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Show L 0f'"-U ." 'Ul$ h T' Vol Ilf Junction, Riute County, Utah,, Saturday, AugustJ9, 1905 The Piute Courant. Published at Junction, Piute County, , Utah, by GRAY & JAKEMAN. ' SUBSCRIPTION: One year, News Items ox-is- L Jl.ou: Jt.iO; six months, three months, 73c. out ore bodies, thau - new bonanzas found in new and virgin territory. It is well to talk about a worn-ou- t JLocal & mining camp; that is, several hundred the drawing for land years from now. To do so in this day Perhaps chances at Provo was all right, and PIUTE COUNTY AND NEIGHBORS. and age exposes one to an accusation of ignorhnee. for In the west no camp n the dead leevl,' but the fact that of this character is truly known to on Good is the made progress being the coveted No. 1 went to a neighbor - , . Sevier Cons, new mill. and friend of Senator Smoot will Ot Jt cause and has caused some lile comFor ail kinds of building material ment. It is not at ail outraging the just call at the J. C. Store. J proprieties, nor in fact at all improper, " Soren C. Pet ei son of Elsinore wa MILFORD NOTES, to say that it was a remarkable coin- killed a stack by being thrown from cidence, a statement with which no of hay. The Nywhouse mill la showing up one on any side of any question has J finely, making and unmajving records J Soon the hills will put on their win- continually: And still thq jnost Is to the right to fiud fault. i ter garb and shine in all the glory of be told. , , ' autumnal colors, A M . ,.4 At this writing the terms of peace v Prospecting in the interest of Salt ; J proposed by Japan as conditions of parties is going on near Indian Our columns are open to the farm-- ; to the. Blue Jay, near ending the war with Russia are be- ers,(of this county to ventilate their Peak, adjacent ' . , Modena. on views considered IJnevitch with what any subject, ing ' .4 ' d! .4 must consider exasperating slowness. , From the Stockton Sentinel, A swell line of little Ixtys suits and The stork visited the home of Mr, 'Jyamh is ready to strike m case peace extra Juncat the arrived pants just and Mrs. Alex Frazer August 5th, leavis not agreed on 'and that would mean tion Cach Store. Come and see them. ' ing there a bounelug baby bov. eventual disaster to Russia so great Jl Jl .4 ,4 that it could not now be even guessed The farmers are preparing for their Abe Falherlngham is arranging for at. It is a savage, destructive war, winter campaign. Many of them will a shipment, of horses to the east. They of Civilization go to the mines, while others will are from the southern . ranges and and in the inters make necessary arrangements number about J00 head. Abe Is tmo should be concluded one way or an- wisely for another season's farm work. of our most pushing citizens. teen the most oneother; also it has J and between France sided, except that Sevier beet growers are very indigBIG HORN BASIN EXCURSION, nant over the fact that the Utah Sugar Prussia, on record. company has failed to Keep its promRound Trip $30.00. ise and build a factory. . , How about j THE LAND REGISTRATION. - . v ' our Piute couuty farmers? Let us The Colorado Midland raihvrfv , In hear from some of them. connection with the R, G. W. and the .1 .4 In company with about a thousand C. B. & Q., will sell tickets Sept. 5 mill To with the which the manageothers, all jammed into ears like sar- ment to Frannie, Garland and Cody, IV o., of the Annie Laurie Mining comdines in a box, the editor hiked off to snJ return, good for thirty days, at pany has been pounding geld dollars rate of 30.00. - This will be the only Uj jnoqB i3 mouh nnqs e.w eiuji and big dividends out of its excursion to those points this mines at Kimberly, in the Gold jeir jaoqs b uj 'eauBAj.mioj snoiuudBO mountain an- and anyone wishing to visit that counto is be added region, .UeA b sj euinuoj jo pjaqw oqt pun other unit of 100 tous daily at once, try should take advantage of this rate. Xiuaeii sseq stuaiujutoddB this increasing the total Suizjib0.i capacity to The finestis inagricultural country in the Big Horn Basin. . Wyoming sdtto pajutodilB 300 tons. sip 'Mteqv 1 Writ for book on the Big' Horu sjp jo .iujb jbo.i3 aqj pnnojB rb isep Basin country and all particulars rel3jtmb8 b qjjAv mix aqi no suiSaq ation have proven that tuo statement ative to the trip to L. H. Harding, 77 Sui.vtB.tp West Second South, Salt Lake. eqi sb ejB s.ieqiunu .tqDnj was untrue and unwarranted. Once a mine, always a mine has Aqeaeqj pub woj eqx oqw uaiu rb J since been accepted as a truism long In view in the Provo on Friday last, paving mining camps of the west, and the securing of a chance at that much the same applies to a mining camp discussed land in Uintah Indian res- that has had its season of production ! ervation. A trifle over 2,500 others and prosperity. We have heard of big producing vi ere there bent' upon a like purpose, mines which have been declared to and the following duy there were have "been worked out, and many of "The Head of the Public School 8ye-- ' about 500 in excess of the above fig- these, today, are still productive. New tem of the State. and strikes been important having ure, making a grand total for Provo made in their workings in new and , Utah- - InottJCTde lr2,.e of 18,S5S, and altogether 37,657. While formerly unexplored ground, the most School of Arts and Sciences, the this is not quite up to the general ex- recent of these discoveries having State School of Mineg and the pectation earlier in the day, which been made In the old Mammoth mine, State Normal School. had the figure placed at fully 53,000, at Mammoth, Utah, and in the mine at DeLamar, it is about 33,000 more than will get Nevada; these discoveries being of SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. anything, but of course each and every such a nature as to lead to the belief The School of Arts and Sciences ofone is confident some of them permit- that these and famous bonanzas will, in time, more than duplicate fers courses in; to ting fancys magical pinions spread their marvelous records 1 of the past. General Science. so wide as to claim not only some2 Liberal Arts. It is often that an old and practithing, but one of the low numbers. cally abandoned mining camp presents STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. There can be but one No. 1, but about a better and more promising field Mr The Normal School offers: and Investment do the than operation to be fortu"it. 37,000 expect Well, d districts that are 1 A Four-yea- r Normal Couise. no is there law expecnately, against 2 coming into such prolific existence alAdvanced Normal Courses. tations, even though they be great most at every hand, and 'these old 3 Course in Kindergarten Trainones. Grand Junction contributed camps, rejuvenated and infused with ing. new blood, are giving strength to the 15,387, Price 1,536, and Vernal 1,876. THE SCHOOL OF MINES. assertion, so often made, that mining By the time this reaches the major- is and The School of Mines offers course profitable. legitimate ity of our readers it will be "known It is but a few years ago that the in: Old camp of Bingham, Uh,At was 1 Mining Engineering. one looked as a dead one.' upon STOP THE LAND GRABBERS. 2 Electrical Engineering. time it was almost abandoned. But 3 Civil Engineering. look at it today.' In the past It pro4 Mechanical Engineering. duced and million in its silver The law requires the homesteader gold, 5 Chemical Engineering. It now is producing to live upon and improve the land be- lead; its millions in the red metal, is still PREPARATORY SCHOOL. fore he can acquire title. Good. "Why prolific in its output of the precious A Preparatory School is maintained not provide further that on its aban- metals, and its mines and stocks are which gives preparation for the now in more in and Boston the donment for a like period without popular eastern mines and course in General Science, Liheial are the market than cause to shown it would revert good of the new mining camps Arts, Engineering, Law, Medicine and stocks of Business. the government to be again assigned throughoutanythis intermonntain region, Graduates from the eight grades of to one who would use it? In other and Bingham has now greater promwords, establish principle that" land ise for tne future than at any other the public schools arc admitted to the Normal School; hut a year of High time in its history. rightfully belongs to the user of it. Alta, Utah, is another 'abandoned School work is necessary for admis This would prevent individuals and camp. That is, it was practically del sion to the Preparatory School. vast serted and abandoned for a number of from controlling New' buildings, excellent facilities, corporations worn out. Now plcndid equipment. tracts and speculating on public needs years because it is a heavy producer of silver-leaNo tuition is lmt an anas population increases. and copper ores, and when the numer- nual rogtsti ation charged, fee of ton dollars is There 13 no question but that the ous enterprises there are well in hand, required. Registration. Sep'cmber existing social inequalities so appar- and further production shall have fol5th and 16th. Instruction beguis to lowed extensive the exploitation ent in Europe and becoming more and September 18th. more so In our country is closely re- which this ancient camp is now being and illustrated booklet Catalogue in there is hardly a district sent free upon requett to lated to the system of land tenure subjected, the west which will be turning out a UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, handed down from medieval times. greater tonnage of good, pay ore; and Salt Lake City. Reform along this line is one of the the end is not yet, for another year or two will place the worn out camp of needs of the time. Alta in the list as a large and regular paver of dividends. Referring to another Utah camp HEARD AT PROVO. that was a famous producer in ye olden days, hut which, for several years, Justice (to prisoners) Well, whats was virtually abandoned as worn out. we might mention Stockton, which, the matter now? Biinky Bill "Ill tell ye, jedge, it was under the quickening influence of capBilly Binks here who got me into ital. modern methods in mine development and operation, is rapidly coming trouble. Sure, Jedge. to the front again with new and wonJustice Oh. I see. Hes got Uintah derful producers whose foundations trouble. Well, as there are others. are built the remains of old and I'll be easy this time. Ten days to worn outupon mines, and thpse mines, too. get there, in their immensity,, in their value and The Sign of Safety, Speed and Coni number, will be more to this old eamn fort. s than wore the magnificent A VORN-OUCAMP. of its younger days, and it is safe to say that what the future has in Milford Times. From UTAH to Under the aliove caption the Salt store for old Stockton is beyond calof the KANSAS the culation conception CITY, ST. JOE, CHICAGO, beyond Lake Mining Review of the 15th inst. most experienced and optimistic minGALVESTON, EL PASO. has the following editorial and coming man. Ard the Mining Camps of NEW MEXWorn-ou- t ments on a few of the "American Fork canyon, Utah, is ana ICO AND ARIZONA. of resurrection of the instance other mining camps of Utah, including our once active and prolific camp, and simlocal camp: ilar instances are to be found in alW$ doubt if anyone has ever seen a most every mining state and territory Ask us about Cheap Rates ibis Sumworn-ou- t mining camp. , in the west Nature is limitless, but mer. We hate often heard of the expres- man has his environments, 8nd guided C. F. WARREN, sion that smh and such a camp has by his blinded judgment, his prejuGeneral Agent. been worn out, and we have known dices ar.d lack of teal knowledge, he of cases where the assertion seemed, is prone to condemn and declare as The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe at the moment, to be fully justified, valueless that which is better far. notRailway Company. hut subcequent development and oper- - withstanding barren walls and worked- Salt Lake City, Utah. blamed for thinking it ever several times before making the plunge. Adverting rates on application to nir local or Salt Lake office. From Our Exchanges ! Lake Office 257 Commercial iub Bid. and Postoffice Box 17. Sait las T. Jakeman Manager METAL MA&KfeT. Friday, 11th. Silver, 59c; lead, $3.50; 11 cents. lke copper, What lias become of the inter railway scheme? Has it gone Rapid and ready transit between towns is or would be with the system established as consequential and profitable as the traffic within the towns. In a smaller way it is the same as interstate connections, jind we cannot have too much of it'. ur-ja- n ' There is a perceptible diminution in the intensity of the heal Waves, whlcfe have been pestering us fur several weeks, and occasionally a breath of autumn air comes to the rescue. Witn all our heated troubles, we are having nothing like what is being visaed upon the Gulf districts, especially New Orleans, where yellow fever is playing sad havoc. v About a year ego the steamboat aster on Long Island Sound, in which several hundred lives were lost, horrified' the cation! hue and cry arose demanding punishment for those guilty of neglecting proper inspection. Now Albany mourns a horror propor-fonatel- v as great as the other, caused apparently by the same neglect. Next thing in order will be inspectors to inspect the inspectors. dis- 3i ' Citizens, have yotf ever stopped to think what might happen if a fire should break out among the frame buildings of the town? Where Is your fire brigade? Is it organized and drilled to fight a fire? Have you any--Hsvi you thing to fight fire apparatus, hfiolir, ladedrs, etc.? Are they ready at hand? Have you plenty of water? What do you say, shall we It can be organize a fire company? done if you say so. The Republicans are still trying to launch a daily paper in Salt Lake City, having done so in words many times. 'Starting and maintaining a paper of mat kind where there are already four, with which it weuld have to compete from the start, means an immense and outlay, without substantial return for a long time, and the projectors are not to be J. E. Peterson, GENERAL MERCANTILE STORE, Utah. Circleville, J0H?J HOWS, Dealer in General Mer- 7 Thos. Hayward, CircieviMv-Wtah-. THE PINE. University of Utah. ,f Proprietor, newly-discovere- Utah. wealth-producer- ELLEN L. FULLMER, Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Circleville, Utah. EQUITABLE ' I i9 . :9 There are big doings jbcjr ;Clgar Ceoartment these days, RIEGER & LINOWEY.' VTbs Whiskey Merchants, ' Salt Lake City. 9 : .! I t9 . a 6 hi hi i 9 b b 9i , ib M t t 4 f Ml . t . ' 7 ' ' , . 44 - . ' '7 ' - i , V V - 9 9 : - . 9- - m ' . " V . , T i'v, old-tim- e T , K. f 4 t444444f444444444tmf4f44t444f444 t4 44444444444444 4444444444444 4 4 4 44 444444444 44444444 444444444 444444444 44444444 444444444 . v 4 4 4444-4444444444- I' , W . 44 4 44 4 44 ' 4 444 444 44 4 44 D. 4 ' 44 44 4 44 4 44 4 !$4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 BERTLESEN, . I - v . Dial or In Ceneral 44 44' ' 4 . 4 ' Merchandise, 4 444 4 frfarysvf 'e. 4 4 4 4 ' 444 4 4 444 44 44 .44 444 4-4- 4 44 4 444 4 4 f'f 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444444. 4444 444444444444444 4 4$44444444444444444 444444444 4 4 4 ., 4 4 4 4 4 4 v. ). v - - v - v jeasHaCAMqNEPttttBflHBi 1 t iti' til 1 ..v.-,'- . ) M5VMmweewaewwBieaMHeEEC a A ! Hi'S' i tt 1 !) JUNCTION CASH K Ceftcil STORE. ifvierchar.dif e and c . t Travelers I Supplies. J!. H. STONEY, P rp W HOTEL, Marysvale, d EASY. MARYSVALE, UTAH. S. Balier, , r - WE MAKE TRAVEL Mrs. Jones, ProjirUtor, J. l gold-bearin- g d "HAYWARD HOUSE, GRAND Shipments of satisfactory Ore from Ike. . Theres a good time coming, the O. K. continue, and wc are-alhowever, and lets all see if we can't awaiting thg!ad day when the Ma- induce it. to quicken its pace. o r jestic smelter will be put. in roqifna sion and go, to extiactjug the medals Strange Reasoning. from such shipments, ' It is a strange way of reasoning d jl There Is some .complaint of dull- that makes it ennobling for a worrs-- i ness in business circles. bit it is no to scrub her kitchen pans and w ietc i worse here, propoi lionutely, .than else- to polish up her complexion. where in the fctate, especially Salt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Na 5700. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. '2697. Department of the Interior, Department of the Interior. Lain! Land Office at Salt Lake City,' Utah, Office at Salt Lake City, Vfalu July July 19, mi. ' ! Sth, 1965. . Notice, 1st hereby given that the folNotice is heieby given that tji'e fiSl-- i lowing n.uned settler has filed notice lowing-namcsettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In of bis intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that unM suppoit of his claim, and that said proof will ibe made "before (54 cleyk proof will be made before the clerk Of of tile District Court In and for Uajne Utah, on Aug-ns- t the District Court In atjd.fof Piute Count , Utah, at' 29, 1905, viz: George A. Smith, It. County, Utah, at Junction. Utah, on S.-secviz.: George IV. Vo- E. 13346 for the S. E. August 26. 3 gel H. E. 11369, for the , northwest tion 11, township 29 south, runge meridianLake 2, Salt east. and southeast lets quarter, quarter He nnnics the following witnesses 3 and 4, section 29, townsnip 26 south; 4 w. S. L. M. to prove his continuous rcsidcnct He names the following witnesses to upon ana cuftivatlon of said land, 'iz: prove his continuous residency-- , upon David J. Uombs.. Willard Snow, Benand culth ation of said land, ci,.; Dana jamin J. Baker, Ezra N. Bull. it'd, nil Gibbs, oJhn Haws. Miles Durkee, Ben of Thnrber, Utah.' F1UNK IX HOBBS,, Reynolds, all tf Marysvale, Utah,' ' 9 Regislcr. FRANK D. HOBBS Register , Fit st publication July 29, 19n5; last First publication, July 15; htf pubpublication Aug. 26, 1965. lication, August 12. 195. s chandise, Marysvale, Utah. r . N&& CO-O- General Merchandise, JUNCTION, UTAH. JOHN MORREU Supt. 3 A. Trains Daily. 3 ... ..... i. i x. vttiti: !i: I i PROMPTNESS AND FAIRNESS ARE THE FEATURES OF OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. To buy furniture from us by mail as to do the purchasing in person. o Send your orders for anything pertaining to house furnishing, And our experienced judgment will make a satisfactory selection.' and Write today for description oriccs of wha'.eier you desire ip that 5 ine. ' THE GREENEWALD FURNITURE CC., Wes Thlrc$ South St Sail Lake City, Utah. 7 ' 'MV. |