drugs or In any way Injuring the system. We also cure all forms of SKIN DISEASES, ULCERS. NERVOUS TROUBLES. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES, ULCERS. STRICTURE. VARICOCELE AND CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND IQE8-TIVORGANS, PILES. PROSTATITIS. TUMORS. ETC. We wish to lay special stress upon our method of treating BLOOD POISON AND SYPHILIS without using mercury. Our fee being so low It enables many who are afflicted to procure the highest scientific medical assistance. Terms mnds to suit if necessary, so that evervone need not go without treatment and bo cured. Those who are afflicted with such troubles and are In a position where they cannot pay us a visit, we assure you that our home treatment Is efficient and we have cured hundreds at home. Pas Agent, BIBLE, Trav. Pat Agt, 100 West Second South 8 or Salt Lake City, Utelk rMaleltleMlsMiltltViNNirAMlsNWsMliMillMMi E. DRAKE, Dlat G. A. Opening of the Fall and Winter Season 1 -H Both phones 248. N. L. DREW, General Agent, 800 17th Street, Denver, Colo. DEEP-SEATE- Y X Companyl That la the happy trinity that makes happy travelers on Roek IsK and through trains. Through 8tandardl Sleeper dally Salt Lake and Ogden tel Chicago without change. Arrive Ini Chicago In the morning. We also runjj through tourist cars to Chicago and! SL Louis. Steamship tickets on salel to ell points In the Old Country. Let us know where you went te ge.3 We will do tho reel Nothing flnor than the Rock Island Dine l, Land acrlp bought and sold. D. F. Walker Building Salt Lake City, Utah. ' J MINI Surveyor-Genera- State Land Board, State Engineer. K tVE CURE INSIDE. Good Meals. Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via ihe Union Pa- cl 11c and St. Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair cars. For tickets and Information call on " 18 k Telephones have this OUTSIDE. 18 k 5 J t Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. e sketch A nselOTk Reputation. BALT LAKE 6lTY, UTUX IX Sounds Big, but its True Scientific American. a GATRELL Attorns A $ou j OYRU8 Free RoeUafaf Chair Oort. Dining Cur Borvlee a la rto oa aU through train For Foidara, duotratod Booklets, addruso . . . . e e e. at, ........ Guarantees a permanent Gureotttie following diseases H SLEEPERS TO ST. IOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS f( Write tor Mailing Saaks. Site TOURIST FROM 06DBN OR SALT LAKE City. Greeniiaigh Remedy Go. AND PULLMAN THROUGH R. H. Officer & Co., Aaaaytra and Chamlata. lit i. W. Temple Bt, Salt Illinois Central Lake City i THE TOURISTS FAVORITE POUTS EXPEXT SPECIALISTS. DR. O. W. SHORES. |