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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH 0 HIMS DROUGHT A Bumper Crop 10 GET LOWER RATES Why not be perfectly satis-- j fied when you buy Jewelry, BE RESPECTED a Diamond or a Watch? f & $ j Our reasonable prices ease the A t "'' way. ASKED FOR EXPLANA-TIOOF ATTACK ON SAILORS OF BATTLESHIP CHEYENNE. CARRANZA CAVALRY, POtlCE AND PROVOST s GUARD BATTLE WITH' ANGRY MOB IN STREETS." ADMINISTRATION ORDERS SPECIAL SCHEDULE FOR FEED AND CATTLE SHIPMENTS t POUNDS 'After . V 4 Favorable Report Had on Amendment , to ''Agricultural Bill for Relief df Homesteaders.-Relief for Stockgrowers. ' - , I HOUSE APPROVES DRY MEASURE - DEAD IN WRECK ON U. P. THREE : Arthur i .1,. E. Woods, Ogden and Evanston Men Slain as Engine Explodes. ' Ogden. -- Thomas Carroll, engineer; R. Hobbs, brakeman, both' of Evanston, Wyo., and Arthur E. Woods, fireman of Ogden, were Instantly kill- Charles ed at 4:15 oclock Monday morning at Curvo, sixty miles east of Ogden, when the boiler of locomotive No. 5008 exploded. .Details of the accident ; are The superintendent of the lacking. Union Pacific system at Green River has started an investigation of the explosion. According to Information received here, the locomotive was one of the powerful mogul type of the Union Pacific railroad, and was attached to a fast fruit train, eastbound, that left Ogden about two hours before the accident. Only the wheels were left on the track, the boiler and upper portions of the engine being scattered on each side of the right of way for many feet,, it is stated. As all the men on the engine when the boiler exploded were killed, the exact cause of the accident may never be known. MISS JOSEPHINE range.., ' :f .A Quick Breathing an Anaesthetic. United States scientists who have been conducting experiments in the art of breathing claim to have that rapid breathing of pure air acts as an anaesthetic' and renders a person Immune to pain as long as Of course, after the It Is maintained. cease the pain will Inhalations rap'd be. felt. By a little training, it Is said, a person may Induce sound sleep by deep and rapid breathing for a few minutes. d(m-onstrat- ed AUSTRIAN TREATY V j sj HONORED DEFEATED NATION MUST PAY CITY OF LONDON AT HIS- -, FOR AIDING BERLIN'S ATTEMPT ( TORIC GUILD HALL. TO THROTTLE WORLD. AMERICAN BY - GENERAL t Sword is a Handsome Reproduction American Pattern President Asks Permanent Rank for Pershing! March, Sims and Benson. ; Terms Demanded by Allies Handed to Delegation at Paris. Army Reduced to 30,000 on a Purely Voluntary Basis. of Complete London. London honored General Pershing Friday with the freedom of the city and a sword of honor in the presence of a distinguished company of Britons and Americans gathered within the historic Guildhall. John W. Davis, the American ambassador, the embassy staff, Rear Admiral Harry S. Knapp and his staff, members of the British government and a number of British generals were participants in the ceremony. Early this month the corporation oi the city of London voted to present to Seneral Pershing and Marshal Foch the freedom of the city and swords of Austrias army is reduced to a purely voluntary basis by one of the military terms of peace, which, together with the reparation clauses and a number of minor terms, were handed to the Austrian delegates at Saint Germaine Sunday by M. secretary general of the peace conference, without ceremony. No definite reparational sum is fixed in the treaty, but Austria is told that the extent of her liabilities and the Paris. 30.000 men on Dut-ast- a, schedule of payments which will be extended over a period of thirty years will be made known before May 1, -- . writers -- - We want at least one we11cqtiainte4 ambitions driver in every Ideality to demonitrato and sell a wonderful now pnnoturoproof tire. Given ooat only half as much, yet guaranteed 1920. The commission in charge of t The sword of honor Is gold mounted and is a handsome reproduction of the American army pattern. On the upper band are displayed the arms of the United States on one side and the arms of the city of London on the other. ' In the enamel below the American coat of arms is General Pershings monogram in diamonds and rubies, with the American flag and Union Jack. On the reverse side enameled ribbons display the names of the battles in which the American troops participated and of General Pershings campaigns. The decoration of a Knight Grand cross of the Order of the Bath, with which General Pershing has been presented, appears on the lower band. The hilt and bands are of gold. The sword was made by the GoldSilversmiths company. smiths 1.11 manys .reparations will have an GerAus- TWO KILLED, THREE HURT., ? 6000 Mitel Punoturo-ProElectric Car Drags Automobile Along trian section. They re al eo or en! ie. better look! ng and Tracks and Mangles Occupants.easier ridiag. We help yon establish Austria now has the complete terms a substantial flourishing business of and must submit her final observayour own, the weekly profits from which Ogden, Utah. Joseph Folkman, 50 will amaxe you. Wo show you how and Folk-mations within fifteen days. s Ivo you every help. Xf you are years of age, and his son, Lee to bulla a big business of your The payment of a reasonable sum. 25 years of age, were instantly own, and sre now making less than fiOO a week, write The establishment of an Austrian killed ; .Tosie Folkman, 15 years df age, or wive at once. CJfWS CdNSOUMTtt RU3KX CO. commission. a daughter', was projabiy fatally iniW 8se t raesisss 223 2nd The Issuing of bonds. 12 jured, and .Gwendolyn Stewart, The delivery of livestock and certain years of . lyiUMeee"" ageAnd Viola Knight, 15 historical and artistic data. a years of age were Seriously injured, GOOD HEALTH RULES FOR ALL Reduction of the Austrian army to when, a Utah-IdahCentral electric . t .1 30.000 volunteers must be undertaken interurban car crashed into the Folk-ma- n Have Ideal Many Pioplft English within three months after signing of automobile at the Harrisville road Which It Would Be Well for the peace. This anny can be used for crossing, five. (miles north of here, at Americano to Cop. no purpose other than maintenance of 4:55 oclock Saturday afternoon. internal order and control of frontiers. The accident was one of ithe most One of the most popular forms of Importation and exportation of arms, frightful recorded in the annals of food in England is cheese. This supammunition and war materials of all accidents in this county plied a highly concentrated protein kinds is forbidden by the treaty. in' a number of months. The automofood which, when properly ripened and The army reduction is described as bile In which the killed and Injured is usually well assimilated. masticated, to render possible were part of the plan was dragged along the Not only does this food contain a large !,. riding Mob Strikebreakers Disarmed by the initiation of a general limitation track for a distance of 250 feet before percentage of' protein, but it also conTulsa, Okla. Armed guards, motor-me- n of armaments of all nations. could be stopped. When tains fat and mineral- salts.' When car electric the interur-ban and condustors oh three Austria is assured that the reparaear was halted it was found neces- combined with bread, which Is a carbocars of the Oklahoma Union Rail- tions committee will bear in mind the the to remove the pilot before it could hydrate food,. cheese makes an ideal sary way company were removed from the diminuation of Austrias resources and resume its to the city. combination. . supplying. as it. does ail trip ears and disarmed by an angry mob capacity of payment resulting from the ' the elements necessary for nourishAs a result of the collision, the senof a thousand strikers and sympathiz- treaty. e dis- ment protein, fat, and and was Folkman ior decapitated ers eight miles west of Tulsa on the The allied and associated powers ' ' ; Lee Folkmans head mineral salts, in and emboweled, Tulsa Sapitlpa line .Monday night. recognize that Austrias resources will Cheese Is a very popular all crushed was recognition, beyond After they were disarmed the mob re- not be adequate to make complete rewith the flesh and, skin being torn form of food In England and it Is leased the strikebreakers. paration, but she undertakes by the from , the , face! Josie Folkman suseaten by all classes. Being an ecoThe companys track was- torn up treaty that she will make compensabroken legs nomical food,. It Is eaten to a larger tained a fractured skull, and telephone posts supporting the tion for damage done to civilians and extent by the laborlag classes, who, and. body Injuries. It Is said she cantrolley line cut down, but there was their, property along lines- similar to not live. : to the sort of work they do, reowing was Stewart Gwendolyn no damage done to the Cars. The those of the treaty with Germany. Viola quire a good tissue builder at- a and bead about body. the hurt car operators went on strike several " ....... price. . Knight was Injured about the legs. COMMANDER GRIEVE weeks ago when the Oklahoma Union It Is well to remember that part. of railway refused, to recognize their like health of the English race is due Traffic Delayed By Great Slides. union. to the fact that the English life Is an .. Albuquerque, N. M. Washouts in outdoor: life, Ond it is a very good eastern Arizoflna have delayed all Foch Warns Britons to be Prepared thing'for usto profit by this and cultranscontinental traffic on the Santa tivate at all tnues, in ourselves and ir The next time England London. Fe,- Train No. 10, .due here from. the lOur'childrcn-Mhwill be in the same position as the habit of gelling out; west.,ati7 oclock. .Sunday morning, doors as much tts' " last time she will not be ready and was about sixteen hours late. Trains we will have to wait for her, is, a Politeness Didn't Pay Here. ,. due tonight, were reported from three siatement made by Marshal Foch of Down on WaiierstreetvAugust,a.,Me to four hours late. 1 France to a correspondent of the Daily the other day. two men met at thi r r f Mail, which prints, an interview with ' fJ 4,. Housewives Want Action. Not Talk. .corner of the street and ti.ey both stepthe commander in chief of the allied The marshal insists that armies. Washington. Housewives are rather ped to the outer edge of the walk to avoid two ladies whom they met. Both fed. up With congressional investigaC.reat Britain should maintain large tions of the high cost of living and men said in chorus: Pardon me, then reserves of military material, saying : would prefer enactment .of remedial, both sidestepped to the left. When That is one of the obvious and in: to. they met again both sidestepped once be taken. legislation. Miss Jessie llaver, legisladispensihle precautions more, ,thifi time to the right, and met tive, representative of Then, they both stood still, and i league, , .wrolv to again.,, Consumers RepreJuice Ruinous. Taxes Fruit nmn turned to the right, and us ore : of Massachusetts. sentative Tinkham Washington. Federal taxes of 10 extended his arms above his head na iutroduced-u-bilMr. has Tinkham apper cent on the gross sales of grape, , he flattened himself against t lie buildpropriating $30,000 for a nution-widapple and loganberry juices have so inSay. ing. he suid to the o:hr man: inquiry lut'd living costs. creased prk;es to consumers that the when you, get by,, whistle." Kenneindustry is threatened with destruc. ... bec; Journo'. 2000 Planes Sought for Pleasure Trips tion, the house ways and means comMore 2000 N. than J. Atlantic City, Why Should He? The World l His. mittee was told Monday by a delegaAil Englishman comes intd a draw-hi- g airplanes of the plensure types could tion of Washington and Oregon conIf manufacturers sold be room as If he owned It.- - An'Amer-'Ica- n immediately of nml the representatives gressmen make deliveries than could comes Into a drawing room as 2 cents a or gallon industry. A tax of Commander Mackenzie Grieve, navi5000 have been purchased or ordered If he didnt care a damn who owned declarthe was spokesmen urged, less, gator of the Sopwith p'ane in which in the United Slates in the last three It."- - London Sketch ing that at present prices snles were he and Harry Hawker tried vainly to , a ' months. , decreasing rapidly. cross the Atlantic. Why Librarians Go to Denvers. French Aviator Completes Journey. Woman (to librarian) "Im Young Cleared. Passport Dispute Anarchistic Plot at Ellis Island. Paris. Cnptain Morehul, an aviator, iRorry to trouble yon, but I've forgotWashington. E. L. Dolieny,' CalifoNew York. Attempts to convert to who tried to fly from Frunce to Rusten the name of Iho hook I want. If rnia oil operator, wus' exonerated by radicalism aliens on Ellis Island were sia (luring the war, but was obliged youll just mention what hooks you the state department In a formal state- revealed through discovery of u large to land In the Austrlnn lines, Suturduy ihnve Ill stop you when you come to ment of any false pretense or lack e of anarchistic literature, said flew In a from St. Ra- It. Boston Transcript. quantity of good faith In connection with obto have been coining to the island for phael, across the Mediterranean, to when last January taining passports some time past in spite of special Uixerta, Tunis. Triumph Over Selfishness. he went to Boris. ' The toughest nut any mart ever tried agents detailed to watch the mnils. to crack Is n selfish lieBrt. It takes a Victory Feto is Given for Refugees. 6 Miners Killed in West Virginia. ' Rioters Burn Town Hall. Paris. A Victory fete wus given giant hammer, swung by superhuman English men Vn. W. Six were Bluefleld, London. Peace riots are reported Sunduy at Coucy le Chateau, on the power to do that. But once the shell killed Friday In an explosion at the for thousands of is broken, the sweetest meat ever taat Carswell mine at Kimball, twenty from various .English towns. At Lu- old Illnuenburg line, were unable to ed drops out. who returned town was refugees hall the Bedfordshire, miles west of Bluefleld. The cause of ton, In the celebration in Paris, burned rioters. participate by 5s unknown tha explosion of : , ambl-ion- n, o -- road-crossin- g i carbo-hydrat- U Daniels Approves Admiral , Rankv Bill Washington. Secretary,. Daniels approved Tuesday before the house navnl n committee a bill giving Admiral S. Benson, chief of naval operations, and1 Rear Admiral Wllllain S. Sims, who commanded American naval forces abroad during the war permanent rank ns admiral. ,WH-liaY- - . and-brea- pos-dhle- i v . i , .. J jMGGoarm MAift - . The udviees from Gold Hill allege that Harris locked up a bunch of cattle without feed or water 'and thiitvhen Cone and Sabey undertook to turn the cattle out to take them home Harris demanded damages. Reparation was refused, It Is said, and the shooting followed,. ,, ( l(, tl .r. i o Iflftfl MAKERS OF JEWELRY . DUNN Rancher Killed Near Gold Hill. Wendover, Utah. ; Telephonic ad: vices from Gold Hill to officers at Wendover tell of a murder near Trout creek, Juab county, forty miles south of Gold Hill, Tuesday morning. George Harris, a homesteader and former soldier, is alleged to have shot and killed Jesse Cone of Trout Creek and to have seriously wounded James Sabey, a deputy sheriff of Callao. reAccording to the information ceived, the tragedy seems to have been caused by a dispute ovpr range cattle, running oyer the Harris ranch. This .ground has never been fenced and it is sajd or a generation lias been public! 1 rn, Washington. After several conferences with the president and state department officials, Senator W. H. King of Utah Saturday stated that the Mexican situation is going to be dealt with in a manner that will fully protect the rights of Americans, both as to their lives and their property. Exactly what the new policy of the administration is to be, Senator' King was not at liberty to disclose, but the- inference was drawn from his remarks that as need barbers; good opportunities open soon as the German treaty isTatified, towns for men over draft age. Barbers in army have Get prepared .as officers commissionor possibly sooner, strong demands good in few weeks. Call or write. Moler Barber will be made upon Carranza to; guarCollege, 43 8. West Temple. St., Salt Lake City. to Americans antee full protection Safety First." everywhere in Mexico, the' demand to I Two recent castisrhf fainting In tire cover also American property rights bflth, recall ; the jdyicy that the la'fe in that country. Kingston. M. D of Mpp- If a satisfactory assurance followed Sir IVllliam. to give his patients. wont was tral is not' by satisfactory performance used say, pul he stilt bath .111 promptly forthcoming, it would seem out the If you in. and then .get plug to be the purpose of the administration t$e witter wi1 ruB faint bath to resort to military means of perout before you drown.' Carranza that American suading rights can' no longer be disregarded 4 isMdh in liis country. 'What form of military move would be resorted to in such event, is appuf-- ; AU makes Rentetf,epalr4d, Sold. eutly not yet fully determined. Write for prices $7.50 to $XOO. I The state on department is working Office and School Supply Utah i is reply to Senator Kings resolution 32 W; 2nd South. Salt Lake City, Utah calling for full information regarding past depredations against Americans Bad Indeed. and American property in Mexico, the First laborer Yes, I 'eard you was report being delayed, it is explained, by in th- hospital. Was yer very bad?. tlie mass of data that is being assemSecond laborer .'Bad?- I should think bled. The foreign relations committee I was bad ! Why, a pal o mine brings is standing back of Senator King in his me a bottle o, beer, ah, I couldnt so effort to get a full statement of Mex- much as look at it London Mhil. ican outrages against Americans, with a view to bringing about a speedy and fair settlement of all American claims against the Mexican government. honor. o o 4 The known casualty ..Washington. toll of the race riots which broke out in various sections of the national cap-ira- l. Monday night, reached three kilted and twelve seriously wounded, besides numerous minor casualties inflicted by bricks aud other missies. Iu addition to the killing of one city detective and the fatal wounding of another by two negro women, three patrolmen had been wounded by negro rioters. Two negroes were dead and four others were reported to be dying. Harry Wilson ,a' detective, was shot by a negress, who had openechfire from the second floor of a residence. A second negress opened fire from the ground floor of a house across the alley, when the police and guardsmen rushed the house which the first was holding. Thompson, second detective victim, was wounded during the clash. Only one arrest was made, the young negress who was shot i through the hips. It was said by officials that the riots here were of a more serious nature than anything which had occurred since the outbreaks during the period of the old feather duster legislature, in the turbulent days after the civil war, before the present form of district government was organized. The outbreaks started Saturday night, following a series of attacks on white women, several murders, scores of robberies and general lawlessness. Several hundred soldiers, sailors and marines,! joined ...together! Saturday night to search for a negro suspected of attacking the wife of an employee of the naval aviation bureau. Unable to find him, they made their way to the center of the city,1 where they vented their anger on a negro they met. 1 d Democrats and Forty-eigRepublicans Vote in Opposition. Washington, D. C. By a vote of nearly three to one, the house, weary of talk on prohibition, with provisions and penalties so drastic as to bring from the men who framed it the prediction that it would forever suppress the liquor traffic on American soil. fifty-twExactly 100 members Democrats and forty-eigRepublicans ""refused to "suppor; it. Against the even hundred, the prohibitionists, putting up a solid front to the very last, polled 287 votes, and just as the result was announced a little girl in the gallery, too young to know what it all was about, leaned over the railing and waved a tiny American flag. It was not a signal for tliht, but the house broke into applause ; the galleries were meanwhile looking on only half-fillein silence. A broad smile spread over the faces of the prohibition leaders, for their work was ready for the senate, where many of its restrictions may be modified or stricken out. The cloakroom rumor persisted that all of this legislative effort might lend on the shoal of a presidential veto, although the general view was that it would be signed as passed. . r n Fifty-tw- C Utah Senator, Conferences With President, Declares Drastic Steps Are Considered. Flag Insulted Near Tampico. C ' Washington, D. C. DelTnite relief for stockgrowers in the drought-strickeregions of the northwest was Tuesday ordered by the railroad administration, both in the matter of reduced raters on feed going into these areas and. on the shipment of livestock out In a memorandum sent to Senators Myers and Walsh of Montana, the railroad administration said that in order to cope with the unprecedented drought conditions and to prevent loss of stock by starvation, it is deemed essential to publish special freight rates which .will enable growers to ship in feed to. keep as great a number as possible of their breeding animals on the home ranges and, where it becomes necessary to move animals to feed, that freight rates for return movement- be published which .will encourage their return. The administration therefore, has ordered into effect half pjites on ,hay, grain and feed, including cottonseed cake. These rates will continue until April 1 next, unless sooner changed or 1 extended, i On cattle and sheep shipped- out of the drought areas, full rates will be paid, but if these cattle and sheep are later returned the rate for their return shall be only of the normal rate, thus offering an incentive to return stock after the drought has Stock, to get advantage of passed. this low return rate, must be shipped back before June 1, 1920. The same transit rates now provided on 'slieep will be extended to apply on cattle, horses and hogs, with time limit for the transit period extended to twelve months. one-thir- ! City Detective Slain and Three Patrolmen Hurt; Two Negroes Die From Wounds in Fighting. Three Killed. . . BOYD PARK M i88 Josephine Dunn, sixteen years of age, who halls from Yazoo, Miss., graduated from aviation and has been flying a plane over Atlantic City, doing nose dives, tail spins etc. She has been called the most remarkable aviatrlx, it Is said, by the Aero Club of America, and haa few equals in Glenn Curtiss has looplng-the-loobeen building a special plane for her, and when it is finished she will carry passengers. Minimum Wage Bill Passed. Washington. By a vote of 38(5 to 37 the house Tuesday passed the bill providing a minimum wage of $3 for all government, employees except thosq.in the postal service. The wnge is exbonus .qf.&MO clusive of tbe war-tim- e u year allowed employees. Irish Leader Given Sword by Hindus. de Valera, San Francisco.-Euinonpresident of the Irish Republic, was presented Monday with n engraved sword by a representation of (lie Hindustan Gadar party. With It he received a silk flug of the Irish republic. Brussels Celebrates National Festival Brussels. Brussels Tuesday began the celebration of the Belgian nntionnl festival, n notable feature of which Is (he presence for tho event of President Poincare for France. Polk Sails for France. New York. Frank L. Polk, undersecretary of state, sailed Monday on the steamship Imperator for France to take the place of Secretary Lansing at the pence conference. P , , and-Tnor- . I . hydro-airplan- , , mod-iera- te |