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Show 1 WE MAKE TRAVEL 'i) EASY. DR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, fS Rooms 5 and C Walker Bank Build-?- ! ; i ing Salt Lake City. jwith Dr. Hector Griswold for th 5 V past three years. ( Quiet Ending of Two (Domestic Spats X she determined to make way with her-sel- t The determination did not last, however. She concluded, on the contrary, to see what he would do in case ) should end it alL she Wien have died and he worms There was a small pond nearby. have eaten (iW9SXiX them,' quoted the girl She couldftt have drowned herself in who knows, hut not for love. Just if she had laid down and drunk np & R. H. listen to this. I went to call on it all the water, hut she nevertheless Chemists. and ja the Martha other day. She was telling wrote Assayers The Sign of Safety, Speed and Com this farewell letter to him: 169 S. W. Temple 8L, Salt Lakey me how she and Jack had quarreled. fort. Dear John I can endure this life Had quarreled so bitterly that at last City. with tears she got up, put on her hat no longer. I have thrown myself In Write tor Mailing Sacks. and God bless you. the pond. Good-band left him forever. SARAH. "It was dark in the street. The Your loving She put the letter up on the table, From UTAH to lamps appeared t make it darker. She a lit. where he would be sure to find it, KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE, CHICAGO, tie way, then half turned. She walked then went into the closet and hid herM. GALVESTON, EL PASO. a little further, then turned alto self. AS8AYER. And the Mining Camps of NEW MEX- g eel her. Not straight back, but toward It was a small closeL She nearly $ 120 W. 2nd South, Salt Lke City. the butcher shop. smothered there, but she waited with ICO AND ARIZONA. Opposite PD8toffice. Jack ard I had chops this morn- just enough of a crack In the door Mailing Sacks Furnished. ing, she soliloquized, I think I will to breathe through. Ask us about Cheap Rates this Sumorder steak for tomorrow. At last, after what seemed an -She did so and went hack home. mer. time, she heard his footwas What He in and sat down by came the husband Had steps. doing? C. F. WARREN, 5S 5 (sXi)) lie gone out and made away with him- the table. After fumbling around General Agent. I CYRUS G. GATRELL self? No, indeed. He was sitting awhile he came upon her note. She &. Fe quietly at the table where she had heard him tear it up when he had Santa The Atchison, Topeka & Counselor. Attorney left him, reading his newspaper. finished reading It. Railway Company. "That's nothing, put in the brown-eyeDrat that woman! he said as he D. F. Walker Building, 419 Utah. Salt Lake City, girl. I knew a woman once who threw it on the floor. Salt Like City. Then he picked up a book and read quarreled with her husband, or he her. I never knew which, and till she came out of the closet had to cjtfiw jxix?xj(xgex5 with when he had gone out of the house or smother. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. 3 Trains Daily. 3 Husband Worry LesaThan Wives Over Disturbances That Seem Bound to Occur in the Jour, ney Through Life. X X X X X X I Co., I Officer FIVE TRAINS The Rock Island System now offers a choice of five daily trains from Colorado to Eastern paints. THREE of them are for Omaha and Chicago, and the other TWO for Kansas City and St. Louis.. The equipment is new and and a dining car on every train.. All leave at convenient hours. Let us figure on your trip." A folder and full information from E- enral A9ent DRAKE, Dist. Pass. Agent, snni"?ueY G. a. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Street, Denver, Colo. Agt, or 100 West Second South SL, 3 y st-e- et I F. BISHOP,' V, I T d We Buy, Sell and Trade Real Estate. We have a large list of farms and city property, vacant and Improved, cheaper than any other firm. Call and see us. 634 West Second South SL, nit Lake City. Illinois Central Rail- road from Omaha to Chicago First-clas- s also between service Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and St. Ixjuis, as well as all points in the South and Southeast. For full Information rail on or write J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent. No. 75 West Second South Street. Jbrouflh Sorvlo st7lo!jo 4. j While In Salt Lake get your teeth TH! (USD THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL COMPANY. First-clas- s work, a full guarantee and courteous treatment to alL Not! a few of our prices. Full set of teeth, $5.00. Solid gold crown, 22k., $5.00. Bridge work tor tooth, $4.00 Absolutely painless extraction. Rooms 9. 10. 11, 12 Galena Block. Entrance, 69 E. Second South. i'EASTT VU mi Pacific RAILWAY 'Vhnoucih at fixed scenic COLORADO I UTILE loisemsxsi To our Fine Selection of ip JVe have added the Chase & Baker Piano Player, Victor Talking Machines, with a choice selection of the Elect mo fans. Onaid Oasd Redurino hi. wUssv ttMUMTI PIANOS. ! DAT. COAfMtfD. Lates and Best Rolls and Records. 5 Beesley Music Co. The Popular Music House, 46 So. Main St., Salt Lake City. Bell Tel. SALT LAKE PRI VATr - V-- , JSsn, .''C5?' v, ' ' , v W ', ' mf : It? V; '''-- They belong to a roan in the smoker. All right, said the conductor. Ill pile them up here, then, till he comes. And he put the bundles In the rack overhead and gave the vacant seat to a lady. The Marylander laughed because he had not had to move his bundles himself, but when he came to get off he did not laugh so heartily. As he was gathering his precious pile together the conductor hurried to him and said sternly: Dont touch those packages, sir. They belong to a gentleman In the smoking car. Ah, whats the matter with you? snarled the other. They belong to 'X.! v 5 ' History Shows that Men of the Greatest Genius Have Been for the Most Part Cheerful and Contented. wear- Cheerfulness is an excellent ing quality. It has been called the bright weather of the heart. It gives harmony of soul; and Is a perpetual song without words. It is tantamount to repose. It enables nature to recruit its strength: whereas worry and discontent debilitate it, involving constant wear and tear. How is it that we see such men as Lord Palmerston growing old in harness, working on to the end? Mainly vigorously through equanimity of temper and habitual cheerfulness. They have educated themselves in (he habit of endurance, of not being easily provoked, of hearing and forebearing, or hearing harsh and even unjust things said of them, without indulging In undue resentment, and avoiding worrying, cares. petty and An intimate friend of Lord Palmerston. who observed him closely tor $ TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS Corner South Temple and 2d West St. A - . - UTAH For It Isnt tha Winning That Makes a Man, but Its Playing the Gam on th Good Old Plan." Oh. much have I read in prose and verse. And many a tale is told That makes a fellow v seem worse Than the wonderful bov of old: A regular nugget without alloy. His master's pride and his parents' Joy, A muscular, model boy. A wonderful boy of gold. He could jump as far as a kangaroo. And run like a hunted hare: Whatever he eaid was brave and true. Whatever he did was fair. The sapping that makes your senses swim. And your hair stand up. and your eyes grow dim. Was a kind of jollv good joke to him He did it with time to spare. Whenever he bowled he gained a hat By scattering wickets three: He punished the bowling, and kept bis bat As straight as a bat could be. Oh. the balls he slogged and the balls he smoked. And goals he saved and the goals he kicked. And the blustering bullies he fought and licked. Were a marvelous sight to see! p And now he's a Judge in a wig, A Colonel, or College Don, wonderful who This started big boy And never stopped getting on; For no one ever could call a halt To the boy who was born without a tip-to- fault Though I take the tiniest grain of salt With the tale of the paragon. But he kept a rule. If a thing seemed right I hope I may keep the same To go and do it with all his might And hardly a thought of fame; For it isnt the winning that makes r man. But it s playing the game on the gooe old plan. As hard and straight as a mortal can- In fact it's playing the game. London Punch. OF CARS Free Reclining Chair Cars. Dining Oar SerT,,J 14 through trains. Booklets, e fddrtS ?! . L A. BENTON, O. A. P. IX . . . . . BALT LAinq CITY, UTAH 4 TO AND you at your word. The only way you can get them Is to come and identify them at our main office Playing the Game SLEEPERS nitftoi - CALIFORNIA !: ITS FAMojLIS SUMMER RESORTS. LOS ANGELES. CATALINA. OCEAN BEACHES. ORANGE GROVES. v-- SAN PEDRO. 4- - PASADENA. DIRECT TO CORONADO 44 44 44 44 Ob-- TENT CITY. 44Palatial Vestibuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. 44-- servation. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and 44 Dining Car. 4-- 44-- FREE 44- - RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent tor Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, write to J. L. Moore, Dist. Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles & 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. "4 44 or4 44444444444 444444444-..-.- " 44 J444444-- . 4 444 Oregon Short Line railroad a E. BVRLEY. c.r.tT.j a a SPENCER. THE DIRECT CONNECTION WITH THE UNION PACIFIC A.G.F.4T.J THE OVERLANb ROUTE TUB rorULAR ROUTE TO ALL 1 CQMBNMO J ICOniiusT SPEED on hot OKI COMPORT SAFETY 201 T TNION MAIN ST. I ALT LAKE CITT. Unexcelled PACIFIC JL rogresspvb THE OVERLAND ROUTE) VTAH. :Name Your : Route East : On your next trip East tell your local ticket agent that your ticket to Chicago must read via the 4 4 4 iChicago.Milwaukee&St.PauE 4 Railway 4 4 J lou will do yourself a kindness, securing the maxi- mum amount of comfort at the minimum cost. Dou- ble daily tram service from to from Denver to Chicago. cars, Ogden to Chicago, tu ' Ogden Chicago and Rate in through sleeping J standard, $9.50; tourist Folders and complete information free. Any ticket agent can ticket you East via this line. Ask him to do C. S- - 4 Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 44444 4444444 4444444444.L 4-- 4 Salt' f REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE Queer Things in Theaters of Japan Victory Always in TOURIST TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE they didnt, answered the conductor, and I am going to take twenty years, has said that he never saw him angry, with perhaps oue exception; and that was when the ministry responsiide for the calamity of Afghanistan, of which he was one, was unjustly accused by their opponents of falsehood, perjury and wilful manipulation of public documents. So faras can he learned from biography, men of the greatest genius have been for the most part cheerful, contented men not eager for reputation, money or power but relishing life, and keenly susceptible of enjoyment, as we find in their works. Such seem to have been Homer, Horace. Virgil, Montaigne, Shakespeare and Cervantes. Healthy, serene cheerfulness is apparent in their great creations. Among the same class of cheerful-minde- d men may also he mentioned Luther, Moore, Bacon, lonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michael Angelo. Perhaps they were happy because constantly occupied, and in the pleasantest of all work that of creating out of the fulness and richness of their great minds. Washington Star. AND FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKE You said portions of a scene which demand a rapid exit are frequently gone through Ind. Tel. 755. upon this narrow footway and not on the stage at all. The effect is apt to be very often unintentionally comic. A Japanese theatrical performance In a Japanese theater there are two commences generally at early dawn tiers of boxes, the lower of which is and lasts a dozen hours. The stage provided with sliding paper doors, occupies the end of the building from forming small rooms like bathing mawalKto wall. Oddly, the actors do chines. The pit Is divided by low not make their appearance from the cross bars into squares, reminding one side or the back (there are no wings), of the cattle pens of old Smithfleld, but strut along a narrow platform each capable of holding four persons over the heads of the pit by means comfortably. A Japanese family bent of just such a boarded footway as is on enjoyment engage a compartment used by European conjurers. Faithfor a day in a position suited to the ful to the canon of no illusion, the purse in the middle of the bouse. If performers stand ready dressed in an well to do, nearer to the stage or the open place ofT the entrance lobby, back, according to the scarcity of coin where all who come In may see them. and, having deposited clogs In the take up a position with When they hear their cue they push ante-roosmoking-tray- . through a knot of loiterers and march cushions, kettle, to the stage along the platform, actand never move till midnight, uning as they go. Indeed, Important less to pay some visits to their friends. Special Attention given SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. THE ONLY STRICTLY PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN THE STATE. No. 358 E. 1st South. Salt Lake City. PULLMAN , - me. "tea-thing- SALT LAKE CITY THROUGH Actor Pay Little Attention to Demands of tho "Art That Conceals Art Performance Last Entire Day. 755. DR. ALVAH LEWIS. CHOICE OP ROUTES. Evenness of Temper Means Long Life g 1 FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER; The Marylander was a perfect exConductor Evidently Had Mat th Species Before and Welcomed ample of the railroad hog. He said blustering tone: Opportunity to Mete Out Pun. in aWhat is the matter with you? ishment for Discourtesy. Those bundles dont belong to me. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. Paul Morton at a convention of railA positive and permanent cure tot road men said of the railroad hog: drunkenness and the opium diseases. I wish that all these men cottld There Is no publicity, no sickness. La- be treated as a certain Marylander their dies treated as privately as at once was. own homes. The Keeley Institute, 834 The Marylander boarded a train W. So. Temple. Salt Lake City, Utah. with two arm loads of bundles. He WINDSOR. sat down ami piled his bundles beside him. Then he opened a paper and beEUROPEAN HOTEL. gan to read in great con .fort. Salt Lake City. The car by degrees grew crowded. Located In the heart of the city. At last the only vacant seat was the Rates Reasonable. bundle-filleone besidu the MarylandLight, airy, clean rooms. First-clas- s In every respect. Steam heat, Electric er. Though several passengers hesitated beside this seat, looking at the Lights. Marylander wistfully, he made no GLADSTONE HOTEL. sign. He would rather let the people stand than remove his goods. Mrs. A. M. Marehal, Prop, "Finally bomeone summoned the 119 South Main Street. Salt Lake Cltj conductor. He hurried in and said: Neatly furnished Rooms by the Day, Take down those bundles, please, at Week or Month. once. Dont you see, sir, that there Rates, 50 cents to $1.50 per day. are ladies standing all about you? or rates Special by the day, week month. be assured of a pleasant trip east, purchase your tickets via the To Jte? Railroad Ho Checkmated at Own Game - J |