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Show GEO. H. FENNEMORE NEXT TIME YOU GO EA8T Be L. H. G3AY, The organist softly did begin That same old chestnut from Chicago, Milwaukee &j St. Paul Railway The Route of the Lohen- - grin," alar rail was a noble lord. Sythe With an air of distinction, distinctly bored, Hia mother-in-laIn prospectu stood, wreathed in smiles ail a velvet hood. Sweet bridesmaids, chllToned, with envy sighed, Ae they met and preceded the schoolroom bride. Who hung on the aim of her pompous sire. Resembling a tub In his new attire, ine whole affair as rehearsed and planned. As the lord, with his a hand, Approached he exhaled an alcohol whiff. And the mother gave vent to a social sniff. LAMP AM 4 OVERLAND LIMITED Cara to Chicago. 4 4 4 4 Salt Lake City. 4 44 444444e444444 4 0. w. Ind. Tel 766 766 DR. ALVAH LEWIS. Salt Lake Private Hoepltal. No. 362 BL let South. attention Special (Ives 8URGICAL AND OB 8TETRICAL CASES. The private only hoepltal atriotly the in State. o AtnO IIMBIWM) CHOIOB OF BOOTB8.v THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SIFFPTOf FROM OQDBII OR SALT LAKR TO ST, LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CARS . Free ReoltolBf Chair Oar. - Dining Oar Barrio a la eerie 00 all through train. For Folder, lUaatttted Booklet, ato., drea 1 A. BZNTON, O. A. P. a BALT LAint CITY, UTAH Imperial Hotel. i.j. jtW J&4 v ' . i j - ' f 7SS Ind. Phone 2527. Bell Phone 1420-x- . 87 6AM HEATED. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 77 Quest a Rooms. Furnished Baths, Hot and Cold; Running Water; Barvloea; open all night; rates 60c te 11.50. mont h. Special rates by the week or . ,C. C. ANDERSON, Prop. 4 South State St., Salt Lake City. Porter 5 REMEMBER, IN FICUWNO YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE Oregon Short Line & E. TITO TH RAILROAD THE DUtBCT CONNBCTCN G.r.T.A. D. A SPENCER. AG.r.T.A UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WHICH B THB KTULAS KOUII TO C0MB1MN0 AU rcOfAearr SPEED CO MET OFFICE 201 NADI ST. SALT LAKE CITT. VTAB. COMFORT SAFETY TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled 1 (THB OVERLAND rocressivb ROUTB ) day and found It covered with dead and dying carp, some of them of 10 to 15 pounds weight. They had Invaded the land during the high water of Sunday, and had been left stranded by the receding waters. Raferty didn't consider this a piece of good luck. He could not get rid of the fish all alone, and soon his neighbors came to him with loud complaints and threats to have him Indicted for maintaining a nuisance. Finally he called on the village board of health for aid. There were more than 800 of the fish. New York Sun. Importance in Dotting "I. Because John C. Selter, postmaster at Fern, Cal., neglected to dot the 1 In his name, the postofflce department at Washington declined to honor his requisition for office supplies until the omission was rectified. The blank was returned to Selter, who dotted the 1 and then returned the pSPef to Washington. The supplies came 'n time, considerably delayed by the departments insistence. The patrons of the Fern postoffice were unable to purchase stamps for two weeks because the postmaster neglected to dot the little letter I. Selter has been postmaster for ten years and this was the first time he ever had a blank returned to him for correction. San Francisco Chronicle. Corpulent Man's Protest. The most corpulent man in all Fort Fairfield, Me., lay back In the shade of a friendly maple and momentarily forgot to wonder why clothes are necessary. He tackled a kindred subject, however: Did you ever stop to think what a range of temperature we get in this climate? It moves from 65 in February to 115 In July. That gives you a difference of 170 degrees and there are but 180 between freezing and boiling. Found Their Lost Fledgling. young golden robin was picked up at Newfane, Vt in a chilled condition after the rains and hung In a cage under a veranda. The parent birds soon found the fledgling, and they continue to come joyfully with many tender twitterings a dozen times daily to feed It, and one of the birds stationed itself nights in a tree closely at hand. The young bird will he given Its freedom when fit to make Its own living. A 240-24- BVRLEY. Patch. a cabbage patch will give a slight Idea of the number of these fish in Canandaigua lake. The connection may not at first be plain, but It must be understood that the lake and the cabbage patch are adjacent Thomas Raferty, who owns a farm on the east shore of Canandaigua lake, about three miles from the village, went out to his cabbage patch the other Child Gave Name to Mountain. Mount Grace, out in Warwick, seems to be in a way a giant monument to a little child. According to tradition, the Indians captured a Mrs. Rowllnson and her child. As the party were passing through the woods on their way to Canada the child died and was buried at the foot of the The childs name was mountain. Grace and the mountain has been Mount Grace ever since. Rare Specimens of Ferns. Three rare specimens of male tree fern, Osmunda regalls, of more than 1,000 years growth, have been procured for the imperial botanic gardens of St. Petersburg from the virgin forests on the Black 6ea coast near Ad- TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. plw9, BeoWAMffeeofc Balt BuiiaiBf. Wholesale and Retail City; rj lj- LAAAA HI A AAAI A RXSlsXSC9e(SXSXSXSXS(EaxB(S9 a red-nose- Gathering of Vegetarians. The London vegetarian association held their annual dinner the other night. Members of almost every sect of vegetarianism were present. There were Wallaceites, who will not eat salt or bread made with yeast; Haig-ites- , who are forbidden peas and beans, and Allinsonltes, to whom tea Is poison. The chef was set a difficult task, hut he acquitted himself with distinction, and only the extremists grumbled. Tyr; Writs Os. ATTpIrIK LAND 'twas sad to see. but how often seen. d lord and the sweet sixteen. 5H?the.Jun.era service went on apace, WiuteHie bishop smiled with paternal And asked the episcopal question terse: JJo you take this man for better or worse ? Then the maid made answer In accents slow 'Neath her quivering veil: Well, I dont quite know. 800 Carp in a Cabbage Eight hundred carp In Bell Tel., Cdi&3tatr2tslCstz!:sciSdFrti. glf fJji w Ihe 06 Weat Second South Street. 4 CEMENT. ETC. I CHIMNEYS OF r-- n Oh, COMMERCIAL AGENT MINIkBAjrpPMY. PrjJ" brandy-and-sod- 1 LAKE CITY. Opposite Sovtk Gate Te.pl. Block. fect. and JO S. WILLIAMS. FIRE-PRO- SONS CO. MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, MANTELS. GRATES. TILES. Dubious Retponee. The church was crowded, the alales were decked With ribbons and blossoms, a sweet ef- UNION PACIFIC 4 w- - 8ure And Use The Through . SALT surgeon of the San Pedro Railway. Official 31 ELIAS NORRIS and 8urgeon. Milford, Utah. Physician CYRU8 Attorney LU M B E P DEALERS GATRELL A Counselor. Corner South Temple and 2d West St. - UTAH SALT LAKE CITY F. Walker BulWlng, Salt Lake City. 419 D. OJOLOlOLCjUU 0.0 THE LEADER. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Buy, Sell and Trade Real Estate. We have a large list of farms and elty property, vacant and Improved, cheaper than any other firm. Call and see Us. 63 M West Second South SL, Bait Lake City. W Some people will purchase clothing and the make cuts no figure. It is the price that they are looking for. Now, you will agree with us that the cheap-mad- e cloth comes as a rule the jet expensive. It soon loses its shape and you are never dressed. We are selling Clothing of the best make in the world. When it comes to stye, workship and wear, we positively guarantee every Inch of it as good as tailor-mad- e or your money back. The only difference between our Clothing and the tailor-mad- e is In the price. We carry Shoes such as Walkover for men, the Drew, Selby & Co. for women the best on earth. We guarantee every pair that leaves our store to replace If every unsatisfactory. Our prices are as low as in any store in the state. If we are right we hope to get your liberal patronage. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure M drunkenness and the opium diseases. There is no publicity, no sickness. Ladies treated as privately as at theii own homes. The Keeley Institute, 834 W. So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. 0: S Mran cbnt Interest paid upon deposits. You! lean bank with us by mall. Write for Circular. gUTAH COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK. g East First South Street, Salts 22-2- 4 Lake City. o.o.oxco: WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. Located in the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. Firat-cla- s In every respect Steam heat, Electric 197 Main St., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, And Branches at MURRAY & BINGHAM JUNCTION. Light. THE CIGAR THATS ALWAYS RIGHT, OLApatOrjf ffifgL Mr. A. M. Mafahat, Prop, both in price and quality, is the Blue Point. The peer of anj cigar sold hand-madHavana anywhere. Cuban filler, It furnishes the best and sweetest smoke that any smoker can wish Street. Salt Lake Cltj Naatly furnished Rooms by the Day, 111 South Main Week or Month. Rates, 60 cents to 1.60 per day. Special rates by the day, week or month. for. CX3SXiXSXSXSXSiSXS)sXsXsX9QA) R. H. Officer & Co.f 169 WHITTAKER Assayers and Chemist. S. W. Temple St, Salt Laksg & MAKERS. 134 W. 3d iCfiy. DALLAS, South St, Salt Lake City. Write for Mailing Sacks. HARRIS AT SALT LAKE pxlooaxojoo:o;o OOOOOOoo.OO iSXsXsXSWSX Wants to hear from you regarding that new furniture youll be buying in the near future. Harris is the largest dealer In Furniture and Household supplels I Prices the Intermountain country. betNo lowest. mean the from Harris ter furniture anywhere. Write, enclosing what you may want, and hell quote a mighty low bargain. F. M. BISHOP, A8SAYER. 120 W. 2nd South, ' Salt Lake City. Opposite Postofflce. Mailing Sacks Furnished. OjOjOOOOOCfO HARRIS 234-23- 6 FURNITURE HOUSE. & CARPET State Street. Salt Lake City. 4444444444444444444t 444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 TO CALIFORNIA 44 AND ITS FAMOUS SUMMER RESORTS. 44 ft 4-- To be assured of a pleasant trip east, purchase your tickets via the Illinois Central Rail- road between Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and SL Louis, as well as all points in the South and Southeast For full information call on or write J. No. 75 A. FOLEY, LOS ANGELES. 4-- 44 44 44 44 4-- CATALINA. ORANGE GROVES. OCEAN BEACHES. SAN PEDRO. 4-- PASADENA. DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. 4-- 4 4 Palatial 4 Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-- 4 servatlon, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and .Dining Car. 4? Street PMIIIIMM 8SBS21 JCtO PWYABLZl HaALTBPULt if SALT LAKS HOT SPUDS) I aNLlerae 4-- 4-- from Omaha to Chicago. First-clas- s service also Commercial Agent West Second South 4-- FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 44 4 write to J. L. Moore, DisL Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt 44 4. 4. 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4f4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44444444444444 4444 4444 44 4 44 4 4 4 ill i,Sanitarium Baths .rw Z7il tefWrt B- Reduced Rates To EASTERN POINTS. Every Day During ler. JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER. Immense Mass of Pure Rock Salt. The largest mass of pure rock salt in the world lies under the province of Galicia. Hungary. , It is known to be 550 miles long, 20 broad and 20 feet in thickness. Limit October 31. - - Write for Further Information. CHAS. SLOAT, General Agt, 800 17th SL, Denver. E. DRAKE, Diet. Pass. Agt. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt. Salt Lake City, Utah. |