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Show v r i rvtp mammoth Cm Yea Afford That Bad Back ? CRUELLY IDEATED Nowadays,' to be half crippled with m. aching back is mighty expen-you suffer with constant back-ohfeel lame, weak-an- d 0J?t; have, dizzy, nervous spells and fita of blues look to your kidneys. You cant do a full days work without well kidneys and a sound, strong, back. Use Uoun Kidney Pills. Doans have helped thousands of workers. Ask i H e, - MOTHER STARVED TO DEATH Mathias, Suffers Eight Month, of Imprisonment and Brutal Treatment fn Bandit Camp Forced by Carranza General to Carry Message to Zapata Two Months Trip Is One of Hardship and Danger.. ber of years I suffered from severe attacks of backache. Sometimes It was hard for me to get up from a chair, or from a positstooped ion. My kidneys caused me more or less trouble, too. I ney Pills and In a ,cn mo backache left me and my kidneys became normal." ; - Brutally treated and finally starved to death by Mexican soldier bandits, Mrs. W. H. Keenrigl, who left Washington a few years ago to Join her ..a-y- son-in-la- w Get Doan's at Any Store, 60e a Bom DOANS CO N V.YLV BUFFALO. N. Y. INDIGESTION Caused by , Acid-Stoma- ch Millions in fact about 0. out of more or- - less from Indigestion chronic. Nearly every- - case Is caused by There are other stomach disorders which also are sure signs of belch-- , inf, heartburn, bloat after eating, food re- peating, sour, gassy stomach. There are many ailments which, while they do not cause much distress in the stomach itself, are, nevertheless traceable to an Among these are nervousness, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, rheumatism, impoverished blood,1 weakness, insomnia, melancholia fthd a long train of physical and mental miseries that keep the victlms in miserable health year after year. The right thing to do is to attack these ailments at their source get rid of the A wonderful modern remedy called EATONIC now makes it easy to do this. One of hundreds of thousands of grateful I have been Users of EATONIC writes: troubled with intestinal Indigestion for about nine years and have spent quite a sum for medicine, but without relief. After using EATONIC for a few days the gas and pains In my bowels disappeared. EATONIC is just j the remedy I needed.. We have thousands telling of these marvelous benefits. Try EATONIC and you, too, will be just as enthusiastic In its praise. Your druggist has EATONIC. Get a big $0c box from him today. He will refund your money if you are not satisfied. It suffer, acute' or. ; t St., Utah, Brigham, eaye: For a num- FOSTER-MILBUR- OFFENDERS III KOREA of people and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Sturgis, in Mexico, died last November. Her body, wrapped In a strip of matting, lies hidden in a hole near Depolan, in Chipas. Before she died she saw the Sturgis, plantation sacked, witnessed the cruelties that reduced Doctor Sturgis to a physical wreck, and was forced to watch the Indignities suffered by her daughter at the hands of Carranza soldiers arid the, bandits led by Gen. Bafael Cal y Mayor, a friend of Za- pata. Japanese officials in Korea, in discussing the punishment administered to Koreans in the independence movement there, say that the old Korean custom of . flogging has been continued by the Japanese, authorities. One, reason given by the Japanese for this was that the prisons were insufficient to lodge the large number of prisoners arrested in the revolutionary movement. The Japanese officials also declare that the Koreans, themselves, sometimes preferred flogging to paying a fine.- - i ' How Famous Naturalirt Got Closeup View of Bird Remarkable for Extreme Shyness. v Acid-Stoma- . h. ATONIC g) a aa a One Treatment with Cuticura g , Clears Dandruff 19. g v iy ered it with palmetto leaves. While the old birds were off feeding he caused the device to be placed close to the breeding grounds and crawled into it. In this way he succeeded in obtaining much valuable information concerning the birds. He ol), served lhat when they Vaine flying, home they came witli a. great rushing of wings and that the hundreds of them hurtling along through the air was the most marvelous spectacle that could be imagined. One very interesting feature observed was that each female bird went straight to her nest and settled down to covering her eggs without fhe slightest confusion. The males ambled about ns though trying to show off their lovely plumage, for the flamingo is as: vain as a peacock of his scarlet jacket. Then each went to his own little home and standing gravely on one foot beside his mate seemed to be discussing the .weather with her. When one of these great birds took a nap he curled up his long neck like a string with a double knot tied in it and laid it back between his shoulders. 1- - c a package ' before the war : t i c a package during the war Foreign newspapers have published statements from foreigners in Korea alleging that several Korean men who were flogged in pursuance of court sentences were afterward in serious physical condition. Mention was particularly made of five men who had entered a local hospital at Seoul, who had received for three consecutive days 30 blows each. It is declared that the flesh was terribly swollen and discolored and that gangrene had set in. One of the officials showed the correspondent the instrument with which flogging is done under the orders of the court. It consists of two slender pieces of wood tightly bound He Did but He Didnt. with hemp twine. Carl Eisenschimel, one of the police The convicted person is tied to a department's handwriting experts, was wooden bench, Avhich is built someon tile witness stand, and th,e attorney in the a cross. form of thing for the defendant was more or less deeply interested in proving that as a handwriting expert Eisenschimel was a mighty fine bricklayer. AMERICAN HEIRESS IS he asked, Now, Eisenschimel, have you ever made a mistake? NOW POVERTY STRICKEN Yes, I have,- tle witness replied. Tell .Ah, the attorney snapped. ( us when you made a mistake. I never made one, said the handwriting expert, but I dont like to hear a man say hes infallible. So put ft down on the record Eisenschimel once made a mistake. But 1 never made one; let that be clear. San Francisco Chronicle. Dr. and Mrs. Sturgis reached New Orleans a few days ago. Bight months of Imprisonment and brutal treatment In a Mexican bandit camp, where they were hidden after their plantation was sacked, was the experience related by Doctor Sturgis and his wife. In Mexico 20 Years. :: ,, Twenty years, ago Doctor Sturgis went to Mexico to practice his profession of , dentistry. He also acquired and cultivated a large coffee plantation and in 1915 came to Washington and married Miss Cora Keenright. Mrs. Keenright, her mother, went to Mexico to visit her daughter. It was in January, 1918, according to Mrs. Sturgis, that they had their ; first raid. The raiders were Carranzista soldiers, Mrs. Sturgis said in a letter to friends here, commanded by Capt, . Leopolda Garda and Capt. Julio the house. into swarmed They I ( FOR Y6PR Captain Garcia pointed his rifle at me and at its muzzle forced me to search 1 g-y47 the whole house for him for revolu. , , tionaries, he said, , Then he ordered me to climb the roof and search it with him. I refused. Im the wife of an American citizen. sneered at me. He AH druggists 25 26. Ointment ft 60, Talcum 26, j 8osp of 'Oittcere, Dgpt. E, Bestos. Sample each free Go ahead and kick to yonr government. Go ahead and kick to my government, too, if you want to. It PARKERS wont do anyf good. .Were going to HAIR BALSAM drive all you damned gringoes out of A toilet preparation of merit, Helps to eradicate dandruff. the country before were through with For Restoring Color and he said. Faded Hair. to and you, Gray Beauty 60c. and 1.00 at druggists. Well, the Carranzistas' left us at HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal- - last. And then came the raid of June louses, etc.. Stops all pain, ensures comfort to the feet, makes walking easy. loo. by mailer at Prug-- . 26, 1918. That was headed by Gen, gists, Hlscox Chemical Works, Fstchogue, N. Y. Rafael Cal y Mayor himself." Ran Away All Employees. B. PATENTS Watson Patent Lawyer,Colsmae, Washington, Prior to that time we were in difD. C. Advice and books free. Bates reasonable. Highest references. Bestserrices. ficulties. For the Carranza government ordered all plantation employees $100.00 WILL BUY YOU AN INTEREST IN a new Nevada OH Field. Send for geologist to quit. A Carranzista agent kept comreport and all particulars. BIG 4 OIL COMPANY. Write HOMER POWER, Fallon, Nev. ing regularly. If he found any at work he threatened to have them W N. U., Salt Lake City, No. hanged. On June 26 Gen. Cal y Mayor rode Valuable Recipe. up to the house. His men swarmed The schoolmaster had the boys out through it They stripped the house of everything inova IMe. Then they for a hike, near a certain tree he said: Boys, when I was took us to the bandit camp as prisUaiierwM a young lad I stood on this spot and oners. We were prisoners of Gen. Cal y threw a silver dollar to that large rock forCountess Colloreds-Mannsfielthere. There was a short silence and Mayor from June 26, 1918, to February merly the beautiful Nora Iselin of New then Sammie spoke up : Aw, you 18, 1919. It was November 13, 1918, York, before she married into Teuthat my mother died of starvation. couldnt do it now. ton royalty, is now one of the numThis Gen. Rafael Cal y Mayor was ber of American heiresses who are livI In Yes, could, said the teacher. fact, I believe I could even throw it a close personal friend of Zapata. On ing on borrowed money or on sums November 15, 1918, he had me brought ridiculously small compared with their farther." former grandeur. said Sayunie eager- to his shack. The financial chaos Say, teacher, Get ready for a trip, he told me, in Germany and the seizure of their ly, will you please come home with Youre going to carry a message to wealth in this country by the alien me an show my mother that trick? There is no trick; what do you Zapata for me. Youre going to Vera property custodian has left them pracCruz and to Mexico City. If you try tically penniless. mean? asked the puzzled teacher. to trick me, of if youre not back iD Is mother that plways sayin "Why, ashed give lot to know icny to make two months, Ill kill your husband. HAS LIVED A CENTURY He sent with me an Indian woman a dollar go as far as It used to, Cam mi e. Philadelphia Amertj named Clotilde Lopez. . She was to But Aunt Dude Goodall Works In keep watch over me. can. Traveling on foot, on muleback, and Her Garden. sometimes in a canoe, the two women Dude Goodall celebrated the Aunt Lost i , Opportunities. reached Mexico City. one hundred and first anniversary of How long have you been Ip prison, finally Mrs. Sturgis made the long journey her birth at Marion, 111., recently. Mrs. usked the sympathetic poor man? to camp and saved her husbands Goodall was born the year Illinois was back viBttor.'J , life. They were held prisoner several admitted to the Union, and has lived more five mum; years Ten'years, weeks longer and'tljen set free. After all her life in that state. '' ' i to serve; trouble they got In communicamuch She Is in excellent health for a perDear me I And to think how green e with the American consul at tion son of her age, and works practically blue the is how the grass outside, Cruz, who furnished money suff- daily in her garden and with her chicksky. back to the ens. That doesnt worry me, mum, A icient to pay their expenses States.1,, y Mrs. Goodall was born in Saline s man in my profession dorit haVe time county. Her maiden name was Mereto enjoy de green grass 'and' de blue COSTLY RAILROAD FRAUDS' dith. Her husband has been dead for sky, blit wid ail de detectives "in de 20 years. She was the mother of 11 Im bolsheviks dese trailin country' Millions of Dollars Alleged to Have children, three of whom are still livmlssln some grand ehunces to do 1 some ' ing. Mrs. John Cliarida, Mrs. D. L. second-stor- y Been Lost Through Irregularities. Jobs. . The railroads of the country have Thompson and Mrs. George Pulley. On her one hundredth anniversary, Take1 to American-Mad- e Shirt. , lost "about $5,000,000 a year through American-mad- e shirts are ' being irregularities in connection with the held last j ear, the entire city and surto do worn by men of the better class in sale of stray and unclaimed freight," rounding community turned out celebration took honor The her place Vera Chiz. according to statement made before Ffederal Judge Foster of New York at the large Williamson county fair l! grounds, which was crowded all day Widows and spinsters naturally op- city. This year the family with visitors. Solo-moS. Dumont and Jerome not do men who Capt. propose. pose home the for a dinner. at gathered Shuldlner have been accused of Silence sometimes gives consent 'and frauds against the railroads In conFinder Substitutes Glass. nection with the business of Schuldln-er- s sometimes it gives offense. firm. Tentative pleas of not guilty The loss of her diamond ring was Betls. Retrains, Sooftes, were entered and the two men were discovered by Mrs. Theodore Tucker Heal, Keep your Eyes released oh bonds of $25,000 each. of St. Louis while she was In an upI Strong and Healthy. If town building. A man aided in the or theylire, Smart, Itch, search. He pretended to pick up a Cows Give Blue Milk. Burn, it Sore, Irritated, lim'CVtC diamond. Here It Is," he said. Mrs. Unusual crops of blueberries Inflamed or Granulated, lUR use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult county, Wisconsin, are not Tucker thanked him and gave him $5. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book, pleasing dairy farmers. Their cows A jeweler said the diamond was glass. The lost stone has not been found, g vine Eye Kenedy Cenieny, Cblcego, II. S. L ire giving blue tinted milk. H OB6V c a package ta WOW - it.: THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! , Mis Translation. never husband and fxther-shoulspeak a cross word in his home, a trifle severely said the presiding elder,. A I i Great gvus of iron! interrupted You Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. cant expect the poor .cuss to hop up and tear outdoors .in all, kinds of Kansas weather, can you, parson City Star. ; Short and Sharp. Your vitality is low. But, doctor, I danced the sliim-ra- e nearly all last night! Also your morals. Heres a preCuticura Soap for the Complexion. scription for debility. I cant underNqtfilng better than Cuticura Soap take to cure depravity. Five dollars, daily and Ointment now and then as please.' needed to make the complexion clear, Once in a while a woman actually scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant believes that her husband knows as Cuticura Talcum and you have the much as he thinks he does. Cuticura Toilet Trio. Adv. 'And the way of the transgressor is ' Knows Her Business. sometimes hard to beat. Did you notice how attentively Miss Sniarty listened to young Jones when he was talking?" Wes. He told me afterward she was the most entertaining girl he had ever met. Kidney and bladder troubles dont of themselves. disappear They grow Hows This ? slowly but steadily, underupon you, We offer 1100.00 for tuiy case of catarrh mining your health with deadly certhat cannot be cured by HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. until you fall a victim . to inHALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is tal:- - tainty, curable disease. en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Stop your 'troubles while there Is Sold by druggists for over forty years. time. Dont wait until little pains bePrice 75c. Testimonials free. come big aches. Dont trifle with disF. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with GOLD MEDAL HaarAt the Station. lem Oil Capsules now. Take three or four every day until you feel that you 'be good to yourWell, good-by- ; are entirely free from pain. self. n This preparation has been I will; Im a man." one of the national remedies of HolBoston Transcript. land for centuries. In 1696 the govern . ?- , , , Worse Than Flu. My brother, while en route to Camp Pike, Ark., exchanged addresses with a young woman in Chattanooga. Soon after reaching camp he wrote her that quarantine was all over camp. In her answer she said.. she hoped quarantine was not so bad as flu and that he would not Jhave it. Exchange. Worse Than Lobster and Cream. Speaking of foods that disagree, the following is taken from an English menu: Special today. Boiled Rabbi and Pork." KIDNEYS WEAKENING? BETTER LOOK OUT! well-know- kind-hearte- ment of the Netherlands a special charter authorizing granted Its sale. The good housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without food as with- out her Real Dutch Drops, as ska quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Their use restores strength and is responsible in a great measure for the sturdy, robust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your and insist on his supplying youdruggist with a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Take them as and if you are not satisfied with directed, results your will refund druggist gladly your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box and accept no other. In sealed boxes, three sizes. Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis.t says: I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost allpains my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an operation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. P.nkhams Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. ' Za-lln- How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. I suffered from a female trouble which Canton, Ohio. caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. s My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Vegetable Compound, advised me to try it be. fore submitting to au operation. It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a trial and it will do as mucl for them. Mrs. Marie Boyd, 1421 6th St., N. E., Canton, Ohio. . - Pink-ham- Every Sick Woman SlidS p 1 LYDIA PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND 1 WDnm Ullnr UJ Before Submitting lb An Operation, LlU I FLAMINGO AT HOME i A Utah Case East STUDIED FLOGGING A few years ago Assert Natives Often Prefer q very great bird lover succeeded in getting close to a -. to Sound Thrashing Paycolony of Florida flamingos in the nodAmerican Woman Tells Tale of dle of a swamp, lie had a queer of ment Fine. , ... . , . .. Atrocities. basketlike contrivance made and cov- farmer. retired Second South and Third MIT BY CARRANZA MEM your neighbor! Jonah APS pprnsn mammoth otty. tttah v; IYOIA C.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. |