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Show 11 Clf) ( ( i Caliii&L r mmoth MAMMOTH CITY, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1919. VOL. XXIV. oh, so DRYI dj. A bright baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jensen on Wedr nesday. Miss Lndlo Thornburg Is out from Salt Lake to spend a few days with her father. The Record reporter is taking a two weeks rest at Upper Falls in Provo Canyon. D. C. Wheeler Is believed to he the only Silver boy left in the services across the Atlantic. Miss Helen Baldwin has gone to Midway for a few days vacation. She may go from there to Salt Lake. Alton Wlghtman, who has been serving In the hospital medical corps in New York, arrived In Silver this week. The school Census which has Jnst been taken shows that there are now 220 children o t school age in thfe Sliver end c2 the district. Miss Jennabert' Fuller enterswarm of Be;-hiv- For two years, Utah has been hung n the prohibition clothes line, high and dry, and just a short time ago, the rest of the U. S. followed suit One of the great things that haa been discovered by prohibition, is that the average man now has more money to save, and not only are the banka carrying more depositors, but W. S. 8. and Thrift Stamps are being purchased by those who formerly wasted their hanging on the prohibition line, and both dry, Utah being labeled very Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Fuller, Mr. dry. Wasters has been a term of reand Mrs. Bert Wilkins and their proach always given to the citizens of families, ana Miss Marvell Turner the United States, but now that term of Sa't Lake, who is a guest ol con be ,no longer applied, as writli the Mrv, Fuller, motored to Mosida for drink evil being minimized, arid the great campaign for thrift being carthe 24th. ried on In the schools, we shall no At the L.D.S. Quarterly confer- longor be entitled to the name of ence in Eureka las Sunday Silvei Wasters," but rather WSSers. party. TTHE' ability of a public "utility to servo the SECOND f'MlUOt OVt , MtUO. The initial appearance of a needed utility in a community is always cordially welcomed. IJ is recognized not only as filling a decided want, but also as an evidence cf the growth and development and prosperity of the community. So long as appreciation of the utility flnd3 expression in the publics willingness to grant to the enterprise revenues adequate to meet its honest requirements under efficient management, so long vQ the utility be able to serve the public satisfactorily. m COMMAND l H to Mrs. ,W. E, Mein tire has been ill tor several days and her mother, Mrs. George ltarzee of Heber City, has been spending the week with 1 RPeRv&Hcee ao NA,A lit. UlRtTfl NEA. , NONJNE GOT VT U- PCOWm. N'fcETCWM A.U. NOV) PEU.ERS HAVE. G'Esal who Is dipping the kind of man looks at life through rose-color- glasses? A nunfcgr of attended the ball game aril rther festivities in Mammoth 01 Pioneer Day, and a party cf young folti attended the dance in Eureka. s Birmingham home. Delinquent Notice. While riding a rM broncho on INTERRUPTED ATTENTION. Pioneer Day, Sturgis was cuth Iroa RiOiSorn .'iioing Comthrown and larded or tin esu lying The reason you disapprove of pany. PriBC;p-i- l place oi busion the side of th "oao. He receivness, Tintic Lurr ter Co. office, bolshevism is that you dont undered ab ad cut c" hs right arm and is Robinzrn(Ma ncr.oth I O ),Ut ih stand it. row wear'ng ?. bandage. NOTICE here are de.nquent Probably. Every time I get with foll llie stock bolshevists and think I am beginupon g The store In Silver was elrr-- : : yesterday. W. T. u account of assessment Io g cf ning to understand they start a riot rent per share, le did and' take my mind off the subject Hatch wlll.pru a posi- on ly 12th the day cf June, 9 q, tion with the tn Eureka, hut levaral amounts tbe set EXEMPT. opposite Manager W. 11 Mel Ire has not yet , of the repeftive the numej definitely dec'ded want he will do. as follows: Well, theres one luxury Uncle NA.V1B. Amt Sam Elden Lemon and .Berne! Siuvrls Cert, No, Shirs. isnt going to tax, remarked 500 $ .50 went to hmeta to eDebrate Pioneer 46 A. J. Jost man. the mean 2'J2 Thos. Leonard .60 500 Day. While enjoying the sh?hl3 of 346 Mrs. C. T. Johnson 500 .50 And what is that? asked the inthe city over the mountain they were 383 W. H. Child v 1000 1.00 relieved of their pocketboolcs by 459 Phil Speckart .... 1000 1.00 quisitive person. the neighbors.Knocking .20000 20.00 some light fingered lndlviduiil and 483 Albert Steelo 539 Vet Whiting 10000 10.00 Birmingham their enjoyment was cut rhort. 722 John Evans . 6000 5.00 723 John Evans 5000 5.00 DOUBTFUL EVIDENCE. Mrs. George Paxman had two sur- 737 Ernest Boyns . . . 3000 3.00 741 Elmer E. Ridley . 1000 1.00 prises on Pioneer Day. Her som Prohibition working all right in 6000 5.00 returned from Franco and she 769 L. G. Fisher 770 Badger Bros,! . . . 600 .50 received word that a new . . 1000 1.00 your village? 820 W. M. Have-noYes, replied Mr. Chugging. had arrived at the homo of 832 D. N. Hughes 1000 1.00 The roads are. full of broken glass ; Mrs. Wells Nielson at Leamington 833 Wells L. Rrimhall 1000 1.00 1.00 834 1000 L. Wells Jdrlmhall that, nobody has any further Toys, like sorrows, seldow ; come 835 'Wells L. Rrimhall 1000 1.00 proving singly. 836Wells L. ,Brlmnall 1000 1.00 use for bottles. R. Se f.reo . . . .' 1000 1.00 In the early watches of the nleV 844 J. M. 1000 1.00 8511. Grjuchet overal shots of giant awoke the c Stage 857 B. W. Dixon .... 1000 1.00 of Silver to the fact that It vm And in racordanec w'th law and C. KIRKENDALL, Chauffeur ' J. n,oneer Dav. The only other au order of tbe Board of LMiectors Phone 138 R-- 2 Mammoth of a holiday that anneared tr made on t he l2th day of June, ixrer was the Ladles Military Band J 91 Phone 3 Eureka 9, so m.any shares of each parProvo that broke the monotanv cel of such stock as may be necesTv a stirring air In the lower part REGULAR SCHEDULE n' sary will be cold on Monday, the town. 25th diyt of August, I9I9, at 12 Leave Mammoth Leave Eureka Golden Parman returned to hfi t oclock noon at the office of the heme In Sliver from France, where compan'y, at Tintic Lumbar Co. office, R obi d son (Mammoth P. O.), 0 served In the motor trsnsnorts Utah, pay the delinqrent assessGolden savs that. Sliver Is good ent ment hereon together with the cost ough for him and that the French beauties have no attraction for him. of adv ertising and expense of sale. T.;L. Schofield, Secretary. He brought some samples of smaP French currency, which is printed vi C aflcr at Tintic Lumber Co. offiee Robinson, (Mammoth P. O.) cheap paper and does not have the Juab County, Utah, of wearing qualities the green Jkbck of the U. S. A. 1 1 At publication, July 26, 19I9. Jtk v.-- i n -- ime-ten- th t' r.s 1 stock-folders- .... . ..... d. r ... ... ia nvt--pri- Age-Heral- n -- i 1 Age-Heral- d. Secretary Daniels, defending the league of nations, said the oilier day:. I have no patience with those people who resigned, block progress. 'What cant be cured must he endured, they wail. What cant be cured must be endured, is a very poor proverb. It ought to be changed to, What cant be endured must be cured. modelled and renorated. Miss Leta McCtme of Mills, who has been the guest at the Goodman .home, left on fu 'elay for Provo, iwjjere she will vui with friends for Wfflhort time before returning to her er ' Mutual understanding of each others needs and mutual willingness to supply such needs will insure adequate and efficient service to the ' public and financial security to the Company. BETTER VERSION. Mr. and Mrs. rtf. Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dodge and Mr. and Mrs J. S. Baldwin spent Pioneer Day at Castilla Springs, which are being re- grand-aught- industry. No, lie looks at life through a 'pair of pince-ne- z. I was speaking figuratively, wear doesnt glaeses. dipping Mrs. Clipping k does.5'-- 1 No; Mr3. G. T DirksrU'in and her two children return"'! to her home In Midvale Sunday morning, after spend ing two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bce. Ool--e- The Telephone Company is subject to the same economic laws and principles as those governing other industries. The permanency and adequacy cf telephone service depend upon the same factors as are involved in the security and permanency of every other established moot nur VUE VCIH CUNE her. j The utilitys obligation is to serve; the publics obligation is to create such conditions as will make it possible for the utility to serve. im i Heffemru-TliompBo- . VAA IK INJONtD tw VAVtft OUlft fuem.au vmrY tusn ku. AN NtVVA fcU, MOV HTA fH OPFICS K NtUL SIS visit with friends at Rigby, Idaho. " But there must be mutual understanding and mutual Neither a public nor a private enterprise can build upon revenues derived from a public that has no sith in nor for the institution. WMIN vkAHCE!-- . jaavtaacKVttot pubKo the utility. y; - Miss Lena Kerr of Payson Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Earl Potts. Mise Kerr has Just returned from a . A depends upon the attitude of the community t eward ( Waid was reorganized as follows: P. B. Fuller wee chosen 2nd conn, sellorto the Stake President, Jesse Haws bishop, with J. 11. Buhler and Herman Sylvester counsellors The Relief Society was also reorMrs. 0. Flirts returned Tueswith Mrs. Zina Fuller as ganized day evening uom Provo, where she DalL. C. Mrs. of been has the guost president and Mrs. E. R. Higgio- and Agnes Willis counsellorsey for several days. It Is said that some I. W. W.s at tbe Dragon mine were very badly C333ESAYS surprised when tbe mine owners as soclatlon reataed the wages. 7 yr.5?,i 1 Public Needs and Public Obligations tained the Lluebird girls at her home yesterday. The married folks will meet at the swimming pool this evening, money. after which a wiener bust is to Jack Sears In his cartoon this week be held on a lawn nf oae of the represents both Utah and the U. S. e NO. 2? ' KirkendallAuto , The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company NOTICE for publication. Application for Pataxt. Serial No. 024355. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 15, 1919., Notice is hereby given that South Standard Mining Company, a corporation under the laws of Utah, by E. J. Raddatz, its agent and n-fact, whose post office address !s 422 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for United States Patent for the Big Spring Lode mining claim, in Tintic Mining District, Utah County, Utah, being survey Number 64G2, and described in the United States Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, with magnetic variation at 17 deg 10 min ' i , attorney-i- cast, as follows: Beginning at corner number 1 of the claim, from which point the common section corner between sections 10 27, 28, 34 and 33, Township South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake B. & M., bears North 1 deg 37 min East, 302.6 feet distant; thence north 40 deg 29 min West, 1498 feet to corner number 2; thence south 49 deg 31 min west, 600 feet to corner number 3; thence south 40 deg 29 min east, 1498 feet to corner number 4; thence North 49 deg 31 min east, 600 feet to the place of beginning, situated in the southeast quarter of section 28, and the northeast quarter of section 33, Township and Range aforesaid. , Area claimed, 20.634 acres. The nearest known locations being Gold Bonds number 20 and 21, unpatented, and Silver Rock, unpatented. I direct that this notice be published in the Record, Mammoth Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the claim, once a week for a period of nine (9) consecutive weeks. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Notice Of Application For Pnrrt. newspaper published reareet sail claim. No. 021191. GOULp B. BLAKELY, . 4 Raglst-'-rTJriied Slates Land Office. Salt Lake laM pub. June 22th, pub. 131 J. (First June 25, Cify, Utah, Aug. 23, 1919.) ' Notice is hereby given that Leo Gray & Jennings, Attorneys, Eureot Donnelly ard Ella Dcprezir, U tah. Salt Lake City. x to ka, Utah, have made appi'if-the United States for a put r for the Leo Claim lode mining c) c, consisting of 1461.2 linear feet i Dngth of th o lode, and surface ?r ton in width as shown by ibe vtu Tlt, in being Survey No. 6475, srethe Tintic Mining DfstPct, Juab 'he County, Utah, and described plat and in the field notes of survey on f'le In this rffice, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. East ns follows, i , c Rep illation' to-w- it: Commencing the Leo Claim; at Corner No. 1 of m:n. E. deg. 195.2' ft. to 'Corner No. 2 of Leo Claim; Thenco S. 9 deg. 45 min. 30 sec. E. 1421.2 ft. to Corner No. 3 of Leo Claim ; Thence S. 73 deg. 23 min. W. 405.0 ft. to Corner No. 4 of Leo Claim; Thence N. 1 deg. 34 min. W. 1461.2 ft. to Corner No. 1 of Leo Claim, the place of beginning of the exterior boundaries of the claim, and containing a total area of 9.721 acres and a net area ot 6.471 acres, tbo area of the conflicts with Lot No. 346 Pluto lode and Lot No. 311 Golden Ray lode, the only claims In conflict with this claim, having been deducted from said total area. Said clrims are located in the N WVt of Section 24, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., Thenco N. 73 n i SSS H8 23 S. L. B. & M. The N. W. Corner of Section 24, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., bears from Corner No. 1 of said claim N. 85 deg. 18 min. W. 1844.0 ft. The presumed lode line of said claim is as shown by the official plat, Said claim is of record in the office of the County Recorder of Juab County at Nephl, Utah, in Book 80 of locations, Page 23. are West locations Adjoining Register. Cable, Survey No. 3283, Cable, SurW. I. SYNDER, Claimants Atty. vey No. 4303, Pluto and Hades, Lot (First pub. July 19, 1919.) No. 346, Golden Ray and Goodenough No. 2, Lot No. 311. I direct that this notice bo pubMed-AIdea lished lor a period of nine weeks in ym.r ooas; they mayA brim? you wnlU. the Mammoth Record, a newspaper PptuetJOHN WKIiDliKMuUN (20 Vato"r A'op. up 4, WasMuRUm, vitMf I, i ur their published at Mammoth, Utah, the w buuitroil I o itloua ,mi tl W-- as IS. - Let us build you an ir.ch ad, in this paper; a column ad., a page( ad., or any old size ad. Let it tell in lorcefnl term: What youve got to sell What its worth Why its best at that price Such an advertisement in this paper will bring buyers who hardly knew you existed before you advertised. lOoMFrttfUL. Ur VV. 4'. UJ |