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Show POISON IN THE EGO. Origin of Birds Names. TIGER HUNTING IN AFRICA. MILLIONS OF LIFE CLAIMS. Certain birds get their names from Ma Sometimes Be Infected Before St. Peter. According to a writer: "The Plan for a Compact and Commodloui Predatory Beast Killed by Blow of They are Laid. Structure. petrel (in German Petersvogel, Pe- Big Business Done by Insurance ComRifle Butt. 1904. ' ). in. panies a bird" that skims L. A. I am raising a barn on a base"Eggs may be poisonous even before ters the An exciting adventure with a tiger According to the special returns ment 40x68 feet. There are mows 19 they are laid," Is the cheerful state- waves, is named after the apostle who MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE says companies occurred at Sabi recently. Ifeet wide at each end. The north ment made by Prof. MetchnikolT of the walked upon the waves of Galilee. But made by African paper.' The beast threshing floor la 18 feet and the Pasteur institute, In the witness box, the parrots Is a less simple case. In there was paid in the entire United J South was een going from L. Bangers Em south, one floor, 12 feet. The horse Thevhltes may contain disease-breed-laSpain and In Portugal, as In France, States and Canada last year $277,757,- 850 in Place, dragging a calf toward a dense Lydia Insurance claims, the will says stable be across the south end and microbes. These, when heated, the word corresponding to parrot alMr. Ban Vegetable Compound .allowance will be made for a box stall. survive In a vegetative state up to 60 most certainly represents little Peter Press. The amount paid in various busb which lay close by. tbe unl(n varied from a max-- 1 &er culd not leave the store until How many cattle could I place In the degrees centigrade or 140 degrees a familiar name playfully applied I part8 The wonderful power ot Lydia E. remainder of the basement and allow Fahrenheit. Consequently a raw or because Peter was so common a Chris- - ,mura of nearIy 59,000,001) In New newly sundown and by that time the Pinkhams Vegetable Compound over the eaten had call half to York a nearly Tor a root house on the west side even partly cooked of 3.000 in tiger the diseases of womankind is not beegg, however Lanname. Similarly a house sparrow A,aska about 10x16 feet? Pennsylvania was the second I 0n comlng up to him Mr. Banger fired cause it is a stimulant, not because it The barn faces fresh, may always be poisonous, Is nicknamed pierrot in France T tate, with something over $18,500,- - and managed to break the animals is a palliative, but simply because it ia north and south. Indicate a suitable owing to the poisonous presence of 000. Other states where more than ,eft shoulder, but it was too dark to the most wonderful tonic and reconplace for the silo, and for a cistern lively bacilli In the white and contain- follow. Next morning he set out with structor ever discovered to act directly $10,000,000 was paid in L, tih 8table- - Would it be well to ed therein from the very beginning. claims were, in order of amount, Illi- - a couple of dogs and a few boys. As upon the generative organs, positively fill the approach to the barn up to The professors evidence, writes the nois, Ohio and New Jersey. As New I 80on as the dss bayed him the tiger curing disease and restoring health and the wall, if stone were used? Paris correspondent of the London York and Pennsylvania have the I mmenCed growling, but 'he could vigor. Telegraph, was given In a case beMarvelous cures are reported from greatest population It was but natural I not be 8een for tbe dense busb- - AB all parts of the country by The illustration gives ft plan of fore the first chamber, in which women who I of a 8udden be dashed out, Mr. passed that they should lead in the amount have been cured, trained nurses who Just such a barn as is required. As pastry cook Is being sued by twenty-fiv- e of insurance paid, though Pennsyl- - Baner and caught one of the boys have witnessed cures and physicians a general rule silos are built on the persons who had been made very vanias lead In Insurance claims paid whose flesh waa ver7 badly torn and who have recognized the virtue of outside of the barn and at a distance 111 by eating some of his cream tarts, is not proportionate to her greater I bad t0 be 8ewed up by a doctor. Mr. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Comoff, from three to six feet away from and by the heirs of a twenty-sixtpopulation. Massachusetts, which is Banger belS afraid of shooting the pound, and are fair enough to give the wall of the building. By so do- who died of it. Official experts, supFirst Cabbage In England. I ran up to ,be tlger and broke hls credit where it is due. seventh, measured by population I boy were the M. Introduced into Eng-ing, MetchnlkofT, stated at ensilage, which Is taken from ported by Cabbages If physicians dared to be frank and Ith tbe gun- - The animal meas neck -- Misranks abead far of Illinois, Ohio, the silo In through a door in the barn, the first hearings of the case that It land in the sixteenth century. I hundreds of them would acknowlopen, six tal1 t0 feet ured no8e 6even sourl and fr,om Texas, all of which by the Is much easier gotten out. The plan is utterly Impossible ever to make that they constantly prescribe edge ,ncbes last census were credited with more Indicates thifi: It Is a good plan to fill sure that whipped cream containing Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable ComInhabitants. These figures which w In a space of two feet next the barn white of an egg unboiled shall be pound in severe cases of female ills, as Savage Wild Buffalo. have given were for claim payment they know by experience it can be rewith stone. This provides a drain Innocuous, however fresh the egg, for The way to buy tea is to and do not Include dividends, cash A Ceylon newspaper prints the fol lied upon to effect a cure. The followfor any water that may fall there and the above reasons. of wild the a head lowing regarding ing letter proves it. surrender values, claims paid ln which was shot in that island Dr. S. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigham say to your grocer: I want Gratitude Well Expressed. countries or annuities, which buffalo, Both the horns were bad Park, Fitchburg, Mass., writes : recently: combined estimated Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Aug. 14th. give oi figures worn off. This was probably caused It gives me great pleasure to say that I Schillings Best: 1 lb Japan, almost $100,000,000. By cities Mr. C. L Smith, painter and decorath ly have found Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable animals the by up constantly digging amount paid on insurance claim or Ceylon or English Break e tor, whose home Is at 309 Anne street, very efficacious, and often the with its huge horns at the Compound it in my practice for female difficultiea places New York far In the lead, with leastground this city, makes the following stateon or an en excitement My oldest daughter found it very benefiseeing fast or Oolong. Chicago second, although the margin ment: cial for uterine trouble some time and my of that city over Philadelphia Is small. emy at a distance. It is said that the youngest daughter is now taking ago, I was laid up with some kind of it for a feanimal was a savage and dangerous male Love is for Bismarcks and in Boston health weakness, stands Explorer. a surely gaining lead oi fourth, with pains. Some said it was Lumbago, Prince Bismarck bad the greatest more than $2,000,000 over the fifth brute, and the mere appearance of the and strength. bther Sciatica and others again RheuI freely advocate it as a most reliable spehead clearly shows it to have Wiss-macity, St. Louis, which outranks us in huge matism. A few of my friends sug- affection for the late Maj. von all diseases to which women are subbeen so. A bullet was found imbedded cific in Africa left for When be East and give it honest endorsement." ject, population. gested that it was lead poison, but an inch deep in the neck of the bufWomen who are troubled with painwhatever it was it gave me a great as commander of the German Schutz falo, close behind the left ear, it hav- ful or of to Insurrection the ruppe suppress His Title. irregular menstruation, bloating Forgot A ITorse stable ts ft. wide. B Box deal of pain; in fact, almost completebeen shot at by some (or flatulence), previously leucorrhcea, falling, inLord Rathmore was formerly plain ing stall 914 ft. CO Cowstalls 5 ft. Iona ly crippled me. I had to use two the Chief Bushlri, the chancellor took flammation or ulceration of the uterus, hls chubby face in both hands and David Plunkett. Shortly after he was one, evidently at a very long distance. by 3 ft. 3 In. wide. DD Passage behind canes to walk cows g ft. wide. E Cistern. K Door S about, and even then it kissed him. ovarian troubles, that bearing-dow- n raised to the peerage he took a trip ft. wide. Ci Doors 4 ft. wide. was a very painful task HH Author Not Well Known. feeling, dizziness, faintness, indigesFeed alleys ft. wide. I Feed room to the Riviera. The French railway J Rootbouse ft. K Gutters 1 ft. 2 I "A friend advised me to try Dodd's When Thackeray was a candidate tion, nervous prostration or the blues, -14x1 ' ' a In. reserved company for his M and ln' deep. should take immediate action to ward carriage Mangers. n Kidney Pills and I began the Ox-oO Silo. to barn ment. After I had off the serious consequences, and ba private use. At some unknown hour I or Partament from the city of used the first box I floor. I ford some one remarked to him that restored to perfect health and strength the night the door of the carriage was able to throw away one of the lu such cases the wall of the building canes was suddenly opened. A lantern was I b roost be well known to most of by taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetaand was considerably Improved. ble Compound, and then write to Mrs. whose votes he sought. Now, . la not pushed ln by the frost. The The second box straightened me up so very prosperous; SO much-- 1 flashed upon him and a voice sharply I tbos Pinkham, at Lynn. Mass., for further sald down his knife plan shows the position of the cistern. that I could Thackeray, laying cried: Votre nom? (Your name?) go about free from pain free advice. No living person has had trash. and The position of the mixing room Is without fork a and Lord holding up finger, Rathmore, wakened out of hls the benefit of a wider experience in any assistance, and very soon one was man also shown. there only among ul sleep, looking up- in a partly dazed Your grocer return your money If you dont kfter I was completely cured, well and treating female ills. She has guided like Schilling'. Heet condition, discovered a railway oflttclal that I went to see who had heard my thousands to health. Every suffering happy, without a pain or an ache. name a was and before he on hls circulating woman should ask for and follow her way round for tickets. Lord Lining a Silo with Concrete Dodds Kidney Pills seemed to go Tightness of Boots and Shoes. W. H. C. A silo 14 feet in diameter Rathmores name was on the paper librarian. Such is mortal fame! That advice if she wants to be strong and right to the spot in my case and they This exceedingly uncomfortable feel- affixed to the window, marking the was ln 1857 and Vanity Fair bad well. and 30 feet high built of lumber above will always have my greatest praise. 4 feet of stone work at the ing can be relieved by rubbing the compartment as reserved. The offi- been published ten years. bottom, shoes well with olive or castor oil cial desired to identify the occupant admits air and spoils the silage. How SHE MADE HER CHOICE. Keep Out of Ruts. while they are on the feet and allow: of the carrlnge with the person to Dont get into a rut Look to ths would it do to build a mould and line whose use it was Inscribed. the silo with three Inches of cement Mrs. Wlnkleton Regretted the Stern lng It to dry ln. Votre right and the left, and always upward. Grow upward to the light, like ths nom? he sternly repeated, seeing the concrete? is the Tea of Necessity, but cheapest Cleanliness in the Dairy. plants and flowers. You stand's plant passenger hesitate. There sprang to "Choose between us! To have healthful milk and butter, absoLord Rathmores familiar drink the more if in a dark corner, and what does it lips three-incdrinks; Wlnkleton A folded up hls evening lute cleanliness in caring for it is necesyoud lining of concrete do? It stretches out its leaves and would be liable to crack. It would be newspaper and savagely threw it on sary, as nothing will absorb Impurities so David Plunkett." Happily he rememknew how as milk. Many housekeepers who bered in time he was no longer David to Gods beautiful light Tha tendrils you good good quickly floor. the to better lath the walls and plaster are otherwise careful, overlook this when flowers turn their faces to the sun; althem with cement mortar. To do this Yes, madam," he continued, "I tell they wash milk utensils with cheap soap, Plunkett, but for the life of him he I tea is. ways looking upward! It Is progress. there would be required 2,300 laths, you once for all that you cant have made from filthy fats. Use Ivory Soap and could not remember what title in the I Dont sit in darkness. Come up and Your grooer return your money if yoa dont It seemed five barrels of Portland cement, and both of us. The last timo that dress- thoroughly sciudand air all jmns and peerage he had selected. ke Schilling Best. half an hour to him before he could out, and join the children of light one and one-hal- f of coarse was maker ln sand house the I a for week yards remember Rathmore. The ditching machines' referred to vowed thaKl never wdTtand it Russians Not- - CrbsiJ The Lovers Preference. have not proved a success. again, and I wont As for being under A Moscow writer, J, Novicow, says . . At Fourscore. "Your every tooth Is a milk-whit- e the same roof with two half-crazand that Russians are among the least Call her not old. although the flight of the lover whispered tenderly pearl," years Cornice and Window Frame Construe-- aborbed women, and requiring a rake cruel people of Europe, instancing ln Moneyback makes it safe Has measured off the allotted term of fond. And softly laughed the winvery morning to get the odd pieces proof that no popular sports of a life. tion. when the some moonlight caught girl Call her not old, since neither doubts nor Moneyback makes it safe Enq. What are the essential differ of cloth out of my clothes; to hear the brutal character, such as cock fights, fears ln her tresses blonde. Hls lips neared Have quenched her hope throughout ences, such as length of eave, style oi rattle and whir of that confounded bull fights, even boxing or pugilism, . Moneyback makes it safe hers, but before they met in a kiss, tbe long, lopg strife. construction of window sewing machine, and to sit at my ars ever observed among them; much sornlce, of the world forgetting, You rest the frame, etc., between a frame house meals and listen to a lot of cut bias, less is lynch law to be met with. They are not old, though days of youth like pearls, then? said the small coMoneyback makes it safe are fled. finished with clapboards, and one fin ruffled and flounced, and pleated talk Who quaff the brimming cup of peace quette. "Not so much," he replied, Your grocer return yoa? money it yoa dont had Ive all Im ever going to have. and joy! (shed with brick veneer? as I like the setting. Uke Schilling Beet. They are not old who from lifes hidIf Im to be turned out of my own den springs Find draughts which still refresh but TORTURED BY ECZEMA. There is no difference in the comic house, all right; but you cant have First English Windmills. never cloy. is What both of us. I leave the day she comes. cheating? Windmills were introduced in Eng further than ln the case of brick veFor what are years, though flying neer II Body Mass of Sores Could not 8leep land neer the projections must be meas- Youll have to make your decision by the Crusaders, who had seen Hard to say. so fast? A years a day If full ot gladsome zest! ured from the outside of the brick, quick. Come, madam, which shall it Spent Hundreds of Dollars on them in use among the Saracens. But who shall measure til te, when hopes What is Doctors, but Grew Worse-Cu- red and in the other case from the out- be, the dressmaker or me? are past? Mrs. Wlnkleton looked at her husA days a year If sorroif is the guest side of the sheathing. by Cuticura for $8. Moneyback. A window frame for a clapboard band with a hopeless, The secret of perpetual youth Is hers "Cutlcura saved the life of my Who finds delight ln de ds of kindnes Yoar grocer return 7 oar money If 70a don't finish should be sheathed and fitted look. In which were discernible some Good tea for a third of a Mrs. Wm. F. Davis, of Stony wrought; Uke 8chUUnga Boat. traces of mother, of sense a and Indignation on the outside; for brick it should be No age can dim the luster of her crown Conn. worst was Hers the Creek, Whose injustice. days with loving ministry are lf cent a cup: a put up and staylathed until the bricks Warranted a Speedy Cure. eczema I ever saw. She was hardly fraught "If you must go, dear, she said, softare laid and the lathing and plasterDr. William Osier, ln one of hls BalI have nothing more to for breakfast, five in the Feace to hei then! a calm, unruffled able to eat or sleep. Her head and ing are finished on the inside. Then ly, I"why, peace! timore lectures, recited a quaint old body waa a mass of sores, and she deTJntfl her pilgrimage at last Is oer. the frame should be sheathed on the say cure for the gout a cure, from a sev- Until the Fathers summons call her spaired of recovery. Finally, after family. inside with matched lumber, then Boss Comes From Dutch. home hundreds of dollars on doe enteenth century medical work, that Your grocer returns your money If you 4m1 To re.t the dear companions gone be- - spending strapped, lathed and plastered. The American word tor3 growing worse all the tlme, Ut- - Uke Schillings boss," for was designed to show gouts hopeless. Best. master. Is the modern form of the ness. "First pick, said this odd cure, The Outlook. ing in misery for years, with hair Evils of Board Floor. Dutch baas," of the same meaning. whitened from suffering and body tera handkerchief from the pocket of a Flowering Evergreen. A Bluejacket Turned Mule. H. M. M. My chickens are dying It is descended from the original spinster who never wished to wed; The flowering evergreen, camellia, ribly disfigured, she was completely Admiral Dickins the sham 1 during of York. New cannot tell what is the cause. settlers and cured by two cakes of Cutleura Soap, was from Japan by a Spanish second, wash the handkerchief ln an bombardment of Fort Monroe, smiled five boxes of Cutlcura, and three bot- Jesuitbrought honest miller's pond; third, dry It on named Kamel; hence the name. They are all right when they come one a HEART RIGHT morning as sailor staggered past tles of Cutlcura Resolvent. Geo. C. out of the shell, but in a week thej the hedge of a person who never was him with a bale of hay on hls back. Davis. 161 W. 3 6th St.. N. Y." take lame and die in a day or two Do It Now. covetous; fourth, send it to the shop He makes me think, said the adWhen He Quit Coffee. of a physician who never killed a paThey seem to be weak ln the legs and If are to make a trip any. about you Work. Life Insurance Companies will not tient; fifth, mark It with a lawyers miral, of another sailor, a British the feet of some become twisted and let me know. Pleased to givs where, whom saw I one at one, after Gibraltar. has a covered Even day Charity slightly swelled.- - I keep them ln a Insure a man suffering from heart Ink who never cheated a client; and, you full information as to low rates He, too, had a load of hay and was multitude of sins a good many of them plenty of em this summer train serhouse with board floor and feed them trouble. The reason Is obvious. sixth, apply It, hot, to the gout-to- r are still In the open. Puck. This Is a serious matter to the hue-ban- mented part. A speedy cure must fol- tolling with it up from the little fishvice, etc. The Santa Fe trade mark on corn meal. Can you prescribe a that lies at the foot of the Is the sign of safety, speed and ease. ing village or who father is solicitous low." for remedy? C. F. WARREN, great rock. I talked with him a little the future of his dear ones. Often Genl. Agt., A. T. & S. F. Ry.. Salt LalM while, and, as we paretd, I said: unthe heart trouble is an caused by Is The trouble Is the board floor. It Who are you, my man? What Job City. Utah. and can be corrected We sell tons of poor sttff; impossible to successfully raise chick expected inthing hold do here? you time and properly treated. What do you think of a en's on a board floor. The sooner it taken " Well, the sailor answered, as he Remarkable Heart Photograph. A man ln Colorado writes: but our name isnt on Go chickens get to the earth the better. Two I took Munich scientists have, bj the conused to up hay again, tea I was that returns coffee a for drinker great your money sider myself a British Cornraeal alone Is about the worst means of the Roentgen ray, succeedbut the name. bluejacket, was not aware and of many the by years, if you thing that can be given to chickens, Injurious effects of the habit till I belike it ? ed in photographing the human heart Im dashed If I dont begin to think to meesuro Schilling Best 1 a good " New York particularly uncooked. a between mule. beats. Im commissary came a pr&otlcal invalid, suffering yoar grocer with. Your grocer return. your money it you dont Times. like Schilling's Beet from heart triAible, indigestion and Watering Concrete Walls. Boys Strange Duty. nervousness to an extent that made W. H. G. I have Just finished a me Masqueraded as Criminals. Explanation Enough. The following note reached a miserable myself and wretchedly A woman who owns and drives a schoolmaster from a large Portland cement foundation for a nuisance to those who witnessed my Original was the Idea of a Berlin Such tea and such dealing boys father, Ina barn. The builders told me to water doctor who gave a ball at which the neat little gasoline runabout ran into forming him of the cause of hls sufferings. sons it every day for two weeks. Is this guests were obliged to masquerade a buggy. As she was moving along absence from school the previous I continued to drink Coffee, howbring trade from a distance; day. known criminals. Naturally very slowly and the buggy was standnecessary, and why? It naturally caused some merriment, ever, not suspecting that It was the as well n high-borthere is no distance with malefactors of history, such ing still very little damage resulted. and. Judging from the way he signs The builders advice was good. Con- cause of my ill health, till, on applying as the Borglas, ln that afforded The buggy was not harmed, but the the epistle, it ln no way flatters him. they for life I Insurance was on rejected such tea and such dealing. crete requires moisture to set or hardmost scope for artistic costumes, autos steering apparatus was slightly The note ran as follows: Please en. In dry weather the moisture In a account of the trouble with my heart. were chiefly in favor, woman The one of broken. that Your grocer return yoar money if yoa don't not though evening Then I became alarmed. I found that Tommy being at school yesgreen wall evaporates rapidly and perIlk Schilling Best. the hits of the evening was made by was telling her husband of thq accias he was at off home terday to me coffee kept helped quickly, an fect setting cannot take place unless leaving Englishman, who, got up as Charles dent. wash his' father. London Answers. moisture Is added. If kept moist for so I quit it altogether and having Peace, the notorious Reward for Finding Errors. How did It occur? he asked.' burglar, mingled been the attracted advertisements by two weeks perfect hardening will have with the aristocracy of crime. By the recent difiher of the London Why. replied hls wife, I was Just of Postum Food Coffee I began its use. taken place. Association of Correctors of the Press near the curb when a along creeping "The change in my condition was attention was called to a queer cuswoman wearing tho loveliest new polo Ask your grocer what tom remarkable, and it was not long till of the old time. Printers used Nailing Shingles. turban I ever saw passed on the sideI was cured. All my ailA correspondent to chain copies of their books outside who claims the ments completely Your grocer makes a fair walk and " means. vanished. was He My digestion their offices, and if any passing scho qualification of Thats enough; I undersland, said mechanic, completely my nervousness knows. ar detected an error he was rewarded as he to man says that in no case should a shingle disappeared, restored, on turned his the newspaprofit Schilings Best; and, most Important of according to its magnitude a cup of ,receive more than two nails and these all, my heart steadied down and beper. Kansas City Times. He return, your money It you dont tike IchU. and you can afford wine for a broken letter, a cup of wine should be driven about half an Inch came Uefe Beet. and on a second examiand a plate of beef for a turned letter from the edges. When nails are driv- nationnormal, Zoo Kills Animals. He return your money If yoa dont like It, Rinderpest inI'was Great Mans Tender Heart. and the like. en an inch or more from the edge the surance Co. accepted by the life Ooet him nothing. has The attacked the rinderpest usCoffee and Quitting Leonardo da Vinci, a man great ln shingles are liable to have a Joint ing Postum worked the cure. of Rotterfamous zoological gardens Name USE THE FAMOUS Musicians Play Chess. hls kindness- to birds and animals, Red Cross Ball broken over the head of the nail dam and is likely to result In the exBlue. Large package $ given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, At & London theater, at which en- cents. Tbe Russ Company, an a a3 architect, When this occurs water will rot a Mich. great South Bend, Ind. military termination of at least the cattle, Is musical a and an a play having run, the long hole round the nail in . a very few philosopher artist, Theres a reason, and It is explained members of the orchestra play chess deer, antelope, sheep and goats. gineer. Life does give some people benewas accustomed to buy birds ln cages years. If the shingle is held down at in the little animals are the that dead are Among to The Road Welt on miniature boards during the waits book, to fits. them of Then she whirls around and for the the edges there Is no danger of the j 7,7 .7 purpose restoring a pair of dwarf oxen from Celebes, ITUl0- - ln each pks between acts. , center rising. euchres them out of the profit liberty. which were valued at $5,000. BARN WELL LAID OUT. bl-d- Pinkhams g h 1 TEA for-elg- pro-scrib- n. TEA h TEA y TEA not-cheatin- g? TEA I cent-and-a-ha- .. TEA TEA it dont foot-rul- e TEA ek-scu- TEA TEA moneyback aaster it - |