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Show ) UTAH STATE NEWS NEWS SUMMARY Sandy Is to have a state bank, with a capitalization of $10,000. Work on the new Presbyterian church at Green river was begun last week. Salt Lake City has consumed 204,-63- 3 tons of coal during the year, while in 1005, the consumption was 214,905 tons. Several new buildings are in course of construction at Green river, but work is delayed by the lack of build- Emilio Dubois of Santiago. Chile va wno la known to have murdered to condemned been has persons, eath. The Torroon branch of the Bank of Coahuils at Torreon, Mexico, was robbed last week of $30,000 in gold gnd bills. The Japanese Buddhists of Southern California have decided to raise $25,000 for the building of a temple in Los Angeles. The French Senate has ratified the Algeciras convention, which on Dec. 6 was approved by the chamber of deputies. Fair-chilAmerican Vice Consul-Genera- l shot and killed himself at Mukden. It is believed that the shooting was accidental. The shipment of coffee from the port of Rio de Janeiro is at a standstill, owing to the fact that the stevedores have gone on strike. A merger of the leading woolen mills of the south, involving a capitalization of one and a quarter million dollars, has been effected. of Hardwick, Representative Georgia, baa introduced a bill requiring all railways to install the block system and providing that every telegrapher shall be licensed. According to a bulletin issued by the Census bureau there bad been ginned up to December 13, of this years cotton crop 11,099,001 bales, against 9,297,819 at this time last year. Secretary Root and Sir Mortimer Durand have signed a supplementary article to the existing extradition treaty between the United States and Great Britain, Including bribery In the list of extraditable crimes. A dispatch1 from Tien Tsln describes the situation as critical, owing to the agitation of the South China opium dealers and owners of gambling houses, who are discontented as a result of various recent reforms and the suppression of the opium traffic. A bill empowering an Anglo-Frenccompany to construct a tunnel under the British channel has been deposited with parliament. It 1s estimated that this scheme will Involve the exIt la pro80,000,000. penditure of posed to build two parallel tunnels 24 miles long. John WUkis, a capitalist of Albia, Iowa, Is dead as the result of drinking from a bottle of carbolic acid which he had mistaken for a bottle of whisky. He had a bottle of whisky hidden in the barn, where he also kept carbolic acid. Wilkie emptied the acid bottle. Joseph Skerns, the former Chicago dry goods clerk and newspaper man, captured at Great Bend, Kans., recently, after holding up a local bank in broad daylight, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the state penitentiary for a term of from ten to twenty-on- e years. John Elliott Walker, sheriff of Maricopa county, Arizona, committed suicide at Phoenix by shooting himself through the head, while temporarily deranged. He had been brooding over financial reverses and over his defeat for renomination at the ast democratic convention. Habeas corpus proceedings have been brought in the federal court at Kansas City In behalf of Mrs. Agnes Myers, now confined in jail at Liberty, Mo., under sentence to be hanged on January 10 for the murder of her husband. The United States supreme court refused to reopen her case. The San Diego chamber of commerce Is making efforts to secure an appropriation of $2,500,000 for the purpose of controlling the waters or the Colorado river and preventing them from overflowing Imperial valley. Eight voles are lacking to place the Prohibition party upon the regular ballot at the next New Hampshire state election, as a result of the conclusion of the Inspection of ballots in the recent gubernatorial contest. About 2,000 Chinese soldiers from Nanking, armed with modern weapons, trained by European officers and accompanied by batteries of field artillery, have proceeded to the front to meet the , rebels In the Ping Giang ing material. Last year the production of coal from Utah mines amounted to 1,602,-62ton and this year the production was 1,839,219. John Plgnon, a brick mason, 71 years of age, was run over by a train while going to his work, in Ogden, and instantly killed. The Abram Canal company's tract of 12,000 acres of irrigated land in Millard county is to be put on the market for settlement. Policeman Loggle, of Park City, wits badly beaten up in a rough-houBmix-uwith a drunken man whom he had attempted to arrest. The coal shortage which threatened Park City has apparently been overcome, as there is enough in to meet all demands. Reports from the Weber county game wardens are to the effect that, deer are becoming plentiful in the mountains throughout the county. The number of employes in and around the coal mines of the state during the past fiscal year was I,- 895 and the average number of days worked was 296. The work on raising the dam across the Green river near Green river station, and constructing the head gates for the Irrigating system has been started. Arthur Brown, the former bank teller of Salt Lake City, recently convicted of embezzlement, has been adjudged sane by a jury, and will serve his prison sentence. That a determined effort will be made to break the will of Arthur Brown seems assured. It will be made in the interest of the two children of Mrs. Anna Bradley, Browns slayer. The Rio Grande has instituted passenger service between the works of the Utah Copper company and the smelters at Garfield. A shuttle service has been established, for the benefit of- - workmen. j The Utah state board of health bulletin for November, issued last week,1 shows the death rate for the entire' state to be 300, from all causes. In Salt Lake county alone there were 110 deaths recorded. Samuel Newhouse, the Utah mining man, will furnish the funds for a club building for the boys and girls of Salt Lake City, in which will be installed a gymnasium, swimming pool, reading and game rooms. The body of an unknown man was found Sunday afternoon on the south side of the Weber river, in Ogden, by J. II. Drake, who lives close by. Several wounds on the head of the corpse leads to the theory of murder. The Salt Lake Pressed Brick company, one of the largest brick manufactories in the west, with a capacity of 100,000 bricks per day, is preparing to double its capacity, making it one of the largest in the world. Preparations for the Fine and Fat Sheep show to be held at the State fair grounds January 1907, in connection with the annual convention of the National Wool Growers association, are nearing completion. Superintendent of Schools A. L. Larsen has apportioned the county school funds of Sanpete county, amounting to $6,921.60, among the various districts on a basis of $1.40 per capita of persons of school age. Bishop Charles C. McCabe, of the Methodist church, who died in New York last week, is well known in Utah, having been to a great degree instrumental in the upbuilding of the First Methodist church of Salt Lake. The $11,000 hotel erected at Devils Slide, the site of the plant of the Union Portland and Cement companys new factory, is reported completed and placed in commission. The hotel has been erected expressly for the use of laborers. The production of coke in Utah during the past year was 282,195 short tons, an increase of 66,483 short tons over the previous year. There was also produced in the state 11,531 short tons of gilsonite, the value of which would be $403,583. At Ogden a young Greek named Tom Mastorakos, shot himself three times through the stomach, using a revolver. The deed was flone while Mastorakos was In his room, and he gave as his reasons ill health and lack of means. Traitors and grafters had more to do with the Russian defeat in the Japanese war than any other cause, according to Admiral J. N. Dinetrieff, of the Russian navy, who spent Sunday in Salt Lake City on his way back to. Russia from Yladivostock. 8 e p being-shippe- NORTHWEST O NOTES The house has passed the hill extending the time to May 15, 1907, In which entrymen may make final residence on the Shoshone reservation, Thing GET THE BEST EFFECTS. Worth Remembering Having Room Papered. When district. When about to have a room papered take Into consideration the size of the room, the height of the ceiling and the Wyoming. number and arrangement of the winThe Great Northern road made up a dows, as well as the use to which the train of eighty cars loaded with coal room is out and the probaDle number to supply immediate wants in Grand and kinds of pictures you intend to Forks. N. D. The train was run on bang upon the walls. Small patterns add to the apparent passenger time, size and are good in a small room. A bill appropriating $1,200,000 for Striped effects give height and should the exposition be employed where the ceilings are to be held in Seattle in 1909 wag Inunduly low. Plain papers are also troduced in the house last week by suitable In small rooms and are best calculated to show off engravings to Representative Humphrey. good M. advantage. of Fred Colvin, Chicago, was arWhere the ceiling Is unusually high rested last week on the charge of usand a paper has been used a ing the mails in an illegal manner to dado of plain a contrasting or harmonizing of stock in a mining color, run about the further the sale top, just under company located near Salida, Col. the celling molding, improves matters. Yellow paper lights up a dark room David Boyce and Peter Peekin' paugh became involved in a saloon or one with a northern exposure beauquarrel at Fossil, Wyo., and Peckin-paug- tifully. Red paper is charming In a was badly beaten over the library where the woodwork is dark and too sharp a contrast to the dingy head by a revolver in the hands of covering of many beloved hooks must Boyce. H avoided, but it has a tendency toThe Treasury department has de- ward darkening the room if the wincided upon a site for the location of dows are not very advantageously arthe new Federal building at Denver, ranged. Green paper combined with white rhe property consists of the block sounded by Stout, Champa, Eighteenth paint Is delightful- In a sunny room of southern exposure, but green paper and Nineteenth streets. Is usually a fortunate choice, for It was can almost always be made to harHenry Hose, an hanged on Friday, at Salem, Oregon, monize with the other furnishings. Paper carried over the celling gives for the murder of Madge Doyle, 1b a Portland lodging house. Hose cut a better effect than if the ceiling is the womans throat because he feared calcimined and adds to the apparent loftiness of the apartment. . she was about to leave him. SIGNS OF AGE IN POULTRY. Near Holcomb, Wash., In Pacific county, two Japanese were killed and three were so badly hurt that they Certain Mark Reveal Everything to Experienced Housewife. will die, by a dead tree whloh fell across their bunkhouse. All were emIn choosing poultry the age of the ployed by a lumber company. bird Is the most Important point for L. D. Snyder killed a large eougar consideration. When selecting a turlast week on Orofino creek, about key remember that a young bird has seven miles above Orofino. This smooth, shiny black legs, whereas makes the nineteenth cougar killed those of an old one are rough and reddish. If the bird Is freshly killed py Mr. Snyder since his arrival In this the eyes are full and bright and the some seven years ago. fcountry, feet moist. A. W. Stratton, a freighter beThe combs and legs of chickens are smooth In the young fowl, but tough in tween Worland and Thermopolls, an old one. Wyo., was seriously if not fatally InWhen choosing geese Bee that the while a of making coupling jured bills and feet are yellow and have few his wagons after crossing the river hairs on them. Old birds have a detwenty miles north of Worland. cided red tinge on both. The feet The dwelling of 1 A. Underwood, should be pliable when freshly killed, desoutheast of Mountain Home, was but become dry and stiff If they have stroyed by fire last wreek. Both build been killed some time. Geese are Ing and contents were entirely con- called green until they are two or sumed. It is believed the fire was duo three months old. to the explosion of a coal-oi- l Ducks are chosen by their feet, lamp. A son has been born to Dr. and which should be supple. Wild ducks have while those of the Mrs. Gerald Webb, of Colorado tame reddish feet, duck are yellow. A fresh duck Springs. Mrs. Webb Is a granddaugh- should have a plump hard breast. ter of the late Jefferson Davis, and Tame pigeons are larger than the the newcomer Is the only great wild pigeons and the feet, like those grandson of the confederate president of poultry, show the age of the bird. An effort is being made at Cody, When the are supple the bird Is young; when stiff It Is oli. Wyo., to organize a strong commerPigeons should always be eaten cial club, which will have for Its obare fresh; when they look while ject the pushing of Cody In every flabby, they and discolored about the under Bum A considerable possible way. part they have been kept too long. will be placed at Its disposal for advertising In eastern magazines and Packing String Beans to Keep. in other manners the vast resources The New England way of packing of the Big Horn vailey. string beans for winters use is as folThomas Booth, a well known resi- lows: As fast as beans are ready to dent of Butte, was held up by foot- pick, string and cut In pieces as if for pads and robbed of $800. Booth was immediate use. Into an earthen jar proceeding home from his place of or crock place a layer of these beans when one highwayman and sprinkle with salt, a half cupful business, As soon as the jar is rushed up to him and plunged his for each layer. salt for the top layer, close with filled, hand into Booths right hand overcoat t. When ready to use in the pocket, grabbed the roll of bills and winter take as many from the jar as made away with it. are needed, soak in cold water over to of the charge Pleading guilty to freshen, then cook like fresh night Marion John Davis, beans. Those who have eaten beans said to he the son of Rev. Charles put up in this way say they taste alDavis of Boone county, Iowa, an most as good as those freshly gathfighter and known as the "Gen- ered. In drying the beans they are altleman Thief, was sentenced by ludge Cunningham, of Littleton, Colo., lowed to ripen on the vines, then to not less than five nor more than picked and the vines pulled up and seven yeans in the penitentiary. laid out somewhere to dry. When Oscar Carlson, proprietor of a the pods are all dried and opened, boarding house at Pine Bluffs, Wyo., shell and spread out again until pershot his wife to death and then at- fectly dry. tempted to beat out his brains with a To Renovate Black Silk. hammer. Carlson was brought to the On- - of the best ways to renovate county jail at Cheyenne and admits black silk is to sponge it with alcohol, his crime. afterwards with a little potato water, Bert McIntyre, a miner, aged 25, and then wind the silk around a roller died on the 22nd of injuries received without ironing. To prepare the poat the hands of Frank Cruz, of tato water pare and slice a good-sizeCruz has potato, and pour on it about a pint of Butte, in a saloon row. warm water. Let this stand in a warm been arrested on a charge of murder. for half an hour, when It will place McIntyres mother, Mrs. Dick, lives be ready for use. in Wyoming. Any silk that has spots of mud on it Heavy rains and Chinook winds can usually be cleaned by rubbing well in the with a piece of dry flannel. If the have caused another flood streams near Tacoma, spots will not come out, try rubbing mountain with alcohol. Wash. The Green river is raging and with a soft cloth It 13 said that sponging with coffee has carried out the Northern Pacific will remove the greasy appearance bridge at Maywood about two miles that affects grosgrain silks. from Given River Hot Springs. An Imperial ukase issued by the Czar fixes February 19 as the date for the parliamentary elections. This does not apply to the Caucasus, Central Asia and , Siberia, the dates for which have not been announced. John W. Connor, one of the earliest citizens In Laramie, Wyo.,'and a veteran of the Civil and Indian wars, died at his home in Laramie last week from a paralytic stroke, following a nervous shock during the San Francisco earthquake. During a heavy fog on the British channel, the British steamer Arlington, 1986 tons, collided with and sank the Belgian steamer Cap Juby, 652 tons, from Antwerp for Newport, off Dungeness. Twelve of the crow of the Cap Juby were drowned. George It. McClellan, who was reApple Pudding. To one and a half cups of strained cently elected to the Wyoming legisapples, grated rind and juice of half a lature, is known as "Bear George, three-fourth- s lemon, cupful of sugar, title he having earned that many d one tablespoonwine, cupful vv itR in ago, when, company years of brandy, add two tablespoonfuls ful another man, he succeeded In killing gelatine soaked in one-thir-d cupful twenty-threbears in six weeks. d cold water and dissolve in Two men giving the names of cupful boiling water. Set in ice water Thomas Blair and Frank Havlin and stir until it begins to thicken. were arrested on a Spokane & In- Then "Id beaten whites of three eggs land train near Waverly, Wash., and and stir until stiff enough to drop in landed in the county jail. They had mold. Serve with whipped cream. been shadowed for several days on Anchovy Toast. suspicion of being safe blowers. Put two large tablespoonfuls anReceiver Theodore G. Risley, for the chovy butter In a bowl with the beaten defunct Aetna bank at Butte, has rec- yolks of two eggs and a half teaspoonommended to the comptroller of the ful of the best curry. Set In the hot eurreucy, a payment of the first divi- water pan and stir until well creamed, dend ' of 20 per cent on the 1st of then spread on fingers of daintily browned toast with ParFebruary. There is little doubt that mesan cheese. sprirkled the recommendation will be approved. d Trans-Caucasu- Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- h - air-tigh- horse-stealin- g LIKE POOR A WOMAN. Little Jeat Xy aamma !s always "Young women are strange creasaying Why did you do that?" and tures," said a telegraph clerk. One afternoon not long ago a very Why didnt you do this? and Why handsome young woman came to my In the world did you forget office and asked for a telegraph form. so? She wore a brown veil, but I could Tommy How awfully strict she What an awfully bad time see &Y the same that her eyes were must be! I must have! as she been if you had crying. red, Little Jeanie Oh, It Isnt to me she handed her the form with a sympathetic look, and she wrote this mess- says all that; its to pa. so-an- d age: Never let me hear from you WHAT INTERESTED HIM MOST. again., She paid for the message, and then she asked in a tremulous voice how soon it would go. In half an hour, maam,' I replied. She went away, but In ten minutes she was back again. Have you sent that message of mine? she said. 'No, maam, not yet. Very well. Give It back to me. 1 want to change It a little, said the young woman. I returned it, though that was against the rule, and she altered It so that it read: No one expects you to come back. Then Bhe went away again, but this time she was hardly gone five minutes. That message of mine It hasnt been sent yet, has it? she asked. No; not yet. I handed her the message, and the strange creature tore it up and wrote Fair Girl My father made his for this in its place: tune while he was a young man. forDearest, come home. All Is Wouldnt you like to know how he given. did It? Youth Well er no, but Id like NOT FORTHCOMING. to know If he has still got It The Difference. Small Boy Pa, what Is the difference between a pessimist and an op- timist? Pa Well, let me see If I can Illustrate. You know I am often discouraged, and things dont look to me as if theyd ever go right. Well, at such times I can be said to be a pessimist But years ago, when I was a young man, everything looked bright, and rosy, and I was always hopeful. Then I was an optimist. Now, my son, can you understand the difference between a pessimist and an optimist? Small Boy Oh, yes; one Is married and the other isnt. N. Y. Weekly. Why She Felt Sorry. I am inexpressibly sorry, Mr. she said, to learn that Smlthers, when you called the other day Tiger bit Progress. He bought her candy every night In five pound boxes, maybe; Time passed and now his wealth spends In penny sticks for baby. -- N. T. Sun. A Young he Financier. Little Isaac, who was barely six years old, was paid by his mother a penny per dozen for pins picked up from the carpet, to keep the baby from getting them. Nurse, said little Isaac, as his stock of pennies increased, "do you know what I am going to do when I have sixpence? No, answered the nurse. I am going to buy a packet of pins and scatter them all over the floor, and then pick them up, replied the Stranger That haughty young man young financier. must be one of our millionaires? Hostess No, indeed. He has all THE MELANCHOLY DAYS. the airs, but none of the millions. Cincinnati Enquirer. Seat of Learning. Newrich What is your object in wanting to visit the Chinese quarter? Mrs. Newrich Im anxious to sea how a Chinaman handles his chopsticks. Newrich Do you think it would you any amusement? Mrs. Newrich Oh, no; but I want to learn to eat soup with a fork. Chicago Daily News. af-for- Lost His Job. The Farmer So you are out of work, eh? The Hobo Dats wot I sed. The Farmer How long iave you been out? The Hobo Ever since me work house term expired. Chicago Daily News. w-- e you. "Oh, thats all right he said with Lend us a bob, Sam. a forced effort to be cheerful. Ow do I know I shall git It No, It Isnt, she sobbed; the poor back? little fellow has been ill ever since. I promise it yer on the word of a PARTIALLY EQUIPPED. gent. Well, bring the gent down ere to me, and yer shall ave it. Jester. d one-thir- PAPA. "Why do they call these melancholy days? Because they are the days when, just as you have finished paying up your debts for your summer vacation, you remember that you have to begin saving up for the holidays. Cincinnati Enquirer. What Father Wasnt One. is a domestic animal, mother? asked a little boy. A domestic animal, replied the lady, with a scornful glance at pater-- ' familias, who was putting on his coat, is one who does not spend all hi3 time at the club. one-thir- Rival Candidates. "I understand your opponent isnt very popular, said the family friend. 'You bet he isnt! replied the candidate for office. Why, that fellow couldnt even get a laudatory sentence on his tombstone! Chicago Daily Not Quite High Enough. Ambitious W ife I dont see why you cant get a foreign mission, oi something. Young Husband Too soon to hope for that, my dear. Im only a police reporter yet. N. Y. Weekly. Keeping Tab. First Street Arab Whats them numbers on the motorar for, Jim? Second Ditto Why. that's the fellers score. It shows how many folks he's run ever. Peacocks Have No Teeth. Sandy Pikes Superstition tells u dat it is unlucky to see a peacock on a lawn. Gritty George Not half as unluck) as it is to see a bulldog on a lawn, old Daily News. News. pard.---Chicag- o |