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Show THE T IV TE COV TRAJT : Marysvale, Piute County, Utah, Saturday, October 7, 1905 Vol III METAL MARKET. jTHE lead, $3.50. Monday, 25 Silver, 62; copper, 15l,; lead, $3.50. 61 Hj copper, Tuesday, 26 Silver, 15V4; lead, $3.50. Wednesday, 27 Silver, 61 : copper, 15t4; lead. $3.50. Thursday, 28 Silver, 61 ; copper, lead, $3.50. copper, 15 ; Friday, 29 Silver, lead $3.50. Saturday, 30 Silver, 60 ; copper, 15 ; lead, $3.50. 15Ms; (HI Rainstorms in the hop districts of Oregon has caused considerable dam' age to the hop industry. Denver is now a closed town," all houses having been closed by order of the city authorities H. Megordon, convicted at Vale, Ore., of murdering his wife has been sentenced to be hung on November 24. Cora McFreeley, aged 15, suicided in Seattle, taking strychnine, because &er lover had forsaken her for another girl. The Summit hotel and two adjoining cottages at Monida, Mont., were destroyed by fire, which started in the top story of the hotel building, entailing a loss of $10,000. It is now estimated that the loss occasioned by the recent fire in Butte was $600,000, with insurance of $535,-00The blocks destroyed are to be rebuilt at once. . The machinery of the railway shops at Laiamie and Cheyenne is being overhauled preparatory" to the reopening of the mills. A complete air hoisting plant is to be installed at Laramie at once. The Shingle Mills bureau, an association to control the output of Washington red cedar shingles, was organized in Seattle last week. About 80 per cent of the total output of the state was represented. , C. F. McCoun, a sheep herder for the Swan Land and Cattle conyumy, was found dead on the prairie about 10 miles from Rock River, Wyo., and Is supposed to have been frozen to death. The coroner will investigate. A special from Guersey, Wyo., sayS that Mrs. A. W. Ladd of Hartville Junction, and Leonard Briggs of Sunrise, were killed in a train wreck there. Two others, Thomas Morgan and Charles Meyers, railroad employes were injured. the gambling 4h tBadeihaLib& Pht--cag- o Northwestern railway will new line now to the completion push tinder construction from Casper, Wye., west to Lander and the Wind river reservation, where one and one-hamillion of acres of public land will be thrown open to homestead some time & lt next Juner George Berger, local superintendent of the Pullman Palace Car company, was arrested in Seattle by customs officers on the charge of smuggling With him was taken F. B. Stevens, better known as Big Steve, and Stevens wife. The trio were caught with 30 pounds of opium in their pos- session. - Miss Mary McDonald, the pretty basketball player whom W. J Adams, a prominent athletic instrue 5or of Butte and well known in business circles, is charged with kidnaping, was arrested in Great Falls Iasi week. Adams, who is a married man and the father of three children, is out on $5,000 bond. A public reception was held at Laramie one night last week for Fred Douglas Willan and wife, old residents of that town, who sail shortly for Eng land where they will reside in the fu ture. Douglas Willan came to Lara mie plains with the Sartorls company and engaged in the ranching business RULE 15; Boer Leader Arrested for Plot tins; Against German Rule in Southwest Africa. Is Accused of Having Aranged With Rebel Natives to Make Common Cause With Boers, Who Are Organizing and Arming 60; Bore On Too Heavily. This wont go for only one stamp, said the village postmaster to old Uncle Kiah, as the latter handed him a bulky and much-sealemissive. Whuf for? Whats de maddah wld d dat? Too heavy, replied the postmaster, balancing It on his hand. Umph! I tole dat boy so when he was of it. I tole him he was wrltln too heavy a han', but he kep on down an' a bearin' down on the pen, lahk a load o hay. Ill take It back, sah, an mek him write wld a pencil. I ain't gwlne spen no mo two centses Jes for his pighead Northland Weekly. edness. SAME IN HIS BUSINESS.' fGIuS -- FINE TAILORING. VllHSl mns 15,-00- one-quart- er 1 GrgFei'kins .Sorenson r Larson, policy-- holders. I a; s: a; MONARCHY FOR A NORWAY. No MURDERED SEVER Tfiior, Like Lawyer, Had Momenta I When Solitude Wat Desirable. Tke late Judge Charles Henry War-r- e a as regarded as one of the wittiest men In the legal profession In Massachusetts. The following Is one of: his stories which he 'told to a lady In England several years ago; I'When I lived In New Bedford," sajd the Judge, my law office was in tht second story of a building, and dlfeotly under me was a room on the street floor occupied by a tailor. When business was slack with the tailor ne used to come up to chat with me. One day as he was coming in he saw that I was busy writing at my table. Oh, judge.' he said, you are btjsy aud 1 wont Intrude. Come In. said I, for I am only copying, and I can copy and carry on a conversation aLthe same time. 'Well, now, judge. said the tailor, 'you and I are much alike. When 1 am running up a plain seam I can chat with my friends, but when I come to making a buttonhole, I have to put my whole mind to it. Berlin. Andrew Dewet, nephew of the famous Boer, Christian Dewet, has T)een arrested at his residence In a suburb of Windhoek, German Southwest Africa, with four other Boers, accused of plotting the overthrow of Gherman rule in Southwest Africa, to create a Boer republic. This news, purporting to come from an excellent authority, was distributed to the German press by the Hanseatic Press bue THE Qz --Til reau, and is accepted as true by other , journals. 1 Andrew Dewet, who is a merchant of DE Windhoek, is described as having arranged with the rebel natives to make CASH 0 common cause with them. About Eastbound. Westbound. Stations. in to German be M. Lv. Boers are said Ar. P. m. A. M. rm. A.8:00 6:00 10:00 Lake Salt City of Whom 5:11 8:11 Southwest Africa, 6:48 8:47 Murray Lv 6:88 8:89 are organized. Considerable quanti- 6:20 Bingham Junction 6:28 9: 5:288:30 Riverton ties of arms were seized at Dewet's 6:60 6:51 Lehi 6:01 6:04 6:54 8:67 8:57 American Fork house. Although the arrest occurred 6:66 4:21 8:28 8:20 9:21 Provo 4:10 8:17 August 23, nothing was reported by 6:38 9:30 Springvllle yoUng MAN Eureka cable to the newspapers, doubtless on 8:30 8:16 Ifl your taste for Ar. iftlver City good clothing leads account of the censorship. T45 you to be critical of Style, Fit and 10:10 vTVUjs Andrew Dewet married a daughter 1:26 1:10 Manti, Lv. you will of a Prussian army officer. 6:26 . m. j Ffnish of your garments, 4:27 Richfield no end of trouble by 7:46 js4ve yourself 8:16 Ar. Marysvale. NO. 1 TROUGH TRAIN. topking Into our store and examining MONEY MUST BE RESTORED. 11:25 a. m. the class of Leaves Thistle and maworkmanship 12:03 a. m. Leaves Provo te! ials we turn out. New York Life Policy Holders Going Leaves American Fork 12:40 a. m. 4 ..12:37 a.m. Leaves Lehl After McCall and Perkins. Leaves Bingham Junction .... 1:12 p. m. GOOD BUSINESS SUITS FROM $18 1:35 p. m. New York Permission to begin suit Arrives Salt Lake City up. Leaves. BINGHAM BRANCH. Arrives Hi against John A. McCall president, and A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. i 6:40 Salt Lake City of. 8:10 8:00 & -dW3tw2flntnv-Jttntoh-W:7MT the New York Life Insurance company, 1:48 8:46 Revere 10:40 6:64 ' 149 W. Second South, ' 9:50 6:38 9:07 1:57 Lead Mine for the restitution of $150,000 contribu9d0 4:10 Bingham I. A. BENTON. ted to the republican campaign funds, SALT LAKE CITY. Pas. Jept, Qnt was asked of Attorney General Mayer on Tuesday by William Hepburn Russell, acting as attorney for several Under the laws of his a A2 state the sanction of the attorney gen2 eral is required in order to bring a suit A 7 2 of this character. Mr. Russell said the 2 Saloon Men! 2 suit would be based on the contention A ' Cigar Men! that the money paid to the national re- a We Want Your Business! publican committee was expended by RIEGER & LINDLEY, McCall and Perkins without corporate He declared that he inThe Whiskey Merchants, authority. tended also to sue for the restitution A Salt Lake City. of $223,000 which Mr. McCall testified A a had been placed in the hands of AnAj drew Hamilton of Albany. 52 a2 6J A in Favor of a Republic Met With Failure.' Christiana. The attempt to create agitation in favor of a Norwegian republic is finding no support from the country. The leaders of the movement appealed for addresses for presentation to the storthing in favor of a republican form of government, but so far the appeal has met with no response. The commercial and Industrial appear to desire no disturbmany years ago. ance of the existing order of things. The visitors to the Yellowstone At an independent meeting here park this year were double in number Tuesday of representatives 'of the what they were last year, travel tc commercial and Interests it the park having increased immensely was unanimously shipping resolved to present an address to the storthing, declaring Last year by September 12 the number of people who had entered the that the submission of the question r park during the season reached 5,337 a change in the constitution to a pleThis year the number of visitors at biscite would greatly injure the counthat date was 10,080. trys economic interests. The Wyoming State Sunday school Murdered by Father-in-Lasesassociation closed a three-day- s Salt Lake City. Albert Keether is sion at Laramie on the 28th, selectIn the city jail charged with the muring Evanston as the meeting place in der of Frank Duvall, the husband of 1906, and electing as president. Dr. r. his Both Aven Nelson, Laramie; families lived In the same house, and on MonMrs. A. T. Powelson, of Cheyenne. night Keether and his wife quarJames Conway, a young ranch hand, day reled. Duvalls wife Interfered in be; near Laramie, Wyo., was found guilty half of her mother, when she was of striking the wife of his employer, by Keether. Duvall rushed to Mrs. Peter Perue, across the back the defense of his wife, and, during a with a- - quirt, in retaliation for hav- struggle with the frenzied man, was ing been reprimanded for abusing shot twice, one of the bullets passing horses, and was given five months in through his head, causing death in a the county jail, a fine of $30 and costs few moments. of prosecution. QUARRELS ARE SERIOUS. John Read, a convict under sentence of 13 years for attempt to murder committed several months ago on a May Be Necessary to Declare State of Siege at Bruenn. freight train between Truckee, Cal., and Reno, Nev., escaped from the Vienna. The situation in Moravia state penitentiary at Carson, Nev., by out of the quarrels of the climbing a water pipe and scaling the growing Czechs and the Germans is still critwalls. N. E. Jmhaus of Baker City, Ore., a ical. Premier Baron Gautsch Von French scientist who is in Oregon as Frankenthurn on Tuesday received manager of the Flagstaff mine in telegrams from the German deputies, Baker county, has discovered and demanding instant military protecpatented a process whereby common tion. It is feared that it will become sagebrush can be utilized to make necessary to declare a state of siege paper and to provide an oil to be used In Bruenn, where serious disorders as the basis for high grade perfumes. were renewed Tuesday night. t, - o Agitation THEN KILLED BABES TRAIN HERSELF Rock Island, III. Mrs. Clarence larkham of Cambridge, near here. In a fit of temporary Insanity on Saturday. killed her seven, children with an axe, after which. she placed their bodies In a bed, saturated It with poal oil and set fire to it. She then backed her throat with a knife and threw herself on the burning bed Neighbors rescued iier, but she was fto badly burned that she died soon after she had made a confession. The eldest child was nine years old, the youngest, a baby In firms. Late Saturday night Clarence E, Markham, husband and f.aher of the kictlma of the tragedy, committed silt 'dde by shooting himself after tying a rope around his neck so that it would choke him to death in case the Ibullet failed to do its purpose. MURDERED BY HIGHWAYMEN. Veteran of the Civil War Meets Death at Hands of Thugs. Portland, Ore. A special to the Oregonian from Hillsboro states that "William H. Booth, a veteran of the civil war, was murdered Saturday night, It Is presumed for the purpose of robbery. Booth wa3 on his way home when the crime was committed lie was found shortly afterward with the base of Ills skull crushed, two knife wounds In his neck and his eye protruding from Its socket. A young fellow who has been loafing around town several days Is suspected of the crime and a posse is searching for him. Booth apparently made a terrific fight before he succumbed. BAD TRAIN WRECK. Five Coaches Twenty-fiv- e Over Precipitated Foot Embankment. a St. Paul. A Chicago Great Western stock train, running 20 miles an hour, as It was going through the St. Paul railroad yards at 9:30 oclock Sunday morning struck the middle of a Soo" line passenger train which had Just left the Union statlop and hurled two Pullman sleepers over a retaining wall to the bottom of a gully 20 feet below. One sleeper landed bottom side up and the other fell on Its side. Both cars were badly wrecked. One woman was so badly Injured that she died at St. Josephs hospital shortly after being taken there and nine others were seflously injured while a score or more were less seriously hurt SONS CO. ETC OF Set it 33 33 77 77 AH 77 33 33 77 77 77 33 3 in Salt Lake. U ftA , aa A aa Send for Catalog. aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aaa MANY LIVES LOST IN PHILIPPINE STORM. Delayed Reports From Luzon and "Southern Islands Indicate Enormous Damage. Manila. 177 Main St., Reports now coming from the path of the recent along places Salt Lake City. Island of Luzon and in the typhoon, the southern Islands indicate great In the loss of life and property. waters surrounding Samar and other Islands, many coasting vessels and Island transports have been wtecked THE HIGHEST PLACE The coast guard cutter Leyte is a comfor a cigar anywhere In the country, plete wreck and eleven Americans natives were twenty-fou- r where quality counts, Is given the and drowned. Blue Point by anyone who knows At the town of Sorsogon, fifteen natives were drowned. The loss on hemp shat good tobacco and clever clgaf plantations Is estimated at $1,000,000. The army transport Juan Rodriguez rolling combined will do for the cigar is ashore at Legaspl. lover. Sold everywhere. In the interior of the island of Samar, thousands of natives are homeWHITTAKER & DALLAS, less and the same report comes trom of the other small islands. many . MAKERS. The army posts in the southern islands have been destroyed. 131 W. 3 South St., The civil and military author-t'eare rushing aid to the suffering peepe Salt Lake City. in the form of food rn I .shelter. Walk Over Shoe Store, .m - CAR UP DYNAMITER Horrible Crime of Illinois Woman Two Boys Taka a Hand In the RobWho Became Temporarily Insane bing of Passengers and Are CapHusbands Suicides When He . tured, but Declared They Did Learn of Tragedy. Not Know the Robbers. Heavy Increase in Revenue Receipts. C. The month D. Washington, Iy report of the government receipts 'SALT LAKE CITY, Opposite Sootk Gate Tempi Block. and expenditures, show a remarkable increase in receipts from customs and For Sepinternal revenue sources. w- MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. customs tember 1904, receipts MANTELS, GRATES, TILES. amounted to $23,230,360, and for the three months of the fiscal year, FIRE-PROFor the month just closing CHIMNEYS,. CEMENT. the receipts trom customs were and for the thred months, Frei. Write Us. BsantiMfy Illustrated Catalogs $75,015,577, being an increase of for the month and $9,883,793 for the three months. Last year at this time the deficit amounted to as against $9,623,565, for the iJJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaasssAsssssss,- -a Aa quarter ending Saturday. During the 97 We carry the largest stock of Mens $3.50 and $4.00 JJ last three months the internal rev33 enue receipts show a gain over last Shoes and PROSPECTORS and MINERS BOOTS year of $2,491,979. 31 HELD EXPRESS MaMaaaaafiaaaaaaaaaaanAaaaAWwvwwwtvwwv ELIAS NORRIS IS 11 Seattle, Wash. The Great North- ern Overland train leaving Seattle at 8:20 oclock Monday night was held up and the baggage and express car dynamited half 'a mile eust of Mile Rost 10, about five miles from Ballard, at 8:45 p. m. Three men are known to have done the work. TWo boys, a ho got on the blind baggage here, us soon as the holdup began, entered (lie passenger eoaehes and began holding up the s. They were captured. They say two of the men were on the blind baggage when they got on, and the third got on at Ballard. All were well dressed, w 1th rain coats and slouch hat3. The train was flagged near the brickyard, and as the engineer slowed up two men with rain coats climbed over the tender and presented revok vers to his head. When the train stopped the baggage ;md express cal was uncoupled by one of the robber and the engineer instructed to pull ahead, which ho did for several hum dred yards, when he was again com- tnanded to stop. Two of the robbers then jumped off, making the engineer and fireman do the same, and all marched to the bag- gage car door. The messenger was commanded to open the door, and, refusing, an extra heavy charge of dynamite was placed against it and exploded. The explosion tore the car almost to pieces. The safe was then dynamited. After securing the contents of the safe the three men started oft in an easterly direction. R is believed other members of the gang were ahead of the scene of the holdup and the robbers joined them. The two boys claim they never met the holdups until they got on the train, and are In no way connected with their work. The idea to hold up the passengers occurred to them after the explosion. . JUDGE IS MOBBED. Hauled from Engine Cab and Forced to Reverse His Orders. Denver. The spectacle of a member of the judiciary being dragged about by a mob and forced to rescind an official order ended a day of turmoil on Monday at Brighton, Colo., the county seat of Adams county, adjoin, ing the city limits of Denver, A. H. Guthlel, county judge, hauled the mayor and the marshal ana mem bers of the town council before him and lectured them for their alleged neglect of enforcement of gam.lins ordinances and Sunday liquor-sellinordinances. In addition to this he ordered the sheriff and marshal to gather the slot machines In the town of Brighton, and when they reported later that they could find only one. Judge Guthlel deputized two men to arrest them for contempt. Guthlel boarded a train to leave town, when he was attacked by a mob iand dragged from the train. After re- sclndlng the order regarding the arrest of the two officials, he was allowed to proceed on his way. g WANTED TO SHOW THEM. Man Took Securities to DemHow Easy it Was. New York. By the confession of Henry A. Leonard, a young clerk in the employ of Halle & Stleglltz, brokers at 30 Broad street, the mystery of the robbery on Wednesday of last .week of $359,000 worth of securities from the National City bank was fully cleared up Monday. ' The prisoner, who is only 24 years old, and who has previously borne the reputation of an Industrious and thoroughly reliable clerk, made the astounding statement In his confession that he had planned and carried out his scheme of forgery and robbery, not from any criminal motive, hut solely to show by what a simple device the elaborate safeguards of New York banks could be set at naught. That this statement is true Is In a measure corroborated by the facts In the case and Is the belief of the young manj employers, by whom he was highly esteemed. Young onstrate to Bank CANDY WAS POISONED. Children in Orphans Home Have Narrow Escape from Death. Davenport, la. George Foulk, aged 6, and Mamie, aged 8, were poisoned at Davenports orphan home Monday by candy, which, it Is said, was sent to them by their father. Jonathan Foulk, of Martin, La. Half a dozen other children who ate of the cindv became ill. No deaths have occurred so far. The boar of control Is 1 L. n |