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Show i 9 RAISED FROM A BEAUTIFUL DEATH-BED- . E. Pitts, 60 Hathaway st., Skow-hegaMe., says: Seven years ago s. my back ached and I was so run down that laid up IS AMERICAN. was 1 four months. .1 had night sweats and fainting spells and dropped to 90 pounds. The urine passed every few minutes with Intense pain and looked like blood. Dropsy set In and the doctors decided 1 could not live. My wife got me usiug Doans Kidney Pills, and as they helped me I took heart, kept on and was cured so thoroughly that Ive been, well three years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Warblers Found on No Other Continent but This. So small that the casual glance frequently does not reveal their presence, the great family of wood warblers Is almost without exception the most brilliantly and striking colored of our American bird groups. The lover of the beauties of nature will be well repaid by careful scrutiny of tbe little Jewel-likcreatures, either with field glasses or the naked eye, for there are none of them unreasonably timid, and patience will reveal marvels In the way of artistic color combinations. The wood warbler family is distinctOn no other continent ly American. In the world Is It represented. Some Wood e Wonderful Jamaica Family. century ago there died In Jamaica a woman named Mills. Her age was given as 118 and she was followed to the grave by 295 of her children, grandchildren, great - grandchildren and great - great - grandchildren no fewer than sixty of whom, all named fibank8, belonged to the regiment of Militia for St. Elizabeth's parish. USE THE FAMOUS A I Preacher Was Misunderstood. Bishop Illomfield discovered one day as ke entered the pulpit that be had forgotten the mauuscrlpt of his sermon. It was Impossible to do as the Scottish minister did In similar circumstances, son ' for the sermon front his home while the congregation sung Psalm 119. No, he must preach extempore, and did so, taking for his theme the existence of God. Vory well satisfied he felt with his effort. As he walked home he overtook one of his congregation, whose opinion of the sermon he invited. "Well, It were a very good sermon, was the reply, but I dont agree wl It. I believe there is a God ! Important to Mother. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a aafa and aura remedy for lufanU and children, and aae that It Bean the Signature of Dee For Over 30 Yoare. The Kind Yon Have Alwajri Bought, Elephant's Milk. The milk In an average cow contains about 4 per cent of cream; nearly 20 per cent of the elephant's milk la cream. Even buffalo milk U about twice as rich as cow's milk, and the creamiest of all, that, of the po'polso, actually holds over 845 per cent of cream, says Knowledge. STati or Ohio, Citt or Tolbdo, I Lucia Oouty. f Faaac J. Cii.v.r makea oath that ha fa aanlnt firm ot th F. of A Co., dolus Cua.var J. partner buaiooaa la the City or Toledo. Cuunty and Slaw afurmaid, and that aald firm will pay the aum of ONE UUNOUKU ilOLLAKS for aaeh and arery aaoa at Catabxu that cannot ba cured by the uae ol liaan.a Catakku Cuua. Bw FRANK J. CHENEV. roe and subscribed la my prescuoa. day of December, A I)., IRMft. A. W. GLEASON, i to before 'vn 6Ui Notaiy Pcblio. Catarrh Care Is taken Internally and tots dtrratly on tbs blood and mucous surfaces ot the ifMon. Jtand lor testimonial, free. F. J. CUKNEY CO., Toledo O Mi by all Druggist. 75c. TOA UaUsFeiuliy PIU tor oonstlpatloo. Haw1 ' Dreadful Catastrophe. A Sullivan county farmer lost a cow 1b a peculiar manner last week. Tbe animal in rummaging through a summer kitchen found and devoured aa old umbrella and several cakes ol yeast. The yeast fermenting in the poor beast's stomach raised the umbrella and tbe cow died In great agony. New York World. TEA We export millions on millions of wheat and pork, and take in exchange a few Are we cargoes of tea. losers? v Letter on a Collar. A linen collar has been put to atrange use by a resident In Gloucester, England. Upon clearing the letter box at the postolHce there recently It was discovered that a letter had been written upon one side ot a collar. It being properly stamped, the missive reached its destination. l d Warblere. Yellow sixty species are Included in its classification. For the most part the birds are of ridiculously Inadequate proportions to combat with the dangers of the long biannual Journey which they make In the effort to obtain the insect food upon which they subsist. often confuse Uninformed persons them with humming birds and wrens. They are Inconspicuous In their movements, keeping always In the shelter of the leaves of trees or shrubbery. several With exceptions, notably among them the palm warbler, they rartdy alight on the ground, preferring to slip nervously hut painstakingly about green upper foliage, removing many small and noxious insects which escape the larger and better known bird workers in the Interest of the horticulturist. Chicago News. lage and pasted upon the door of his little cabin a formal declaration ot war against his sovereign. A month later he was marching on Vienna at the head of a huge, but undisciplined and army. At first the luck was all on his side. He defeated tbe regular troops In a Our dealing a challenge number of pitched battles, carried by assault several large and strongly forOur Healing a challenge tified towns and was actually within Our dealing a challenge sight of the capital, whence the ems peror had already fled, when Oar dealing a challenge betrayed Into ambush through the treachery of a guide. Tmt grocer return jour mousy If you don't like The misfortune constituted the beBeaming's Bootf of the end. The bulk of his ginning The Honeymoon Is Still Shining. followers fell away from him and were The Ideal Man lives In Atchison. hunted through the mountains and Ills wife burned the steak and didn't woods like wild beasts. Altogether, It have time to cook anything else. Per- is said, that over 150,000 of them were she haps he will not notice it, to th6 sword. put If I put a flower with dew thought, The Jack Cade of Hungary," havon it beside the steak. So she wept ing been taken prisoner, was seated out and gathered an aster, and put it on an Iron throne, beneath which a beside the burned steak, and he Nevfire had previously been kindled, huge er Noticed that the meat was ourned crowned with a red-ho- t iron crown, At All. Atchison Globe. and his flesh torn from his bones with red-hpincers. Exchange. ot The Chinese and Japs are not very nervous people they drink a good deal of tea. Dignity of Chinese Physicians. Chinese physicians of much repute never visit afoot, but must be carried to the patient on a horse, mule or Jack, or in a carriage. At the patients residence the doctor first rests awhile, and In the meantime is served with liquors, confections and often with a . formal meal. BABYS AWFUL ECZEMA. Face Like Raw Beef Thought She Would Lose Her Ear Healed Without a Blemish Mother Thanks Cuticura. My little girl had eczema very bad when she was ten months old. 1 thought sho would lose her right ear, It had turned black, and her face was like a piece of raw meat, and very sore. It would bleed when I washed her, and I had to keep cloths on it day and night. There was not a cleif spot on her face when I began Cuticura Soap and dintment, and now It Is completely healed, without scar or blemish, which is more than I had hoped for. (Signed) Mrs. Rose Ether, 291 Eckford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Early Egyptians In Francs. There has Just been laid before the French Academy of Sciences a well authenticated case of prehistoric Egyptian remains found among the prehistoric remains of ancient Gaul. The connection between Gaul and Egypt was established in this way: A card of cut Hints of the Neolithic period was obtained from Egypt and a card of exactly similar flints found Scientific Point Explained. on Rlou island, nine miles from MarWhy alum and other mineral salts seilles, was shown with them. At the spot on the island where will cause the dirt to settle In turbid these flints were excavated there were water was explained at a recent meetfound lying nearest the surface some ing of the Chemical Society. Turbid Roman pottery; below that Ceek pot- water Is charged with negative electery, with Ligurian and Egyptian still tricity. The alum sets up an electric lower, and below these again masses action and joins positive colloid of marine shells, pottery and flints different from any yet found. The remains found go back for at least 5,000 years. London Globe. TEA Israels Golden Candlesticks. According to recent accounts, the golden candlestick and other articles used In the tabernacle by the children of Israel during their pilgrimage through the wilderness have been recovered from the River Tiber, where they were thrown by the ancient Romans when the sacking of Rome by the Goths seemed Imminent. Iu the box were discovered many vessels and trumpets which exactly answer the description in the old testament. Should the identification he accepted this candlestick would become one of the most valuable treasures in the world. The value ot the gold alone is more than $30,000, and, In addition, the rich working enhances its value, being of the finest. It stands nearly three feet high. The best you can do, Schillings Best The best you can do, Schillings Best Yoor jour moo y tf ywa don't yrcr return Ilk It. Edwin Booths Fondness for Tobacco. Without a cigar was Edwin Booth, the tragedian,- - scarcely ever Been. Even while engaged on his profession-a- l duties his beloved weed was present in the wings, ready to be snatched from his dressers hand for enjoyment the sometimes exceedingly during brief Intervals between hl3 exits and entrances. Twenty-fivcigars a day were at one time his usual allowance an allowance, however, not infrequently exceeded. e TEA The English and Irish old woman lives in a garret on tea, and dies in a garret on tea; and how did she get to Life. Bvery person born Is possessed ot a Ood glvaa gift. Tc find that gift or talent, to develop It fully, and to ue it unselfishly la the general cause life. that is a well-speWell-Spe- Our advice is as sound as our tea. vice is sound. Uka Aids in School Work. Boston has nine school gardens, and finds them great aids to education, both pedagoglcally and sociologically, for they bring the children In closer touch with nature and the soil, which make for so much in the past history of New England. Acetylene Gas. AU country people will be Interested la reading about it in another part of this paper. . Philosopher of Folly. Higher criticism may next be expected to prove that the scriptural statement about the prodigal son feeding among the swine was merely a metaphorical way of saying that he took his meals at a quick-lunc- h restaiv anL ClevqlAnd Leader. of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and Well. tn the foes of sluggishness and laziness and the guarantees of a brighter success than could be possible without them. Baltimore Herald. Yellow Warble. ad- it you doat , t- MaKe Unhappy Homes Their Condition Irritates Thousands Both Husband and Children-Ho- w fail-ar- e be old? On tea. Our tea is sound; our Tiled, Nezvoas Mothers . TEA TEA Your grocer returns your money flohltlluffs Bret. ofifi-cia- j he-wa- Red Or ohm Hull Hlue. I.iitxc package Tbfl Kus :unip;iuy. South Bend, tad. CnnlM. la DROVE EMPEROR FROM CAPITA. the horses trot down to the wire in a long, straggling line & race Peasant Almost Seized Crown bangs a bell and tbe whole field of Hungary. turns and goes back to try again. A Dosza was a Szekler, or George fresh start Is necessary. But it Is not peasant of Szekelfyfold, a district of only on the race track that fresh Hun-ar- y. He was a quiet, starts are essential to the achieveman, notable only for his great ment of results. There are countless and tall stature. Instances of business firms taking strength One day, however, an Austrian nofresh starts after visitations of mis- ble fit to decoy thought away fortune. Individuals without number from her father's house Doszas only discourbacks turn their upon daily a maiden of 14. The disagements of the past and take a fresh daughter, tracted parent sought the abductor far tart. The man who fails is he who and near, but, falling to find him. Is unwilling to do battle over again. Journeyed to Vienna and laid his case An Individual suffers everlasting before the emperor. if, when confronted by obstacles, The latter only laughed. Whereupon be refuses to gird up his loins and the peasant returned to his own viltake a fresh start. Fresh starts are TEA Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Pester-Milbur- Take a Fresh Start, As Mr. Pitta, Once Pronounced Incurable, Has Been Well Three Years. a. BIRD A Revised Version. John Alden had just concluded his eloquent praises of Capt. Miles Stand-fsand waited 'anxiously for Priscillas answer. Coyly she regarded him Cor an Instant, then, blushing, she inquired : Why dont you speak for yourself, lohn? "Great Scott! ejaculated the young puritan, what do you suppose I am? 1 aint workin no Hoch nor Witzhoff game Itp runnln a straight, legitimate matrimonial bureau, thats what 1 am. Ill go straight back to Cap. Standish and tell him that If he wants that female bunko-steere- r at the old man Mulllns house, hell have to get Im somebody else to do the job. through! And, jamming on his hat, he rushed forth, banging the door behind him, while Priscilla wept bitterly. Detroit h oAfrj. Chester Curry JIArs. Chas. ?7ff,gpi7j Mrs. Chester Curry, Leader of the A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit to care Ladies Symphony Orchestra, 42 Sarafor children; it ruins a child's disposi- toga Street, East Boston, Mass., writes: The Dear Mrs. Pinkham: tion and reacts upon herself. For eight years I was troubled with extrouble between children and their and hysteria, brqughton by mothers too often is due to the fact treme nervousness irregularities. I could neither enjoy life nor that the mother has some female weak- sleep nights; I was very writable, nervoun ness, and she is entirely unfit to bear anil despondent. the strain upon her nerves that governLydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound ed to be the only ing children involves ; it is impossible was recommended ami proi I have daily for her to do anything calmly. remedy that helped nie. The ills of women act like a firebrand improved in health until I am now strong s and well, and all nervousness has disapupon the nerves, consequently of the nervous prostration, ner- peared. Mrs. Charles F. Brown, vous despondency. the bines, sleepof the Mothers Club, 21 Cedar lessness. and nervous irritability of Terrace, Springs, Ark., writes : women arise from some derangement Dear Mrs. Hot Pinkham: ' f the female organism. I dragged through nine years of miserable nine-tentb- Vice-Preside- Do you experience fits of depression existence, worn out with pain and nervous-nre- s, until it seemed as though I should fly. with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability? Are your spirits I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful results she easily affected, so that one minute you derived from Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable feel minute and next the you laugh, I decided to try it. I did so, and Compound, ? like crying at flie end of three months I was a different Do you feel something like a hall ris- woman. My nervousness was all gone. I was ing in your throat and threatening to no longer irritable, and my husband fell in choke you ; all the senses perverted, love with me all over again. Women should remember that Lydia morbidly sensitive to light and sound ; pain in the ovaries, and especially E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is between the shoulders ; bearing down the medicine that holds the record for pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost the greatest, number of actual cures of female ills, and take no substitute. continually cross and snappy ? Free Advice to Women. If so, your nerves are in a shattered Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., invite condition, and you are threatened with all sick women to write to her foradvice. nervous prostration. Proof is monumental that nothing in Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with the world is better for nervous prostra- female troubles enables her to tell tion than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- you just what is best for you, and table Compound ; thousands and thou- she will charge you nothing for he advice. sands of women testify to this fact. Ask Mrs. Pinkhams Advice A Woman Best Understands a Womans Ms News. Sawyer's Description of His House. Some years ago a church convention was being held in Calais, Me. and the church members were to en tertain the visitors. A visiting divine wajs .notified that he would be hospitably cared for with Lemuel T. Saw yer. Not knowing where Mr. Sawyer lived, he was directed to the bar ness store of Sawyer & Halliday. A3 it happened, when he went in he met Mr. Sawyer and, without knowing him, asked if he could direct him to Lemuel T. Sawyers residence. Mr. Sawyer replied: Oh, yes; go down Main street until you come to Church avenue; turn to the right, go up the avenue, and you cant miss It; you cant miss It, as It has a brick underpinning and two mortgages on It." . Prove It By the Oven Fire Put the wonderful KC Baking Powder to th ft test. Get a can on approval. Your money will be returned if you dont agree that all we claim is true. Youll be delighted with the delicious, wholesome things that BAKING POWDER two-thir- iSBS3v- Conditional Piety. Two Scotch fishermen, Jamie and Sandy, belated and befogged on a rough water, were in some trepidation lest they should never get ashore again. At last Jamie said: Sandy, Im steering, and I think youd better put up a bit of prayer. I dont know how, said Sandy. If ye dont. I'll chuck ye overboard," said Jamie. Oh, Lord, I never Sandy began: asked anything of Ye for fifteen years, and If Yell only get us safe back Ill never trouble Ye again, and Whisht, Sandy! said Jamie, "the boats touched shore; dont be beholdNew York World. en to anybody. One of Them. There were three men sitting together on a seat of the open car, and after they had talked politics for ten minuts one of them observed: Excuse me, but here Is my card. The other two scanned it and saw and then that he was Dr. the second man produced his card. It showed that he was Undertaker Then the two looked at the third man, who made no move to produce a card, but who presently said: Well, I spose I sorter belong to the profession myself. Druggist? g I see to the No. grave-diggin- will bring to life in your oven. K C Baking-- Powder is cheaper and makes purer, better, more healthful food than other powders anywhere near K C Quality. 25 ounces for 1 25 cents. Get it y - ds to-da- JAQUES MFC. CO. Chicago Send a postal for Book cf Prerent." WEltM TREAT and CURE CATARRH sad all curable dice sea f the eye. ear, noee, throat, lunjs, atom ech. liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder End all ehronie. nervous and private diseases of both sexes, and diseases of children. Home Treatment Cures. Write for free symptom list If you cannot call. DR. . to SHORES. Cousultntlon tree. Special Offer in Private Diseases Unfortunates, of both sexes, who are suffering from Private Diseases whether caused by Ignor-ano- e, exoess or coutaglon have always been looked upon as legitimate prey by the Sharks and DBS. Charlatans who pose as 'Specialists and rob the sufferer for worttFess treatment. UNLESS 8UG&KS' DO NOT x8K YOU TO PAY THBM ONJfl DOLLAtt UNTIL CURED YOU WISH TO YOURSELF. PR8. SHORES KNOW THEY CAN CURB AND DO CURB PRIYATB DISEASES IN BOTH 8BXES PERMANENTLY, and to PROVE their skill. In this class of ailments, they treat sod cure such cases before tbe patient Is required to pay Drs. Shores one dollar. Or those who prefer, may pay the fee In small weekly or monthly Installments as the cure progresses. THIS HONEST PLAN OF DBALINO WITH FHB AFFLICTED, deals a death blow to the Quack and Fakir who demands all Cash, In exchange for empty promises. Did you ever hear of a Fakir refunding a lose your money If you dont pay It out. to a duped patient? Take no cbances penny Nine-tentare simp y tne result of enlarged or WEAKNESSES OF MEN of so called Inflamed PROSTATE GLAND Drs. Shores new LOCAL TREATMENT for such eases. INVARIk o:hsr Doctors bow many oases they cure under tbe oid and useless plan of ABLY CURES treatment for this trouble. We cure LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weakness. Spermatorrhoea. GONORRHOEA, SYPHILIS, VARL'OCELS and kindred troubles. In less time and for lore money, than any institution in the west, every case is confidential we never use a name or betray a secret. Consultation, Examination and Advice FREE by mail or at the office. OFFICE HOURS: Vimtolpm; Evenings 7 to A; Sundays and holidays 10 a m to II. 249 SSUSS5!5a. DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Expert Specialists, part. nt TEA Reproductions of , The Nocturnal Swimming Sortie," Outamaro, and Fish, by Hokousar, two of Japan's greatest artists. Stolen Goods Strangely Recovered. Nineteen years ago the general store at Haynesville, Me., was robbed of a Last week quantity of merchandise. one of the cows belonging to a farmer In that village failed to return to the barn. Search revealed the fact that she had fallen into a big hole in the ground which had been used by the robbers of nineteen years ago as a cache. It was about six feet deep, six feet square and roofed over with logs. These having become decayed, were not strong enough to bear the weight of the cow. All . the goods - , taken were concealed here. , We want no money for unsatisfactory tea. Dont be shy! Yawr (Twar Mm yoar mmof a jm toll Uka fctmitac-jBaa- t. Female Monkey Did Housework. A female chimpanzee once went out to service at Loango, Italy, and made the beds, swept the house and assisted in the kitchen by peeling the potatoes and turning the spit Canadas Large Flour Mill. ,The largest flour mill in the British empire is to Montreal. It turns oat 6,000 barrels of Soar a day. , Browns President Lost a Point. President Nicholas Brown, for whom Brown university was named, was fond of quizzing small boys. One day while walking in the streets of Providence he came upon a little fellow who attracted his notice. How do you do, my boy? said the What is your name? president My name Is Harry, sir, replied the child. Harry, is It? returned President And did you know the evil Brown. one Is often called Old Harry. , Why, no, sir, answered the boy. I thought he was called Old Nick. Subway Parlor Car. The first parlor car has made 119 appearance on the New York subway, being Intended for the directorate and staff. IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I wont Mil AitUSrl.ln, to dealer who wont Gn.ra.te. It. Call loryonr MONET BACK IF IT BOVT CURE. W. Dimmer, Manufacturer, Springfield, Mo. . F HALL'S CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA FOR THS MOUTH. THROAT. STOMACH AND BOWELS.. Nelden-Judso- n . I!llULll I FOR SALS BY ALL DRUQQ1ST KILO AND Drug Co., General Agents. Cider was first made in England, where it was originally called wine. The best cider now made comes from New Jersey, and quantities of this are sold as champagne. REMEDY QlNKRAL-8TOnK,.M- ( Sait Lake City, Utah. vaPlSO.St'CUREv CURES WHERE l71 AU ELSE FAILSW Boot Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. In time. Sod bv drugtfns. XTi iMaiMrr |