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Show ' If 1 '"'it, x V 47P ' r.xTs jw- - v- s - npTUTW tt Jfc Vol The Piute Courant. RYSVALE UTAH SUBSCRIPTIONS: One je&r 75 S, rcn h- - cnOi. 0 Three months, rrtes hold Thpcp 33 rents. A. good untij and do cot apply to back 1900, Advertising rates on application to ur local or Salt Lake offlco. . Salt f lub Bid 237 Office Lak- Commercial and PoatofSce Bos 17. Krs. S. M. P. Decker Local Editor This paper is kept on fils by THE WERICAN. MINI NO . CONGRESS, Chamber of Commerce. Buiidi'nfjf 'Oe't-.er- , rtradeis W.fipe Colo., where-cuto the use. oh the. leaping welcome tapers from the Vi mu mining sections of tiie west.,',a scientific .turary end mineral exmffC r -- READ THIS. o v-- numbers marly 10,000 ,ites in this i city, while the Democrat;? and Ameri6 000. cans each secured aroi-sIt in '"s if anytherefore folio that to thing near as .'follows a .the as that instanced shall be polled ihe Americans would have to draw something over 2,006 votes irom the Republicans alone unless there should be unlooked- t). Tor defections from them to the Democrats also, each of which would amount to a negative gain oh half a vote for the Americans while each vote going to them from the Demo-crats would be a full vote gained, and each Republican vote would amount to two votes gained, it is in this connection, to be noted that to J1 appearance the greater number ot accessions to the Americans cf late have been from the Democrats, though pieviously they were almost entirely from Republicans, and among these the desertions are continuously occurring, though not, as stated, to the same extent as is the case with the -- Published Every Saturday at The Local Office of Publication The "Pines Hotel, " x- TarysvailevPiute bbunty, Utah! Saturddy, October 111 subscribers paying 75 cents Demon ats, so far as can be deterfor one year, or 40 cents for six mined. nonths, th American Fanner will be The situation is a very interesting ent free for one year. This offer holds good until January 1, 1906. me viewed from any standpoint, and THE PUBLISHERS. if the Americans get as much as of ihe vo.es of the municipality METAL MARKET. a good show to win, unstand Faturdav Silver, 60, copper, 16.; they Lead. $3.30. less there should be a slump from one Monday, 16 Silver, 62; copper, 15; to the other of the old parties, as was lead, $3.30. 71case last fall. It is not likely that the Silver, 62; copper, 15; fuesday, lead, $3.50 more than 20,000 votes will be cast Wednesday, IS Silver, 62; copper, and it is morally certain that the Am157s; lead, $3.30. ericans have gained at least a thousand votes since last November. This would give them about 7,000, a clear plurality with the situation remaining as it was then and noi otherwise ONE OF THE TRIBUNES COMcounting the negative assistance of PETITIVE POEMS. the Socialists, which party ought to be Pair Utah's peaks "A uh fertile valleys at their base good for fully 1,000 votes. We shall And trrsurcs rich within their hearts soon know all about it. All typify the noble race Which came and gained, through A state born of the wilderness. All new 1 one-thir- d E EDITORIALS. heaven-aspirin- g Their hearts made oiavc with thrill-.n- r hope uid foreheads lifted to the skies, Our hero victors gave them strength MARYSVALE, PIUTE COUNTY AND And bade a nations home arise; SOUTHERN UTAH ITEMS. Through long, dark days, with danger filled, The recent rain storms were an all They did the work that God had around blessiDg in these parts. More willed. would have been appreciated. Where once the sterile plain lay dead, d The mighty hand of labor wrought; Lorin Morrison, manager of the InDown from the barren mountain dian Queen mine in Beaver county ' slopes was in the metropolis this week. Tlio crystal floods of life were V brought; The Moscow of Milford is daily sendAll Nature smiled, her power freed, AmU spread, her joy oer field and ing in its rich treasures of ore to the mead, depot, to be shipped to the smelters, J J State Parowan Citys Fathers have parsed uur vones ring 'vtithwjrds oi, praise, an ordinance placing a bounty of 2 Oh, may we not, in'pfpbent pnde, to on cents effect Novemtake rabbits, Forget the men of oteey uayis ; And this oni prayer; uu4 God may be ber 1, 1905. J Jt With us to snape our deauny. Miss Hanson, one of the district school teachers of Parowan is sick, THE CITY CONTESTS. having undergone an operation in the The nomination for offices of 'the hospital at Cedar City. J J different cities, are pretty mhch all ' President William B. Mucklow of the made now, and the work of the various Majestic Copper company is expected conventions is before the public for at the Milford properties soon. He Of course is now as far West as Qenver, coming approval ' or disapproval. the greatest interest centres in Salt this way. ' ! j jt : Lake Ctty, where there is a Considerable wheat is being sown in fight IK e two national organizations, Parowan this season as1 it has been the American party arid the Socialists demonstrated that it can be raised sucmaking up the quartette which will cessfully and with considerable less for the mastery. irrigation than spring sown crops. contend from now on . t J The election occurs uniformly in 'the Elder James Grant or Thurber, cities afid towns Of the state on Wayne county, passed through this Tuesday, November 7, so there is city October 5, 1905, on his return abundant time for each voter to post from the Northern States mission, himself thoroughly as to the merits whither ,he was sent September 29, 1903. The Wisconsin, conference was and demerits of the parties and the his fie)d of labor. T.he prospects are candidates representing them; it is very flattering in this field. News. to be hoped eack will do so and then . J The great strikg ,on the 850 foot act intelligently and Independently in level of the Stockton Mine, at Stock-ton- , accordance with his convictions. As now to Utah--Rlpric- four-side- d V is of magnificent proportions. In the capital dity the American An eight foot rein exposed and no party which made Its trial trip in walls and three feet of this vein carNovember last, was first in the field rying values of 70.ij per cent lqan, 17.1 ounces of silver and some gold this fall and is the subject of Stockton and copper. ' Truly the and to as its strength speculation is becoming great prospects at the present time. That J J it has grown considerably since it was A strike of rich ore has been made launched upon the turbulent sea of in the. Harrington-HIckormine, Star politics, will scarcely be dispktd by district, Beaver county, below the 465 even its most virulent oppohents, be- lev el. i The ore averages eighty ounces more than 60 per cent lead. The silver, and cause the fact i3 This vein, reaching, as it does,, iito only question is as to tv hat extent the potphjry dike, 1000, feet distant, it has grown: At th? election Epoken is the most important discovery yet odnii blade lii this of the Republicans polled fh no-littl- y self-ovidd- H north 15 deg, 50 min. west feel to coiner No. 2 of SwuzmuiJ s on wings, t'.iri-ti- s north 74 deg. 10 min. east timi agubond Of the sen. 1 lttle thou the surf I hot sings, ihe bsr that tuuiiUrre. the shale tual feet to corner No. 3 of SwuxetTnnd Mine; thence south 15 deg. 5it min. rings. Give hie to keep thy company. east 1,290.4 feet to corner No 4 ot Little thou hast, old friend, that'e new; Switzeiland Mine, identical with coiStorms and wreika are old things to ner No. 3 of Geneva and with corner ,r Sauntcrtn . hlth.r Mine-thenc- Its-les- sl thee; Sick am 1 ef these changes too; Little to eaie for, little to rue. I on the shore, and thou on the sea. All of thy wanderings, far and near, llrlng three at last to shoie and toe: All of my Journevings end them txr. Ms our tether must be our iheer. 1 on the shore, and thou on the sea. 1 Lasily rooking on ocean's breast, Something in common, old friend, have , we; Thou, on ihe shingle seokest thy nest, I on the Watere look for rest. I on tb shore, and thou on the sea. Diet APPLICATION 1 latte. FOR PATENT, M. A. No. 4023. United State Land Office, Salt-- , Lake City, Utah, Aug. 22, 1905. Notice, is heieby given that the Providence Gold Minins company, by its piesident and Authorized agent, iolin Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Lost Min-'n- g Claim, Rowe Mine, Annex Mining Claim, Summit Minins Claim and Pearl Fraction lode mining claim, consisting of 1,500, 3,500, 1,332.3, 1,312.13 and 200 linear feet, respectively, of the lodes and surface ground as shown by the official plat, being Survey No. 5298, situated in the Gold Mountain Piute1 County, Utah, Minins Dhli-kt- , and described in the plat and field notes of survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. east, as follows, Commencing at corner No. 1 of Lost Mining Claim, ' and running thence south 75 deg. 1 min. west 600 feet to coiner No. 2 of said claim; thence north 15 deg. 50 min. west 1,500 feet to coiner No. 3 of said claim, Identical with corner No. 2 of Rowe Mine; thence north 13 deg. 42 min. west 498 5 feet to corner No. 1 of Annex Mining Claim; thence N. 89 deg 54 m west 1,312.9 feet to corner No. 2 of said claim; thence north 13 deg. 42 min. west 597.6 feet to corper No. 3 of said claim, identical with corner No. 2 of Summit Mining Claim ; thence north 13 deg. 42 min. yest 508.7 feet to corner No. 3 of Summit Mining Claim; thence north 86 deg. 4 min. east 1,293.7 feet to corner No. 4 of said claim, identical with corner No. 3 of Pearl Fraction; thenc4 north 75 deg. 1 min. east 600 feet to corner No. 4 of Pearl Fraction; thence south 13 deg. 42 min. east 200 feet to corner JSfo, 1 of said c1tw ner No. 4 of Rov e iVline'; thence souiu 10 deg. 43 mu., ea-621.9 feet to corner No. 5 of Rowe Mine; thence south 15 deg. 50 min. east 878.1 feet to corner No. 1 of said claim, identical with corner No, 4 of Lost Mining Claim; thence south 15 deg. 50 min. east 1.500 Teet to corner No. 1 of Lost Mining Claim, the place of beginning, containing a total and net arqa of 77.243 acres, all of which is applied for, there being no conflicts. The presumed general course or direction of the veins or lodes are as shown upon the official plat. Said claims are situated in the northeast and northw-es- t section 32, township 27 south, range 5 west, and partly in the unsurveyed portion of said township. The southeast corner section 12, township 27 south, range 5 west, bears as follows from cqrper No. 1 of each of said claims: Initt Mining Claim, south 83 deg. 18 mth east 966.8 feet; Rowe Mine, south 41 deg. 21 Jnln. east 2,072.6 feet; Annex Mining Claim, south 47 deg. 38 min. east 2J797.6 feet; Summit Mining Claim, sbuth 41 deg. 50 min. east 3,312 4 feet; Pearl Fraction, south 29 deg. 48 miiii east 3,470.6 feet. Said claims are of record in the office of the Recorder of Piute .County at Junction, aS iollows; Lost Mining Claim and Annex Mining Claim in Book E," page 427; Rowe Mine in Bools' ,,D, page 127; Summit Mining Claim in Book E, page 426; Pearl Fraction in Book F, page 253. The adjoining claim is the Annie Mine, Survey 5297, as shown by the official plat. I direct that this notice be published In the Piute Courant at Junction, Utah, the newspaper published .nearest said claims for a period oft nine weeks. FRANK D. HOBJ&, I Register. L. H. GRAY, Attorney. First publication August 281905. Last publication October 21,' 1905. to-wi- No. Nt 1905 21. A 4 No 13 V- - Hpuse-Build- Maxim. t Trije design is not ration, but decorated cousmu-ilot- i f- . rsvrrret'rrrrrrrri'vrrrr.r wseasssstMM'rrrrsrrrrrmr, kfk444asrf4Arf4A4444kaa4ii'4aiuaaaaa44aaaaa44i(aaaaat v u t ki i of Fenney Mining Claim; thence nojth 74 deg. 10 min. east 6uu teet to corner No. 3 of Fenney Mining Clatjti; i "See south 15 deg. 50 min. east l,5ou feH to corner No. 4 of Feitnev Min- a ing Claim; thence south 74 deg. 10 mi, west 600 ieet to cornej No. 1 of Fenney Mining Claim, identical 'with corner No. 4 of Geneva; thH ce south 74 deg. 10 min. west 600 a 2 fei t to corner No .1 of Genet tt, identical with corner No. 1 of Annie Miie; thtnee soutjL 74 deg. 10 min. west COO 3 fe to corner No, 2 of Annie. Mine, the pl.s,of a lightning, containing a total on net suoa of 79 757 acres, all of which is applied for, there being no ConJtcts. the presumed general course or direction of the veins or lodes are as Shown upon the official plat. Said claims lire situated in the Dmtheast of section 12 amt t lie mi smveyed part of section 12, township 27 south, range 5 west, anti northwest and southwest section 7, township 27 south, range 4 west, Salt Lake Meridian,. The southeast cprner section 12, township 37 south, range 5 west, bears as follows from got nor No 1 if sjaid claims. Annie Miue and Geneva, south Sitting. 2 min. east 1,282.4 frjjj. Switzetlarh Mine, south 21 deg. i5 1'tin. eas, 2,764.2 feht; Fenney Mining Claim, south 2 dog. t mm. east 2 ptyYes' Cheap in Africa. In 'w'tiea wins have been mb two ,ia ki a I I d.so k k w it it fct i? ll t? wj; sr k? x mwwtrwrwrwirrirrrwyriMi's'ir;vrimrr''s.rrr J T THE HIGHEST PLACE for it olg.n anywhere in the country, wltiii ipnlilv counts, is given (lie who knov-wha- t Blue Point 1'V .tnw'Uf t ill i lev or oi,. tr and '',nod icc rollin', i uiiliiitcil will do for the c, u lm t sold r n w here c WHITTAKER &. DALLAS, MAKERS. ' . 7 Son 2su,8. Eldd claims are of record in the office Of the Recorder of PitUe County, I,- Annie Mine, in Book D, page 163; Geneva, in Book "P, page 161, and amended lU Book 15, page 156; Fenney Mining Claim, in Book 12, page 271; Switzerland, In Book D, page 16 .Titete are no adjoining claims, as sl'fuvn by the official plat. direct that this notice he puMbhel in th Piute Courant, at Junction Uthhi the newsptper published ncar-esaid claims, fur a period of nine W FRANK D. IIOB!);', ids. ' Register. I T. GRAY, I, Attorney. -!st Publication August 26, 1905;. I,, st Publication October 21, 1905. St It . WWVWWVWV WWW , at Junction, Utah, as follows: l Citv. Rail ELIAS MORRIS SSI SONS SALT LAKE CITY. Opposite South Goto Tempi CO. Block. MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES. MANTELS. GRATES. TILES. V s I& JOHN HAWES,' , . r , ; H Marysvale,. J. Utah. MEKCHAftbilit Beaatitunj Illustrated Catalogue Sent free. Write Us. - ' If 4 '4V 4t3r 44,4 404 4.4t44444'i V JJ 2!4444444444444444444a44444l444444444444444444 5n kk AYe carry the lar,trout stoolc of lions $n..'0 and ift.OO J J SJA44444-e'444W- Tif S' i Olid a Send for (Jatalou 11 11 t i a 11 11 i m ta ta I'lr J $ 11 11 1 UtaHj 11 s Bertelsen Bros., - 5 BLACKSMITHS, 1 Marysvale, i ' 4- T WILLIS JOHNSON, - General Merchnd ie, i ' ' , PROVISIONS.! i Marysvale, Utah. 9 s i J t s A Sx5)SXS(5X5XSX5xS$st& J. D. REDFORD, AND ... wwwrrvrwrrea-yt-p- . 4- GROCERIES k k i Utah. i, 2 $ HI FUR-- . I 1 qir'rrrpriMrpmeimeiewrieirwri ! an MrXWIR,PjOnTS 8atlT;fiko, 14 H. WHITLOCK, Dealer in fdARNESS AND HORSE NISHINGS. Marysvale CHIMNEYS, CEMENT. ETC F S1R)iopr niarJ10SlT;T0l!K 6 general FIRE-PROO- Ct cli l ff t 1 , tf - stexsJaX!ttWsx?JWiXin.xm.v'cji) . i ,. . - T 4 .. . . 4- - 4- j , .r -.- mi lH . . , ' Dr. F. J. Lyon, 111. WpU Utr , S' PHYSICIAN AND P SURGEON, ) , Marysvale, Utah. 'AlI 2 5 I - tsyisiawswyawtwcixiriAritiiiiijVjj. JUnGtION '.j CASH FINE TAILORING. STORk. Ceieral Merchanc'ite f. , and Travelers Supplies. J H H'i ONLY, Pi ov ) 4 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT. . J ") 5 M. A. No. 4022, United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 22, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the Providence Gold Mining company, by its president and authorized agent, John Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Annie Mihe, Geneva, Fenney Mining Claim, and Switzerland Mine lode mining qlaims, consisting of 1,500, 1,500, 1,500 and 1,290.4 lineai feet of the lodes, respectively, with surface ns shown byf the official plat, being Survey No. l297, situated in the Gold Mountain Mining District, Piute County, Utah, and described in the plat and field notes of survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees east, as ! , follows, : Commencing at corner No. 2 of. Annie Mine thence north, J 5 deg. 50 min. West 1,500' feet to corner No. 3 of Annie Mlne;thence north, 4 deg. 10 min. east 600 ftjet to jfor&er - of, Annie Mine, lap ntlcan. vyjth omeriNoc2 pi Geneva and wjtn corner Nft.' i ftf Switzerland Mine; thence to-w- and-runnin- 4- ., J 'I 4 4 t.VrfiW M !' .4 t - . ,,a VHt f t a 14.4 4 1 4444 V YOUNG f MAN Ae taste for good clo' h.ry be critical of Style, it uud Finish;' of your garments, yjti wi.l save jwirself no end of trouble by looking into our store and exairJn ng the class of workmanship anci materials we turn out 4- If jout you to t - SOOD BUSINESS 'SUITS - FROM $ UP. j Sorenson & Larson, j 149 W, Feoond South, SALT LAKE CITlt. 8 f 1 s . J. D. EER7LESEN, - 4.4-- i Cf'e-a- l A't 4 4 Deaer ip . i f.erchsr.dise. Msryrvs ie. t 44 T 4 4- 4 4 44 .. tv, t4il4444.4. Htiiuu ;;:nn;unnunnnn .j' |