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Show ir c 'Cv fjvr V C &Aiw ib MAMMOTH CITY, VOL. XXIV. NO. 29 JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. wuid, 0,1 a de to exert its authority, ; they will crow into stability. We can- LEAK CihiSiM IUL FULFILS The UTAH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE not turn b,uk now. ' There is another point which also The Home of the Efficient Education needs en nhasis. World treaties hitherto havt always been based on the BEGINS ITS FALL QUARTER theory of a balance of power. StrongIni' e been to races dominate set up Mrs. W. B. Simpson and daughter Herbert Hoover Says Democra- er, In Payaon j a the we .!:er, partly with a view to peter Brems spent day ' Miss Bernice, who have been visitAutocracies cies maintali Mg stal.Pty 'imd to a greater week. Replaced ' this F. Borg, ing in Bingham with Mrs. A. with a view to maintaining oc6 degree swam of Mrs. Simpson, at Our Bidding. The Bluebird Offered in the Schools of: cupations and positions for the reStork Fri- another daughter Degree and Vocational Courses Girls met with Miss Eva of tbe world. have returned, bringing with them actionary's June Borg, aged three years, who FOOD ADMINISTRATION CHIEF. The ftalanoe of power is born of COMMERCE AND BUSINESS day. H)ME ECONOMICS. AGRICULTURE, dura with very will stay with her grandmother armies - and navies, aristocracies, Ben Boyer is suffering blood ing the winter. ADMINISTRATION. MECHANIC ARTS. GENERAL autocrac es, and reactionaries generalsore hand which may develop on Thai Ground Ratification ly, wb can find employment and AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING The first and second grade of tha Urges poisoning. SCIENCE. Peace Treaty Will Collapse at meet dominion In these institutions, and to on called st are class gue the was Religion Marton Without of Inez Miss League treaties, founded on ties- basis have A. Pasmau and 2.30 Wednesday at the Meeting Nations. established stability after each great Tuesday of Mrs. O. conwill for C. House and the other grades war fo? a shorter or longer time, but The U. Miss Reah Tinder. 4 oclock at the same place. at vene a limn more never to congeneration. Herbert Hoover is so deeply Percell went the Mr. and Mrs. Roy OVER TWO POSITIONS WERE OPEN FOR America came t award with a new went There will be a social followinga full cerned over the opposition to the they where Thursday and cession Salt Lake each of In we United injecbusiness the inss'ed. upon its League of Nations idea, and EVERY 1919 GRADUATE OF THE COLLEGE through the temple. States that he has let himself be in- tion in e this peace conference. We attendance i3 desired. has to terviewed at length on the League sit- claimej' that it was possible to set For catalog and further infanratioa address, The Presidents Office, Utah Mias Margaret Gunter, who Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone went E. R. of uation. In a talk with the New York up su-d- i home a piece of machinery with the to visit with Mrs. been visiting in , AgiicclterJ Celled, lgan, Utah. to the city Fri- the city Saturday Mr. Nasmith, who, Times correspondent in Paris, , the suCli udhorily that the balance of returned Wilkinson, brother, Food Administration Chief asserts that Stones as a relic be abandoned could power day. with his wife, ha3 parents in Salt having caused the League idea to pre- of the middle agvs. Wr compelled an Miss Wednesand returned cannot America We vail , it. abandon Lake. Mr. Stone entire 'construction of Ik's treaty and V. A. Taylor1 and family ENVY in the but his wife will remain in the cannot withdraw, he says, and leave every word and lino in it to betid to day Serelda Knudson are taking toto to chaos. abandon To the return Europe Salt Lake this ii'ea. city until her brothers Hagenbach show at in the League Covenant now means that the is employed Outside of the League of Nations he where Seattle, ; day. treaty itself will collapee. itself 1ms many deficiencies. returned shipyards. . Mr. Hoovers wide acquaintance the treaty A L Daley and family It compromises between represents folks With conditions both here and abroad, where A party of twelve young Tuesday from Springville. men between many Selfish and Eve-lyn- e rnafiy Ais as an a Saturof Miss administrator, reputation tov been visiting since gathered at the home these and very compromises in naan of great affairs who deals with interests, are Whimpey Tuesday evening deficiencies multiplied by the and statenot day. his make filets, theories, anniversary sixteenth have entered the of that her to new nations honor many conment one of the most, Mrs. May Farmer returned birth. Adelight-fu- l tributions to the recent importantdiscus-slotft- upon its signature, and the very safety a ladys of young after that League and Uome in Salt Lake Thursday of the treaty itself lies in a court of evening was spent in games G. A. Pa. In melweek's visit with Mrs. watei of music and refreshments here are one or two points in con- appeal for the remedy of wrongs a man. the D'caty. Including cake, the nection with prepent treaty7, said root beer and arrived from on, v B.ncfits of the League. decorated birthday cake, Mr. Hoover, that nc?d careful considMiss Goldie Jenkins handsomely One thing is certain. There Is no Wednesday and Is a guest were served. Miss Whimpey receiv- eration by the American public. We need to digest the fact that we have body of human beings so wise that a tofhome of her brother, Chester ed many beautiful presents. for a century and a half been advotreaty could be made that would not Jenkins. Silver was well represented at the cating democracy not only as a instru;-ti0ldevelop injustice and prove to have excursion of Tintic Stake Genealogi- remedy for the internal Ills of all so- - boon wrong in some particulars. As Bert Sutherland is taking in first aid work in the govern- cal Society workers at the Manli clety, but also as the only real safe- - the covenant stands today there Is a fcr meme car in Eureka guard against war. We have believed can be found Temple this week, thirty-onment, instruction and iti'Oclairned, in season and out, place at which redress Co. Investment the triy: of good-wibers as follows making the which the KiiSbt that a world in which there was a and through Lake President and Mrs. E. F . Birch, Bis- free The very enforced. be can world and enforcement of the ' Miss b'ny Stark wert to Salt expression the East hop and Mrs. Jesse Haws, Stake the wftl of the majority was the real mack Mery by which the treaty is to vbere she enteredwill Fuller. B. P. Mrs. make Counsellor , and Sho basis of government, was essential for be executed, and scores of points yet Htoh school. Mrs. Robert Wilkins, Mr. the advancement of civilization, and to be solved, which have been referred and Mr, itMattoU., hom with as a method and Mrs. J. H. Buhler, Mr. and Mrs. that we have proved its enormous hu- ' to the League of Nations mature more judgment in W. Evans. G. of our in Mrs. man Securing benefits country. Jos. Elsmore, Mr. and : Mubl-steia Pss heated, atmosphere, justifies the Mrs. Enoch Anocrican Ideas Have Prevailed. Word has been Pa Brimhall, Mr. and the of the League: with We wont into the war to destroy creation Mr. and Mrs. Earl Potts, Mr. ter Baxter has arrived the covenant now He abandon fo Francisco. or.r own Mrs. to and menace as a and Mr. autocracy nama fleet in San itself will tbe ms me be and Mrs. Ha.rry Wintch, treaty that wit. and Mr. and Mrs. D. all other democracies. If we had notto be released e. Herman Sylvester, tha mon bole about tbe middle Mrs. come into the war every Inch of Eurotake the exposure of but C, Wheeler and two daughters, j, L'vouijY aku weiV'l todoj- Vfiiilil AL. at my baud jYwv jhmx.n, . xh. documents, have 7e imposed of W. S. S. are entitled to all the joys t rrXWbmanii wwarai we're en.er-,a,M- a Mrs. D. B. Willis and Wm. E. Potts. eratie government, I had been the most reluctant of TfaMe who are regular Buyers that on of this Out world. oar the 'will ladles) possession. in this (married Involved Girls of Americans to become J. A, Beman died Thursday morn- victory has come tie destruction But gone last aigtt t ths M in having situation Europe. rr - 'erMONR after a the four great autocracies in Ger- in with our ing at his home in Stockton eyes open and with a deHaws, and Austria and Russia, many, Turkey a the paralytic the little to free ourselves and long illness following and partook of refreshments autocracy in Greece. New termination in April, and was buried in democracies have sprung into being in rest of the world from the dangers stroke hostess. the by cemetery yesterday after- Poland, Finland, I.etvia, Lithuania, that surrounded us, we cannot now opening day no use September 8th is the Deceased is survived by a Esthonia, Greater pull back from the job. It is noon. Czechoslovakia, a great rmiial and then go to hold Vf the big RaaiT Mrs.John Gereven and A wife and two daughters, Serbia, Greece, Siberia, away leaving u church for continued Week1 at Taylor Babers be here Brazer, residing near Vernon, and many and Austria have established services half done. representative democratic Lake Beyond governments. of Salt factory expoints of Mrs. Bertha McQuire a host- of small republics, sucli . We have succeeded in a most lo show you tha superior Mr. Beaman was for many these in City! upon imposing degree resid- as Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and traordinary the Majestic Range. years a mining man of Tintic, have sprung up, and again as Europe the complete,. conviction that others, Crawfed Pacheco departed ' or at Silver, and was well known a result of this groat world movement we are absolutely disinterested. The where he ing; scarcely ford, Colorado, Sunday, throughout the district. Mrs. Bea the constitutions of Spain, Rumania, consequence is that there is can read Will' Spend some t'me with his parof Mrs. G. A. Paxman and even England, have made a final a man, woman or child who a sister is man On does not look to the Pacbco. that in John de- Mrs. Europe and and franchise to ascent friends Mr. sympathize complete her many ents, as the ultimate source Grand and With her, in her last bereavement, mocracy, although they still maintain United States his return he- will stop in which they must receive assurfrom royalty. junction to visit his brother.she having previously been called a symbol of been in the liberties and ances guardianship for the We have living spring a upon to part with all her sons, six in with secured after now school have opened which The Silver they this last century and half from which a total number. these Ideas have sprung, and we have go many generations of struggle. full attendance, there being as "This is not a problem of protecting The world today, except of 157 enrolled during the week ; September 8th is the opening day triumphed. re20, second the few a for big nations, for the few that 30, reactionary comparatively follows: First grade the big Range Demonstrating themselves. after look well demcan is main autocracies, third 19, fourth 18, firth 19, sixth Week at Taylor Brothers Store. A and communistic Wliat we have done Is to set up a ocratic, and we did it. 9 and ninth here be will 13, eighth seventh 19, factory representative a wife and score of little democracies, and if the A man who takes 10. to show you the superior points of Messes the world wiih several infants American people could visualize their visita was tha Majestic Range. cannot go away and leave them on handiwork they would Insist with the Sutherland Mrs. T. H. same determination that they did In the claim that there was no legal maror to Springville Sunday, where she 1917 that our government proceed. A. riage. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. These Infant democracies all have M1CKIE SAYS visited she Monday W. Sutherland. political, social and economic probLONG WAY TO GO HUNGRY. her mother, Mrs. Ellen Steele, at lems Involving their neighbors that evsame the returned and Goshen, are fraught with the most intense . Vf VOOVE GOrtTN VVLVtNh One of the best stories of our colfriction.' There are no natural boundening. VEWfc,NWY OSfM-WIE VSHO fMHW6 comnot aries In Europe. Races are ored boys abroad is the following: A 1 V6R Mrs. F. B. Loer returned Tuesday east, 1498 feet to corner number 4; 0ONCHA KUO 'tva TA VMt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. at border. blend ; They every VC.W4 OH pact they lot of them were standing in tbe thence North 49 deg 31 min east, ANEMLV- - MOTHU 'IN San Bernardino, California, from sea and need railway communication "El NVOU.6 Application for Patent. GerPtE&Sfi two 600 feet to the place of beginning, VSIU. the when nmss been suddenly has line, spending she where outlets through tlieir neighbors terriNo. 024553. Serial in the southeast quarter of situated Kenoverman airplanes appeared almost summer.' Her grandchildren, tory, and the northeast quarLake section United Salt States Land 28, Office, of and daughter neth and Merle, son 'Many of these states must for the head. There was a grand rush for and 33, Township of section ter 1919. 15, Utah, City, July next few years struggle almost for shelter, the only man who didnt J. H. McShane, who accompanied aforesaid. Range Is South Notice that given hereby bare bones to maintain their very her, returned with her. Area claimed, 20.634 acres. budge being the top sergeant. When Standard Mining Company, a corexistence. Every one of them is goThe nearest known locations bethe men returned he remonstrated poration under the laws of Utah, by The Tlntic rabbits, led by Roy ing to do its best; to protect its own Gold Bonds number 20 and 21, attorney-iing Delamar and Is you all jes plumb E. J. Raddatz, its agent Danner, Eugene Dodge and interests, even to I bo prejudice of it with them. unpat-entuwhose post office address unpatented, and Silver Rock, n-fact, neighbors. Harris, had a merry chase last TuesLake is 422 Salt Judge Building, Governments Experience. day, but the Tintic boys were sprintI direct that this notice be pubCity, Utah, has made application for realize that We iu i 'crlm ers and outdistanced them, bringing in the Mammoth Recori, lished for the Patent States United Big to ti e democracy, ns a slaMe form of governJuab back many of the fleet-foo- ts Utah, County, Mammoth, Lode mining claim, la Tintic Spring know it. is possible only we ment as nearest the townsmen. to their published newspaper with highly educated populations and France, an Ah aint no han to go Mining District, Utah County, Utah, claim, once a week for a period of being survey Number 6462, and des- nine n large force of men who are capable Miss Bernice Simpson, Miss Della travelin on a empty stummick. (9) consecutive weeks. cribed In the United States Land Ofmen who Huston the of Few Albert and of Fullner government. Clyde Wright, GOULD B. BLAKELY, Transcript. fice at Salt Lake City, Utah, with compose these governments linve had Morley motored to Nephi Saturday. Register. 10 min at 17 variation at deg governing magnetic any actual experience A GOOD EXCUSE. Miss Wright went on to Mills to W. I. SYNDER, Claimants Aty. as follows: are woefully east, and their populations visit her parents for a few days and Beginning at corner number 1 of (First pub. July 19, 1919.) Tts a good excuse, anyhow.-What- ' the other members of the party re of a the claim, from which point the comwill generation require They is? turned the same evening. mon section corner between sections actual national life in police to deThe difterenen The income tax. 10 TRADE MORAL velop free education and skill In gov27, 28, 34 and 33, Township W. B. and C. E. Simpson and their An excuse for wlmt? ernment. South, Range ? West, Salt Lake B. families will spend Sunday at the between tualness and suocos. 1 Unless these countries have a guidF.vory time the missus wants a & M., bears North deg 37 min East, Golden Rod Dairy farm at Spring40 north is advertising. Inquire aboi ing hand and referee1 In their quarrels, nen lmt or a new dress I can tell her 302,6 feet distant; thence ville, where they will be the guests 29 min West, 1498 feet to cortheir for wrongs, deg of court a appeals H. to C. ili.ii Im saving all my money of Mrs. pay ner number 2; thence south 49 deg Simpsons uncle, Frank our r?tt& this Europe will go back to chaos. debt to 31 min west, 600 feet to corner numnext Rouse, at a feast of chicken and othon installment the my If there Is such an institution, er delicacies of the season. ber 3; thence south 40 deg 29 min the public opinion of the Uncle Sam. MNBAY, SEPTEMBER 15 - A. Trains 60 Specific Professions , s. ? n ll ' Se M. V n, col-la- son rp-tVo- Y' . w La wW ip, He Has Had His Day the-Tooel- e Zre d. a-- k dis-tribu- te f |