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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Thursday. Feb, 18. 1954 Page 3 G I Bill Provided Trained Persons During the past decade, the World War II GI Bill has helped build up the nations reservoirs of trained manpower in fields ranging from atomic physics to airplane mechanics, and from medicine to the ministry. This was disclosed by the Vet erans Administration following a study of the records of the 7, 800,000 veterans who had received Gl Bill training since the program began in June 1944. This represents more than half of all veterans who served in World . SIRIIiGFELLOW GETS AWARD r' I t I If there is one business the public would believe as remaining strictly independent, it is thut of The complaint also charges the I.una Tiros, hid and p.ml high prices to upset the iron and steel industry. the junkman. , j I ! Friday & Saturday Specials Fruits MEATS & Vegetables Grapefruit 59c 25c 29c 29c Dozen Carrots 2 Cello .o, Tomatoes Tube .. . - . Avacados Each Large Lettuce I9C Large Head Hamburger Relish 29c 27c Jar Heinz Baby Food U Gerbers City Mercantile Monticello, Utah M O'V INTERNATIONAL 0"3 j Warn. According to the study, 2,600, the ministry numbered 36,000, art and design; 210,00; for barb-erin- g and beauty culture 83,000: as policemen and firemen 43,000 as bakers and meatcutters 45,000 dressmakers and tailors 76,000, shoemakers 32,000; and upholsterers, 55,000. , Music students numbered 62, 000; embalmers and undertakers 000 veterans trained as skilled World War II GI Bill will not ex craftsmen, of which 71,000 stud- pire until 1956, new enrollments ied mechanics, 438,000 were radio and television trainees and for practically all World War II 583.000 trained for construction veterans came to an end in July 1951, the deadline for starting work. Another 1,500.000 studied for training for the majority of the the professions, with engineering, veterans. For the most part, the more than 300,000 veterans still attracting 450,000, accounting 243.000; school teaching 23S.000 in training are those who started medicme and related courses 180 their courses before the 1951 000 and law 107,000. deadline. Inst.tutional on farm training The peak of the World War II a combination of classroom stu- GI training program came in De dy and practical experience on cember 1947, when some 2.500, the farm, claimed 750,000. ' 000 veterans were enrolled in A total of 434,000 trained for, the classroom, at the workbench clerical and sales work, and 700, and on the farm. Current enroll000 took GI training m manage- ments are only one eighth of this ment and business administra- figure, and are declining. tion. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pehrson of The rest of the veterans trained for nearly all the remaining Sahara Village were visiting at occupations at which man earns Bobs parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. his living. Students training for T. Pehrson, over the weekend. 9,000; and printers, engravers, or Mr. and Mrs. J. T. accompanied them as far as Salt Lake City, typesetters, 61,000. home The VA survey further disclo- where they stopped at the sed that 2,000,000 of the total of their daughter, Mrs. A1 Hendtrainees had gone to college, 3. rickson. Mr. and Mrs. Pehrson will stay 500.000 in grade and high school 1,500,000 had trained on the job with their grand daughter, Kath and 750,000 trained on the farm. y, while her parents. Mr. and Although training under the Mrs. Hendrickson visit in Cal. LIGHT-DUT- LINE WITH ANY OTHER! Y Also FTC charges that since Luria people acijuired all or substantial parts of the capital stock of six loading, previously independent scrap c and has continued 1 Yet, if the Federal Trade Commission proses charges it has filed In regard to the iron and steel scrap Industry, the long 1946 the tentacles of monopoly practice have now clutched ' 1 the junkmau. This -- plaint charges Company, Inc. ' C.w. Mardar and subsidiary Southwest Steel Corporation has engaged m ft huge conspiracy to rcstiain free flow of iron and steel scrap. d Also cited in complaint are many iron and steel producers, headed by mammoth Vnlted States Steel. As is well known to all who cooperated in wartime scrap metal drives, scrap is vital m steel production, as virgin iron ore is not sufficient by itself. ETC alleges Lurla Ilros., set-in- g Lu-ri- ' tl Kt d ralhm rf In ten mlent Ituilntu light-dut- y Internationals! Compare performance! Compare value! Compare price! at new See why Internationals low prices are, more than ever, your best buy in trucks. Drop in today. light-dut- y Community Church At the morning service the pastor preached on the theme; Gods Financial plan for the Kingdom." and in the evening on the theme: Will Russia strike Where and When? For Sunday the 21st of Feb. the sermon topics will be The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and The Mark of the Beast. The church extends a special invitation and a welcome to any and all who are not attending any other church. On April 4. the Pastor of the Community church will begin a special series of Evangelistic meetings in which Gods plan of Salvation will be presented from the pulpit. These are fob ev eryone, and the public is cord-all- y invited. The following are some of the Sermon themes to be presented during the special meetings and afterward: The Creation of Man; The Fall of Man; Sin, Its Meaning and effect; New Testament Conviction; New Testament Repentance: New Testament Faith, The New Birth; New Testament Adoption; New Testament Sancti-icatioWhy Jesus Came to the Earth; Where are the Dead.? The Reign of Christ for 1000 years; Our departed Loved Oones, Can They see us; What Happened Before Adam; Who Touched Me; The Tragedy of Almost; Heaven: Where Is It? Who Will be There? This is my Blood; Hell. Where Is 1148 Beaver Sold of our TWO loo ivA-eri- iiicuntd. REBUS ROTA Mrs. Mary Ann Thomas, a club members soon to leave for her home in Wales, was the honored guest of the Rebus Rota Literary club Friday afternoon with Mrs. Fletcher Bronson as Pelts at Auction Beaver pelts taken during the fall and early winter months, were recently sold at a Denver fur auction, according to spokesmen for the Utah Department of Fish and Game. Gross receipts for the 1118 pelts sold amounted to $5, 598.15. Less sales commissions and express charges of $408.02, final net return from the sale was $4,990.13. The average price of $4.35 per pelt sold is one of the lowest returns in many years. Prices for kits to $13.50 for blankets ranged from a low of 25 cents or top grade large furs. The spokesmen attribute the low net return to the fact that fewer such furs are being used in coat making as well as several other factors. Of the 1148 Delta, some 563 were taken by 30 permit trapper who will receive $2,022,31 or an of the net average of 75 from the sale of these 563 U-t- ah hostess. Poems read by the club members portrayed m valentine verse the life of lovers from babyhood to old age including the valentine friendship poems. Mrs. Harold Frost gave two accordian solos, and Keith Jewkes and son, Noel, entertained with guitar and clarinet duets. Mrs. Thomas was presented wuth the Sweetheart humber of the Ideals publication which has been autographed by each member of the club and a Navajo blanket was given to her as a going away present. Refreshments were served by the hostess. . The committee arranging the program were Mrs. D. B. Perkins, chairman, Mrs. John and Mrs. Ann Hyde. Ilim-melburg- Dependable SKILL A licensed pharmacist is highly skilled in an imBoth portant profession. you and your doctor hare to rely on his competency We're parand integrity. ticularly proud of the record of our pharmacist. Prescriptions are filled accurately. promptly, and with scrupulous care. If you went your biU of health filled right come to us. er FAREWELL PARTY A party honoring Marvin Rich ardson son of Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Richardson, was given at the Castland school house Saturday RILEY DRUG Monticello, 0. SLSL Utah A.1U WU.LZlSLSLSL!LBJUiJLSLSS More and More Farmers Are Buying CASE re-Cfc- its OUR DEMOCRACY WAS BORN of $2,967.82. It is noted that hi aver increases must be cropped the same as anv other game creature. When p It prices ar? low it becomes an increasing problem to do so, with the financial return ofu-t-. not the expen.i.ti.iL? Time Is It? Plan now to attend these special meetings in the Community church. The services will be held each evening except Saturday. Every Christian in the community, and the whole of San Juan county, is asked to pray earnestly that God will give great victory in these meetings. Monticello, Utah One mcht. Marvin is joining the marines wardens and trappeis took 585 pelts from whi.1t all m the near future. ret sale receipts go into the fish and game fund. Net returns of The wolf at the door often these furs, plus the average 2b vP credited to the state from the staits a man climbing. fors taken by permit trappers, mnmmmnrr leaves a total net to the deprrt-nien- t State It? Who Will be There? What n, Come in and drive one of the furs. repre-aendn- d R. Stnngfellow, Republican, of Utah First District, it shown Richard M. Nixon, as they look at tho JAYCEE publication Fuluro.' Tho U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce recently named tho popular Utah iawmakor as ono of tho ten outstanding young men in the United States for IfU. Tho award was mads on tho basts of Stringfellow's outstanding record as legislator, and agent of tho OSS during World War II. Dougloi (left), with Viet President In this case and in the battery lead rase, it does not appear of anti trust laws was because of misunderstanding of technicalities which is so often used as an argument to repeal anti trust laws. It is doubtful that a monopoly just happens by accident. Yet, when punishment is g usually moderate fines only fraction of illegal profits there is undoubtedly a great and continuing incentive to violate anti trust laws. a In addition, FTC charges, Bros, and Southwest sells finished and iron and steel products to fabricators on condition the fabricators sell all their scrap to Luria. semi-finishe- Congimar In the scrap battery lead case, the Justice Department under Herbert Brownell, agreed to token punishments in the form of fines and promise to go und sin no more. as brokers, has coerced both suppliers and buyers of scrap to deal only with them. In addition, they have conspired with steel mills, including V. S. Steel, to permit them to act as exclusive, or substantially exclusive lookers of the milla scrap neegs. ' wide- From 1946 when the I.una Bros, stepped into high gear and through the Koreun War. independent fabucators of steel were pinched both by shortages and black and grey steel markets. a This appears to he rase of even more far reaching consequ mees than the scrap .battery lead case which followed the same monopolistic trend. But the question asked by many is that even If ETC proves its case, what will be the result. of Philadelphia j case could have spread implications. The that I.una Brothers and eom J op-era- te them SIC says as 'bogus independents. byM.i MAJOR POLITICAL. PARTIES, the REPUBLICAN, WHITE 20, IOS4, IN A YEARS AGO, MARCH little Reno Hansen Goes to Case Diesel O Nine pickup models. Vfc, A and 1-t- on sizes. 6V& to v Three light-dut- y and bodies. GVW ratings 4,200 to 8,600 lbs. Gt tko Nows! Alox Dr.i.r "Man on th. Go models. bodies. Sjlj Reno feels sure he will get good service and satisfaction from the tractor. . Six panel models. Inside el body length 90 inches. GVW body. ratings 4,200 to 6,500 lbs. stake 8V6-fo- ot Reno said he shopped at all other makes of tractors, then he and his son, Juan, decided this tractor was the best constructed, best buy and best suited for their needs. All-ste- ot daily NSC Sadia, remorad by INTERNATIONA! JOIN THE GROWING NUMBER OF FARMERS SWITCHING TO THE NEW CASE 500 DIESEL Trutk Daalars. NIELSONS Monticello, Utah Checks and balances in our political life , AS well as in GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION, ARE PROVIDED BV THE our TWO-PAR- system. Through The republican and democratic parties. people HAVE mad an opportunity to EXPRESS their WILL, The . FDR OR A&in", IN THE SAFEGUARD OP Our DEMOCRACY. THAT IS AN ESSENTIAL The Implement Center Fhone 63R1 Monticello, Utah |