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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CIT THE INGENIOUS UTAH RATIO MAKES CONTRIVANCE ON AUTOMOBILE IS HANDY FOR CRANKING UP AIRPLANES KITCHEN CABINET FOR HARMONY ! i . . , i Peculiar Arrangement of Chinese Musical Instruments $ald to Be Work of Cjhlneu Emperor. Lift off Corns! : . Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezono costs only a few cents. The characteristic musical instrument of the Chinese is a series of bamboo tubes, the longest of which measures about nine' inchekTNnd of which the remainder diminish in length at a regular ratio, each being just the length of the- - one before. This arrangement was devised by the Chinese they say, by the Emperor on the following principle : Huang-T- i Between heaven and earth there is perfect harmony. Now, three is the emblem of heaven and two of etirtli. If theu two pipes or tubes he made in the proportion of three to two, they will harmonize in tone as perfectly as earth and heaven. So the base tube of the instrument was made nine inches long and the second that length, or six inches. Of s course, the third has to be the length of the second, or four Inches; and so on. The result was that the note of the second tube was what we call an interval of a fifth above that of the first, that of the third a fifth above the second, and so on through the whole range. two-thir- who hath never warnd witTT misery, Nor ever tuggd with danger and distress. Hath had n occasion nor no field to He The try strength and foices of ins woi . 'TIs not in battles of youth we tram The governor who must be wise and good, And temper with the sternness of the brain and Thoughts motherly, womanhood. Wisdom doth live round her knees s. meek as er children with SUNDRifcS. VARIOUS design for an old pioduct is quite worth while, especially in food. Camouflaged Kidneys. Skill and clean (cutting out the white) four or five land) or pigs kidneys; cut into cubes and fry in oil or butter with season quickly; chopped parsley, . salt and a sliter of garlic. It will taice about five minutes. Just before taking up add a of vinegar; let it boil up r and sene on toast. Rabbit Saute. Clean'und cut up a rabbit; dredge with flour and sprinkle with salt. Put into a frying pan with two1 lable.spoonfuls each of chopped onion and drippings; cook gently until blown, (over with three cupfuls Of slock, add a dozen small onions, a bit of liny leaf, blade of mace, six mush-loon stems and a tea spoonful of vinegar. Cook one hour, or until tender. Remove the onions and iiilihit and strain the stock. CHt half it pound of hum in strips and cook in a frying pan with the caps of. the mushrooms. r Add twelve, ripe olives, the onion and inbhit and the strained sauce. Bring to the boiling point and season highly. ' Put1 the rabbit in the cenler of a platter.,, arrange .mushrooms (dives, luup.gii( .onions in piles around tbeiabhit and pour the sauce over ail. , . Mock Roast - Chicken. iTake one pound of the shin of veal, two oures of aalt pork, one tablespoonful of chopped onion ; mix thoroughly with one aut! one-hateaspoonfuls of salt, pep-p- i r and one-lnd- f cupful of milk, e Line AND SUNDRY THINGS. X now The secret of successful sponge cakes is in the beating of the eggs and the care not to lose the air incorporated when stirring in the flour. Then the baking oven never judgment conies to some women in the course of their lives, says Kate Douglas Wig-gi- , It is as unreasonable to suppose all women gifted in being good cooks as it would he to expect them to be musicians or artists. Because the majority of women are by necessity f housekeepers, it does not follow that they are by that necessity doing the work for which they are especially qualified. In these days of thin cream which refuses to whip, a solution called viscogen will he useful, which may be made at home and kept indefinitely if well stoppered. .Take five ounces of sugar and dissolve in ten ounces of water. Add six ounces of cold water to two ounces of quicklime and let it gradually slake; then strain through a fine sieve, to remove Tinslaked parti-(les- . Combine the two liquids and shake occasionally for-twhours. In three Jiours set the mixture aside to r off the clear settle, then siphon Store in .small bottles tightly liquid. corked, as the liquid absorbs carbonic acid from the air, thus darkening the color and reducing the strength.. Keep either in a dark, bottle or wrap the h bottle in dark paper. Use of a teaspoonful of "the viscogen to s of a cupful , of cream, w ell chilled. Stir well, then heat with an as usual. t, , Kitchen The Bouquet. browning used for gravies and various sauees may he made at home. Put, a cupful of sugar in an iron frying pan over the fire. Stir pnd shake until it turns n dark brown. Add a of boiling water, a clove of garlic, one chopped onion, six whole cloves, a teaspoonful of salt, a dash of tabasco sauce and a saltspoonful of black pepper. Simmer twenty minutes, strain and bottle for use. - Use a teaspoonful to flavor and color any meat sauce. one-fourt- two-third- s egg-heat- cupful of milk in a saucepan and stir ovof the fire until mint.. Add one teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper and one teaspoonful of poultry dressing, with Iwo teaspoonfuls of chopped onions. Mix well and put in the center of Hie mold. Cover with the remaining veal mixture and strips of salt poik. Bake half an hour; invert the mold on a pan, surround with six potatoes cut in strips, and roast until the potatoes are tender, hasting frequently w itli the gravy in the pan. Dried mushrooms may be soaked several hours in cold water, then used in sauces as the fresh. Cook until tender in the water in which they are soaked and save if for flavor for soups and sauces. tun half-cupf- A part of what we might term the optimists philosophy is: If you can mend a situation mend it; if you cant mend it, forget it. Is it a good philosophy or is it foolishness? 4 HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. Faith, absolute, unconquerable faith, is one ofJthd essential' concomitants, therefore one of the great secrets of success. We must realize that one carries his success or failure with him, -- that it does not depend upon outside conditions. Trine. A simple DINNER. The idea of a simple dinner is one (hut is reasonable In cost,' appetizing enough to he attractive and not. too much work t0 piepareSeasoned Cabbage' With Meat. Cut. a ine-dium-sizeCabbage into halves and let it stand an hour in cold water to remove insects, ' if any. . Into a saucepan put one sliced onion, a slice or two of bacon anil cook together until the bacon and onion are fried. Add the cabbage, and water to cover, season with salt and cook until the cabbage is nearly tenfrank-fort- s d der. Add a few and let them boil a few minutes. Serve the cabbage ,neatly arranged in halves with the sausages over the top, Rice Cooked in Chicken Stock. Cook rice until nearly tender in water then add enougli chicken stock to season well and finish cooking. Serve as u vegetable. Cottage Cheese and Peanut Salad. Mix a half cupful of peanuts, which have been shelled and put through the meat chopper, using the coarse cutter, with u ''cupful of seasoned1 cottage cheese. "Make intri halls' with" a spoon and serve on lettuce. , , Steamed Oat Bread, Mix two cupfuls of rolled oats, ground ; one cupful of corn flour, two and a half tenspoon-ful- s of baking powder and two lof salt.1 Add, two cupfuls of milk, (wd oggs, two tublespoonfuis of h melted shortening pnJ cupful of porn sirup. Steam in baking powder cans two hours or bake in " greased muffin pans. one-halohe f Take Pie. and Rhubarb cupful's of , chopped rhubarb,-oncupful of, tjliglirione tdhlcspponful of, flour aiqlju hftJf teaspoonful o .salf'; mix wIthat.wo. tublespoonfuis, pf water and cook: .until thoroughly hot and the rhuhnrh nearly soft. Cool and add two a pie tin lined egg yolks, turn into witli good pastry'- and hake In ii liot oven nr flr8t f liCii slowly uni il the tilling Is I hick. Cbrcrwlth u merjngip), -- vising the, whites and two tublespoon-ful- s of powdered sugar. Add a few quiirliT'- - r miwslinwillow s over the top it j - P d well-washe- ' one-fourt- and I'Piv . . i If the dishes in which ice ereajpi or frozen dishes are served are chilled in the refrigerator the problem of- - melting ices is practically solved. Salads, too, should lie served on cold plates to avoid willing. Frozen dishes molded in melon molds should be served sliced in pieshaped pieces, cutting from the center of the mold. Serve at once on cold plates. Cream is whipped enough when the egg beater leaves its print In the beaten cream. Longer heating will often cause, hits of butter, to form In , . the cieaiu. r tl,o m , A sufficient quantity of white sauce may be made to last two or three days if kept covered iu the ice chpst. Flour tlmt has been sifted several days should always bp resitted when ruady to, use. If a cupful of flour is called for in a recipe do not dip the cup into the flour, hut fill it lightly with a spoon. All recipes in the modern books cull for level measurements of all ingredients. Sweet milk mny be soured instantly by adding two teaspoonfuls of vinegar to a cupful of milk. The usual recipe serves six people amply. By cutting down the ingredients to halves or thirds it suits the needs of a small family, If fortunate enough to have a large one double lie , amounls. In making French dressing use half lemon juice and half vinegar nr dilute the vinegar witli water or fruit juice, using three times as much oil ns ncld. A convenient way of making (lie dressing is to put all the Ingredients Into a fruit jar and shake until It thirketus and then it is ready to use at any time with a few preliminary shakes, and will keep indefinitely In a cool place. - In molding gelatin mixtures Hie (hilling mny he hastened by having at hand a .dripping pan filled wllh crncked ice into which the molds may he set. A little salt sprinkled on the ice quickens, the chilling. l)o not wash mushrooms but brush with a butter brush to dean Iliein, Uso Hie peelings cooked Ip a lit tin u filer and drained ns flavor for sauces. The flavor Is In ihe liquor, so (lie peelings may lie thrown away, , t , , 1 , Rltult TvWircA -- , method Gradually the aviator is getting away from the starting his engine. The usual way wras to have a mechanic grasp the propeller, and give it a yank downwards, causing the engine to start. This is a very hazardous method, as the suddentiy starting propeller has caused many serious accidents, especially if the mechanic was not alert in jumping out of range of the whirling blades. Our photo, taken at the Hendon flying field, London, shows an interesting mechanical device for cranking up the planes, without any danger to the mechanic, or pilot. Mounted, and on an auto, the device can be quickly carried to any part of the field, and the plane started. LUBRICATION IS VERYJHP0RTAI1T Hard to Induce Mechanics and Drivers to Keep Chassis Oiled as Per Schedule. MAKE REGULAR INSPECTION Several Hours May Be Required to Give Neglected Truck Proper At- tention and Cover All of Most Vital Portions. A good way to add years to the service life of a motortruck and to re duce expensive layups is to make sure that it never lacks lubrication. There are between fifty and a hundred points on a motortruck which require individual lubrication attention. Unfortunately it is not possible to arrange the chassis so that all of these are to be lubricated at the same time since the parts represented by this array nearly all work at different speeds and under wide variations of load. Every manufacturer conscientiously supplies purchasers witli charts showing just where, with what and when to attend to each lubrication job. Yet it seems impossible for most organizations to get their mechanics and drivers to keep the chassis oiled as per schedule. Days for Inspection. The only way this can be done' with certainty is to set aside certain days for the inspection of eacl? vehicle by a mechanic whose sole duty is to seek out the thirsty members and apply the lubricant most to its taste. Armed with a lubrication diagram, perhaps, though this would only be necessary at the start, a large squirt can of oil, another of kerosene to clean out dirty bushings and to free those which may be gummed or stuck, a bucket and gun of dope" or transmission lubricant and a pail or can of cup grease, on the appointed night he will go entirely over the truck. He should pick out a certain place to start the starting crank is a logical place and proceed about the truck, cleaning away the caked mud and dirt and looking at each point keenly. Parts which are found to be in need of lubricant should have .the needed material applied at once and a note made of the need. In his inspection he will test the quality of oil in the engine base, gearbox, differential, etc., as well as merely the quantity present, since It Is necessary to clean When a out old oil periodically. change of oil is needed he will flush out the case with kerosene and All it to the proper level with new, clean oil. It may take several hours to give the proper attention to one badly neglected truck, but if once done properly and conscientiously followed up by periodical subsequent inspections, an energetic mechanic should be uble to act as godfather to three or four vehicles night. Naturally if the fleet is small, this will not be necessary. Once in two weeks Is often enough for each vehicle, the driver being held strictly responsible for all dully lubrication points, such as the fun grease cup, the chitcfil oiler or grease cup, the spring bolts, steering joints, steering knuckles and radius rods. Check on Driver. The report of (he lubrication Inspector serves as a chock on the serve ns nn excellent Index to Die conscientiousness' of drlver--uwLjUou- the driver. Conversely, the drivers should be given every opportunity to. report any complaints garding lubrication of the other parts which may be. necessary to insure diligence on the part of the inspector. In a small fleet the chief mechanic himself may best be intrusted t with this work, otherwise a special man may be detailed. The nature of the work would preclude any elaborate report, so that a manila card with the names of the different oiling points on all the chassis may be jircpured with spaces for check marks by the inspector. A simple code, such as C for change, 0 for lack of oil, D for dirt and R for repair, may he adopted a simple check serving to show that the part was found in good condition. Naturally, when a man goes over a chassis so minutely as to examine each lubrication point he covers all of the vital portions which are liable to become out of order, so that this inspection Is also invaluable in detecting slight derangements which are easily repaired in the incipient stage, but which might go unsuspected in ordinary running until they become so serious as to necessitate a major repair.' INFLATE TIRES ON HOT DAYS Terrific Driving Necessary to Generate Enough Heat to Raise Air Pres-sur- e in Tire. Motorists should again be warm.fi against the notion that the heat of a summer day expands the air inside a tire to such an extent that the tires do not need to be blown up to the same point as in winter. Experiments show that it takes terrific driving at racing speed for a considerable period to generate enough boat to raise the air pres sure in a tire five or six pounds. The expansion in a car driven at an or diiiary rate on a hot summer day is so slight lhat no allowance should be made for it when the tire is pumped up. Motorists would do well in hoi weather to test the air pressure ir their tires every few days to see that the leakage of air has not reduced the pressure to the point where the tire will suffer harm. luses from bottom of feet. , A tiny bottle of Freezone costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. Instantly It stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus' right'qff, root and all, without one Bit of pain or soreness. Truly ! No humbug! Adv. Crowd at Leipzig Fair. Attendance at the Leipzig (GerWhen tim.Jast hypocrite, flies his Samany) spring fair totaled 100,000, tanic majesty will not have a faithful servant on earth. making a new record. of three-fourth- of the affixture. Put one cupful of bread crumbs and with Attachment on Automobile for Cranking Airplane. o lf a mold two-third- . tar-ii'go- With your fingers ! You can lift off ady hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and tire hard skiq cal- two-thir- What is Castoria a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. , It contains neither Its age is its guarOpium, Morphine nor other Naicotic substance. antee. For more than thirty years it h s been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,-WinColic and Diarrhoea; allaying ness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and (natural sleep. The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend. s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and . ?. Children Experience against Experiment SIX . Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of CASTORIA -- is re SV9 Hard on White Waists. The coal mine labor troubles now fomenting all over Jhe world led Samuel Gompers to say at a Pittsburgh 111 dinner: ' Nobody would deny justice to the coal miner, for what life is so laborious, irksome and dirty as his? ."I heard a story the other day about a Pennsylvania woman who complained because her cook put seen white shirt waists in the wash every week. Why, Emma, the woman said, my own daughter doesnt dream of putting seven shirt waists a week in the wash i Maybe she dont, nuidm, said Emma, and maybe she aint engaged, neither, to a coal miner what insists on hard spoonin every blessed night. Money Made Selling Sumac. Sumac, which grows, abundantly In certain sections of the United States, may lie gathered and sold profitably to tanners and dye manufacturers, say the specialists of the bureau of chemistry, United States departments of agriculture. The price pf sumac has increased in recent years because of t lie .decrease in importations of tins plant from Sicily. "The "American sumac. If properly gathered and cured, is equal to the Imported article. In certain sections of Pennsylvania! Mainland, Virginia and West Virginia) good wages cniMhe made, the deparf inent says, by gathering and selling-sumaduring July, August and Sep tember.it Arrangements for the. sale of the sumac should he made before il is gathered. . Japans Isinglass Production. While kanten or isinglass, made from seaweed, is produced in practically every part of Japan where climatic conditions are favorable, the prefectures of Osaka, Kyota and Hyogo, are s said to produce more than, of the entire production of isinglass in Japan, which was about 2,809,207 pounds, valued at 8977,492, in 1917. Glad to Use Old Houses. As a result of the housq. shortage in y Philadelphia, fashionable. homes, each .with from thirteen to seenteen rooms, numerous baths and all the modern improvements1 of 50 years ago, which have been idle folio .(ears because foreigners inundated the district, hayeeen let to combinations of ordinary tenants. five-stor- , two-third- . - The Way of It. , In the passage of the fleet through For, Sale, One Obelisk., The obelisk at Oldbridge, near Grog-heelthe Panama canal they had to key exwhich was erected in 1736 to pectation up, didnt they? I suppose they did to negotiate the maik the spot where King Williams troops crossed the river at the battle looks." of the Boyne, is for sale. A young widow hasnt much use for a man who attempts to kiss her and Tlie more a man doesn't know the , less lie doubts. fails. ), Sometimes a blond woman is really blond. It takes a woman to conceal what she does not know. a5H5HSH5HSEEHSHSHnH5E5H5H5HEE5H5H5HSH5E5E5H5 0 0 0 0 UTOIflOIILE s 0 News GOSSIP Try to drive as near the center the road as you can. -- 0 0 Will buy AND nj a Big Package of ol The dirake mechanism seldom get) the lubrication it deserves. Do not neglect to Inspect valve clear ance at least once a month. Cereal One thing every automobile ownei should learn is how to stop a skid. Mud and sand are the two road con ditions most dreaded by motorists. . t j Some motors require grease in the d timing gcurs. Others are lubri ;ati by means of oil from the crank case. If the car is not equipped with nn extension trouble lump It Is well to provide among Ihu accessories a nocT.el flu si) lamp. 0 0 0 0 0' t f weighing over a pound, net Do not neglect the differential Just because you filled It with grease onw upon a time. Driving over rough roads at tlu slowest possible speed Is not always the best plan. 0. 0 ' H ' . i y . What are you paying for coffee? S ' |