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Show Monticello News rndo river; Sevier River below Joseph Monroe State Highway 118 Bridge; Mona Reservoir; the (Mrs. H. EL Blake) Bear Lake except certain closed Farmers and stockmen are so areas- Jordon River; Surplus CaCove River; Utah Lake; We- -' happy to see the moisture vh the rnal; her R:ver below Davis Weber snow storm early m the week. canal company dam in lower We W. V. Baker family are visit- her Canyon. All species of fish may be taLegal Notices ing relatives in Oklahoma City. ken in water open to year round Public, at Monticfllo, Utah, on the Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnson and anging so long as thev are ta30th dav of March. 1954 sons have returned from a trip ken between the hours of 5 a m. Claimant names wltne&ses orui 9 pm. bv legal angling meGeorge H Berrv. to Salt Lake City. Albert Mourer and thods and within legal lim.ts W C. Huffman, all of Monticello. w.oert is relagame fish are taken. Allred Utah and. Page visiting Thi license year ends April O Dies Skidmore, of Dove Creek. tives in town. Colorado. 15. Possessors of 1953 angling liERNEST E HOUSE, censes R. C. Mr. Mrs. and Christensen may use them through Manager First Publication February 4. 1954 son Joe returned last Tues- that date. and Last Publication March 4. 1954 day from a trip to Mesa, Ariz. THE SAN JUAN RECORD Thursday. Feb. 18. 1954 Pag S Carharts and the M. O. Davis family. I - t Mr. and Mrs. Line Perkins and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Carhart, spent Friday evening with the R. O. Carharts. -- TrmTSTroTo'e 6 aTrm s si For CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Minimum 50c insertion Ovr 5 lines .... 10c per line (5 words per line) Boldface type .... 20c a line Reader ads 15c a line Blind ade double rate Card of Thanks One insertion .... 10c a line Two Insertions 17c a line All Classified Ads are payable in advance. To Place Classified Ads By Mail Write your ad plainly figure the cost by the rat-- 0 et above, then enclose o stamps, check or money order in the envelope s when you mail it to The San Juan Record. No advertising from outside the trade are will be accepted unless paid in advance. The Record assumes no responsibility for errors after the first insertion. . LgJtflgaCOgQ POO 0 00 Sale-Automob- Legal Notices iles RAW TRAILER SALES Pan American Americas Finest Home on Wheels Complete line, new, used trailers. Liberal terms, trades, free delivery. Trailer hitches installed. NOTICE TO W VTl'.K I'SKRs The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water in Ban Juan CXnnity. State of Utah, throughout the entire vear and all locations being from SLB&U unless otherise designated: lo Change: North Avenue Phone 1801 A Barrett, White Grand Junction, Colorado Canyon, Ct. proposes to change the 2322 40-t- ie pointuseof diversion, place and nature of of a total of 3 5 sec ft of water, as evidenced by Application No. 12671. The water was to have been diverted from Warm Springs and Colorado River at points as follow' Warm Springs-- N 20 00'E 7020 ft: Colorado River: N 1800 E 7020 0 ft., both front NW Cor. Sec. 36. T34S, RISE, the water to be commingled and used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 for placer mining and Incidental domestic purposes, and from Mar. 1 to Dec 1 for the Incidental Irrigation of 3 acres of garden These usee will consume 1 5 sec ft. and 2 sec ft will be returned to the natural channel at a point S. 640 ft and E. 1320 ft. from NW Cor Bald Sec. 36. Hereafter, it Is proposed to divert 15 sec ft from Warm Springs at a ft. and E. 2288 2 ft point N 7072 9 said Sec 36. which from NW Cor. of a the point of collectionfollowpoint laarea embraced In the spring From said point of ing traverse: collection N. 46 15'E. 202 6 ft.. S 8442'W. 64 9 ft.. S 6l55'W. 123 8 ft.. S 1834'E 63 1 ft. to beg. The and water will be conveyed bv ditch used from Peb. 15 to Nov. 1 to irQ rigate 2 acres embraced In -- Buy a Home on Wheels!!! Mesa Trailer Sales We trad for anything of value. You .can afford this 1954 40 combination unit ft. Kit with 1953 Cher. Pick$4995.00 up. Only TERMS TO SUIT YOU -- -- Mesa Trailer Sales y New Fruita Grand Junction, Colo. Hi-wa- -- For Sale 0 0 Miscellaneous SWISS AND AMERICAN watchrepairing. All work guaranteed. Dove Creek Jewelry. Dove Creek CORE DRILLS, for Uranium testing, Diamond bits, drill rods and supplies. Everything for coring and well drilling. Pressey & Son, Pueblo, Colo. WISH TO CONTACT party who can file uranium claims for a group of citizens. Write G. E. Wilson, 48 5th Street, Hermosa Beach, Calif. 21 NEt,-Sw- Excellent Opportunity for Man or woman to call on farmers in San Juan County. Some making' over $50 a day. Full or part time. Write or wire for free prop osition. McNess Co., Dept. B, P.O Box 14, Bayshore Sta. Oakland, 23, California. Sec. 24. T343, R13E. $795 To Appropriate: 24671 Edith H Redd. 328 East Ut ; South Temple, Salt LakeuseCity. from a 5 sec ft for irrigation well bet 50 and 600 ft. deep ft from EV4 Cor at a point S 660 Sec. 19. T30S, R24E. 1The water will to Nov Nv-S-to be used from Mar in irrlgite 200 acressaidembraced Sec. 19. and tat SESWta and domestic d incidental Electric Refrigerator -- 10-i- n. See Mr. Griffin, Dove Creek 1 Auto Court ' Also 18 and 25 Available tc tp FT. HOUSETRAILER V. year-roun- purposes. Monticello. for Irrigation use700from Ut ft well bet 300 and a 240 ft and W. deep at a point N. T37S. 23 Cor. Sec 110 ft. from from R24E The water will be used 1 to Irrigate 40 Mar. 1 to Nov. embraced In SENBV,, NEI14SE4 stock-waterin- g Tted C Bronson. 25212 : For Sale Miscellaneous 2 sec.-f- t. 10-i- n. SALE Three bedroom modern home. Inquire Wallace FOR w-r- , NOTICE FOB PI BI.IC TION PI HI. 1C S41.K 1 MTU) STATES Depart me lit of The Interior Bureau of I.aiul Management Land And Surrey Office Salt lake City. Utah February 1, 19s4 of section 2456. provision R3 . as amended by section 14 of tbe act of June 28 1934. (48 Stat 43 U3C. 1171), and pursuant Under 1 t. 10-l- n. U-a- 1- -4 h. tp post-offic- left-han- above-describ- ed ydr-roun- tc - Wanted Lease 3-l- tp dwLAr Wanted- Employment tc L. er X . R-- in n; - Sstlc year-roun- stock-wateri- .Lxtcopy er post-offic- left-han- post-offi- ce - y. left-han- above-describ- above-describ- ed WV4NE-NEViS- on No-ir- post-offi- ce left-han- v Sec-Tw- 1". above-describ- p ed post-offi- ce left-ha- post-offi- ce left-ha- nd above-describ- above-describ- ed - i ob-a- ; to the application of Junius Evan Pehrson of Monticello. Utah, there will be offered to the hlgheet bidder. nt a public sale to be held at 10 o'clock A M . on the 1st day of April. 1954 next, at this office, the of land following tract Serial U 03000. E'lN'Wl, Sec. Mrs. Laura Allred suffered a 9 T. 34 S,. R. 24 E. SLM 80 acres, at not less than $2 50 per acre broken arm a few days ago as it got caught m a car door. Serial U03001, SWSEt See. 4. T 34 S R 24 E. SLM 40 acres, nt not less than $4.00 per acre The annual sweethearts ball at No part of either tract will be the LDS recreation hall Satursold seperately. The land will be sold with a reservation of oil day night was well attended. and gas to the United States. Bids may be made by the principal Mrs. C. R. Christensen sufferor his agent, either personally at ed a severe heart attack Thursthe sale or by mall. Bids sent by mall will be consid- day and is confined to the hospiered only if received at this office tal. prior to the hour fixed for the sale Bids must be in sealed envelopes Mrs. Lloyd Mistier is convalaccompanied by certified checks or e money orders made pay- escing at her home after a serable to the Treasurer of the United States for amounts of the bids The iousa operation a few weeks ago Salt Lake hospital. envelopes must be marked in the in d corner "Public sale lower bid. Serial No UG3000 or UD3001, Alfred Black was called from Sale April 1. 1964" The highest bidder will be re- Winnamura, Nev. by the serious the condition of his mother Mrs. C. quired to pay immediately amount thereof. R. Christensen. of the Any adverse claimants land should file Mrs. Lee Richey and Mrs. Les tlielr claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale ter Wildman went to Salt Lake The Bureau of Land Management Tuesday to attend a thre, day has not searched the records of San convention of cancer foundation Juan County to ascertain the existence of any adverse claim. captains held there this week. Any contiguous owner claiming a preference right must assert such Mrs. Jim Crowley is suffering right within 30 days from the above from an attack of flu. aale date. Bailey. Monticello, Utah Bland25 31 V nee nt L Jones, FOR SALE use Intermediate and for irrigation ; IO sec.-fUt stiffhair grass seed. Phone lng. well bet 300 and 600 from a 17R3, C. Alfred Frost, Monticello ft deep at a point S. 200 ft'oan.pi9s' Sec. tc 100 ft from NE Cor. froin will be noiy Th 160 acre to od i m irrigate l ERNEST E HOU51E, Apr Win32 Model 94 FOR SALE embraced In EVE4 Manager. URANIUM HUNTERS- - Authenchester rifle, also collapsible Sec. 17. T89S.R21E, and for The Juan Record. watering of First Ssn incidental tic 1954 diagram showing Grand baby buggy. Call 24R4, Montid Publication February 11, 1954. 10O0 sheep and 10 hor County and Moab area A E C cello, Utah. Dove Last Publication March 11, 1954. 8linger, 25353 George lands withdrawn. Also areas avfor mto Creek. Colorado; 1 fc.-- ft NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ailable for prospecting. On sale Rfd River To Hllaneou8 purposw Colorado PUBLIC HALE to at Dons Utoco Station or write 1 lilted Ststes yon Stream, trlb. P011' territory at a Castle Wayne McBride, Box A, Moab WANTED TO LEASE- - New cafe in unsurveyed of The Interior Department from 1.12 miles 26 WW 12 Bureau of I. uml M iniiseineiit Utah. at Mexican Hat, Utah. Prefer Snntte which Is approximately Land and Hurvey Office miles south of Hite, Ut. and couple with no children. ExcelSalt Lake City. Utah lent working conditions. Contact jscs jsf1!,?! lufb. February 1, 19b4. Legal Notices Under provisions of section 2456, San Juan Trading Jim Hunt, R. as S., NOTICE FOR PUBLLICATION amended by section 14 of Post, Mexican Hat, Utah. the act of June 28, 1934 ( 48 Stat.. PUBLIC MALE swimming pool purposes, 43 U. and 1274, 8 C. 1171), and pursuant United States andTfortbe mining of uranium to the application of Alfred D. Department .of The Interior In vanadium 1 Pehrson of Monticello, Utah Serial Bureau of Land Management Dec. 15 as a soie bw to n,K No. U03002, there will be offered to Land and Survey Office 1? for the Irrigation of PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER py Salt Lake City, Utah, for the tr the highest bidder, but at not less supply supplemental a than $3.00 per acre, at a public sale Work done evenings.. Delores S. embraced In aald to February X, 1954. be held at 10 oclock A. M on the rlgation of 6 acres Under provisions of section 2456, R. S.. as amended by section 14 of Stewart. Call 27R3, Monticello, SeSk481st day of April 1954 next, at this Huntington. Howard. K -S tne act of June as, 1934 (48 Stat., Utah. the following tracts of land: re2 -- ft irrigation- use from office, 1274; 43 U. S. O. 1171) and pursuant ESW Sec. 9. T, 34 S.. R. 24 S: E. S L.M. ( 80 acres) No part of to the application of George C. Hag-lthis tract will be sold seperately. of Monticello, Utah Serial Ho. Found Land will be sold with a reservaU04419, there will be offered to the FOUND- be conveyed Th wdtd willdistance of V tion of oil and gas to the United Stray Jersey cow. Own M5E highest bidder, but at not less than ft wniirrVt pipe cost Mar. States. $9.75 per acre, at a public sale to be .. er may get her by paying Irorn will be it where mlie n 10 on Bids may be made by the principal acres A. 1st the held at M., o'clock of this ad and feed bilL Clynn 1 to Nov. 30 to irrigate 320 or his agent, either personally at the day of April 1954 next, at this ofUtah. Monticello, Young, sale or by mall. 26?Nn4 tec- 35'..' fice, the following tracts of land: Swvds Incidental Bids sent by mall will be considLot 8. Sec. 4, T. 32 S R. 24 d ror ered only If received at this office pur.XI, SLiAI. 40 acres. Land will be Notices and sold with a reservation to the prior to the hour fixed for the sale. United States of oil and gas. anung of Bids must be In sealed envelopes acto get dog licenses Pptesto resisting the Last chance checks or Bids may be made b; the principal companied by certified e or his agent, either personally at the All dogs will be destroyed if snv of the foregoing applications, orders made paymoney reasons and able to the Treasurer of the United sale or by mail. they do not have licenses by Feb. with States for the amounts of the bids. Bids sent by mail will be consid- 28. See city marshal, L. W. Mis-nUtft The envelopes must be marked In ered only if received at this office La e CUT of Salt the for order license. By d State Capitol. corner "Public the lower prior to the hour fixed for the sale. VrACY. before or on sale bid. Serial No U03002. Sale, 10 Bids must be in sealed envelopes ac- Monticello City Council. M or 1. 1954. ENGINEER. A Apr. companied by certified checas state The highest bidder will be reH. E. Cooper, fromer money orders made payTrooper San Juan Record The In Published to United of to the the Treasurer the able pay Immediately quired patrolman in San Juan Monticello, ut. from Feb. 11 w amount thereof. States for the amounts of the bids. highway and now in Tooele 19MCo., adverse claimants of the Any The envelopes must be marked In County ft d corner "Public was visiting friends in Monticel-Tuesdaland should file the lower their claims, or objections, on or besale bid. Serial No. U04419, Sale, 10 pubucation for notice A. M., April I, 1954. fore the time designated for sale PUBLIC HALL The Bureau of Land Management The highest bidder will be reUnited States of Tne has not searched the records of San quired to pay Immediately the Read the advertUemenia It payv Department Juan County to ascertain the examount thereof. Bureau of Land Mamtgwnent of the istence of any adverse claim. Any adverse claimants Land and survey OfficeUtah land should file Legal Notices Any contiguous owner claiming a Balt Lake City. 1964 their claims, or objections, on or beJanuary 27, 2466, preference right must assert such fore the time designated for sale Under provisions of section right within 30 days from the above of sale date. rOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The Bureau of Land Management R. S., as amended by section 14 Stat.. 1934 of ERNEST El HOUSE. San has not searched the records the act of June 28, and (48 Department of th Interior pursuant Manager. Juan County to ascertain the exLand Management 1274; 43 UJ3.C. 1171), Bureau of San Juan Record. istence of any adverse claim. to the application of C. AlfredNo.Frost The office and Land 11. 1954, a Survey owner First Serial February Monticello. publication Utah, claiming of Any contiguous Salt Lake City, Utah there will be offered to the Last publication March 11. 1954. preference right must assert such to within 30 days from the above Highest bidder, at a public aale right date. January 29, 1954 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION sale be held at 10 o'clock A. M., on the that is NOTICE hereby given PUBLIC HALE ERNEST E. HOUSE. next, at Dove 23rd day of March, 1954 tracts of ames Andrew Randles, of United Htates Manager. office, the following this The San Juan Record. Department of The Interior reek, Colorado, who, on Sept. land: Bureau of Land Management 14, First publication February 11. 1954, SWySE4,SeoSec. 1949, made Homestead Entry, Land and Hurvey Office Last publication March 11, 1954. 23, T 343, R 24Z. o. SL 068648, for Lots 3 and 4, Sait Lake City, UtaJi SLM. 160 acres, at not less than 1 Lots Section 27, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION WV4SEy4 February 1, 1954. $3.00 per acre. NW 4 SE Vi Sec. SALE PUBLIC Under provisions of section 2455, nd 2, Section 34, Township 36 23, T 34 S. R. 24 E. S.LM., 40 States R. S., as amended by section 14 of United acres, at not less than $6.16 per outh, Range 26 East., Salt Lake entire for or the act of June 28, 1934 ( 48 Stat., Department of The Interior the $726.00 acre, of leridian, has filed notice Bureau of Land Management 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant No part of this tract will tract. Land and Survey Office to make final Proof, to be sold seperately. 0.1 and gas to the application of Melvin K. Dalton of Monticello, Utah Serial No. Salt Lake City. .Utah will be reserved to the United stablish claim to the land above U03319. there will be offered to the States. February 1. 1954. y Pearl before Butt, escribed, Under provisions of section 2455, Bids may be made by the prin- highest bidder, but at not less than at Utah, Monticello, 14 of R. S as amended by section Public, or his agent, either personally $2 75 per acre, at public sale to be the act of June 28. 1934 (48 Stat., n the 31st day of March, 1954. cipal held at 10 oclock A. M on the 1st the sale or by mall. at 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant Bids sent by mall will be consider- day of April. 1954 next, at this ofClaimant names as witnesses: to the application of A noil Elliott land: ed only If received at this office fice, the following tracts ofaec. Homer Dale, 34, Redd of Blandlng, Utah Serial No. lussell Tevault, fixed for the sale. hour te SE4SWV4, BVfBEV the prior all lack Dixon and Robert Dean, T. 33 S., R. 24 E, Lot 3, Sec. 8, U07241, there will be offered to the Bids must be In sealed envelopes T.34 S., R. 24 E. SLM 120.16 highest bidder, but at not less than f Dove Creek, Colorado accompanied by certified checks acres. No part of this tract will $9.60 per acre, at a public sale to be or money orders made E. HOUSE, ERNEST of be sold seperately. OH and gas held at 10 A. M on the 1st day to the Treasurer of the rayabls Manager. 1954 of will be reserved to the United next, at this office, the April United States for the amounts Ian Juan Record The envelopes must States. bids. following tracts of land: the d Bid may be made by the principal Sec. 20, T 32 S. R NE(4SEV be marked In the lower 'irst publication Feb. 11,1954, 28 East., BL.M. 40 acres. comer "Public sale bid. Serial No. or his agent, either personally at the 1951. Mar. .ast 18, publication . Land will be sold with a resU0935B, Sale 10 A. M. March 23, sale or by mall. Bids sent by mall will be consid1954. ervation of oil and gas to the BALE OF NOTICE PUBLir United States. The highest bidder will be requir- ered only If received at this office OF STATE LAND Bids may be made by the principal ed to pay Immediately the amount prior to the hour fixed for the sale. of the Board Land "he Stat at or his agent, either personally the Bids must be In sealed envelopes acte of Utah to offering for eaie thereof. of the companied by certified checks or claimants , Any adverse sale or by mall. bid sealed th ler land should file money order made payBids sent by mall will be considNEW. EHNWW. BWW of ered only If received at this office 23 Bust, their claims, or objections, on or able to the Treasurer of the United South. 86 Range fixed for the sale. acres of before the time designated for sale States for the amounts of the bids. prior to the hoursealed H, embracing 360 00 San be marked In envelopes acBids must be in Juan The Bureau of Land Management The envelopes must corner d. more or less. In or ''Public the lower has not searched the records of fian Utah- companied by certified checks payintv. exSale No. the U03319, sale bid, Serial money orders made waled bida will be opened Feb. Juan County to ascertain 1954." of adverse of United 1, the any able to the Treasurer 1954. at 10 a. m- - In the State istence April rights. The highest bidder will be reAnv contiguous owner claiming a wl Office. 106 State Capitol. Salt States for the amounts of the bids. the to pay Immediately te City. Utah. The land may be preference right must assert such quired The envelopes must be marked In 1 to the corner "Public highest bidder, subject right within 30 dtys from the above amount thereof. the lower adverse claimants of the Any the provisions of Title 65, Chap. sale date. sale bid. Serial No U07241. Sale, ERNEST E. HOUSE, land ehould file Set 40. Utah Code Annotated 10 A. M. Apr 1. 1954." reacts 3 and other applicable Manager. their claims, or objections, on or beThe highest bidder will be e accept-is bid the Record reto, providing San Juan fore the time designated for aale. quired to pay Immediately the to the Board. The bid should First Publication February 4, 1954 The Bureau of Land Management amount thereof. envelope Last Publication Mrcb 4. 1954 Inclosed In a sealed not searched the records of San claimants of the has Any adverse thereof: the outside rked on FOB PUBLICATION NOTICE Juan County to ascertain the exland should file aled bid on San Juan Co. land beistence of any adverse claim. Department of The Interior their claims, or objections, on orsale. be 19. must Bid Feb. be opened Bureau of Land Management Any contiguous owner claiming a fore the time designated for to cover remittance by ompanled office Horvev Land and right must assert such preference The Bureau of Land Management Q of amount bid less than Utah Lake Cl Salt tv, right within 30 daya lrom the above has not searched the records of San Is reserved to Stats of mineral 1954. 29. exJanuary sale date. Juan County to ascertain the ih. The Land Board reserves the NOTICE is hereby given that ERNEST E. HOUSE. istence of any adverse claim. tit to reject any or all bids, Monticello. of a Robert Prlddy. owner d Manager. be claiming Joseph forms may Any contiguous ipplication such who, on July 28, 1950, made The San Juan Record. State Land Office, 106 Utah, from preference right must assert Entry. No. SL 071835, First publication February 11, 1954, te Capitol. Salt Lake City, Utah. Homestead Section right within 30 days from the above 10, Township 34 Last publication March 11. 1954. for NWH, Lee E. Young sale date. Range 2S East. Saltof Lake ERNEST E. HOUSE. Manager InThere's a Hallmark Card for Meridian, has filed notice Manager. ijlished In 8an Juan Record tention to make final Proof, to es- every occasion. See the complete ntr'ello, Utah The San Juan Record. tablish claim to the land above dest PubL Jan. 21, 1954 First publication February 11. 1954, it PubL Feb. 11, 1954 scribed, before Pearl Butt, Notary selection at th Press Oific. Last publication March 11. 1954. tc BIG BUSINESS Several people from Monticel Additional proof that hunting lo attended the fights at Moab and fishing is a big business Saturday night. comes from the United States Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blake Department of Commerce. Acto a recent report issued and children of White Canyon cording visited over night last Wednes- bv that agenev, hunters and anglers in the United State-- snent day with Mrs. Blake and the El- six billion dollars last year. This remer Bailey family and other is 50 per cent greater' than the latives. While here, the children had a nrnual sales of all drug stores, 13G per cent more than ttm physical checkup by Dr. Simons. and Late Thursday they went to sales of all household apnhances Bluff to see Mrs. Maggie Nielson. television sets and ratbo sets ed nd combined. Expenditures bv sportsmen during 1952 equalled the total retail sales of all gas stations in this country which is but another fact to prove that hunting and fishing is big business, bigger by far than most people re- Mr. and Mrs. Line Perkins and J. A. Carharts enjoyed the valentine dance. Lois Carhart spent Saturday with Deanna Davis. night j I j I . Mr. and Mrk. Line Perkins and children visited Sunday with Mr Perkins brother Marcus and family. We were very grateful for the moisture over the weekend. The Gad Flies home demonstration club will meet with Mrs. Margaret Semadeni Feb. 18th, with the subject being Using Time and Energy. Mr and Mrs. Billy Rogers and son are living on the Point. Local Items Word has reached the Record office that Dr. S. O. Williams, of Moab, who had a heart attack, early in the year is convalescing at his home, and hopes to be able to resume his practice In alize. The Chamber of Commerce re the near future, on a reduced of hours. poit also revealed that nearly 19 scale No doubt announcement will million fishing licenses and 12 and one half million hunting li- be made when the doctor is censes were issued by the 48 able to resume work. stages last year. The total of six billion was derived from exLast Tuesday morning Mr. and haustive research studies that re Mrs. A. J. Redd left for a two vea! the average sportsman is weeks visit with their daughters spending slightly over $300 a family, the Elliott E. Roberts of year for his sport, by purchasing Phoenix, Arizona. clothing, tackle , licenses , ammunition, guns, dogs and dog Mr. and Mrs. Bert Warren refood, lodging, special equipment turned form Salt Lake City cameras, film and hundreds of where Ml Warren went for surother items chargeable only to gery. After a weeks confine11s sport. ment in the Holy Cross hospital Bert reached home Saturday a. m. His wife, the county recorder came in the day before. Cedar Point News Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth SumMrs. John Garchar spent Thur mers were visiting in Salt Lake sday visiting her mother Mrs. M City last week. Bazaar chairman Mrs. Robert Semadeni. Mrs. W. V. Baker with her two Christensen has received a shipMrs. Paul Stringer and daugh- daughters left for Oklahoma, to ment of material to be given out ter spent the week with her mo- visit for some time. for hemming and decorating. ther Mrs. J. Carhart. Paul went Helmar Johnson, resident man Mrs. Mabel Wright enjoyed to Needles, Cal. after their car. ager of the Galigher company, Monday free from hospital dutMrs. Semadeni and sons en- spent several days in Salt Lake ies. joyed the International program City last week. His family acin Dove Creek. companied him. R. O. Carharts, J. A. Carharts Game Gossip and M. O. Davises were in DuMrs. Steve Mayne is visiting rango shopping one day last with her parents in the northern week. FISHING SEASON TO part of the state. OPEN JUNE 12 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carter Theres news in the advertiseThe Utah angling season for of Monticello, called on the J. A. ments, too. 1954 will open June 12, at 5:00 a. m. with the closing date set for October 10. These and other regulations which covered the Price-Compa- re Compare general angling season were among actions taken by the Fish and Game Commission in rec1951 ent session. waters Mountain Uinta High 4 Door Sedan - Loaded With Accessories were scheduled to open July 3 10. CommisThe Oct. through sioners ruled out any early seaGood Condition to son opening on some lower elevation waters as has been the $1,460 .. Can be practice in recent years. Gene Blickensiaff Call Blending 46R1 Daily bag and possession limits will remain the same as during 1953, except for whitefish or herring and grayling. Anglers may now possess limits of 20 fish of these species over and above the limit of 12 fish or sevIs The .Only Life ens pounds and one fish of other game fish. Previously these two Completes species were included in the If something happens to you it pays your family, not fust limit of trout and other game what you had already saved, but th amount you had planfishes. ned to save. Daily fishing hours were again set from 5:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. William J. Hunter General Agent through the season. Except for Fish Lake in Sevier county, only minor early closures were schedPhone 111 uled in conformity with requests where conflict arises where wa187 S. Main Helper, Utah ters are on private lands. Fish Lake was set to close Sept, 29. r, The Commission cut the or tandem type lure, to three blades and a rudder or guide. Other regulations for baits and lures were unchanged except that live minnow fishing was authorized for .certain bass waters in Cache, Tooele, and Millard counties. The new rules and regulations become effective April 15. Prior to that time the annual angling proclamation will be published and available to all sportsmen. General season for trout waters is' June 12 through October 10, with the High Uintas opening three weeks later, on July 3. Waters open to year round angling are: Minersville Reservoir, Bear River from Utah- - Idaho state line to Great Salt Lake, Logan River below Mendon Bridge on State Highway No. 142. Cutler .Reservoir; Little Bear River from Highway 91 to Cutler Reservoir; Green River; Duchesne River below confuen-c- e with Strawberry River; Colo- - the Car Oldsmobile Super 88 the Bumper Bumper Financed Insurance Itself Plan That Pacific National Life Assurance Co. pop-gea- Legal Notices NOTICE OF CLAIM FOR CONTRIBl TION BY ON ACCOUNT OF ANNUAL LABOR RENDERED TO HOLD MINING CLAIMS Notice Is hereby given to Deo Winters that tbe undersigned eo-ow- has performed the annual labor required by law to hold Cotton wood mining claims No. 4 and 5 in San Juan County. State of Utah, lor the year ending July lr 1953, in the nun of $200.00 and demand to made upon you to forthwith contribute your thereof. Notices of Locationproportion of said claim appear in the office of the County Recorder of San Juan County. State of Utah. In Book R--l of Lode Claims at pages 263 and 264. Dated this 3rd day of Nov 1953 Howard Klrnmerle Blandlng, Utah First Publ. Nov. 19, 1953 Last Fubl. Feb. 18, 1954 San Juan Record PAULS SERVICE Monticello, Utah |