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Show GOWNS Foreshadows of Autumn Hues. In color combinations there is now a tendency to combinations of several colors in the same applique, rather than two colors and several tones of the same color as heretofore. Just a touch of gold tinsel Is seen on many of these, but only a touch, so that the result is never garish. Aluminum is now being used In tinsel embroidery combined with applique trimmings in gray taffeta, and as aluminum does not tarnish and is very light in weight, it is invaluable. Flower designs still predominate in the' applique designs, taffetas and the other soft and lustrous silks being used. In colors for the coming autumn royal blue is predicted as a leader abroad, while in this country the shade termed inauguration blue is to be a much-use- d color. Greens in myrtle, reseda and other dark shades will be fashionable, but browns will fall behind their run of last year, while the dark shades of plum, purple and kindred hues are being manufactured in quantities. All these indications from manufacturers show which way the wind will blow, for whatever fashion might wish to dictate she is obliged to use the fabrics in the market, and these are at least six always manufactured months ahead of their use, sometimes a year. or THE MOMENT collar sometimes introduced shows glimpses of the band of ribbons passing beneath; and, again, these embroidered canvas collars are in various instances pierced with wide buttonholes in front, and tied with the ribbons, which, as before, are arranged in the fashion of rosettes. A dozen or even more will be needed, and each one is cut in the middle of one side up through to the center. Then a small circle is cut out This may be quite perfectly done by turning a bread and butter plate upside down and making a mark by which to cut Whqn all the handkerchiefs have been so treated they are sewed How to Wash Ribbons. together over and over on the edges The washing of ribbons is not al- that were cut by slashing the side. ways attended by the best results. The It will be found after all these are following is a, milliner's method and Joined that a circular ruffle, full at the most successful: Put the ribbon into bottom but at the top, has a basin of warm water, rub on some been formed,straight the whole having deep good white soap and wash as you hemstitched points. Such a flounce, would anything else. While still wet trimmed with 'narrow Valenciennes iron on the right side with a hot iron lace, would be charming for a dress and when dry rub between the hands of handkerchief linen. as if washing it until all the stiffness is out, then iron again to remove the Popular Shades of Red. wrinkles. When ribbons are washed The reds most in vogue Just now are in this way it is difficult to tell them the tomato and geranium colors. The from new. red of the gardenia is also worn and Nearly every woman knows from the matchless red of the camellia. to wash is how difficult it experience, shades are seen everywhere These successfully a crocheted shawl and and in everything, but particularly is have it look fluffy and in prime condiworn a great tion when dry. One woman made a the red of the geranium deal. The most popular red for gowns triumphantly successful experiment. is cerise. She put the shawl into a pillow case, tied a string around the top, and then washed it in plenty of soap and hot water. The Traveling Gown. rose-pinSicillenne is selected for the traveling gown, and the coat bodice is fashioned with an open front, filled in with a low-cwaistcoat of pique that may be removed instanter. There is a smart little cape collar effect over the shoulders; the sleeve is one of those models with lace fluffy elbow-lengt- h velvet ribruffles, and a deep rose-re- d bon is relied upon to make the touch of color contrast that the present mode demands. The skirt Is plain, except for a shaped scant volant of velvet applied above the deep hem, shir-ring- s adjusting the fit. ' embroidery in white. French Cream Frosting. Four cups of white sugar, one cup of hot water; put on fire and boil without stirring for about eight minutes. If It looks thick test by dripping from a spoon, and if it threads remove and rub some against side of cake bowl, and if it will rub into a ball, pour all out and meat rapidly with wooden spoon, adding flavoring of rose, vanilla or orange as it cools. It will cut soft for several days. This can also be mixed with nuts and made into nut bonbons and colored with cranberry Juice, or green, made from parsley. Take tender parsley leaves, wash dry and pound In a mortar until juice is extracted. Strain into a cup and put the cup into boiling water to get hot. A few drops will color a pale green. Novelties In White Serge. In the white serge frocks, the French makers have introduced many novelties in cut and line. The Empire ideas that have taken so firm a hold lately appear here, as elsewhere, and Empire coats, long or short, are made up in white serge or white cloth with skirts to match and with severe tailor finish or with collars, cuffs and motifs of heavy open work embroidery on . linen. Beautifur Blouses. blouses, leaving the throat bare or worn with a transparent guimpe and collar of lace, are liked for summer frocks, but though charming they are not so youthful as the blouse frilled to some sort of yoke and fastening in the back, and they should be reserved for the older girls. Here . again we often find very heavy em-insertion band or applique broidery, bordering the surplice, while the rest of the frock is trimmed lightly and fluffly in Valenciennes insertion and edging. Heavy embroidery insertion scalloped on both edges and with Valenciennes frills bordering the scallops Is liked for the surplice borders and may be used, too, upon the sleeve and as heading for skirt flounces. Surplice-cu- t Coat Now an Essential. Time was when a waist and skirt were accounted 'a dress; but in this elaborate . day a dress isnt a dress unless it has also an outside wrap of some sort made to match it and worn with it alone. This is true even of the frock whereto 9 is linen shirt-waiadded a jaunty little linen coat and the proper thing seems to be to wear this third garment through the thermometer says 94 and you languish with heat. Whats the matter with Mrs. Bry-delgh- "Jealous. She overheard her husband say that he was going to buy a ribbon for his typewriter, and shes been threatening to sue for divorce ever since." the stranger. "Thats what I am." "Any hopes of finding any?" , "Ef they wusnt, dye think fool enough to keep dlggin?" Youre smart, aint you?" "No, Im Jones plain Jones! Id be A MISTAKE. Fussy Youve been calling on my daughter about time you were saying something. Mr. Kidder All right. Whatll you have? Hers Were Not Broomsticks. "I want some hose," said a lady who appeared to weigh about 250 pounds. Yesm," said the clerk, briskly. Some thing about an inch in diame- Of Green Rajah Silk. A charming gown of green rajah silk, appropriate for day wear, is in walking length and finished at bqttom ruffles. with three tiny The draped bodice Is filled in at neck with a yoke and stock of embroidered l cream batiste and lace Insertion. buttons and a ruffle of silk, matching those on skirt trim the waist and the latter is used on the elbow sleeves. A hat of green straw bra! with parrot wings completes the styv ish costume. Knife-plaite- d Cut-stee- who always looks on the said dark side of life. Thats what I am; downright discouraged." Whats the trouble?" Every summer that I can remember has produced a day that broke all previous records for heat." What of It?" Well, figure it out for yourself. Suppose it keeps up the pace for five or six years more? Meek In Vain. Mrs. Jackson Wal, parson, I knows de blble says de meek shall inherit de earth; an' deed I tries to be meek as I kin!" ' Parson Polhemus ! Dats right, Dats right! Mrs. Jackson But itll be jest mah luck, when it comes time fo me tfl Inherit de earth, dat darH be municipal ownership. Puck. The Suspense That Kills. There doesnt appear to be much lawlessness about your town, said th$. tenderfoot. "No, replied Cactus Cal; "we wonJ stand fur it 'round here." Ah! I suppose when any bad chan acter drifts into your town you lmme diately expel him. "Well er most frequent we suspend em." Mr. In the man sis-tah- VtWVWWWWVWVAAWVAAAWWWWVWWVWVWVWW Its White linen gown embroidered white. Discouraged. Im downright discouraged," for six months now. Votes the Same Old Way. "Its funny, remarked the ful citizen. thought- "Whats funny?" "The way a man who spends all his spare time praying for the regenerater." "What do you mean? Do I look like tion of his party will get indignant at the suggestion that he vote the opa living skeleton?" Phila"Beg pardon, maam. Hosiery de- position ticket for once. partment three counters to the left, delphia Bulletin. Thiels the garden implement depart- Fickle Woman. Lecturer The bearded Museum ladys husband has been dead only two months, yet shes sprucing up again. Manager What are the symptoms? Museum Lecturer Why, this afternoon she appears on the platform with her whiskers trimmed Vandyke style Puck. Mrs. Dooleys Deduction. Well, Ol seen th dochter. An what did he say was th' trouble?" He didn't say. But Oim to take a long rest ivry day. A long rest ivry day, is ut? 'Tls dyspepsy youve got, an you're to cure it by th starvation treatmenL Detroit Tribune. A Tall from Fairyland. Just by way of experiment," said the first fairy, I appeared to ten men ment. Houston Post. Finding a Name for It. random and asked them to make at George, do you see that and seven of them wanted to a wish, man who out stands there in Getting Ready. to play the races." . how know Editor (to foreman of composing the street? Well, he stares impudent"Ah! said the old elf. Only seven? at woman who ly every Cant a passes. room) Telegraph to the foundry for But, I presume, the others though? supply of their latest, biggest black he be arrested? It's disorderly conPuck. knew. they it?" isnt duct, type. seems It to me, my dear, that it is Foreman Why, we have plenty on An Irish Bull. more properly highway robbery!" hand. Patrick Phwy didn't ye go to Editor No, we haven't. It isnt big church, sure? Venerable Juliets. enough. See the account of those I see that the city of Verona has Bridget Oi had other things to do. trains? Well, we Patrick If yez had gone and heard in house the which Romeo purchased want bigger scare-linheads than ever sermon on Absenteeism ye thot is supposed to have courted Juliet. now shortly. Judge. Indeed! I wonder how they, know would have been ashamed of yself fur not bein there. New York Weekly. its the right house? An Amended Proposition. some Juof the got "Perhaps they I suppose if anybody offered you Saving the Cook. liets of the modern stage to identify $10,000,000 youd gladly agree to car- it. We are having an awful time at ry It home? our house. The cook says she feels "Of course I would." like leaving our employ every time she Among the Impossibilities. But $10,000,000 weighs twenty-twJohnnie My pas richern your pa. catches sight of my wife. tons in gold. Freddie Phaps he is, but hel And what are you doing about it? Whew! Well, say, Id agree to get back the money he lent my pa. Im trying to get my wife to take shovel It Into my coal bin if anybody New Yorker. a long vacation." dumped It into my yard." well-dress- vwvwwwwvwwvwwvwwvwwwvwwwvwwwvwvw. AT THE 8EASHORE. all-ov- In the Bunker. You shouldnt be Mrs. Greene thinking of golf in church, dear. Mr. Greene Well, I really couldnt help It. You see, that Mrs. Styles, with her big hat, sat right in front of me and I couldnt get the idea out of my head that I was in the bunker. The Cause. minister a The preached scathing discourse on the extravaHe Decoration for Blouses. hem-stitche- d A Gold Belt Humorist. "Digging for gold, are you?" said A Misunderstanding. e For Lovers of Luxury. An example of luxury is a dress of soft strawberry pink cloth, with a deeply square collar traced closely with padded gold thread embroidery and showing a vest of real lace tied with pale blue bows. Over this should be worn a black net and velvet ribbon o and lace scarf, and one of the new tiny hats of gold lace trimmed with pink roses and tied with black velvet ribbons. But such frocks are not for the moment; rather Just now do we devote ourselves to coats and skirts, New Fad Is 'Kerchief Ruffle. The Boston Boy. choosing the former impartially of the Mrs. Blnks Johnny, did you wipe If a girl is making a fancy white short basqued and bolero shapes, the petticoat to wear with transparent latter round, touching the ground your feet before you came in? shoe- -' skirts she can not have a prettier everywhere, but not trailing upon it, my Johnny No, taaam; and being cut on the cross and full on strings were knotted and I could not ruffle on it than one made of the hips. undo them. Mrs. Blnks What have shoestrings got to do with wiping your feet? A SUMMER BLOUSE. GOWN OF BROWN LINEN. Johnny Well, how could I wipe my This Paris model is an exceedingly One of the most charming linen feet with my shoes on? gowns of the season is pictured in the dainty and attractive blouse of a style sketch below. The original is a very that is best appreciated during the Given Away. late French design secured direct from warm days of summer, when a collar Did the father give the bride the modeste who made it It is de- becomes very uncomfortable. Fine signed for a traveling gown, but can sheer white lawn is used, and the away? I should say he did! He got ratbe worn a great deal through the sum- front edges of the surplice are decor tled and what do you think he said mer. The loose jacket is trimmed as he handed her oer to the groom ? with heavy lace, set in to the What?" are sleeves finished and the goods, It is more blessed to give than to Cleveland Leader. receive! Serviceable Eolienne. Eolienne has a place among coat materials this season, but voile, save in coat and skirt costumes, has lost favor with the coatmakers. The silky eolienne lends itself readily to the flowing lines of the loose, full coat, whether short or long, and is a serviceable material; though, on the whole, a taffeta coat is a better investment than one of eolienne, even if more expensive at the start. gance of women. She Yes; and there his wife sat, with a $1? hat on. "That probably was the cause of Yonkers Statesman. the sermon. For our blouses to be seen at their best it behooves us to provide them with fresh and attractive neckwear, since on neckwear to a large extent Beginning depends their success. with neckwear for the simple shirt waist or shirt, as the English term It, there is a new turnover collar, some three inches deep, of canvas linen, Beneath embroidered with a spot. this Is passed a band of chameleon ribbon or plain glace silk, fastened with a rosettelike knot in front, high up against the collar, and the ends, which are plaited, are knotted a few inches below the neck, and end in fanlike flute Rainbow ribbons are used for a similar purpose; the knot and ends are formed of two soft ribbons in different border to the colors. A tomers." k - 3 Pale pink batiste frock, with open ' Looking Backward. Whipped Peach Cream Trifle. Soak cocoanut macaroons in the syrup of rich preserved peaches until rather soft. Beat the whites of four eggs until very stiff, then beat in by degrees half a cupful of powdered sugar and two tablespoonfuls of the peach syrup. Mix in lightly a pint of sweet cream. Wrhip to a stiff froth and place in alternate layers with the soaked macaroons in a deep glass on top. dish, heaping the cream Sprinkle over it snredded cocoanut. A soft shade of - No Thanks Required. Im not feeling well Maude (sweet 16) Oh, Ferdy, I said the clerk, "and I would like to get hear you are writing a book. off." Ferdy (18, and blase) Yes, Im writ"By all means," responded the man- ing a book. Maude (delightedly) ager, heartily. Oh, how nice! And what sort of a book is it to be, Thank you, I apprec " Not at all. When a clerk doesnt Ferdy. feel well hes liable to lose trade by Ferdy (grand and gloomy) Its to getting out of patkface with the cus- be a book of personal reminiscences. with an edging tc match. This lace is a shade lighter than the brown of the linen. The skirt is a new design, ornamented only with stitching. This would be charming in almost any of the colored linens, or in white, with a lace to match. Nora Cora now. How do you like it down here? Fine. I am making my proposal engagements Latest Thing In Automobiles. Apparently Didnt Work. Charlie Van Newport's new autoLife Insurance Agent My dear sir, mobile will seat forty people. have you made any provision for those Great Scott! Did you say forty? who come after you? Sure! Fifteen doctors, fifteen sur Harduppe Yes; I put the dog at ated with fine embroidery. The top of geons, six machinists, two fine set- the door, and told the servant to say the tucked vest is also edged with this tlers, the chauffeur and Charlie. Im out of town. Stray Stories. embroidery, and a wide embroidered No Wonder. Gave It Up. ruffle finishes the short sleeves. It is Julia! yelled the poet, why dont The Cutlyhunk Socitl club has giva charming model for warm days, and the low necks are to be worn again you keep that kid quiet? Whats the en up Its annual corn roast. this summer. If, however, oe does matter with it?" Why? Tm sure I dont know, replied his The club president read this artinot care to wear a collarless blouse, this one can be trade up wtfh a high patient wife; Im singing one of your cle about that man Burbank having lullabies to the little darling. Invented a cobless corn. collar. ten days ahead Strong Hint for Groucherly, Gloves, remarked Groucherly, as he laid aside his paper, have only been In use about 1,000 years. I thought," rejoined Mrs. Groucherly, that mine were somewhat older; but perhaps I may be mistaken. Sarcastic Geraldine. Gerald If you refuse me I shall put a bullet in my brain. Geraldine A whole bullet. Gerald Of course. Geraldine I see; you dont inteuA to have it go way in. Jodge. |