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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH if? .obs-rip- hhb Hon ratefe:.. i Publish, ran :.$2.50 peranoum Wtry Satiwclay. hire. J. W. Levis r.nd boys are spending tha week with Oran Lewis and family at Spaniea Fork. Mrs. Merit Stewart returned Saturday night from the valley, where sho has boon visiting since the 4th. put Petty in the pitchers box, but that did not help matters as ttey only made two more runs in the 6th. Prswal The line up was as follows: Misses D irothy nnd Beulah Blackett have returned after a visit with relative: at Mammoth. Springville PAN MODEL TRACTOR Bl 'King went to Spanish Fork to attend the big home coming celebration on the 23rd and 24th. Mrs. Browne will remain over Sundaj and Miss Carrie Jamison is locking after the postoffice during her absence. Fred Wahlberg was a visitor at Provo yesterday. Three houses for sale at rea''eon MAMMOTH BEATS abk price.. Inquire of Sam Co.v. TWO TEAMS Church Fcrsey returned last J night from Salt Lake, where he S'.oaaish Fork is Beaten 9 to 4 and spent several days. Nephi 11 o 5. nosome is Juab county gaining MaiTemoth now has one of the toriety by a murder at Tront creek a feud. from best amateur ball teams in the resulting This office will be closed Monday, state an d have come out of the contest with other teams with flying Tuesday and Wednesday,' as tii colors. editor is tak'ng a few days off. At the ga me played in Spanish J. H. Whitlock and family re- Fork on the 23rd, the Mammoth s turned tins week from a team won agadn with a score of outing with friends in Sanpete. 9 to 4, and on the 24th a game Mias Orilla Taylor of Santaquir was played herewith the Naphi is in camp visiting her sisters, Ml?. boys, resulting An a victory for Martin Q undersea and Mrs. Donna our team by a score of 11 to 5. Lunt. The Nephites hid a good team hold clown our learn butcouldnot Mil June Harris returned last not make a seore did and they night from the volley, where ahe third inning, when has been spending three weeks with until the they made 3, won chiefly on balls, fi Heads. which let the visitors walk in . Alias Vera Dnnn returned last nigh, 1 from 8panish Fork and Provo, spending the wbertehe ha holida. Mwt Tames Lnnt, Jr., returned Wednttd V evening from the Lehi hospital a nd ie convalescing from PANS Are. Come The New Pan Tractor and the New Pan Car, first exhibiting at Wichita, Ks., will also exhibit as follows. CONE! SEE! LEARN! Mrs. M. A. Browne Local and UTAH TEne New PAN Independent. raasiATEj CTTY, CAR Queen of the Highway of the Field ALSO SPECIAL EXH I Bif OF PAN FORGNGS SAINT CLOUD PAN MOTOR 3. ..1 4. . 5. 6. ..0 ..0 7. .0 8. 9. ..0 ::b Everything in ..H ,5 Drag Line 3 .... 0 0 2 0 0 j6 . Total, ". MINNESOTA DRY SCHRAMM JOHNSON DRUG NO. 10 H. H. BOURNE, Managjr tie n t?n-day- ba heropwaUOn, For sale a t a reasonable price for cash, resident ?e and furnituie. Ap ply for paitic ulers to Mn. Mamie (loodman, Silv er city. Pera Hariis vent to Salt Lake hi3 week and enlisted in the mer. now on hie eh aft t mariil3r-fJFraneiscoN. way to San David K. Eager has 00mplee(, his course at the University sum- Th Pitcher Went to Piece in the Fourth Inning mer school and wi lh his wife reOGL. turned to Mammoth last night and and after! he 5th inning, Nepbi is prepared to start school work. - 0 -- Phone ns you wants We will give them prompt attention Union Shoe Shop. STEVE BENENATO, Prop . When in Eureka, call at the Union Shoe Shop and see the . UTAH (very pry) - Enreka, Phone No. 3 and 11 , . . Best Epnipped Shoe Shop in Tintic. Shoe making and repairing Harness making and repairs. Utah Kirkendalls Auto leaves our etore at, regular r war .savings work guaranteed and Itnotftiily in the District Court of the United satisfied your noney will be refunded States for the District of Utah. 1 In th matter of ' All kinds of leather and mate' Holland P. dHl, In Bankruptcy He. 5(K4. rial needed in shoe and harVol. Baukrupt. j To the creditors of Holland H Du hi ness repairing for sale of Mammoth, in the county of Juab Phone 69 and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Opposite 5tar Theater, Notice is hereby given that on EUREKA, UTAH. the 18th day of July, 1919, the said Rolland P. Diehl was duly ,Mr Plan.? . I DR. L. E. PIERCE Two Yea , adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at my office iu Continental Block, Salt Lake City, on (he 11th day of Utah, August, 1919, at 10:00 oclock a. it., at which time the aid creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the haul rupt, and transact such other business as may properly Stott Building, 2ndTloor of Prohibition Hove Helped th Thjtfft HoUt, cad it k Increasing With National Prohibition IOOSI -- DENTIST I v.i. . nnJtruuuimuijmumivmrtrLnjriri tbedan dSt&RV ' All our . Mure; amen prohibition come before said meeting. Charles Baldwin, EUREKA - I Tnmnanan UTAB g - nru mnrumn 'UUUUTJ Referee in Bankruptcy. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 23, 1919. Stewart returned Friday nght from a three.weeks trip to tLe Uintah reservation and otbi'i paris of the state. However, Glen did not And a papoose to bring back with him. Harry Peteison and wife return sd last night bom Spanish Fork, where they attended , bt t celebration. Mre.Peterson has been absent for two waokr, during which lime Bhe visited iu Sanpete. C. Forsey will Ur. ml Mn Hew York cash retire from the store and go to their home in Salt Lake about the first of the month. The store will be taken over and operated by the Forsey brothers, who have all recently returned fiom France, A motor delivery truck will be pat on and other im. prevements made. up and away Wafting and soft, temper the day. Breezes, gentle vo-da- The housewife, busy most of the day about the home, both needs and would appreciate the same cool comin most fort to be found offices and shops where now-a-da- ys G-- E waft gentle breezes throughput, the, working hours. Discomfort and odors, of cooking are banished from the kitchen by the whirling blades of these tireless fans. Other rooms, too, are rendered much more habitable during summers heat by the same means. ' Less than a cent an hour will pay for this great comfort wjU you deny yourself this economical luxury? Mrs. Iver Lawson of Salt Lake came out Tuesday evening with her cousin, Mrs. Bert Wilder, who has been spending a tew days in the city. Mrs. Lawson is enjoying the week In Mammoths pure atmosphere as the , guest ot her cousin, Mrs. Frank Ray-Miss Natilla Lewis and Miss Isa-- , belle Harvielle motored to Nephl on Monday in company with Miss Irene Stephenson and Miss Elolse Pace, who were week end guests of Miss Miss Stephenson won first Lewis. price In the auto race at Nephl on tOMEN rarely worry over making the beds and dusting. It is easy enough to hire sweeping and cleaning done. But those three meals a day that must be prepared Those miles of steps! Those long hours of These are what make women feel like shutting weary standing! up the house to board. Utah Power & Light Co. "Efficient Public Service" Solves the, Kitchen Problem 365 days a year! We will show you a variety of sizes to suit every purse bould. the Fourth. The Pioneer Day celebration In Mammoth was a successful event. There was a good crowd at the ball ground, wherethe sports were held during the afternoon, and also at the ball game that followed. The Ladles Military Band of Provo played on the streets and at the various places of amusement and attended the ball at night. Peanuts and popcorn were given to the crowd and a number of interesting races and contests were pulled off. While there were a number of people attending the celebration at Spanish Fork and other valley towns, there were still enough left In camp to make the occasion Interesting. Electric Faia AND HERE enters the Hoosier. F.72 . that is the heart of the kitchen, with every article used in cooking within aim's reach. THE HOOSIER THE HOOSIER that saves the miles of steps, that lets you sit down vii at you work. THE HOOSIER that helps yon 0' do the work in less than half the time. BANISH YOUR old cupboird.Collect the diking mtterial aid utensils that you actually use, and arrange them in the scientific Hoosier way. one day you will understand why a million women say they couldn't keep AFTER ir r . housewihouta HOOSIER . TAYLOR BROS. WAN Co. J |