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Show nr -- rry Beauty a Matter of Personal Taste 1. Till summer comes again. And you wonder whats become of her. Tour erstwhile summer mash. Who In a big department store Is shrilly calling Ed. W. Dunn. Men like Hegel, Schelling, Fichte, Emerson, Burke and Gautier wrote philosophical volumes and essays on this topic none of them agreeing however. All the poets, the artists and the musicians of the world have tried to tell what beauty is, and only on one single point has a general agreement beer, made evident the essence of beauty is the power to attract. As to the secret of this power all the world disagrees. pjoss (DDCMK3- - A hrilliant Gautier says: woman who is beautiful is brainy enough; that is, she has the quality of being beautiful. I prefer a pretty mouth to a fine mind. I would give fifty souls for a single The (Copyright, 1905. by Daily Story Pub. Co.) - J ' unmindful of the keen scrutiny of a fellow traveler, who eyed her first with a puzzled look, then with a satisfied air swung himself off at the same stopping place. Next morning, bright and early. Miss Beulah made an amphibious toilet and started for the frog pond. Stepping carefully on the floating network of branches and logs she spied the blight, green head and mottled body of a splendid great fellow and crept cautiously close to him. Tve got you now! she exclaimed, putting out her hand and making a tremendous grab. But he was too . well-forme- d Fltz-Geral- d In Four-Trac- k quail-shoot-ln- ing-dow- n n Japan Is Bui Reclaiming Her Own More Than a Century Ago Reconquered Territory Was In the Undisputed Possession of the Island Empire. An Englishman in Tokyo, writing of the Japanese conquest of Sakhalin What the Japanese island, says: mean by their present operations may easily be inferred from the nomenclature they are adopting. They have called Anlwa bay by the name bay to commemorate the e destruction of the Novlk by the and the Tsushima, In the former of which ships Prince i was then serving. So, too, Patience point has been renamed KataokaMl-sak- i Chl-tos- Higashi-Fushl-m- and Patience bayShichiro Wan,' in consideration of the fact tbat Admiral Kataoka Shichiro commands the naval expedition. Again, the two promontories of Shlretako and Noto-ron the east and west respectively of Anlwa bay, are to be called henceforth Jiizozakl and Kondo-zakafter Hondo Juzo, chief librarian of the Tokugawa government at the close of the eighteenth century. In 1798 news of Russian appear o, l, TEA Amends Made by All the Defendants Dove of Peace, Driven from Homo by Turbulent Scene, Again I dont want to be engaged in a frog Hover Over the Charcoal oond. , Flat in Serene Content. water. and into dashed the back quick The Ill have you yet," she cried, and, dove of peace white-winge- d bending eagerly forward, lost her balance and fell splashing among the frightened frog3. Hold on. Ill help you, shouted a masterful voice, which thrilled her hear, and a tall, athletic man came resolutely toward her and lifted bet dripping form. Beulah hold tight dont Come, be afraid come with md, Amos Hathaway! Id know your voice at the North Pole! Yes, Beulah, I was waiting for the proper time In the day to call, and came around by the old pond. You know, dear, I vowed Id never ask you to come to me again, but Ive Just said It. Dont say another word, Amos, until we get ashore. I dont want to be engaged in a frog pond. Preferred Coney to Long." Capt. Prager of the North German Lloyd steamer Breslau was constantly annoyed on the last voyage over by a mischievous youngster, who shook the foundations of the captains peace of mind till at last his patience gave out. The boy had been hanging around the captain all day, worrying him with his naughtiness, till finally the skipper let loose the vials of his wrath. If you dont behave yourself, you, he roared with the voice accustomed to obedience, Ill put you ashore on Long Island and let you stay there. But he had not counted on the native American wit. As quick as a flash the youngster replied: Oh, captain, please, Id much rather be put ashore on Coney island. And when they reached port the captain wanted to know why one should be preferred to the other for marooning purposes. Baltimore Sun. Capt Burns Cured i began D o a ns News using There Is sport of every kind, from Kidney Pills I , wild-boa- r was so weak I hunting down to and further south one may even could hardly drag shoot panthers and hyenas. The lion myself across the does not begin until the Atlas mounroom. I was tains are reached. Horses may be wretched and hired In Tangier for about a dollar nervous, and had and & half a day, Including an Ameribackache, bear can saddle; and for the ladles there pain, dizziare always comfortable mules proheadache, ness and weak vided, with any number of Arab and slave servants. The slave market, by eyes. Dropsy set the way, is no longer one of the in and bloating of the chest choked "sights" of Tangier, since Christian me and threatened the heart. I had Influence long ago abolished It. This little hope, but to my untold surprise, does not mean, however, that the Doan's Kidney Pills brought me relief slave trade Is not carried on. Indeed and saved my life. I shall never forthe traveler In the Know may fre- get it. 50 cents a box. Sold by dealers. quently see an old Arab merchant leading round a negro boy and girl by Foster-MUburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. the ears from door to door, and he will learn that these are all that reShows Flenth Century Custom. main of an enormous slave caravan, In an ol French window of the obtained by Arab raiders as far south fifteenth century is preserved a record as the Niger and mysterious Tlmbuc-too- . of an ancient custom the method In central Africa. used by the cloth shearers. It shows bow the cloth a as spread upon a taCured Her Rheumatism. ble and its nap removed by great Deep Valley, Pa., Oct. 2d. (Spe- scissors made like pinchers. cial.) There Is deep Interest In Green county over the cure of the little ance in northern waters having reach- daughter of I. N. Whlpkey of Rheumaed Yeddo, Hondo Juzo was sent to in- tism. She was a great sufferer for "How can an everyday seemed vestigate. He visited Etorafu island five or six years and nothing tried she till to do her any good in the Kuriles and there found that drink be so bad?" the Russians, true to the occidental Dodds Ktfiney Pills. She began to Oh, theyre used to it! customs of mediaeval days, had ap- Improve almost at once and now she Is cured and can run and play as other propriated the unguarded territory In Sheila for Holy Water. that region by the simple device of children do. Mr. Whlpkey says: I am Indeed thankful for what Tridacna shells are very commonly occuannounce to its setting up pillars for my used In churches lu Europe for holy Hondo removed these wit- Dodds Kidney Pills have done pation. nesses of theft and on his return to daughter; they saved her from being water basins and even fonts. The largest, perhaps, are those In use In Yeddo published a book dealing with a cripple perhaps for life." Dodds Kidney Pills have proved St. Peter's Rome. These shells attain the questions of Sakhalin (Karafuto), the Kuriles (Chishiina) and Kam- that Rheumatism Is one of the results a weight of 500 pounds (the two Is valves chatka. The gist of his contention of diseased Kidneys. Rheuipntism together), the animal Itself blood. If sometimes In the Acid Uric caused by was that the only tribunal to which being twenty pounds In can be no weight. The word "tridacna Is fromi International disputes about boundar- the Kidneys are right there consethe Greek trldaknos (eaten at three ies could be appealed was the trlburai Uric Acid In the blood and Kid bites), hut who could eat a twenty-poun- d of arms and that If Japan hoped to quently no Rheumatism. Dodds the make Pills Kidneys right ney animal at three bites? SL rest secure within closed gates she Nicholas. must take sters to define those gates. MEASURES THAT ARE STANDARD Now after the lapse of more than Medicines Have Stood Test of Time. 10 years Hondos foresight Is to reMuch Cara Taken to Preserve Them The leading proprietary medicines ceive national recognition. Thus JaCorrectly. have stood the test of time are that pan Is significantly pointing to the A gallon is exactly ten pounds of of known therapeutic value, Bays a pages of history, where In clear tedus medical authority. "They are preparher titles to this northern Island are distilled water; so when housewives say "a pints a pound the world ed in laboratories of the highest Inscribed. She virtually announce imunder the care of skilled pharher Intention of not only recovering around" they are mistaken. The grade, perial standard yard, which is the macists, and they are made from apbut also keeping. same as our own, is the distance beproved formulas which, In many Intween two fine lines on a bar of stances, have been the especial prld$ bronze, measured at 62 degrees Fah- and specific of some successful physion mounted bar is The renheit. kept cian. They have been tried In the eight rollers in a special steel safe in crucible of public opinion and they London The standard poun'd is kept have been found satisfactory by the oft if they behave themselves?" askort in a silver-gil- t box contained in a people, for otherwise the peorle would Judge Fogarty. bronze box, the top of which Is secure discontinue using them." Ah is, jedge, replied Mandy. Pe ly screwed down and the whole placed Bible say ter ferglb yo ennymles en In a special compartment of the same Cause of Ocean Tides. dwe gemmen done made der poller-gle- s safe. The German metric system are caused by the gravitaTides ter me en ax me ter scusn urn took the place of more than twenty tional attraction or pull of the sun fer callen me er local measures. The and moon upon the water, and upon Never mind what they called you, foot was less than ten inches, the the earth Itself. The moon being so mors interrupted his honor. If they took Schwarzberg-Rudolstad- t foot much nearer than the sun. Is, of it back and made proper amends, Ill than fifteen. When course, the principal cause. let them go. the moon is directly over a given Yaas, suh, Jedge, dey done msJce Dawee Could Thin Them Out. place it pulls the water under It, and proper mens all right; dey men mer The Hon. H. L. Dawes In his young thus tends to keep up a tidal wava en front fence wich dey broke down, At the same manhood was an Indifferent speaker. just under the moon. Bill, dah, he men mer washtub wich in a law case, soon after time it is pulling the earth Itself; but Participating he hit me ovr de haid wid en Chink his admission to the bar, before a it pulls the water more than the earth men de kitchn table wich he aint North Adams Justice of the peace, underneath, simply because the moon bruk t all cause somebody else bruk Dawes was opposed by an older at- Is nearer to the water on the surface it Yaas, Lord! dey done mek all torney whose eloquence attracted a than it is to the solid earth behind it mens dey cud, jedge, en Sam h large crowd that packed the courtgwynter men mer parler Bette next room. 1' Antarctic Area. week was freely perspiring, The Antarctic area consists of two The justice "Thats all right, Mandy, interjects of unequal off his coat in the midst continental ed his honor, I guess youll have and, drawing of the lawyers eloquent address, he size Queen Victoria Land and King enough amends to last you a life- said: Edward VII Land separated by a time. But if I ever get any of you Icemarvelous barrier of "Mr. sit you supposing Attorney, up here again Ill amend my decision two seas of far and extending bergs, to I Dawes let and down begin speak. and put you all to mending city propto thin out this crowd. Boston to the south the Ross sea and th want erty. Discharged. Weddell sea. Herald. loveliness as follows; Four things must be of black color hair, eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows. Four things must be white skin, teeth, hands and the iris. Four things must be red lips, tongue, gums and cheeks. Four things must be round head, neck, arm and ankle. Four tilings must be slender fingers, arms, legs and the back. The final tests, however, are four proofs of Ignorance, which are betrayed by the eyes, nostrils, lips and fingers. So you see the French writer and the Mohammedan sage practically agree In raising the body of woman higher than her mind. Edmund Burke was & very particular chap. Here is his punctilious She must not be too tall, recipe: but gentle and docile. She must have many varied spiritual qualities. She must be extremely well built without producing an Impression of strength or power. She must have a clear, wholesome complexion." New York Herald, Beauty is a question for the blind to decide," remarked Aristotle when pressed for a definition. Later on he wrote a treatise on the subject, hut the manuscript Is not extant, and even If It were would we ever be matie to agree on the subject of beauty? But when the season's over At the seashore and the glen This dainty cieature vanished "If anybodys name ever was a misfit, its mine. Beulah means married,' and Im an old maid quite a little gray and almost 40. More polite, I suppose, to say bachelor maid, but I believe in calling a spade a spade. "Whoever wrote that hymn about "Sweet Beulah land, ought to see what Tcind of land mine is rocks and birch and that dreadful frog pond. I cant even make my little garden all in one spot, but have to plant tomatoes In oneilace and hunt up another for the squashes. They do look pretty, though, climbing over the rocks and it saves me the trouble of piling a heap of stones together and calling it a rock-erUgh! how those frogs croak tonight; I could hear them a mile away. I wish it was winter and they were asleep In the mud." And Miss Beulah, drawing her shoulder shawl tightly, went into her lonely house. She was said to have had a disAmos Hathaway had appointment. wanted her and she had loved him, hut they must wait until he could make a little home for her, and he bent all his energy to that end. It was hard toil, digging and delving on a rocky New England farm. The dawn, with its flush of amber and pearl, meant potatoes to be dug, and the glory of the sunset told of cows to be milked. But at last Amos had enough for their simple wants. Beulah, dear girl, he said, "the little home is all ready. I know, Amos, but 1 cant come f cannot, I ought not to leave father and mother. . You are crazy, Beulah! I have wanted you for six years and lived and "worked in the hope of it. Is this what has made you look and act so strangely? Yes, you thought it was because of sister Emily, but that was not all. I fcnewf when she died there would he no one left but me to take care of lather and mother. Ive tried so many times to tell you, but I never could cannot leave them. Then, you dont really love me, Beulah! It was a storm of passion and the .urning back of the hopes of years, and Amos, in the bitterness of his soul, vhen all his pleading proved in vain, aid her to go her way and he would to his he never would, never ask ler to come to him again. And away te went to the mining region of the lorthwest to make his fortune. Beulah used to think of him winter tights when the wind shrieked in the chimney and rocked the old house. She bad given the most devoted care .o her father and mother tb the end if their lives, and now she was alone. Her tiny house and garden were her nain support, but lately she had been fired with zeal to strike out in a new direction and add to her Income. The new trolley was on everybodys tongue. It was an air line between a large town and a city, and the little (arming hamlet where Beulah lived WOMAN. n. And elongated hose. She's the life of every function. She's the goy of every set. And her hand Is pledged In marriage To most eery man shes met. II A DESPAIRING Every Kind of Amusement the Hunt- Week, Nsrvou and Wretched front ankle. Typically French, this! er Can Desire. .Wasting Kidney Trouble. Only General Agreement Is That The Mohammedans have a great tho Power to Attract la Un- ethical to Morocco has ever No visitor Mrs. Henry A. Reamer, Main and work called El which asked himself what he was to do for Garat sts., South Bend, Ind., says: failing Evidence of Ite Poeeee-io- defines the essentials Ktab, for feminine sntertalnment declares William G When I Th summer girl upon the beach Her srupely figure shows In bath l.i suits of many hues 1H EXCELLENT SPORT IN MOROCCO. of Pea Soup. The following was frequently told by Capt. Martin Burns of Bangor, Me., as one on him: The captain was very fond of spilt pea soup, and before leaving port he stock of always put in a good-size- d split peas. On this occasion, however, his negro steward got whole peas, and "Then, you dont really love met so the soup that the captain called for Beulah! on the first day Ojut was thrown away lay In its track and was waking up to The next day pea soup was again , its opportunities. and this time the captain, after served, I Why cant sell something as well having eaten a hearty meal, said to bis as the rest and earn enough for a steward: Steward, thats the kind ol new dress," said Miss Beulah, tosssoup I like; well have some more just I havent ing on her uneasy pillow. it like any farm produce and I never had any exFo de Lawas sake, capn, luck witn chickens. There! Ive heard claimed the ma jaws am sc steward, that frogs legs were good to eat, and tired chewing dera whole peas dat Ah Ive frogs enough to fill up a regijust cant chem no mo. ment. The captain never asked for pea was Miss Beulahs Do it now! again. soup next she and watchword , morning took the trolley for the city and never Same Old Plaint. rested until she had seen the general Fine day, isn't it? The Optimist to buyer for a fine hotel and engaged The Pessimist Oh, I don't know bring a sample lot of frog saddles. Tired but triumphant, she came home Its probably raining somewhere. ft flutters and coos over Charcoal flats and hovers trustingly in the ambient ether even where discord was wont to prevail. An armistice has been declared and the peace plenipotentiaries before Recorder Fogarty appeared yesterday morning, when the protocol was signed and the snowy-winge- d bird liberated. But the dove of peace has a wary eye skinned for trouble, for It is feared hostilities will Dreak out anew despite the friendly intervention of his honor, says the New Orleans TImes-Democra- t. Maudy i3ould, a dignified matron of Charcoal fiats, some time ago caused the arresi. of Bill Sims, Chink Sims and Sam Sims on the charge of insult and abuse, and this morning agreed to withdraw the charge because the 'aforesaid dove had put In Its appearance. "Are you willing to let these men Hesse-Darmsta- d-- land-masse- d An Expert Opinion. Mr. Andrew Lang says nothing Is drearier than talk about patent putters, patent clubs and patent cleeks. Wayne of Ludworths day was done, A good player can play with any variand Red Ratcliffe, with little time to ety, a bad player (and the bores are spare If the oncoming Waynes wer always bad players) cannot play well to be met, set his two feet firmly on with anything. the ground and tugged and tugged at the ax, where It lay in Waynes big Most Prosperous Part of India. The richest, the most populous and skull, and wrenched it loose in the nick of time. The stripling Wayne, the most prosperous part of India is lighter of foot than his kinsman, had to be found in the basins of the Indus, outpaced him, and his sword was per- the Ganges and the Lower Brahmailously near to Ratcliffe, when at last putra. he wrenched the free and NOTICED IT. swutog it high again; once more the sword was turned aside, lightly as A Young Lady from New Jersey Put with contempt, and foster-brothe- r Her Wits to Work. whistled as It cut the aii. Shameless Wayne was close in now "Coffee gave me terrible spells of and made a desperate leap to save the Indigestion which, coming on every lad; his fore foot lit upon a patch of week or so, made my life wretched offal in the road and he stumbled un- until some one told me that thd coffee der the haft of the big ax as it turned I drank was to blame. That seemed and whistled down the wind and bit nonsense, but I noticed these attacks the stripling through the bone. Fair used to come on shortly after eating on the crown Shameless Wayne and were accompanied by such excaught half the blow as It descended cruciating pains In the pit of the and the haft, with thick steel at Its stomach that I could only find recore, was weighty and like a log he lief by loosening my clothing and rolled beside his fallen kinsman. lying down. If circumstances made It impossible for me to lie down I spent hours In great misery. I refused to really believe It was the coffee until finally T thought a If you tell him hes a good one. trial would at least do no harm, so I And pat him on the back? . quit coffee in 1901 and began on There are some who think Its praising and troubles left My entirely Not to raise a row and kick. And theyll pay an extra dollar convinced me of the cause. To a chap thats extra "dick; Postura brought no discomfort, nor Eut It isn t that that heal tens It's the kind word and the thought .did indigestion follow Its use. 1 have For the died dene ami the doer had no return of the trouble since I Out of which the good is wrought. began to drink Postnm. It has built A when the wearv pilgrim. me up, restored my health and given M-has trod the long, hard way. With its profits and its losses me a new interest in life It cerVeasured to him day by day, tainly Is a oy to be well again. 11 us tie kind words of the Master, Like the songs of cherubim: Name given Ly Poctum Co., Battle Well done, thou good and faithful Creek, Mich. It is Heaven enough for him William 3 lairopton. In The Sunda Read the little book. The Road to Magazine Weliville, In ecch pkg. Gory Scene in Recent Popular Novel When Mon Fought with Battle-A- x and Sword Before the Invention of "Villainous Saltpeter' Made Such Weapon Obsolete. Here is a gory scene from Halliwell Sutcliffes new novel, Red o the Feud." The scene is in England, the time In the indefinite past and the weapon used for the killings is called a foster-brothera kind of pole-ax-: He turned, to find Red Ratcliffe out of saddle, standing to the top of his six feet four Inches of height and holding the ax in his two brawny hands, while he tiwayed it gently to and fro. What followed passed with the speed of a tempest flung from the belly of a clear blue sky. Wayne of Ludworth got his sword out somehow and leaped back; before his friends could get to him Red Ratcliffe had run forward, had parried his first wild sword thrust as one tuins aside a bramble in one's high path, had lifted foster-brothe- r and higher yet, swinging it like a flail above his head. And then the great ax fell aud ," d Scatter the Kindly Words of Praise Too Often We Wait Until Too Late to Bestow Our Expressions of Love and Appreciation on Dear One. It's an easy thing to say it, And to ss y it good and strong. And to say It pretty frequent; For It https a chap along. Oh, of couise, you pay him money. Doubtless all that he Is woith; But does monet, man and bi other, Represeni the best of earth? Whatr the good of keeping from him Any good thing you might Uiy That will l'ft hia load of labor And Is something more than pay? If hes woithy of your praises. Do you tdnk that e'U be sl.o-k- Important to Mother. gxamlns carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and aura remedy for Infanta and children, and aaa that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over SO Year. Tho Kind You Hava Alwaya Bought. She Uses the Spools. woman stenographer, young whose business experience has not robbed her of her domestic Inclinations, makes a good use of the spools on which her typewriter ribbons are wound. She washes them well to remove any suspicion of Ink, and uses them to wind baby ribbons, pieces of lace and other odds and ends on. The spools are very well made, and fill their extra role verv well, indeed. A TEA Both wine and tea make talk, but not both wisdom! make . Woman, Lovely Woman. Dont you know, said Miss Overseven, that I am really feeling younger than I did a few years ago? Yes, replied Miss Inerteens, Tve noticed of late that you are getting to-da- y quite childish. TEA Pos-tum- We serve nice tea at out house; we have learned how extremely nice it is. Your grocer returns your money V Schilling's Be-r- Greenland U you dont Uka , Coast Unexplored. Greenlands east coast remains to Nearly 500 miles are unknown. be explored. en-tiie-ly |