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Show WORKING WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier Interesting State ments by a Young Lady in Boston and One in Nashville, Tenn. HOW DESDEMONA Children sf a Larger Growth. When several women meet together os s strictly society basis, one is reminded how little girls The miniature dames, play lady. with shawl trains flowing from their pinafores, sit In fashionable attitudes, and In fashionable accents utter the fashionable sentiments ot the moment, stopping now and then to giggle at the absurdity ot it all. And the grownups do exactly the same, only they have not humor enough to laugh at It. The old term playing lady" has been changed for doing society, but the main elements of the game are the same. Exchange. i DIED. The Curiously Contrived Ending of Shakespeare's Heroins. The tragic death of Desdemona, according to the Paris Menestrel, which haa recently completed some Interesting researches among the archives of the Querini family, of which Shakv speares Othello was a member, really occurred in Crete in the year 1523. Desdemona, whose name signifies "damsel of the house of demons, met her death, according to this new version in a singular manner. Othello had chaiged his valet with the carrying out of his revenge. The valet accordingly took up a position close to Desdemona's apartment, where he started groaning and shuffling with his feet. Othello thereupon requested his wife to rise and discoer the cause of the noise. As she crossed the threshold a sackful of grass was flung at her head. She fell to the ground, and was then assailed with a succession of similar grass-fillesacks, being Anally smothered under the falling ceiling and masonry of the walls, which had been specially loosened at Othellos orders. - Miladys Purse. on heiress and the purse n vifarr dainty hand MiKht well the fortunes reimburse Or any spmdthnft in the land. At least most men Imagintd so. Yet tmv for years might rack their btains. And afiei ail would never know The tjtal wealth that purse contains. So here in full we the Ust. From to hit h no Hem gie hue been mhsed; A bit of string, a button hook A clipping iioin a cooking book. A littlt Tuikish ilgaieitcs A bit of gum unued us eO, kampbs of gingham ois.imiie. Cninon. cieyon ami dimm. Bcsidts a shred ot mout line De ooh, a uorn-oMitutv pin, A colru button nnide of bone, A !f,cK10f hair her own), (perhaps A fashionable modiste s card, A atrip of tine umi white fonhiid, A picture postal caul from Kone And half i dime to take her home, Fathom Sinmhud ami Times. Wj Visit Scotts Estate. It is said that last year no less than 7,000 visitors were recorded as having been at Abuotsford, Sir Walter Scotts estate, though people of fine taste in their time had little enough to say in its praise. Dr. John Brovin called it ugly Abbotsford;" Ruskin described It as the most incongruous pile gentlemanly modernism qver designed;" Dean Stanley said it was "a place to visit once, but never ne'im." ut d MARRIAGE All women work; some in their homes, some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never-ceasin- g treadmill, earning their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical laws; all suffer alike from the same physical disturbance, and the nature of their duties, in many cases, quickly drifts them into the horrors of ail kinds of female complaints, ovarian troubles, ulceration, falling and displacements of the womb, leucorrhcea, or perhaps irregularity or suppression of 'monthly periods, causing backache, nervousness, irritability and lassitude. Women who stand on their feet all day are more susceptible to these Boston, tells women how to avoid such suffering she writes: 5 Dear Mrs. Pinkham: 1 suffered misery for several years with irregular menstruatiou. My back ached; I hail bearing down pains, and frequent headaches; I eoul I not sleep and could hardly drag around. , 1 consulted two physicians without relief, and as a last resort, ! tried Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, and to my surprise, every acb9 and pain left me. I gained ten pounds and am in perfect health. Miss Pearl Ackers of 327 North Sum mer Street, Nashville, Tenn,, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I suffered with painful periods, severe backache, bearing-dowpains, pains across theabdompn; was very nervous and irritable, and my trouble grew worse every month. My physician failed to help me and I decided to try Lydia E Pinkham s Vegetable . I soon found it was doing me Compound. troubles than others. good. All my pains and aches disappeared, They especially require an invigorat- and I no longer fear my monthly periods. ing, sustaining medicine which will Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable' Comn strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to sleep well at night, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or perform her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is so tired she can hardly drag about or 6tand up, and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derangement of the female or- A HARD PROBLEM. How Long Should Man Wait for Psychological Moment? Marriage Is a problem; it is impossible to tell just when the moment of extreme regret will come and the limit of human endurance will be reached. Down in Missouri there is a man who has filed an application for divorce because his wife called him names back in 18C8. Undoubtedly he has good reason for his delaying taking determined measures. Possibly he felt that the psychological moment had not arrived. Perhaps the enormity of the offense and the knowledge that the law gives him recourse did not immediately present themselves. And it may be that the other woman did not come along until 1905. The average husband is so considerate and tender-heartethat he shrinks from complaining of his domestic lot until the other woman heaves in sight, and it does not take her long (o convince him how absurd it is to continue to live with a wife who called him names thirty-seveyears ago. Exchange. never-ceasin- g d pound is the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, and displacement with all its horrors will no more crush you. Backache, dizziness, fainting, bearing-down pains, disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike of friends and society all symptoms of the one cause will be quickly dispelled, and it will make yon strong and well. Women and Love. J You can tell the story of your sufwomen take love too seriously. We ferings to a woman, and receive helpto loved with laughter, be wish Men cost. of Mrs. advice ful free Address ganism Miss F. Orser of 14 Warren ton Street, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. not with sighing. So, laugh, sweetLydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail. hearts, laugh, or soon you may be n weeping. TEA TREAT and CURE Give thought to the tea you buy. Yonr grocer returns pour money If you don't like Schilling Beet. all cbrooio, narvaas and pnvata diaeaaaa of both mxm. and diasakses of childrsH. Meat Prices in Australia. There is no meat trust In Australia There mutton sometimes sells tot ai little as 2 cents a pound. - Homo Treatment Coro. Write for free apmptom Hat If 70a ot enlL M. Consultation free. Special Offer in Private Diseases A. 1. SHORN. DR. O. W. SHORN. TEA Unfortunates, of both aazas. who are suffering from Private Diseases whether caused bp igoor g&ee, ezoeaa or oontagloo bare always been looked upon as legitimate prey by the Sharks and DBS. Charlatans who pose as Specialists'' and rob the aufferer for worthless treatment. 8HOBB8 DO NOT aSK YOU TO PAY TBBM ONB DOLLAR UNTIL CURED UNLESS YOU WISH TO Y0UR8BLF DR8. SHORES KNOW THBY CAN CURB AND DO CURB PRIVATE P18EA8E8 IN BOTH BBXE9 PBRMANENTLT, and to PROVB their skill. In this class of ailments they treat and sure such cases before tbs patient is required to pay Dr. Shores' one dollar. Or those who prefer, may pay tbs fee In small weekly or monthly Installments as the cure progresses. THIS HONEST PLAN OP DEALING WITH THE AFFLICTED, deals a death blow to the Ouark and Fakir who demands al) Cash, In exchange for empty promisee. Did you ever bear of a Fakir refunding a to a duped patient? Take no chances yon cannot Iom your money If yon don't pay it out. penny Niae-teotWEAKNESSES OF MEN are simp y the result of enlarged or of so called inflamed PROSTATE GLAND Dr. Shores bow LOCAL TREA1 MENT for such eases IN VARIcases how oure Doctors under the old and useless plan of ABLY CCRKi wk other many they treatment for tois trouble. We cure LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhoea. Id less time and for less VARICOCELE and kindred troubles SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA, we never use a name or betray money, than any institution In the west, every case Is confidential a secret Consultation, Examination and Adrloe FRE B by mall or at the office 10 a m to 6 p m; Evenings to tf; Sundays and holidays a m to 11 OFFICE HOURS. irO too-bus- Insane in Great Britain. ' Great Britain there is an average of one insane person to every 276 persons of the population. In TEA Dont you know our tea 25 Cts. 'j7 MP CURE ,yet? THE You have missed a good deal of comfort and lost some money. IN ONE DAY IS GUARANTEED TO CORE WfiHE GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I wont Mil SOUTHS BOOTH. THHOAT. STOMAOH AND SOWSLS.... Naiden-Judso- to Antt-Ortpl- t dealerirwho wont Gaaraatee Call for your MOIII BACK, IT BOVT CUBS. F. IF. Diemer, Jf. Mi., Manufacturer, Sjrrfnfffeld, Mo. It. CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA HALLS fill?.' .NCVCR !MILO "nCILIl REMEDY Tear grocer return yonr money if yon don't like Schilling' Beat. Afghan Women in Palanquins. Afghan women ride in closely hooded palanquins borne on the shoulders of four sturdy servants, with a relay of bearers following behind. OH SALS BY ALL ONUOSISTS AND &CNINAL STORKS Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., General Agents. n . y is good for a man; busihis it makes him forget ness. 249 DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, PRICE. Exch an ge. mmWEmoo CATARRH sad all cur&bU dimiu f thi tyt, mt, mm. throat. Ivnja. atom ack. (War, bowala. kidnaps, bladder and Ask Your Dealer for Allens Foot-Eas- e powder. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. At ail Druggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Alien S. Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y. A FOR WOMEN troubled with in, peculiar to their aetL need as a douche la marvelously successful. Thoroughly cleanses, kills diseaM eerms. ttopa discharges, heals Inflammation and local Thiels the Mattress you read about. Made In five Afferent grades. Prices from 18.00 to 116.00 Ask soreness. dealer tor it. If genuine, oar Trade Paxune la in powder form to be dissolved in pure Lour furniture Is on the tag. water, and it far more cleansing, healing, germicidal Co. and economical than liquid antiseptics for all & Utah Bedding Manufacturing Salt law. City. Utah FLU F F-RU- GS HIGH GRADE AND REVERSIBLE Made from your old Carpets, Ingrains and Brussels, Chenille Curtains, Etc. Freight paid ons way FLUFF-RU- G WORKS South Temple t.. Sal, Lake City, Ttah Bell Phone 1200 x Independent Phonr 238 W. .TOILET AND WOMENS SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, 60 cents a boa. Trial Boa and Book of Instructions Free. Boston, Mass. Thk B. Paxton Company eei Thompsons Eye Water When Ancwering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Washday- Stir Deep Scottish Lochs. Loch aChroisg, in Scot.and, contains 2,057,000,000 cubic feet of water, and Loch Glass contains 8,265,000,000 cubic feet TEA Tea puts youth in tired old bones, and turns wrinkles to laughter. For Plump Arms. Marion Martineau says you can make your arms plump by rubbing olive oil into them. to (tom Do not fail to use RED CROSS BALL BLUE. Do so and you will see your clothes as pretty a white as you have never seen them before. Your grocer sells a large package for only 5 cents. Remember the name and get the genuine. z. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES uye m ww warer pener man anyoiner ora, Too ct Color m to roods briahtor and faster colors than any other die. One 10c package colors all fibers, i Ho to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUO GO., Unlonvlllo, Mlmot ripping apart. Write tor free booklet my garment without NO HOME IS TOO POOR TO BE WITHOUT , ' Dueling on Bicycles. Dueling on Licjcles is reported to be a new diversion in Spain. Two members of the Bicjcle club of Granada recently met in a knife duel, whiclij is probably the first encounter of the kind ever fought upon wheels. Accompanied by their seconds, they wheeled out some distance on the road to Malaga, to a secluded spot. There, posted 700 feet apart, at a sign they wheeled toward each other, each directing the machine with the left hand, and brandishing in the right that terrible knife of Spain he naa ja. At the first clash Perec, a reed the left arm of Marcus, hut Z. the third encounter Marcus thiust his knife into Perez's right breast. In a few minutes the latter died of internal hemorrhage. Makes Money on a Tiny Farm. The most successful farmer in the United States resides at Hyde Park, Pa. His farm contains three and acres of land, only two and one-halof which are cultivated, lut they yield him annually $1,200 to $1,500. From the profits of his intensive farming he has paid $3,800 for his property, which consists of a modern brick house, with barn, chicken yard, acres orchard and three and of land, and he has besides raised and educated a family of three children He has no other occupation. x The name of this unusual man Is Oliver R. Shearer. He is a Pennsylvania German, whose ancestors were Pennsylvanians for 100 years. one-hal- f f two-stor- one-thir- y d Colored Wood. A considerable industry has recently been developed in Sweden on the basis of an invention made by Joseph Phister, an Austrian, whereby coloring wood. matUu- Is forced into fresh-cu- t It takes the place of the sap, and gives to the wood a brilliant color, which does not fade after the wood has become seasoned. Birch, beech, alder, maple, elm and basswood are the varieties most successfully treated. The dye can be forced through lengths of wood as great as 13 feet. When seasoned and polished the colored wood presents a beautiful appearance, and is largely used for making furniture, and also for the fittings ot ships and - street cars. Natures Curiosities. Corea has two springs of water, situated at some distance from each Alother, which are very peculiar. of breadth have entire the though they the peninsula between them, when one is full the other is always empty. They are, of course, eornected by a long underground passage, yet the water in one is bitter and the water in the other is fiure and sweet. There is a cavern named Cold Wind cave. From it a wintry wind blows perpetually. So fierce and strong is the icy current of air, travelers say. that an athletic man is unable to stand up at the mouth of the cave. BABY ONE SOLID SORE. Could Not Shut Eyes to Sleep Spent $100 on Doctors Baby Grew Worse Cured by Cuticura for $5. "A scab formed on my babyB face, spreading until it completely covered her from head to foot, followed by boils, having forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. Then her skin started to dry up and it became so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep. One months treatment with Cuticura Soap and Ointment made a complete cure. Doctors and medicines had cost over $100, with baby growing worse. Then we spent less than $5 for Cuticura and cured her. (Signed) Mrs. G. H. Tucker. Jr., 335 Greenfield Ae, Milwaukee, .Wls." Real Cost of Salt. Salt costs the producer less than h of a cent a pound. Never mind the grocery price. Uncle Sams 1904 figures are 27 332 oehts for each barrel of 208 pounds. The Pure Cream of Tartar BAKING POWDER No home is rich better. enough to buy Cream of Tartar, the pure, healthful product of delicious grapes, is the chief ingredient and makes Three Crown" the best of the good ones Money refunded If you dont like Three Crown. Hewlett Bros. Co. W. L. 3 W. L. Douglas 3 SHOES'. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line & cannot be equalled at any price. . KL.OOUGLAS MAKES AND SELLS MORE MENS $3,611 SHOES I HAN AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER. I UjUUU $(in I.. flfin to anyone who can disprove this atatemenL REWARD W. Dougin, $1. SO ahocs have bv their excellent style, eeny fitting, and superior wearing Mn Winslow's Soothing Syrnn. achieved the Inrgeet eaie of any S3. SO For children teething, soften the gum, reduce fa qualitie,, shoe In the world.. They are hint ae good ee fl emulation, al lay pain, cure w lad colic, 26c a bottle. those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only dillcrence Is the price. If I could take you Into my factory et Brockton, Mss,., the largest In Uncle Eben. the world under one roof making men's fine and show vou the care with which every said Uncle "Education," Eben, shoes, of Douglas shoe I, mode, you would re. lire L. Bolivian $3.50 shoes are the beet W. "aint no benefit to a young man If pair why produced In the world. St stahts him recitin Shakespeare shoe, If could show vou the dillcrence between the when he ought to be mixin de white- shoee made In mv factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas wash. Washington Star. $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why thev hold fhelr ehape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol greater Intrinsic value than any uther $3.5(1 famous otb Red Cross Hall Illue. Larne 2 ox. package t shoe on the market today. cents. Tbe Kukx Company, South Uenil, 1ml W. L. Dougina Strong Made Shooo for 1 the Mon. $2.60. $2.00. Boy a School A Droaa Shoaa, $2.50, $2, $1.7 6,31. 60 CAUTION. Insist upon having V.I,.J)oiig Ins a sln.es. lake no substitute. Nnnn genuine some men on who put There are hie name and pi ice .tumped on bottom. without new suit and never see it again until WANTED. A shoe dealer In every town where someone taps them on the shoulder W. L. Douglas Slides are not sold. Full line of and tells them it is ready for the rag Inmplni sent free for Inspeetiou upon request. Color Mysists used; tnsy will net usar brassy. fait bag. Detroit Tribune Fall Style. Writ, for Illustrated Catalog of , How Some Men Wear Them. W. L DOUGLAS, Do It Now. If you are about to make a trip anywhere, let me know. Pleased to glv you full information as to low rates plenty of em this summer train service, etc. "The Santa Fe trade mark is the sign of safety, speed and ease. C. F. WARREN, Genl. Agt., A. T. & S. F. Ry.. Salt Lab, City, Utah. United States Forest Reserves. The United States forest reserves now number sixty two., They lie chiefly in the high mountain regions of the west and are of primary Importance in maintaining and protecting the watersheds of the irrigation plants building by the government. Mass. Bim-kton- New Zealand's hot Lakes. The Hot Lakes district of New Zea- land Includes seven lakes ranging Id area from three to thirty-on- e square miles, besides many of smaller size. TEA Isnt it queer that Solo- mon didnt know tea! to Pigs. Pineapples Pineapples are so plentiful in fatal at certain seasons that they are not wor'h. carting to market nd so are often given to pigs Send a Postal lor " Book ol Presents: Protect The Health of your families by insisting on When it comes to it means a saving: Powder, Baking; ' of health and money if you use the standard article of purity and efficiency the wonderful Pure Food. BAKING POWDER An absolutely pure' baking: powder scientifically combined. 25 ounces for 25 cents. Your grocer refunds your money if you are not satisfied. Don't accept a substitute 1 They are impure and a menace to health. Ask for K C, the standard of quality. StTSSiX Strange imposed Sentences. Court records at Exeter, N. H., show that in 1793 Aaron 'Whitehouse was sentenced on two indictments for theft amounting in all to $195. On the first he was to receive 20 stripes and pay aggrieved party double damages. On the second he got off with double damages and costs, with the alternative of being marked with India ink across his forehead and from the middle of that line to the end of his nose. JAQUES MFC. OO. Chicago. When You Come in Town remember to see the table silver and to get your watch fixed at 0tirS5LICIERS .Jfai&r&ALL .OW Tirs (BEST DEALERS 'Jftnjp IBYALLTHE B Built Nest in Skeleton. Twelve months ago a crow was shot by a keeper in Down Ampney Park, near Swindon, Eng., and hung in the coppice. A wrens nest has now been discovered inside the skeleton. THREE CROWN one-tent- American Irony. The American habit of irony crops out in the desert as in more favored sections. In Death valley there Is a called Saratoga place stopping Here a spring of clear Springs. sparkling water bubbles from the sand. It looks Inviting, but is tepid in temperature and so laden with sulphur and other minerals that when taken into the stomach acts as an emetic instantly. This sign stands above the spring; Saratoga Springs, Christmas day, 1900. Twenty miles from wood. Twenty miles from water. Forty feet from hell. Keep off the grass. Dont waste the water. A Census Oddity. Among the census oddities is the Hingham report, where the same figures are shown that the town showed 10 years ago. Pittsfield registers an even 25,000. In the national census of 1900 the nearest approach to even thousands among places of considerable size was South Omaha, Neb., which had 26,001. 4 A.J. TOWER CO. ESTABLISHED 1836 soston Ntwroas Chicago IE TOWII CAHAMANCO.limMTORORTO. Reasonable Prices. W. N. U.. Salt Lake-N- o. 40, 1905. Off CUKES WHERE AU. ELSE FHILJ. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. Best Couifb byrup. Taste Good. UM la time. Sold bp drupRista. TMiiiainisKg |