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Show r r T THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY. UTAH Good Cow for Sale. For paitic-ulaapply to Lester Van Nosdol Hammoth Defeats Delta rs scmtAnn jodiison Mammoth. DRUG NO. 10 Three houses far sale ,ifc reasonPerhapB the most interesting able price. Suitable for boarding game played on the local grounds H. If. BOURNE, Manager this eea80u was that between Delta house. Inquire of Sam Cox, Sunday, tbe The 3elief Society will meet and Mammoth' score the as Bame being the game Everything in Thursday. Sept. 11 in the L. D. 8. 11 5 with to of in Nephi favoi church. Everybody invited. Mammoth. Drag Line Mr. Diantba Hanseu is attend, In tH 4th inning it looked as ing the wedding reception of a Delta would win, but the though nephew at Ephriam this week. Phone ns your wants home team spruced up and played Famished house in middletowu bail. We will ire them for rent, Also unfurnished house Tbe line up wad as follows: prompt attention in lower town. Euqaiie atthboffice Mrs. J. YV. Lewis stopped over Eureka, Utah ou the return trip front Mauti to Phone No. 3 and 11 visit friends in Nephi and Rayson. Jpcie Smith and Iowell Klrkeiulalls Auto leaves Ghat win will Lave Sub Jay our store at regular iu. foi Provo to attend ,Lt teivah, B Y. University. inscription rates:...., .$2.50 parannam . Published tvt tv Saiurdav. SCHOOL TEAR tie css sssjiifM'jStsai Local Brigham Young University Opening ,tai Vtrsjual Ernest and Afton Andros took In the dance at Spanish Fork Friday night. M re. Alfred Pardons has been suffering with rheumatism during the week. Mias Lillian Steedman will leave tomorrow morning for Provo to attend the B. Y. U. Lavelle Kelly and Leo Harrlman went to Salt Lal:o Sunday, where they spent Labor Eny. J. Y. Ileil improved the otpor-tunitof the Labor Day vacation to visit his family at Payscn. John Poulson returned from Mai.-t- i Tuesday, where he accompanied the party of temple vrorkars. Mrs. Skadrach Stewart returned last Saturday evening from her extended visit to Sandy, Salt Lake and moru-raorai- y QnjijtruTaTjimiAnjvjxnjTjnTnjirinj. For Catalogue Write to Registrar BRIGHAH YOUNG Provo, Utah Kirkendall Auto Stage J. C. KIRKENDALL, Chauffeur STEVE BENENATO, Prop 2 Jlnf . . ' work guaranteed and If notfuiiy satisfied your money will be refunded . All kinds of leather and material needed in shoe and harness repairing for sale Phone 6p Opposite Star Theater, UTAH uvirLrj) Total,,. 11 Th&. Shoe making and repairing Harness making and repairs. imm . -- l Best Epuippcd Slice Shop in REGULAR SCHEDULE All our EUREKA . When in Eureka, call at the Union Shoe Shop and Bee the DENTIST 3 UNIVERSITY Union Shoe Shop. Phone 138 B-- Mammoth Phone 3 Eureka DR L.E. PIERCE I Stott Bofldinf, 0 Registration September 8 and 9. Class Instruction Begins Sep. 10 ng September 8th is the opening day of the big Ran go Demonstrating Week at Taylor Brothers Store. A factory representative will be here to show you the superior points of the Majestic Range. .Mrr. Edith Kimball has been Goshen. spending the week with her parents, Mrs. Joseph Treloar, Jr., returned Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TI eloar. She to her home In Mohrland Wednes- came up from her home in Kanosh day after spending a few days with with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Treloar. who motored np from their home in Mr. and Mrs. RobLos Mrs. Arthur Noon entertained at erts Angeles. and Mrs. Kimball started for dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. D. home today. Loose prior to Mrs. Loose's departure for California next week. In a letter from Elon Sorensoi, New York to his mothwritten Frank Clayson and family, accom- er, Mrs.from C. M. Sorenson, he states panied by Mrs. Molita Mitchell, took that he has signed up for another m the beauties of Payson canyon on year of servIce on the Culgoa. He Sunday, returning the same day, holds a 'very responsible position a3 and 18 pleaset' Clar-1 t0rrkekeeper Word has been received that nis wlin ence Reid is with tbe Western fleet at Ean Francisco and expects soon to and Mrs. Ivan Ilarper retnrn- receive his discharge and, ome home e)j from payson Monday, where they went to visit Mr. Harpers parents Mr9.1sHbelleHsrviell9anddaugh- - purjng their absence they also visit' ;r expect to leave Tuesday for Salt d jjr3. Harpers parents in Spaniso Lake City, vliere .Miss Isabelle will pork, while were gone they resume her studies at Rowland Hall, i purChased the they property where they now reside of Mrs. Frank Evans. O Lafe Curtis and family are movBurto the John Mrs. George Cox, a former Springville, ing resident which they have occu- -' dent of Mammoth, but now of Poca-pie- d having been purchased by Chas. tcllo, Idaho, and her cbtldren, are Johnson. . visit with Mr. Coxs mother, Mrs. cnlld Grandm-Cox, Mrs. Eliza. Steedman Lawrence Jane Ker lovingly Mrs. A. T. Ba-- 1 daughter, f has given up her position m Sait k and famil of Idaho are expect-- ! Lake city and' gone 0 Leamington d ab out the 10th t0 make her an to c?re lor the children of her sis- e,tended visit. ter, Mrs. Fred Neiiscn, Thelma Jensen has completed her Mrs. Kingsley Th.acher returned course In the business college in Wednesday evening from a visit Salt Lake and returned today for a with her mother, Mrs. Susie Elton, two weeks visit with her parents, who is in Goshen taking care of her Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jensen. She will mother, who is seriously ill. then return to Salt Lake to accept Mrs. George Gaisiord, Jr., recent- a position in the state capltol in the irom Spring Lake, office of Joshua Greenwood on the ly returned where she motored with her par- Utilities Commission. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Barnett, Mammoths public schools who had been visiting her here. CIA Tuesday morning with the foxchiilowing enrollment: First grade 27, Mrs. August Poulson and two ifren arrived in camp recently froth second 31, third 34, fourth 26, filth 30, eighth 29, Scholieid, where she has been living 35, sixth 18, seventh s w.ith her mother, Mrs. Mary Krebs, and ninth 15, total 24j. Last year enrollment was 285, but there are while her husband was overseas. still a number to be enrolled which Junius Barnett, for fourteen years- will probably make the enrollment a resiueut of Mammoth, has return- about equal to last years, ed irom a summers sojourn in Lucile, the seven year old spring Lake and has takeu his old Sorenson, witli tiio luainnoui bupply. ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. celebrated her birthday Tuesday by Charles Keyworth and Jack Davis an invitation party at which ten of motored to Liberta IhUiSuay even- - her little friends were delightfully cakes, Landwickes, iug, where tney loaded ibeir car- entertained. with lucious peacnes aud pears, re- doughnuts, candy, mus and cocoa chi- turning the Mammoth rriusy morn-- , were served to the lo. lowing dren: Helen Smith, Lau.ta, Zella and Ben.tce Allman, Wybon Niel3en, Miss Josie Smith has returned to Florence Larson, Fern Rlckenbach, camp, alter spenu.ug tne summer Fean Smith and Steele Sorenson. Lake City, h or witn relatives in On Friday even.ng a party of the past ween sue has cetn me guest young folks gathered at the home of miss Grace iiiuman at of Lester Van Nosdol and from Grove. thence proceeded to the residence of S. C. Jensen motored to Spanish j0hn cox, whore they took Roy Cox, fork Bunuty, tuumg wuli him Guy wh0 ja visiting here, completely by Richarus, wno took tne ituerui nan- surprise by entering the house and for rieasant Grove; mobcri mart- proceeding to make merry. Games shorn to niehi; Robert Resbit lo ilo-vo- , were played and refreshments servand T. hi. Ohalwm m fcaniaqum. ed and a right Jolly time is reported. Those present were Agnes, Reed and The Mammoth ball team wiii t o Earl Thompson, Winnie and Ethel to Santaquin Sunday to piay a game Andersan, Thelma, George and Wiland on tne following buuuuy me lie Van Nosdol, Sylvia and May Cox, boys expect to make a trip to Delia Bernice and Virgil Berry. to cross bats with that team again. About 12 oclock Saturday night Mr! and Mrs. motored Jones Arthur Stapley received a mesMrs. I.y to Spanish Folk Monday to visit the sage that her brother, Wilfred Larlatters parents. Mrs. John LHxesei. sen, had arrived during the hour at accompanied them and went on to the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Spring. hie to visit her mother ana Dudley at Spanish Fork. Mrs. Stap-soBliss, who has been with his iey started on tho train Sunday grandmotner rusticating for some morning and returned Monday eventime. ling. Since leaving Mammoth r.h the volunteers two years ago last lie'.Miss Pearl Webb celebrated April, Wilford Las crossed the Atbiriuday by a deliglitlul uancing lautic 6;steen times. He was one of party at which ice cream and cne our boyg rep0rted lost on the the principal refresnmeuts. ated ban Diego when it sank. Wil-ho33 lortunate enough to be pre- - ford Bpent a tew days jn visiting resent enjoyeu tne occasion immensely. lativea an(j friends in tbe valley but Among tne out of town guests were will make Mammoth his homo Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb of 1919-192- 5 EUREKA, UTAH. , 3S f ac anaaggwB I Great Majestic -- j Range Bargain Week! - resi-Qui- st j SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION AND BARGAIN SALE OF i j ' Majestic D&aimgje.s ' At Our Store j One Week Only ; SEPT. 8 TO j. i daug.1-positi- . 113 To be truly Economical There Should Be a Majestic in Your Kitchen Economy is uot merely spending the least money buying a range at too low a price is indeed false economy. The FiixST. cost is not the only cost the little additional first cost of a Majestic is nothing compared with its econo-- ' on TEE BARGAIN -; i i r AND ITS my of fuel, durability and satisfactory service. Nearly a million Majestic Ranges, now economic illy, scientifically and satisfactorily serving millions and millions of people, civili ns ; and soldiers, is proof positive of their" superiority oyer all otbirs. There is only one best. The public has judged. The Majestic is recognized as foe standard of all ranges. The construction, material, workwanship and beauty of this wonderful rangFis imequalled, aid it embodies imj ortynt featuies possessed by no oiher range. WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE! Throurh special auangements with the mahuf .cturers, rnd durn this Bargaip Weet on y, a beautiful, useful and substan-- . tial set of Cooking Ware will be given with every Majss.ic Range sold. This ware is good ware not cheap ware) its worth a lot to you. Come and sB8 for yourself , And Remember-- - Your Opportunity is Here- - The price of a Majestic Range this week will not be increased, and there will hardly be a great reducton fur years to come, if ever, but there may i an increase soon. onr store during our Majestic Bargain Week. Its your cfcance to get acquainted with the real facts about ranges, We assure jou it will be worth your while to At investigate. b-- n, - - TWO NEW AND IMPORTANT FEATURES :ll-we- re i T - Divi-den- u. ' The I . L. 8. txcuisiou paiiy Two auto loads of people motoied froDiTinlic btike to tbe up from Leni last Sunday aud un- temple this week comprised about loaded at the home of Stanley Goats. The visitors included Mr. and 210 member. Uotol accoionjoda. Mrs. James Goats, Stanley's parents, tious at Man i i were iuBuilicWit so three of his brothers and tbelr wives, an unmarried sister and children en- the Mammoth party of 30 were ough to swell the number to filteon. quartered at Ephriam, Kidgbtville two days in camp, Tbe party bereturning to their home Tuesday Ui Splice ci'y- Th journey morning. On the same day another ing made by automobile, wad intwo carloads arrived at the homo of How-eveMr, and Mrs. James Lunt. They re- terspersed with showers. turned to their homes in Nephi that all report au e: j iyablo time. ' The Wonderful Unseen Riveting Oh, Joy! Yes, its rivet-tighjust like the old Majestic, but the rivets cinch inside cf nickel parts, leaving nickel smooth as glass, on the inside. An , and theie are no big, bulky bolt-hea- ds remember, rivets hold tight; .bolts with only one or two. threads holding are bound to work loose and cause no end ot trouble. The Majestic is smooth inside and outside its a striking beauty more than skin deep. t, Top Needs No Blacking A smooth, highly polished oooking top, burnished blue, not only adds to the beauty of the Majestic, but absolutely eliminates the work, dirt and worry of trying to keep the range looking nice just an pccasional tbin coat of paraffine retair:3 its beautiful velvet blue color. - If you haven't a MAJESTIC, avail yourself of this opportuaity to jet acquainted with this wonderful range r, evening. , September 8th is the opening day of the big Range Demonstrating Week at Taylor Brothers Store. A factory representative will be here to show you tbe superior points of the Majestic Range. September 8th is tbe opening day of tbe big Range Demonstrating A Week at Taylor Brothers Store. be here will factory representative to ebow you the superior points of the Majestlo Range. . know the inside of ranges. TAYLOR BROS. Co., Eureka X. |