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Show ''t r ' SAVED FROM CURTAIN LECTURE WALTER SCOTTS GREAT POEM Little Known Facts About Cut Glass Husband Wall Knew tha Weak Point of Hia Loved One. I beard W. K. Vanderbilt talk the last time I was abroad, said a Pitta burg man. "It was at the Grand hotel In Rome, and Mr. Vanderbilt dined at the table next to mine. He had just returned from a long trip In a motor car and his talk, naturally, dealt with motoring In the main. "Mr. Vanderbilt said that there were a good many points and woes Incidental to motoring. Most of them, though, could be avoided by good management. He said he knew a man who had started with a friend on a weeks tour in a big car and they had stayed two weeks because they enjoyed themselves so much. When finally they got back to town it was a Monday night and very late. Mr. Vanderbilts friend, timid about his reception, went home and his wife received him as coldly as he had expected she would do. What he dreaded, though, was an explosion an hour's wild scolding and upbraiding. As he talked he tried to think of some way to escape this explosion and finally an Idea came to him. I am so glad to be back here with you, dear, he said. But I pity Smith, Poor old Smith! Wbat is the matter with Smith? said the lady sharply, " Ah, poor fellow, said her husband. At this moment his wife is giving him the very old douce. . The ladys mnnner softened. That wily speech got her husband off. She would not show herself a common scold, like Mrs. Smith." Lay of the Last Minstrel Called Most Successful Ever Written. Lead In the Composition I What One hundred years ago Sir Walter Make It Ring Why tho Fin- ScoU gave to the world the most iehed Product la So. Exsuccessful poem ever written, The tremely Costly. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Lead In the composition is what The scene waq laid In the adjoining ruin of Newark castle, the chosen makes cut glass ring, and if it doesn't residence of the first Duchess ot ring, it isnt cut glass. Also," if it Buccleuch. To her, seeking shelter, rings, it's perfect; if it is cut glass and Sir Walter depicts the coming of the doesnt ring, then its cracked. O. D. aged minstrel, "the last of all the Irwin of Newark kicked J40 worth of race, and the old mans tale to the broken pieces aside as he led the way noble owner of Newark as embodied to his sample tables, says the Kansas in The Lay. City Journal. According to Lockhart, the poem Broke them in travel, be said. achieved an unparalelled success. The This one piece here was worm J29 first edition of The Lay was a magFound them in pieces when I nificent quarto of 750 copies. Before alone. trunks. Now, theyll go to my opened the end of 1836, 11,000 copies had gone forth In the collected editions of big the ash pile." How much ought a complete outpoetical works. In all nearly 44,000 copies had been disposed of in Eng- fit of cut glass cost? land, and by the legitimate trade "Counting whisky, brandy, wine, alone, before Scott superintended the medicine and other glasses, water gobedition of 1830. In the history of lets, etc., about J1.000, said Mr. IrBritish poetry nothing had evei win. "Tiie water goblets alone are worth J2 each, wholesale, and some of the pieces run up into the high three figures. Thats because of tbe amount of work necessary to turn out cut glass. In the first place, all cut glass contains lead to give it weight, body The Dog Stayed. young business man of Harlem, who didnt love dogs, surprised his wife the other night by bringing home a disreputable looking, mongrel. Now, its all right," he told her. This dog Is going to stay here, and I think when you hear the circumstances you wont object. About, three olocks away from the house this dog deliberately stopped in front of me. The beast looked as if he had not eaten for days, never had a home and Dad been kicked and cuffed by nearly everyone. He looked at me in such an appealing way that I couldnt help stooping down and patting him once ' or twiqp on the head. "I thought no more about the matter and continued on my way home. When I had gone a block or so I suddenly felt something cold and wet against my hand, and turning around, I saw this poor beast, out of gratitude for my having just patted him on the head, licking my hand. After this dog gets a few meals and a wash he will look very different from the way he looks now. Anyway, I want him to stay." The dog stayed. New York Spa. Close by the road on the outskirts of the seaport town of Bucksport, on the Penobscot river, in Maine, is a small family cemetery. In Its inclosure sleep the Bucks, the family which founded the town and gave it the name and a legend. Tbe largest and most conspicuous monument in the cemetery Is a tall granite shaft, which is In plain sight of the highway. On one side is the "Col. John Buck, the inscription founder of Bucksport, A. D. 1762. Born in Haverhill, Mass., 1718. Died March 18, 1795." On the other side is the single and a curious outline word "Buck which, with the help of the imagination, might be the print of a foot of normal size. The legend as told Is that Col. Jonathan Buck was a very harsh man and the leading spirit of his day and generation. He was the highest in civil authority and his word was law in the community in which he resided. When a certain woman was accused of , i Ths Heaven-Bor- Not Into these dark cities, These sordid marts and streets. That the sun In his rising pities. And the moon with sadness greets, Poes she. with her dreams and (lowers. hor whom our hearts are dumb, Poes she of the golden hours, Eurth'a heaven-bor- n Beauty coma. Afar 'mid the hills she tarries. Beyond the farthest streams. In a world where music marries, With color that blooms and beams; Where shadow und light are wedded. Whose children people the Earth, The fair, the fragrant-heade- The pure, the wild of bn ill. Where Morn with rosy kisses Wakes ever the eyes of Pay, And, winds in her radiant tresses. Haunts every wlldw'ood way; Where Eve, with her mouth's twin rosea, Her kisses sweet with balm. The eyes of the glad Day closes And, crowned with stars, sits calm. Piophecy of Legally Murdered Woman That Came True Bucksport llae Monument to Prove Truth ol the Story Fresh Eggs. asked Hiram Hazleby. "Strictly! Positively! doubt of it! declared eggs?" No possible the its author J3.80. MONKEYS NOT TO BE DECEIVED. Infallible In Their Detection of Coun- terfeit Coin, In Siam apes are now employed as A year or two ago much cashiers. base coin was circulated by a clique of coiners, and the tradesmen found that it was a very difficult matter to discriminate between good and bad money. One large store kept a pet monkey, and one morning he was seen to take a coin from the cashiers desk and put it between his teeth. After biting it for some moments he threw it on the floor with a solemn grimace of dls satisfaction. The proprietor of the store then handed the monkey another coin, and after testing it with great deliberation he laid it on the cashier's desk. Apparently the creature' could tell a counterfeit coin from a good one, and in order to ascertain whether other monkeys had the same extraordinary gift, a couple of apes belonging to a zoo were given the test, with satisfao-torresults. From that day the majority of the business houses in Slam have kept monkeys as cashiers, and the gifted creatures have developed the faculty of discrimination between good and bad coin to such perfection that no huban being can compete with them. Abbots-bury- , in Dorset, may be seen the largest swannery in Europe. It is nearly 1,000 years old, and at the present time there are about 2,000 birds on the farm. . The owner of the swannery is Lord Ilchester, who is and an alderman of the county of Dorset. No restriction whatever is placed upon the swans, and they roam and swim about just as they like. They are born fighters, and during the breeding season continual fighting takes place. The nests number 500, but very few cygnets ever reach the water after emerging from the shells on account of the jealous onslaught of the parent birds from other nests. Feathered Life. Lord-Lieutena- dear-desire- d. Strictly son-in-la- Two Thousand Swans. lost In contemplation Of tilings no mortal sees. She dwells, the incarnation Of Idealities; Of di earns, that long have fired Man's heait with joy and pain. The far, the Whom none shall e'er attain. Madison Caweln, In Jhe Reader. These are strictly fresh Newark Tower. equaled the demand for The Lay of the Last Minstrel." So writes Sir Wal ters biographer and Lockhart. Financially The Lay brought Near the little village of There, grocery-man- . But what Interested Hiram was that upon one of the eggs was neatly written the name and address of Mamie Duesenberry," and an invitation to whomever received the egg to write to her. Hiram wrote to the postmaster of the small Pennsylvania town Instead. What information could the postmaster give him? Dear Mr. Hazleby Miss Duesenberry was a charming young woman who was very successful In the poultry and egg line. She married and went out of the egg business three or four years ago. Oh, positively! Every egg guaranteed! said the grocery man. Judge. Tastes Differ, indig-m&ntl- t Trade With Japan. Japans purchases from the United States in the fiscal year just closed amounted to J51.724.726, an increase of J27.000.000 over 1904; her sales tc the United States aggregated J52.113. 372, an increase of J5.600.000.- In the three years 1903, 1904 and 1905, the J142.000.00C United States bought worth of goods from Japan and paid the bill with J97, 000,000 worth oi Said an owl to herself, Im afraid That I never shall get enough shade; Ive a sunburnt straw hat, And some tulle over that. And Ill have some blue spectacles made. The green parasol In my hand For my shelter Is carefully planned; How these tall birds can bear The bright sun's full glare Is a thing that I cant understand. - American goods and American gold J45.000.000 oi week to make six of them. This little groove that looks so easy cannot be cut in less than an hour. We have 300 men who do nothing else but cut glass, and they are necessarily all experts in their line. When you consider that we' carry 6,000 different pieces, each calling for some special ingenuity, you can se that the cutting of glass isnt a matter of day labor. Novelties in cut glass depend almost entirely upon the changes of design. The fruit basket, with arched and triangle handle, is a novelty just out this year, and elaborately cut. This fat rose jar. that has little ring because there Is so much body, is another new thing. There are hundreds of new designs." four-inc- h Plans Ocean Voyage in Canoe. A Swedish gymnast will shortly at tempt to travel from Stockholm to Paris In a canoe built in Sweden, which is 12 feet long, 10 inches deep 2 feet broad and Witchs Foot witchcraft, at the first clamorlngs of the populace. Col. Buck ordered that she be Imprisoned, and later she was sentenced as a witch. The execution day came and the woman went to the gallows cursing her judge. The hangman was about to perform his duty when the woman turned to Col. Buck and said: Jonathan Buck, listen to these words, the last my tongue shall utter It Is the spirit of the living God which bids me to speak to you. You will soon die and over your grave they will erect a stone that all may know the spot where your bones lay and crumble to dust. Upon that stone the imprint of my foot shall appear, and for all time, after your accursed race has vanished from the face of the earth, will the .people from far and near know that you murdered a woman. The imprint of the foot, the story goes, appeared on the stone a month after it was erected. Certainly It is as plain as ever. Amathere teur photographers have taken pictures of it, and a visit to the Buck cemetery to see the witchs foot" Is one of the pastimes of summer visitors. y Plan to Hold Maritime Worlds Fair , - : - .New York is of course the place of Centenary of the Use of Steam in Navigation to Be Appropri- all others for the observance of the was the ately' Celebrated in the Year anniversary, for not only 1907 Plans are being made in New York to celebrate two years hence the centenary of the use of steam in naviga- tion by the holding of what would seem to be a sort of maritime worlds fair, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. On Aug. 7, 1807, Robert Fultons Cler- mont made her epoch-makinvoyage on the Hudson, which revolutionized sea commerce and sea warfare. The Clermont was not the first steamboat. for attention is now being called to an interesting coincidence which should give the proposed celebration a double significance. In 1907 it will be just 200 years since the Frenchman, Papin, diove a crude steamboat on the river Fulda. But though the Clermont was not the first steamship, she marked at all events the beginning of steam navigation, and it will not detract from her inventors fame to recall that the centennial celebration in his honor will be also a bicentenary in marine annals. g Incident That Seems to Prove Her Nature Has Not Changed Since the Days of Adam, and Is Not Likely To. There are those who believe that love was stronger and truer in the days when young Romeo clad only in sunlight, batted his Juliet over the head with the thigh bone of a dinosaur and carried her to his cave, where they lived happily ever after. So far as is known, there was no divorces in those days. aggressiveness, daring, Strength, brute force count with women A Rone dispatch tells of a young Italian who loved a flower girl intensely. She wouldnt have Mm. She laughed it him publicly and he stabbed her In the neck. He wore a ball and chain six months (or that. In his second attempt at matrimony he used a stiletto and bad the lady pretty veil carved when the police came He served a year for assault and agali came to the front with of undying love. The Seme Simple Rulee Laid Dvwn by New Yerk Physical. A faaens New York physician, now hale and handsome at 75, sums np his half a century of medical practice and observation in these simple rules of health: Be temperate in all things, in matters of amusement or study as well as in regard to foods and drinks. To be temperate in all things, however, does not imply that one must be a prohibitionist about anything. Dont be afraid to go to sleep, for sleep is the best restorer of wasted energies, sleep a certain number of hours every night and then remember that a short nap during the day is a safe rejuve-nato- r than a cocktail. Dont worry either about the past or the future. To waste a single hour in the regretful past is as senseless as to send good money after that which is irrevocably lost Pittsburg Dispatch. 8ome Things Women Dont Do. loafer on the street, whose wife was probably at borne getting out a neighbors washing to make money to buy tbe children shoes, asked a busy man tbe other day if he ever saw a woman. No, I never And I did, replied the busy man. never saw a woman waltzing around town in her shirt sleeves with a cigar in her teeth and running into every saloon she saw. Neither did I ever see a woman sitting all day on a dry goods box telling people how the secretary of the treasury should run the national finances. I have never seen a woman go fishing with a bottle in her pocket, sit on the bank all day and go home drunk at night. Nor have I ever seen a woman yank off her coat and say she could lick, any man in town. A bald-heade- d SAYS AMERICANS ARE LEARNING 'how TO EAT. In America, eating Is becoming more of a fine art as well as a pastime and accomplishment every day. Americans' are learning how to eat. They have passed the stage of civilization where anything and everything will go and are becoming par- Cold Sweats. Twitching Nerves and Weakness Cured by Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Nature punishes every infraction of her laws, and careless babits easily lead to the condition described by Mr. William Browne, of No. 1019 Liucoln street, St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Browne is an expert tinner in the employ of the National Biscuit Co. He gives the following of a trying experience : In the spring of 1902, he says, while I was regularly working at my trade, I grew somewhat careless iu my habits of eating and driuking, and finally found that my appetite was fickle, a bad taste lingered iu my mouth, my nerves twitched and were beyond my control, my kidneys were out of order aud cold sweats would break out over my body at odd times. Perhaps, while I stood talking with some one, this trembling of the limbs, and profuse sweating, and a severe chill would seize me. I became alarmed at my condition and, having read an endorsement of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, I got a box aud begau to nsa them. They helped me at once. After I had used one box the twitching of tbe nerves, tbe trouble with the stomach aud the cold sweats stopped and have not reappeared, aud my appetite is good. I have told all my friends that Dr. Williams Pink Pills cared me aud I recommend them to everybody. Dr. Williams Pink Pills cured Mr. Browne because nothing can strengthen the nerves except good rich, red blood and Dr. Williams Pink Pills actually make new blood. They dont act on tbe bowels. Thev dont bother with mere symptoms. They drive from tbe blood the cause of anaemia, indigestion, nervous disorders, general weakness and the troubles of growing girls and women. The pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or harmful drugs. Sold by all druggists, or by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. ut Enter the Straw Hat. Straw bats were first heard of in England in the reign of Queen Eliza-oetIn the reign of James I. we earn of Lord William Howard paying the then large sum of J18 for two straw hats. . TEA "Wasnt it dreadful! ticular eaters. Nothing but the white heart of the wheat berry (Pillsburys Vitos) is NOW good enough for those who have tried this cereal breakfast food.. It is the most economical and it is actually Sterilized the Meat of the Wheat nothing added nothing taken away; pure white in color, it serves an appetizing breakfast dish, made in the greatest mills, of the best wheat, and by the oldest miller, PILLSBURY. This is your guarantee. Put up only in airtight packages. Look for the words, Meat of the two-poun- d, ' "Yes. "Did she know it? "Probably not Steam Shovels to Mine Gold. In Alaska they do not do things by halves. Miners are now engaged in turning the course of King river so as to leave dry about three miles of Its bed and to mine this auriferous gravel with steam shovels. TEA Wheat Tasting tea is a whole oc A package will make you twelve pounds of Substantial family food and can be purchased at your- - grocers for cupation 20c. coffee ; another. The taster picks out your tea and puts the price on it Ask him He will gladly fill your order because he knows he sells you satisfacto-da- N E lady said no and he blew up her house with dynamite. The kitchen flew over the barn and the parlor disappeared Into the cellar, while the girl was taken to the hospital and her lover sent to jail. Now, you would naturally think that the young woman would have cheerfully seen her assailant boiled in oil or drawn and quartered, all of which shows how little you know of a womans heart. On her knees she went? before the judge and begged the law to excuse the man who loved her so well. The judge couldnt quite excuse the dynamiting, but he made the sentence as light as possible, and later the couple were married and are said to be living happily. Of course It wouldn't be wise to with advise lovers to go Gatling guns or dynamite, but certain it is that the strong man, the fellow who does things, can command respect and love. It has been that way since the time of Adam and it probably always will be. Atlanta Journal. OF APPETITE LOSS . with pants of the same color. There is a bright flush on your notebooK. cheek, he whispered, "a flush as A French masseur has written a beautiful and red as a lobster. novel in English," he said, and Ha, ha, he exclaimed in Spanmitted It to my house for publicaion. ish. He paced the floor, his hands bet read this novel last week. I copied a few sentences from it. Let me read hind him, reading a newspa er. As she was about to replv a door you one or two of them." The man read these sentences: opened and closed her mouth She ran to open the peal, with "Her hand was cold, like that of a her dear little feet patteriig alon serpent. "The artist wore a velvet Jacket the corridor. From an Unpublished Novel. A publishers reader drew forth his HOW TO LIVE LONOL Clermonts momentous voyage made in its waters, hut the city is the fore- tion. most port in the new world and has, Lost Pigmies. moreover, in its grand bay and two A unsur problem which perplexed the last great rivers, a natural setting was the long extinct pigmaria for on earth generation anywhere passed time spectacle such as is contemplat-ed- my race which centuries ago undoubtedly Inhabited the Tennessee mountains. among the InThe affair should with the most per dians told of Legends such a tribe of dwarfs, rath of industrial an feet propriety be who were supposed to be of more iner than a military character and celethan the red men. But brate the victories of peace rather telligence were very hazy. A burythese legends than those of war, for the revolution however, ground, actually was ing in naval warfare followed necessarily discovered in the early part of the from the "Clermonts performance. last century In which all of the skeleIt Is proposed, however, to ask Ad- tons were of pigmy proportions. Some miral Togo to attend, nor would this of them were carried away to colbe without its special fitness, for Tolege museums.' But as far as known go is the greatest naval warrior in the no scientific inquiry has ever been diday of steam as Nelson was in the day rected to this question. of sails. The presence of the victor in the only great naval battle since Here is Relief for Women. steam was applied to ships would be Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, disherb remedy for womens more than an interesting feature of covered a pleasant AF. It is the called AUSTRALLAN-Lwhat should be made a really remark- Ills, only certain monthly regulator. Cures occasion. international and able female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and truly Womans Love for the Aggressive Man c And He Did. They had not gone far from shore when the canoe upset and the young man and the merry maiden found themselves standing neck deep in water. Just what I was hoping for," said the young man, contentedly. Hoping for?" queried she, I heard you Yes," replied he. were at this summer resort and I came way down here on the sole hope of falling in with you." Houston PosL h Maine Legend of the A half-starve- d and ring, and to make it soft enough to cut without breaking. Then each piece is handled as carefully as if it were of tissue paper thickness and brittle as a pipestem, because in cutting the slightest mistake is apt to result in ruining the entire piece. Notice these numerous combinations of designs. Each design there must be worked out on its own separate emery wheel, and to make these sixteen-incfruit baskets, with handles, takes a day of hard work. That is, it takes a . Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by mall 60 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Lelioy, N. Y. Sweet First Love. If the truth were known the pleasantest feature of first dove would prove to be its memory, remarks Mr. In every package of booklet: Schilling How to Make Good Tea. Beet Tea la e Hereditary Elephant Catchers. In the Batticaloa District of Ceylon hereditary elephant catchers live. These men follow the elephants in th jungle with a moose of strong raw hide, and seize the oportunity of an animal raising its foot to slip the noose round it, and then take a turn round a tree with the other end. The victim is soon reduced to submission by starvation. DONT FORGET package Red Crons Ball Blue, only cents. Tbe Russ Company. South Bend, Ind. A large 6 One a Day. If you make one person happy every day, how many will you make happy in twenty-fiv- e years? Or, if you Bhould live to be 70 how many would be happier for your having lived, at the rate of one heart gladdened a day? TEA Theres plenty of money to smooth the little difficulties that happen; they do happen. . J. Norris In the Fortnightly ReIt must be an exquiste sensaYour grocer returns your money if you dont Ilk tion to see the image of the woman Schillings Best. one first loved appear in the purple smoke of the nocturnal pipe; to rePreparing live in fancy the days that are nc flannel should not For to to Fate able be thank and more, be used, as it is often prepared with that things are as .aev are. sulphur, which will rust the needles. I A piece of fine linen or chamois leathInteresting to Students. er is better. now are The schools and colleges open for the fall term, and there will young men and be many C. view. Needle-Book- needle-book- s " TEA self-relia- women who will be looking for & good Four-Tracway to earthelr expenses. The illustrated the great Nett monthly magazine of travel and education, appeals to Intelligent readers, and students will find it easy to secure subscriptions for it. The terms to persons soliciting subscriptions are extremely liberal, and offer a very generous margin of profit. It will pay any one Interested to write to the publisher, George H. Daniels, 7 East 42d street. New York, for full particulars k Fewer Deaths from Tuberculosis. remarkable decrease in the number of deaths from tuberculosis in the larger cities of Prussia within the last two decades is recorded. In 18SC the death rate in cities of over 100,000 inhabitants was 37.36 per 10,000; in per 10.000. 1902 it was A What is the tea mood? Is there a tea mood? A contemplative mood. Would a little hurt ? Writs for our Knowledge Ccmptnj, Sen Book. A. Schilling 4 Fashion That Cause Baldness. Many Greenland women are per fectly bald on the sides of their heads owing to their method of dressing tht hair, which l pulled back with pain ful tightness and held in place by i ribbon. Piso's Cure lor Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and oolds. Jt. W. Samum. Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. 1900. o-- Partners Fight. George Maybell and Ire Hoeye, once friends and partners in business, met in the street in Fresno, Cal., tbe other day, after not having seen each other for twenty-fivyears,' and at once began to light over J5 that one owed the other. Long-Separate- d to Say. Something for a The hardy Boer voortrekkers had a fine sense of poetry in naming places in South Africa. In the Transvaal there is a place which rejoices In the name of t e |