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Show Train the Voice. Remember that a good voice ia as as good asenti&l to Ideas are essential to fluent language. The voice should be carefully trained end developed. A full, clear, flexible voice is one of the surest indications of good breeding. The Korean Heirloom. The heirloom of greatest importance in the Korean family is the hat It is made from the hair of the family ancestor, and ia handed down from lather to son. First Colonizing Settlement. The pioneer colonizing settlement was la 15S3, when Sir Humphrey Gilbert planted the English flag on the shores of Newfoundland, and took possession of the island fn the name Nature Has Provided Antelope With the Apparatus. Another remarkable detail of the antelopes anatomy is the white area on each buttock. Although it seems at first like the rest of his spots, a mere patch of white coat, it is found to be specialized for an important service. It is composed of hair graded from short in the center to long at the front edges. Under the skin of the part is a circular muscle, by means of which the hair can in a moment be raised and spread radically into two great blooming twin chrysanthemums, more or less flattened at the center. When this is done in bright sunlight they hine like tin pans, giving flashes of .light that can be seen further than tjg animal itself, affording a conspicuous identification mark that muse be of Vent service to the species. As soon, therefore, as an antelope sees some strange or thrilling object this muscle acts and the rump patch is instantly changed Into a great double disk of that shines afar Uke a patch of snow, and by its flashing spreads the alarm. This, it will be seed. Is simp! a heliograph. Man flatters himself that he was the inventor of flash communication, but he ia wrong; the antelope had it first. They used it thousands of generations before man ever dreamed of it The Size of America. Colonel Abraham Gruber is the master of more Irish jokes than any other man in Cyrus, Minn. Micky Finnigan, who had been an American citizen for about a year and had traveled about this continent considerably, returned home to Hibernia for a visit This is the way be described his new country to one of his relatives: is so big, Phwy, Amer-r-ic- a that if you were to dr ag En- Ho Who Wonderful Modern Machinery. A piece of leather, with the assist- ance of the latest machines, can be transformed into a pair of shoes in 31 minutes, in which time it passes through the hands of 63 people and through 15 machines. Work of Real Charity. A circle of young women in one the large manufacturing cities has carried on for several years most excellent work. They take ' care of the children of poor sick women, thus relieving them of the obstacle to a stay in the hospital. Many tenement house mothers struggle on to death itself rather than leave their little helpless ones until forced to. The young settlement workers, for such is really the principle of their scheme, have rented a house, and as many as possible of the temporary motherless children are received. The girls serve In turn as resident, staying three weeks at a time and being relieved by a system which prevents an entire change at one time of the guardians. In thd evedt of the death of the mother tte children are further looked after until some permanent arrangement can be made for them. of i gland thru three states lave a you wouldn an you in the dir-r- t, could lose Oirland in one o thlm inland oceans we have, phwat we call lakes. An if you had Scotland to get rid of, there are a thousand corners you could hide her In, an nobody could tell where you had put her except, begorra, for the bad emell o the whisky. mar-- k gr-re- REDUCED RATES Utah and Idaho to All Points East and Return, via the Santa Fe. From Ogden and Salt Lake City to: $34.65 Missouri river points $44.50 Chicago St. Louis $39.50 Proportionate rates from Idaho and other points. Dates of sale, Nov. 20th aud Dec. 18th, 190G. Return limit, 60 Send for literature. days. C. F. WARREN, Agent A. T. & S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. Deer. huge, finely mounted antlered head hung just above the sideboard In the dining-room- . This trophy of some huntsman's skill was fastened so firmly to the wall that the glistening neck seemed to be coming right out through the plaster. Robert, who was seeing this decoration for the first time, eyed It with lively curiosity and very evident uneasiness. It looked almost too lifelike for comfort Finally the boy, asking to be excused, slipped from his chair, tiptoed into the next room, and then, flushing with embarrassment, returned to his place at the table. Whats the trouble, Robert? asked his host I wanted to see, explained candid Robert, if that animals legs were really as long as that of if he were standing on something in another room. Long-Legge- d A The Salt Lake Route announces one fare for the round trip between Utah stations for the holidays. Tickets on sale December 24, 25, 31 and January 1st Good returning to January 6. Townsends Enamel Cream Make attractive faces immediate 'y. Superior to face powders. Its use Is uot detected. For Bale everywhere. Price 50 cent Union Assay Office a. MkNAuee. p. o. eox i4e CITT. UTAH w. 4. SALT LAKI ItSUX. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. V. r Papers for Faddists. "There's hardly a subject," said an editor, that hasnt a paper devoted to it. There is a hay fever paper, for Instance, full of cures and resorts for the hay fever victim. Take dancing. Well, there are 13 papers, some of them Illustrated, that treat of dancing alone. There are some 20 or 30 bee weeklies, one of which has a circulation of 65,000. There are a dozen journals that relate to nothing but the Marcel wave, the box beard, the latest pattern strop and chair and massage cream. So it goes. The shoemaker has his paper, the bricklayer has his, the blind man has his in raised type, the convict has his, the stamp col lector has his. As soon as a new thing comes out say papers . spring automobiling, up devoted to it. Even before a thing has arrived it may establish its papers as, for Instance, the flying machine, which hasnt arrived yet, and already we have quite a papers devoted to flying. half-doze- - of which Kipling sings, have been in creasing in brilliancy as well as in number ever since the dawn of the nineteenth century. In that dark age weary mariners crawled into port by ;he flickering glare of 25 beacons and six floating lights; now they may glide safely into haven under the powerful beams of 880. Lighthouses are as The Pharos of as civilization. Alexandria flung its light on the decks af oriental barges 2,237 years ago. The Romans, who loved the light, have s left the ruins of one of their on a cliff at Boulogne, while at Dover may still be seen all that remains of another. Petroleum and the slectrlc light have made the early aineteenth century beacons ridiculous. Dn the summit of the tower an open grate was fed with billets of wood and later with coal. Scotland abandoned :oal altogether for more methods In 1816 and England six years afterward. an-lie- light-bouse- I $100 In a Tha Evlia of Constipation. . right away for a Diamond. They are going higher next year, and now you can get the benefit of low prices. If there isnt time to write, tele- graph and reservations will be made for you. Stones from S25 to $3,000 ready for immediate delivery. r Our lines of Watches, Jewelry ami Silver are just as complete. Sales are heavy this year. Dont Wait. it Miss Frances Gardner, of 369 Jack-so- n boulevard, Chicago, 111., writes: "Gentlemen: I indorse heartily Doans Kidney Pills, as I have gold ? No, said the professor; it's good for nothing Its pyrites. And putting some in a shovel over the fire, It soon evaporated up the chimney. Well, said the gentlemanly man with a woebegone look, there's a widow In our tow-- has a whole hill full of that, and I've been and married her. n j MAIN ST. i LEbis pation, and some medicines, Instead of preventing constipation, add to it This is true of most cathartics, which, when first used, have a beneficial effect, but the dose has to be continually increased, and before long the remedy ceases to have the slightest effect There is one preparation, however, that can be relied upon to produce the same results with the same dose, even after fifty years daily use, and this is llrandreth's Pills, which has a record of over 100 years as the standard remedy for constipation and all troubles arising from an impure state of the blood. Brandreths Pills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used, and are for sale everywhere, either plain or sugar-coate- Worlds Finest Harbor. The harbor of Rio de Janeiro has fifty miles of anchorage, and to the finest in the world. .that Pugilists Sudden Conversion. "Kid" Wedge, a pugilist who claimed to be champion ot Arkansas, was training for a fight with Guy Buckles la Omaha. Sudde ly he got religion" and sent word te the management of the club where he was to appear explaining why they would have to make other arrang ments. At the sume time he mailed a copy of the New Testament to Mr. Buckles, who, as he fully expected to win the fight which had been is not yet entirely resigned. light-weig- found by personal experience they are an ideal kidney remedy. I suffered with complications of kidney complaint for nearly five years, spent over $100 on useless remedies, while five boxes of Doans Kidney Pills cured me in a few hort weeks. I am now enjoying the best of health, have a fine appetite, the best of digestion, and restful One Peril of Ballooning. One of the strange experiences of sleep, all due to your splendid pills. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. a balloonist Is that of falling into a Foster-Milburhole in the air," which Mr. Rolker reCo., Buffalo, N. Y. ports as follows: So you continue BROKE THE WILDCATS BACK. sailing, enjoying the present with s little thought of the startling d Philadelphia Man Victorious in that may be before you. Ahead Combat. of you, unseen, may be what the balloonist calls a hole in the air, reUnarmed and alone, Thomas Dyke sembling the vortex of a maelstrom, was attacked by a wildcat on Locust and down this you may literally fall mountain, south of Mount Carmel, Pa. at a rate which Is terrifying until, by He had been In Ashland and started sacrificing two or three bagfuls of to drive home. Ills horse stepped on sand at once, your pilot checks your a nail and he put the animal in a sta- downward flight. But these holes ble. are scarce, aud, as a rule, tke atmosThen he started to walk borne and phere is pf uniform carrying power. wfus on the mountain when the cries American Magazine. of a wildcat alarmed him. A few A Remarkabla Lighthouse. minutes later he saw the beast ten At the entrance of Odessa harbor feet in front of him. The animal finally sprang. He jumped aside and is a sunken rock which has been the aa the body of the cat struck the road source of danger to navigators for he lejyieti upon it. For several min-ttte- s centuries past. The Russians have thh fight between the wild ani- decided to erect on this rock a lightmal and the man went on. At length house which will rival in originality by a quick swing he broke the ani- and interest any lighthouse of ancient or modern times. This is to be a gimal's back. A physieflm dressed the several gantic figure of Christ, holding aloft deep scratches on his face and hands, in his left band a cross. The light, one of exceptional brilliancy, is to be but otherwise he was uninjured. placed In the center of the cross. TORTURED WITH ECZEMA. What more fitting emblem for a lighthouse can one conceive than this figTremendous Itching Over Whole Body ure of the light of the world guiding Scratched Until Bled Wonderthe mariner on life's sea to the port ful Cure by Cuticura. of safety! Fine Silver Service for Cruiser. "Last year I suffered with a tremenOne thousand five hundred ounces dous Itching on my hack, which grew worse and worse, until it spread over of metal will be used in the silver serthe whole body, and only my lace and vice to be presented to the new arhands were free. For four months or mored cruiser Washington by the so I suffered torments, and I had to people of the state after which the scratch, scratch, scratch, until I bled. 6hip is named. The service is comAt night when I went to bed things posed of 53 pieces, and will cost The chief piece is the punch got worse, and I had at times to get np and scratch my body all over, until bowl, in the shape of a gallot, ornawas as sore as could be, and untjl I mented with a figure representing suffered excruciating pains. They told Triton, the trumpeter of Neptune. me that I was suffering from eczema. Gas Engines on Canal Boats. Then I made up my mind that I would Canal boats propelled by gas enuse the Cuticura Remedies. I used from plants on the therri according to instructions, and gines supplied boats which make the gas from coal, very soon indeed I was greatly re- are used In Germany. For slow boats lieved. I continued until well, and of moderate capacity the system now I am ready to recommend the Cu seems efficient and economical. tlcura Remedies to any one. Mrs. Mr. Wlnntows Koothlng Ajrrop. b Sweetwater, Okla., Tor children Mary Mietzger, teething, often the gum, reduce June 28, 1905. tUmiuUoa .alleys pelo. curtt wind ccllu. 25cbolUe n Bur-prise- Hand-to-Han- The Highest Bridge. Work is now in progress on a suspension bridge over the famous Royal gorge of the Arkansas river, In Colorado, at a i olnt where the channel Is only 50 feet wide at the bottom and 230 feet wide at the top. Thla bridge will span the river 267 feet above the surface of the water, and will be, therefore, by far the highest bridge in the world. The material will be of flat Bteel and steel cables, the curved girders finding secure attachment In the solid sides of the canyon. The floor of the bridge will be Inches of plate glass one and thick, to afford visitors the pleasure of looking down the chasm. On each Bide will be strong, high steel railings. The bridge is part of an eleo trio railway scheme. one-hal- Competent for Jury Service. During the Ice trust trial in Phil a prospective juror was quiz-leabout the quantity of ice he used. he T use a little occasionally, said. "How much? Enough to temper a highball? What do you mean by a highball? roared the attorney. "An amateur, murmured the juror, "can not presume to enlighten an expert' "This man is a competent juror,' chimed the court, and the trial fTmrn poG3?l idne lint 'ions. it may not They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Husbands Statue Unveiled. Mrs. Ellen M. McClellan, widow of Gen. George B. McClellan and mother of the mayor of New York, has arrived in New York. She has been residing abroad, but will remain in this country to be present at the unveiling In Washington next April of the memorial statue of Gen. McClellan. National Pure Food and Drugs Act. Serial No. 384, assigned by the Got emGrowing Cold. inent, and Guaranty that the preparations l.ei comply in every respect with the requireWhats the matter, dear? Drugs Act. mother asked, seeing the trouble in ments of the Pure Food and appear on every package of the Garfield the young wifes face. Tea Companys preparations. She had Just received a telegrun and sat with the yellow paper crum"Has your wealth brought you hapPerpled in her lap. piness? asked the philosopher.from Douglas, she replied. Its not, answered Mr. Dustin Stax; haps ' Has anything happened to him? I "but it has at least stood between m hope he hasn't been in a ralroad acci and a lot of annoyances. dent. Cost of Weather Forecasts, No. He says he's well and will b The weather forecasts, which apbut he only i.st; home seven words when 'fgLi have pn' pear in the morning papers of Great Britain each day cost the country $30g-900 in three mere a year. -- Genuins Must Bear Fac-Sim- ile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Salt Lake City, No. 61, 190S. BAKDMG' 25 POWDER cents ounces for 25 the purest and most efficient baking help in the country. Its a waste of money to pay more for baking powder not half so good ! K C Baking Powder is made and guaranteed by Jaques 71fg. Co., is k&ovmcESj To See Eating. A perfects' remedy for Dizziness. Nausea. Drowsiness, Sad Taste in tlie Mouth. Coated Tongue. Fain In tbs Bide, TORPID LIVER. They regulate tbo Bowels, purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE, SHALL PRICE. in the land is not always the most costly. bet In Dee For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought. In J Positively cnxed by these Little Pills. W. N. U., Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Signature of "' The best with LOCAL APPLICATION. they cannot rec!l the seat of the dlneaAo. Catarrh Is a blood or cnnuil tuttonal disease, aud In order tueureit you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh True Is taken In ternahy,and acta directly on the blood and murotn surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not aquscic medicine. It was prescribed by odc of the best phyalt lnns in this country for years and U a regular prescription. It Is composed of the bent tonics known, combined blood purifier, acting directly on the with tha mucous surfaces. 1 he perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful re suits in curing catarrh. Send for texthnonlais. free. . J. CHESF.Y & COM Props., Toledo, O. Sold by T)ruggisti. price 7fc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ublio Sold SICK HEADACHE A bank roll may be a roll of honor and then again f .'I $5,-00- 0. Bean the What do you call that, professor?" I call It Iron pyrites. What, said the man, isn't that Aaron ran iyt with PUTNAM FH.DS DYES; no experience required! success guaranteed. are many; in fact almost every seVain Search for rious illness has its origin in consti- Picturesque German Custom. A curious custom procures In the German navy when the sailors, hav Too Late. ing served their time,' pass Into the Professor I presume? said he. reserve. They don the reserve flask sir. Yes, also used on a similar occasion In Are you alone? the army and parade the streets Yes, sir. wearing caps with ribbons which May I lock the door? beAnd he did so; then, having satisfied reach to the ground, other ribbons to the canes attached carry. ing they he was In no one else himself that placed a large bundle done up in a important to Mothers. yellow handkerchief on the table and Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, opened it. a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, "There, look at that. and see that it I see Wjll, said the professor. Do not forget to place your order SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. n Lights That Guide Mariners. The coastwise lights of England,' In the Near Future. The Cook (selecting her employer) Well, Oi loike the looks o yez. But phwat riferinces hov yez from the glr-r- l that hod yez last? Puck. Spent Over EXPERIENCE. Health. Two men undergo operations of the same character in a hospital. The same surgeon does the work. The conditions are identical. Equal care is exercised in each operation and each la successfully performed. Yet one man recovers, the other dies. Or there is a tremendous business pressure which does not let up for months. It puts the men under a terrible strain. One man goes to pieces and his business is wrecked. He can not keep the pace; he loses control of himself. His rival has no better brains than he perhap not so good yet he pulls through successfully. We say that there is a difference fn vitality, that one man has more of it than the other, says a writer In the Worlds Work. I once saw a man in a hospital who was suffering from five fatal diseases and yet he would not die. He had kept on living year after year in spite of everything. He refused to succumb We find the same thing illustrated every day. In a shipwreck there are men who seem to give up their lives without a struggle, without any power to resist; others cling to an open raft for days without food, almost frozen, constantly whipped by the waves, but for some reason or other they survive The vitality in them is strong. Notice how rapidly and surely one man recovers himself after a nervous breakdown, while another drags along Nothrough years of tice the results upon two men of a long cold drench of rain. One of them comes down with pneumonia, the other suffers no ill effects. How is it to be explained? He has a reserve somewhere an inner, power of resistance; an aggressive something that will not be downed we call it vitality. A man cant have a more valuable asset than that. It means joy instead of dumps, success Instead of failure, joy, perhaps, instead of death. Trouble of the Dyepeptlo. Thomas Carlyle was a chronic dyspeptic, and suffered, all his life, the torments which only those unfortunates who are victims of this disease The bitterness of can comprehend. some of his writings which were published after his death may surely be excused when this is considered, fof the chronic dyspeptic is generally understood to develop, .in spite of himself, a gloomy view of life. 170 Through, tha j. From A Has It Pulls Other .Patient Die. of his sovereign. PIONEER IN FLASH SIGNALS. TRYING VITALITY THE MAIN THINGL Chicago. BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Dniggisli. |