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Show THIN BLOOD-W- EAK NERVES taken. future happiness depended regaining Mettas confidence, half of her love depended on the blind trust she bad placed In me. I was on my knees before her In a minute and My 000 Follows tho Other, but Dr. Wil- - Pink Pills Quickly Curs Both. The steady use of a particular set of muscles tends to chronic fatigue, which produces faulty or difficult motion, trembling, cramps and even paralysis Writers, telegraphers, tailors and seam stresses are among the classes most threatened in this way with the loss 01 their power to earn a living. The instance shows that nerve powei may be recovered after it seems eutirelj lost, if the right means are taken. Mrs. Kams O. S. Blacksteu, of No. 684 North Bowman street, Mansfield, Ohio, says : For years my hands would become so numb at times that I would drop anything I attempted to lift. Latex they became so bad that I could not sew any longer, and at last I could scarcely do anything at all with my hands. At night the pricking seusations would some on worse than ever, and my hands and arms would pain so that I dreaded to go to bed. My family doctor gave me some nerve tablets. They helped me a little, bnt only for a short time after I had taken them and if I happened to be without them for a day or two I would be as bad as ever or even worse. Finally 1 got a box of Dr. Williams Pink Pills aud began to take them. The result was surprising. By the time I had taken the last pill in my first box I could see a gain. Thanks to Dr. Williams Pink Pills, I am now all right. I cau sleep undisturbed by paiu, ami for two years I have been as well as ever. Dr. Williams Pink Pills feed the nerves by making new, rich blood and is this way have cured nervous diseases of every description from simple restlessness to paralysis. They have banished the tortures of neuralgia, the weakness of nervous prostration, the disability and awful pain of locomotor ataxia. They are sold by all druggists or direct by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. ; We cannot anchor In thy bay, There ts no holding ground: We cannot linger by the way. Our barque is outward bound: Tet. as we skirt thy blissful shore. We fain would with thee stay. For we shall never see thee more, 1 Sweet Island of was saying in tones I tried to make stern and commanding: See here, Metta, dont be a fool. Do you think I would have come If I had not recognized your handwriting. Poor little girl, you did try to disguise it, but such things dont work with eyes sharpened by love. I knew that you had written the note but the Idea struck me as novel, this mysterious meeting In a down town cafe with my own wife. So I let you come. Well, if sometimes Mettas childish, trusting mediocrity of Intellect has fatigued me, I blessed It that night since thanks to It, she credited my words and saved me from a very awkward position. Only I can assure you that I have sworn off answering pink notes or violet scented ones. To-da- y. e know not whither we are bound. We sail the unknown sea; We seek a port where may be toand Our heart's desire, yet we Know not our course, with wind and tide We simply sail away; Tet we would fain with thee abide. Sweet Island of W. Harry Stone. W To-da- y. 1? RKRMHT (Copyright, 1905, by Dally Story Pub. For a long time I held the dainty, envelope unopened In my hand. What train of memories this pink envelope and that subtle fragrancy of violet brought to my blase heart! How it recalled the hot years of my youth during which I had sown a rather profuse crop of wild oats. At that time those scented notes, some pink, some blue, some lavender, had formed the bulk of my correspondence and had carried with them the delightful touch of intrigue which a wild youth would naturally crave. But why should I receive one I, a married man? I turned the letter over three or four times, then tore it open and read the following words written in a crumpted handwriting I had never seen before: Dear Old Tony Though it may be folly to make such Invitation to a married man, I risk It any way. I will be this evening at 10:30 in room No. 16 of the Bon Ton Cafe and will wait for you. One who loves you. violet-scente- d striking facts about sleep. Co-- neck, and sealing my lips with a kiss cried In a nervous, g voice: Oh, I know that all women of our set envy me, I have everything want but, oh Tony what I care for the most, what would kill me to lose or share with another. Is your love 1 could not live if I thought that you could even thick of another. That old nuisance of a conscience again raised a reproaching voice and I was about to say that business could wait and that I would not return to the office, when a vision of that pink, note passed before my minds eye and my good half-sobbin- of the Most Mysterious of the Ways of Nature. said a scientist, Shakespeare," called sleep the ape of death. That Is a striking name for a striking thing. Sleep is a wonderland. Let us exOrve half-laugbin- plore it WiNT WITH GREATNESS. VANITY on my j Peculiarities ef Famous Men In Self Adornment, In telling of the various means of adopted by certain authors, a critic says that Alexander Dumas, the elder, delighted to appear In the uniform of the national guard of France, with medals pinned to his breast, though it Is doubtful whether his motive was anything deeper than a vain, childish delight in gauds. "He was the sort of man," one of his enemies once remarked, "who was capable of riding behind his own carriage In order to prove that he kept a negro in his service. A certain literary person once appeared lu the stalls of a London theater wearing a Jeweled brooch in hla long hair; but he was anticipated in this respect by Theophlle Gautier, whose waistcoat was always the most conspicuous object in any theater which he entered, and even by Disraeli, with his rings outside his gloves, and his green trousers. It is said that Vt. Paul Bourget also wore green trousers when he was a denizen of the Latin quarter; but that was In the days of poverty and early struggles, aud perhapse he had no others. many-colore- An Honest Opinion. Idaho, OcL 16th. Mineral, d 7 FIRST PRIZES Wre awarded at the ltah State Fair to Hewlett Bros. Co. for the superior quality and excellence ol 'T X THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS AND SPICES Your Grocer Is authorised to refund the money if you dont like "The best of the good ones." Nice and Nasty. Clarence, aged 4, had just taken a bite of a very large but unusually sour Gracious! he exclaimed. apple. What an awful nice bad apple that (Spe is a mysterious That a sure cure has been disoral.)' that we can exercise on our- covered for those sciatic pains that Is. selves in sleep alone. We are all make so many lives miserable is the We all, on certain firm opinion of Mr. D. S. Colson, Farmers and Merchants nights, tell ourselves firmly that we resident of this place, and will be interested in announcement of must not oversleep, that tho next he does not hesitate to say that cure Acetylene Jones in this paper. morning at 4, at 5 or 6 preciseis Dodds Kidney Pills. The reason ly we must wake up. Our sleepBlack and white beans were used Mr. Colson is so firm In his opinion ing selves in the respond to tho hypIs that he had those terrible pains and as ballots by our ancestors notic suggestion made the night bela cured. Speaking of the matter be election of magistrates by the poople. fore by onr waking selves. That Is says: Ask Your Dealer for Alleys Foot-Eat- s mysterious and striking, Isnt it? Still "I am only too happy to say Dodd's A powder. It rests the foot. Cures Swollen, more mysterious and striking, though, Truth Always Victorious. Pills have done me lots of Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating Foot Is the fact of our keeping track of Kidney I All truths are at first badly received In ray hip so and Ingrowing Nails. At all had awful pai-ngood. Druggists and the time somehow ih our slumber. I could 25 Shoe cents. by men, but they soon take root, and Accept no substitute. stores, hardly walk. Dodd's Kidney How on earth do we do that? mailed FRICK. often the very ones that shrugged Sample Address, Alloa S. Pills stopped it entirely. I think they O trusted, LuUoy, N. Y- their shoulders and refused to listen ,It is impossiblo to do without are a grand medicine. sleep. Men have slept standing, even are the ones who became the most A group of the Madonna All Sciatic and Rheumatic pains are holding fervent converts Dr. Johnson. running. They have slept in battle, caused by Uric Acid in the blood the dead Christ upon hor knees, in St. under fire, with guns roaring on all Dodds Kidney Pills make healthy kid Peters church at Rome, Is said to be "Z. sides. in unendurhave They slept and I was astounded. neys healthy kidneys strain ail the only piece of sculpture which What could this able and deadly pain. Acid out of the blood. With bears Michael Angelos signature. Uric the mean? Who was this mysterious There Is no torture equal to that the cause removed there can be no Which do your family Z who could be so bold as to make which the deprivation of sleep entails. Rheumatism or Sciatica. rendezvous at the Bon Ton, one think most of, tea or coffee ? such The Chinese are the cruelest folks on of the gayest restaurants of the city! In Scotland the suhjeet of a practiearth, and the most ingenious of torYour grocer returns ) our money If you dont like In my younger days I wouldnt have turers. Well, the Chinese place the cal joke on the 1st of April Is called Boh tiling's Beet. & w!i hesitated a second but now I had a while in France he deprivation of sleep at the head of a "gowk, W. L. a Cilt wife, creaLine $4.00 weak, Douglas babyish, clinging Edge termed "polsson dAvril," or Handkerchiefs wrought and edged their torture list. April cannot be equalled at any price. flsh. with gold were at one time worn In ture, whose childish ways were somea is rest. The heart of state Sleep looosui die hats of English gentlemen as fa- what tiresome, thats true, but whom rests in sleep. The heart is a rhythmic I deeply loved. I crushed the note Acetylene Jones. vors from young women. muscle, not one that never reposes, with an Impatient gesture, then lit See his advertisement in this paper but one that works at short shifts, Plsos Cure cannot be too highly speken of as a match and watched it burn, a rightfor free booklet write him and like moa puddler, a moment on, a t eoogh cure. J. W. OBrien, 3S3 Third Ave. eous frown upon my brow. Such folment off. Well, when we sleep, the N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6. 1900. lies were not for me. I would not go. hearts shifts of rest are redoubled. SHOCK FOR GREAT CHURCHMAN By six oclock 1 had changed my It works then, one on, two off, getting, Academy originally meant a garden Bishop Unaccustomed to Such Famll r grove in a suburb of Athens where mind and bad persuaded myself that indeed, pretty nearly as much repose life my very depended lar Mode of Address. upon my going I schools of philosophy met and as we do. pulled back the hood, and then te that rendezvous. For the first time The county of Lunenburg, In Nova The In brain back becomes a started with pale slepp cry. since my marriage I was embarrassed was settled by Germans, and I must and sinks below the level of the skull. Scotia, before my wife during the dinner, resolution came to naught. When we are awake the brain Is high the children of these Bottlers are still know of the author that letter. I which barely tasted. I could only German, says an eastern writer. At aid full and ruddy. I bowed to my wife passionate proto her gay, reply in monosyllables Is it tea that makes the Jap? childish Not only the brain and heart, but one of the little hotels In the town of I soothed her ' of testations love, prattle. the same name a party of drummers emotion, then getting into even the ear glands rest in sleep. were When dinner was over, and as the What makes a Russian ? alThat is we waiting for the boat. They were we when awake I why made my escape. maid removed the dishes, she came my overcoat, well primed, and ready for any lark, i3 our rub The ways Instead I of eyes. rubbing the decided car, on taking and sat arm the July f. 1H7B. of my chair and Christs thorn, suposed to be the when In strolled a well known charto walk down town. It was yet two an Instinctive action that stimulates .DOUGLAS MAKES AND SELLS plant from which the crown of thorns with her fingers tried to erase the MORE MtNS $3.60 SHOES JHAH Neil Hyson, also a little was made, was brought into England frown which my conflicting thoughts hours to the appointed time and I the stagnant tear glands and causes acter, AMY OlHER MANUFACTURER. sprung." wanted to collect my thoughts. I did them to moisten properly our eyes all aboat 1596, where it has since grown had caused to gather on my brow. nnn MMRQ to tnyon, who cat In the parlor stood a solitary IndivlUjUUU disprove this ilttemenl Is my darling worried about some- not feel at my ease, I knew I was do- dried from their inaction." W. L. Dougljt $.1.50 shoes have by their exvidual dressed In the garb of a minAevalysis of Medicines Open to All. thing? she asked, as her blonde head ing wrong, yet I felt powerless to recellent style, ensy filling, end surerlor wearing ister. Nell Be in to Wanted I Time. and this walked and bit sist, discontentand spied asked man, qualities, achieved the largest sale of any $3. so There is no public demand and nestled on my shoulder. I would like to look at some house- the leader of the Jokers If he thought shoe In the world, they are Juat sa good m at my edly cigar. I thankYes, Is not sweetheart, those that cost yon $5.00 to $7.00 the only there the slightest public necreplied, When I reached the business part hold goods, said the tall brunette as the stranger would drink with him. difierence Is the price. If I could take you Into essity for a law compelling the publi- ful that her eyes were lower and she of the she entered the factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In furniture store. was still too it so big city "Sure, said the leader, "but be Is my could not; see my face. early I am more the world under one roof making mens cation of the formula of proprietary fine I amused to be married the bishop of Nova You see, I expect the and show you the care with which every myself ahoea, by walking I past than worried, am for and Scotia, you deeply disapmedicines, says the Committee on of shoes is made, you would realize pair Douglas must call him my lord. the soon." lighted stores and watching why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes urn the best Legislation of the Proprietary Asso- pointed. I had planned to spend the crowd which smiled the polite Ah, indeed, and shoes In tho world. in passed produced repassed with as but a Hyson evening marched you, usual, ciation. up to the stranger, Every Health Commissionei If I could show you the difference betweeu the clerk, "just step this way. We have and with a man never ceasing flow. giving him a familiar slap on the shoes made in my factory and thoea of other and every Pure Food Commissioner business appointment So for couwas keen inducements special young my you would understand why Douglas preoccupation that from out of town will call me back back, shouted; "Mine Gott, bishop, makes, in the country, as well as every pri$3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold I forgot myself In the maze of my ples Just starting In housekeeping. to office the this drinks and you it may their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol mitt me! vate physician or chemist. If he evening, thoughts and only returned to reality When is the glad event to come off? greater Intrinsic veins than any other $3.60 What the fiery bishop said (he was eboa pleases, has the right to make an be midnight maybe later before I when my on the market "Well er the been set hasnt encountered the white day eyes can Jiome. get none of other than Bishop Courtney, W. L Douglas Strong Madm Shoom for any proprietary medicine analysis of a street clock, and I saw that as yet dial her With still Mon. averted from eyes $2. BO, $2.00. Boy Behoof $ and to publish the result and to tell former preacher at SL Pauls, Boston) Dromm Shoom.$2.SO, $2, Oh, I see; the lucky young man this Indicated twenty-eigminutes $ I did not learn. the public what he thinks, and there mine, but with a little quiver of the Insist upon having W.L.Doog-uCAUTION. has ten. Just I and reached the Bon Ton cafe proposed body, like a child about to sob, she past sho4. Tak no tutMtitute, None genuine Is nothing in the world to prevent be hasnt proposed yet, "No, without hie name and pftce stamped on bottom. just as the clock struck the half heur. Brothers High Sense of Duty. snch action. But that is not what the said in disappointed tones: As the flunkey showed me up to but WANTED, A hoe dealer in every towa where You not out are surely Alfred going again room 16 he agitators for such legislation want. Towns, of Sllverton, Ore,, w. JL Dougltu Shoes are not told. Fall line ol Ah, he Is going to propose. How a winked in way knowing Cant that horrid amplee business TTielr object is to destroy the sale of returned the other day from a trip In- Fast Colorsent free for inspection upon request. long has he been calling? Eyelets j ed; teey mill net wear brassy. wait until A married man and said: to the hills and told his brother snch remedies entirely. RobWrite for Illnutrebed Catalog of Fall Stylet. Deuced pretty woman, but so nerWell, he hasnt started calling yet, ert should stay home with his wife. that he had shot two deer. RobW. ! DOUGLAS, Brockton Maw. " After a wedding it was a Teutonu That last sentence sounded as a re- vous and timid. Hasnt been a round- but ert Is a game warden and at onoe an 'What is the young mans name?" custom to drink diluted honey foi proach to my already alarmed con- er long. rested Alfred for shooting without s More anxious than ever I followed 'Really, I don't know at present, thirty days which was a moons age science, but I again forced it to silOn the Trail license, and Alfred served five days hi i followed the hence the familiar term honeymoon. ence by assuring myself that my sole my guide. Before No. 16 he paused, but mamma says she thinks some Jail. trail from Texas nice man will start young saying: calling soon, kith a Fisk Brand MACHINERY. Shes In there, waiting for you. so I wanted to be In time. COFFEE NEURALGIA. Pommel Sticker Has supper been ordered? I asked. cold, a wind coat , The Machine which skims the at sir. Shall we No, Musing wmen send up someNight. windy a rain coat when ft rained Leaves When You Quit and Use Poe-turcream from milk does not lose a drop ana for cover so a Late, at if we got to bed late, late thing, sauterne and oysters, for inand 1 will aa y thatnight I have gotten We learn the way to live; mors while the old skimming process wa stance, followed by comfort out of your slicker than any otbtf so late A Late, late, who lady drifted 1 ever unconsciossly crude and wasteful. article QOS ma that owned0 Washing Yes, perhaps, I interrupted, hastWe find what life may give; name and addmw of tha writer of this into nervous prostration brought on by fn chines, which will relieve woman of the But wait until I order. I will We spend our years with lavish hand ttnaoIlcUad lur may be had on ily application.) coffee, says: Their worth we do not understand. Wet Garments for Riding, Wolfe Weather we If drudgery of cleaning clothes have not want ring anything." "I B been have a so Till, coffee or late. late, all drinker late, Working tog. an porting. success to He bowed and left me. All this was proved encouraging up HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FAIR. 1904. my life, and used It regularly, three so familiar and yet so strange, that Late, late, so late date, but when it comes to manufaca day. times We withlearn In head was what living means; a whirl. turing exclusively by machinery my Time to A. TOWER CO. A year or two ago I became sublate, so late out the touch of human hands, there retreat, kept saying the still, small Late, r&NcRs U.B.A. We g the prize ject to nervous neuralgia, attacks of Is nothing more interesting than the voice of duty, but I had gone too far, We fling away the coin of scenes; youth nervous TOWER headache CANADIAN nerand general I of must know all. I knocked. And do not learn to prize the truth, history Pillsburys Vitos the best CO., Limited vous prostration which not only InTUI. late, late, so late. breakfast food in the market A sweet voice called to enter. I T0K0VT0, OuMTADA me for housecapacitated my doing The white heart of the wheat kerdoor the and stepped in. At Late, late, so late opened but necesmade it work, frequently nel Is cut out by steel rolls, conveyed the farther end of the room, a womWe learn how sweet la love; sary for me to remain In a dark room to sterilizers, and then packed in an sat, huddled in a chair, a dainty Late, late, bo late two or three days at a time. lor We find from tls white above; and pink opera wrap covered packages (this la the loiter in forbidden ways I employed several good doctors, whole story), all by polished steel apher shoulders, the hood of which con- We And do not learn to hoard our days, ne after the other, bnt none of them cealed both her hair and face. I hesipliances, no handling, no cooking, no TUI, late, late, so late. was able to give me permanent relief. coloring, no adulteration, just the tated, my heart thumped 'disorderly late, so late "Eight months ago a friend sugwhite heart of the wheat berry sterilagainst my bosom. At last, oppressed Late, We learn the gold from drosa; gested that perhaps coffee was the ised, nothing added, nothing taken by the mysterious silence, I walked Late, late, so late cause of my troubles and that I try Wo learn to kiss the cross; away. resolutely toward the woman who had FOR WOMEN We prize our youth when It takes (light. Postum Food Coffee and give up the not stirred since I had entered. Pillabnrys Vitos la therefore a tree bled with ill peculiar to We do I not am old kind. read I book lifes took ' her aright. glad advice, their sex, used as A douche is marvelously sac? ' healthful, substantial breakfast dish, Well, Im here, I said In tones TUI, late, late, so late. for my health has been entirely re- cessful. Thoroughly cleanse., kills disease germs, I tried to make stern. Will you actually the Meat of the Wheat." Chicago Chronfdle. top discharges, heals lnfiamnution Ana local stored. I have no more neuralgia, nor soreness. Price 20c. Why should I receive one? kindly tell me the meaning of your I ' had have one Putins is in powder form to be dissolved in pure In headache A package win solitary supply a weeks reason for going was to protect this note. Who are you, anyway? Plenty of Bait. water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal With a quick movement I pulled breakfast for five persons. Dear me," pouted the young wife, all these eight months. No more of Snd economical than liquid antiseptic, for alT tender, clinging girl from some bruTOILET AND WOMENS SPECIAL USES See the economy. tal revelation of my past wayward back the hood, then started back with who was wedded to a disciple of Izaak my days are wasted in solitary cont or sale at druggists, 50 cents a box. in a dark room. I do all my a cry, the mysterious woman was Ask your grocer life. Walton, I dont see why a man cant finement Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. own work with ease. flesh The that Yes, yes, I know, I hurried to my wife! VMA R. Paxton Company go fishing without carrying a horrid Boston, Mas. I lost during the years of my nervous A peal of hysterical laughter greet- bottle." St. Anthony is claimed to have reply, but It Is for your sake, little lived to the ripe old age of 105 years one, that I must go. ed my discomfiture, prostration has come back to me then Mettas My husband never carries a boton a dally diet of twelve ounces ol during these months, and I am once For my sake? she questioned voice said : tle, confided the matron next door. bread and water. more a happy, healthy woman, i enSo this is the business, this is the with pouting lips, but still without How nice of him. MUST FULLY PROTECT AN INVENTION. way you love your wife, this oh, my looking up. No, he carries a demijohn. But close a list of names of friends who DON'T FORGET can vouch for the truth of the state- MASON, FENWICK & LAWRENCE, Patent Lawyers, . for your sake, dearest Is It heart is broken! was a my .Yes, fishergreat feed Ball grandfather Cross A larre Blue, only package Established 1861. 5 cents. The Kuss Company, South Bend. Ind. And before I had time to recover man. He never carried either a bot- ment. Name given by Postum CoH Washington, D. C., not for you I work, to give you all Bend for our 43rd Anniversary free Booklet, .how Battle Creek, Mich. these fine clothes in which your soul from my astonishment, she had drop- tle or a demijohn. Ing lllnnt ratios, of Mechanical Movement,. Refer enees, Bradstreet end thousands of sallMled client. thou- delights, this home which is the envy ped back on her chair, her bosom conTheres a reason. Two hundred and fifty-tw- o 'Noble man. He must have been Ten days trial leaving off coffee Communication, confidential. Write u. sand six hundred miles represents of other women, this vulsed with wild, passionate sobbing. splendid." , the greatest distance to the moon and using Postum is suffiolenL All She threw her arms around my j In an Instant my resolution was When Answering Advertisements "Yes. he always carried a keg." from the earths center grocers. Kindly Mention This Paper. violet-scente- force well-know- d TEA W. L. Douglas 3 3 S H O ES y TEA tin to-d- ht . , dew-hun- Jo. to-da- two-peon- air-tig- P to-da- PATENTS!! PROFIT i-- . |