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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY. UTAH Lift off Corns! Nerves All Unstrung? Nervousness over trifles and is troubled with neuralgia, rheumatic pains and .tackache, would find relief through a good kidney remedy. If you have nervous attacks withheadaches, backaches, dizzy spells and Sharp, shooting pains, or if you are annoyed by bladder troubles, try Doan's. .Sidney Pills. They have brought quick benefit in thousands ofsueh cases. An Idaho S2t Case E. Rockwell, MrW.' fifteenth Street, Lewikton, Idaho, says: My back was., so lame and pained so Intensely that it was impossible for me to sioop over. My kidneys were sluggish and gave me no little annoyance Doans Kidney Pills not onlyiregu-j- i lated my kidneys'! and Wiade them nor- -, but they re- rnalj.. lieveff the lameness In my back and helpd me in every way." Bos BY CO FOSTpR-MILBUR- LLS BUFFALO. N. Y. One MiUiori Five Hundred Thousand Pounds4 of Powder i for the Feet. That' is what the government sent last year tQ make the soldiers! and sailors feet comfortable and fit for the 'kind of war , they 'fought and finished, ;i In Peace and War for over 25' years Allens FootEase, the Antiseptic, Healing Powder for the Feet, to.be shaken, into the shoes and sprinkled in the has been the standard remedy for all aching, tired blisters and sore swollen, hot, feet, spots and for the instant relief of corns, bunions and callouses. foot-bat- h Thousands of people sent packages of Allens FootEase to their sons, brothers or sweethearts in the army and navy because they knew from experience that it would freshen and rest their feet, make their shoes comfortable and walking easy. Those who use Allens FootEase have solved their foot troubles. Watson Patent K. Coleman Lawyer, Bates reasonable. Hlgbestraferencea. Bestserrioea. PATENTS OF. . D. C. Advice andWashington, books free YESTERDAY,, TODAY AND Italian Town,,is Industrial Center, Still v Retains a Reminder of the ,, ! c . Middle Ages. , , , , Arona Is best known to travelers as on Hie railroad from Milan where Lake Maggiore first bursts into view. To, Italians it is best known for Its" pfunfaHons of American corn, a , novelty in Europe. ' . Today, Arona is an industrial center, but off in The northeast corner the castle of Angero adds a touch to the landscape ..vhich. bespeaks medieval importance. Th,e, famous they who produced Cardinal de Medici, who became Pope Pius IV dwelt in ancestral luill on the outskirts of the village. At the Hotel Reale, a tablet calls attention to the fact that Garibaldi was a guest there in 1848. That Arona, La go Maggiore, Turners wonderful cahvas, was not made from photographs Can be gathered from Ruskins letter, in which he says, No such hills are, or ever were, in sight from Arona. They are gathered together, hill by hill, partly from the Battles of Oleggio, partly from above the town here, partly from half way up the lake near Baveno and then all thrown together (in one grand Imaginary chain. the station Bor-romeo-S FRECKLES Tim to Get There ashamed strength spots. Simply Rid si These Ugly Spell need of feeling of your i freckles, as Otlilne double Is guaranteed to remove these homely New Is Iks no longer the ellgbtest - i - get,, an ounce ef Othlne double a little strength from your druggist, and apply soon see of It night and morning and you should that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished eil ounce tirely. It Is seldom that more than one Is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If it falls to remove freckles. Adv. at Work. Mine, sweepers are ships that Mine Sweepers dis- cover and sweep up explosive mines that ore put into the sea in time of war . for the, destruction o( enemy ships. Usually .two, small vessels, work together in the mined urea. The ships drag a mine 'cable, one1 eml of which is on each' ship, the middle4 part of the cable "being suspended at the' proper depth from floats. The mines are caught or exploded by the cable. , A. . Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dan-- , druff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make toilet preparations them your every-da- y and have a clear skin and soft, white hands. Adv. , Orcharding in South Africa. The present South African area bf commercial orchards is estimated at 20,000 acres, exclusive of raisins and sultans. Of this area probably 10,000 aefes are planted witlr varieties large. ly used for drying. , ' Whoever knows when to quit hoping for the best is tlie one wlio gets out of the deal with a good profit. Artificial legs and arms were in use In Egypt ns early as 700 B. 0. t innuncu or uiunuaww UK (urine often. Safe for Infnt or Adult. J Druggiata. Write for Free Eye Book. m EyiReaedy CMfMy.CUcaga.U.S.1 At a mass meeting of Hie qf Salt5 Lake county, held-IMidvale last Week, about 200. persons were In attendance, representing every g section of the county. A resolution was unanimously adopted all asking the- - government restrictions on tlie price Of wheat, pointing out that from present indications the wheat crop of the county wpuld be 50 per cent or more under normal. The merchants of Ogden passed a resolution protesting against the proposal of tlie state board of equalization to increase the assessment rating of merchants in Ogden and Weber county 100 per cent and farm property 25 per cent. The resolution will be presented to the state board at Salt Lake. Charging that freight rates on gasoline and other petroleum products to Salt Lake and intermountain points are unreasonably high and discriminatory, the Utah State Automobile association, through the Traffic Service Bureau of Utah, will shortly file 'suit with the Interstate Commerce commission, seeking a rate adjustment. Finding that, a concrete liavement varying in thickness from 5 to 7 inched in the Brigham City paving district for this year would cost $128,251.90, while a hitulithic pavement on a crushed rock base would cost only $131,3(38.56, the Brigham City council has decided in favor of the latter material. What is belieed by tlie police to have been an attempt of firebugs or radicals to burn the city of Ogden occurred when three fires broke out almost simultaneously one night last week. The first call was to the Marion hotel. John W. Jacobs of Williamsport, Pa., recently appointed secretary of the Utah Public IIonh association by the executive committee, lias taken up his duties. A campaign for the improvement of health conditions is being arranged by tlie association. " Alex Hunt, 20 ears old, of Roosevelt, was instantly killed by coming into contact with a live electric wire. He was at" work on the Uintah Power ft 'Light company's line when the accident happened. He had been with the ' company for. two years. Springville and Mapleton citizens will hold a special election August 16 to determine if the people will enter into a contract with the government to obtain an additional water supply under the federal "reclamation act. Plans have been completed for the Utah State Firemens convention and tournament to be held at Sandy, August 19 to 21, according to announcement; made by A. Robert Larson, chairman of the program committee. Frank J. Cahill, a discharged of Bingham, was found dead in his bed at Copperfield last night with a bullet hole through the right temple. He had been reading a paper just before killing himself. The Harvard endowment fund committee has appointed Gleed Miller of Salt Lake as chairman of the Utah division in the campaign for upwards of $10,000,000 that will be raised in the fall for Harvard. Plans proposed by the University of Utah for putting into effect the requirements of tlie federal board for vocational subjects, were discussed and approved last week by a committee of the state board of education. p Annual gathering of Utah ministers and official members of the Methodist church will he held the third week jn August at Ogden, according to an made this week. The twelfth annual convention of the Utah State Federation of Labor will be held September 9 at the Labor temple in Salt Lake. Subject to prior right of the Mammoth Reservoir company and its successors, the Gooseberry ft Cottonwood Irrigation compnliy is seeking to obtain rights to the wuters of melting snows and lale spring rains in the headwaters Of the Gooseberry, and to convey the water across the backbone if the Wasatch, utilizing a tunnel, and to use the water as a supplementary supply to irrigate some 2700 acres around Fairview. County commissioners .accompanied by tlie committee representing clubs and organizations of Ogden and fanners of Weber county, protesting about (lie .manner of repairing roads in, die county presented to the state road commission a protest relative to Die esurfaeing of tlie lliverdale Pleasant View and Ogden canyon sections of the Matt; highway In Weber county. three .miles of Willi more than trucks, rolling kitchens, tndbiie repair shops and pouring ears in "line,' the army niii'liir Convey transcontinental will reacn Salt Lake August 15, according to the schedule of the trip. The jcoiivdy is. lining scut out by the government to determine the feasibility of long tours with trucks and to gather urious data. A contest was filed in the Fourth district court at' Irovo, lust week, against the Incorporation of the town George of Orem on Provo bench. contestAdanjs, and. others,, are the ants. It is their purpose to take about a mjlo off of" the south side of the new'townslie. Seventy-fiv- e per cent of the steers, 50 per cent of the stock cuttle and 35 per cent of the sheep upon the Payette National forest will he sold or sent to winter ranges, uccordlng to the report received by District Forester L. , F, Kneipp, of Ogden. wheat-growqr- Doesnt hurt a bit and Freezone s? costs only a few cents. v. wheat-growin- ve sol-di- - THE MOST DANGEROUS dark-skinne- often comes from weak kidnejs. Many a person who worries Real Philosopher. One of the d warriors in camp just back from the Champagne grinningly indorsed the war. No, sah, boss. Ah aint got a kick. Dis ahmy is the real life. Why, do you know all dah time Ah was in France All nevah missed a meal not a meal. Surprise, of course, from the listener. A row of grinning teeth: Well, of colise. sometimes mah meals was about three to foah days late-pbAh got em all right. Trench and Camp. OF ALL DISEASES No .organs of the human body are so Important to health and long life as the kidneys.1 When they slow up and to lag in their duties, look" outj Danger is in sight. Find out what the trouble is without delay. . Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, or have pains in the back, wake up at once. Your kidneys need help. These are signs to warn you that your kidneys are not performing their functions properly. They are only half doing their work and are allowing impurities to accumulate and be converted into uric acid and other poisons, which are causing you distress and will destroy you unless they are driven from your system. commence ut Just Opposite. Is that man surreptitious In his methods? No sirup in his methods. Hes in the wholesale pickle business. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules at once. They are an old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They contain only soothing oils combined g and with strength-givin- g herbs, well known and used by physicians daily practice., GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from the laboratories ia Holland. They are convenient t take, and will either give, prompt relief or your money will be refunded. Ask for them at any drug store, but be sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. Accept no substitute In sealed packages. Three sizes. system-cleansin- ir 7 With your fingers! .You can lift off ny hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of Should Profit by the Experience of These Two Women costs Freezone little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shgrtly you lift! that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit soreness. Truly! No of pain-o- - 1 ' N". Y. I am the mother of four children, and for. three years I suffered from a female trouble with pains nearly in my back and side, and a general weakness. I had pro- - r fessional attendance most of that time but did not seem to get welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. , , Pinkhams Vegetable Compound which I had seen advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed " a marked improvement. I continued its use and am now free from pain and able to do all my house-Mrs. B. B. Zielikska, 202 Weiss Street, work. Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, . , For the Neighbors' Sake. said a Pittsburgh Extravagance, man, "is the bane of America, and why are we extravagant? . For the fun of It? No for the neighbors sake. I know a man who awoke very into one winter night and found his wife just returning to the bedroom. Whats that loud noise I heard, he asked, and what have you been doing in the coldT Its all right, dear,' she answered. Go to sleep again. You see, the people are coming back home from Che opera, and I just slippe-- v down aud slammed the front floor hard, so that the neighbors would think wed been there. At a Bargain. I would give a thousand pounds to have a little boy like you as my own, said an elderly lady to Tommy. Thats a rare lot of money, isn't it ma'am? queried Tommy, with, wide-ope- n , ' l Portland, Ind. I had a displacement and suffered so badly from it at times I could not be on my feet at all. I was all run down and so weak I could not do my housework, was nervous and could not he down at night. I took treatments from a physician but they did not help me. My Aunt recommended Lydia E. Pinkhams V egetable Compound. 1 tried it and now I am strong and wrell again and do my own work and I give Lydia E. Pinkhams l i . 1 11 rs. Compound the credit. Josephine West Race Street, Portland, Ind. I ' KiiiBLE, 935 Every Sick Woman Should Try - eyes. , , LYDIA E. PINKHAMS i I VEGETABLE COMPOUND Not for me, smiled the lady, because I've got lots of money and no little children. Mother wouldnt let you have me for good, said Tommy slowly, but with conviction, but but you may Taxed, Too? From hold my hand for sixpence. It seems to Marian that everything Blighty, London. that she especially likes bears the burden of the new war tax sundaes, soPractical Suggestions. das, candy, beads, and about everyI've figured out a solution of the thing she had been accustomed to ask traffic tangle. for when mother and father went to town. Now they limit the number of Airplanes? Nope! Keep the Automobiles on luxuries they buy for her and always the sidewalks, and let the pedestrians explain their limitation by saying on take the streets. account of the war tax or plus the But how about the street cars? war tax. Put the trollies under them, and The other day a new baby sister run them above the wires. came to Marians home. Fixedly she Whered you park the machiues? looked at it the next day after its arPark them in the stores. rival. What did it cost? she asked. "Twenty dollars, boasted her father. A Slicer. The second question 'quickly folI understand your husband is an lowed, plus the war tax? excellent carver? Hes the worst in the world. I never let him serve when we have Disorder Demanded. What made them fire that chaircompany Thatr queer. At the golf club man out of the window? asked the the other day I overheard him tell- bolshqvist. He Insulted one of our most revering another man that he was the worlds greatest slicer. enced principles, replied the anarchist. "The first thing he said was, "The meeting will come to order. , Truth." Visitor You will be sure to tell your Did you ever notice that the man ipistress I called while she was out Maid Oh, yes; she will be delighted who whines and the man who wins are to lerr ic. Pearsons Weekly. not the same? LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. TT Not a Flattering Portrait. While the minister was making a call the little girl of the house was busy with pencil and paper. What are you doing? he asked, when her mother had left the room for ' a moment. Im making your picture, said the child. The minister sat very still, and she Then site worked very earnestly. stopped and compared her work with the original and shook her head. I dont like it much, she said. Taint a great deal like you. I guess Ill put a tall to It and call It a dog. Affording a Comparison. What are you going to do with yourself this summer?. Im going to help mother and the girls enjoy themselves at a summer resort, said Mr. Cumrox. So you are going with them? No. Im going to stay in our cool, capacious city home and write them a letter every day about how hot and f uncomfortable I am. Safe and Sane We had a safe and sane Fourth of July. remarked , Miss Cayenne. Yes, Children are no longer encouraged to take a morbid interest in amateur fireworks in order to entertain their parents. . i, The man who has blisters on his hands will have few on , , lie that is ashamed of his calling ever liveth shamefully in it. Cuticura For Babys Itchy Skin ' All in the Game. The course of true love never did run smooth. Oh, well, we all like to bump the bumps. . AH druggists; Soap SB, Ointment 26 and B0, Takam 2E Sample each free of Catt evra, Dept, I, Boston. THEY SPREAD DISEASE Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and kille all fliea. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and cheap LaOtaallsca-t&UZJbl sC son . Made of metal, 'cant spill ortipovur; will not Boil or injure anything. Guaranteed, DAISY r fly dealer or at yourkiller 1 25. 6 by EXPRESS.prepaid, , HAROLD SOMERS. 160 De Kalb Ave.. Brooklyn, H. Ta PARKERS HAIR BALSAM i iiNftt Contents ISFluid Dractm A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. Children For Restoring Color end Beauty to Gray orFaded Hair. A CHARMING GIFT ARMISTICE PERFUME will Th's perfume extract recall to yon the rich costly odor of a bundrod trench flowers so lasting so true. WB OUARANTKH) to send you 4 bottles, H ounce each, and one special bottle with glass stopper and gold p'ated top (this alone is worth one dollar) altogether five bottles of different, enchanting perfumes lor OMfl DOLLAR, postpaid, money order or cunency. bond SI 00 TULA Y. ARMISTICE SPECIALTIES 3 PER ALCOHOL J , 1S1 Weit3Dtli St. Hewlork, Jf.Y,r Send $1 00 for above, includ115AL1US, AGKNi'S ing agency terns and samples, exclusive territory-wonderf- ul proposition. CENT. As Avertable Preparation for s initiating theFood by Ecuto linOtheStonmchs and Islil-Sfoma- oh Ocwv Isg Wakes 9 Out of I1! f I smn Digestion Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness and RcstContauB neither Opium, Morphlnenor Mineral. NotNahcotic JkceafMDr.SilBXlPfl v jW JHunptei jUx Senna JtockeU Salt jUtueSert Worm Sort I lanftrtSafCf helpful Remedy for. Cons .ip ati on and Diarrhoea. and and Feverishness Loss of Sleep i resulting Jic-Simil- t iherefrOT-m'jf- is CASTORIA What a Castoria is harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has 'been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving The Childrens Panacea The healthy and natural sleep. Mothers Friend. GENUINE ' , . CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Signature? gf GOHM6 Tjrr CWIAV FppSef;Siiiffer Doctors declare that more than 70 non organic lis uses can be traced to Acid- -' Stomach. Stinting with Indigestion, heart bloat, aourp burn, belching, gassy stomach, the entire Nystem eventually becomes fleeted, feVeiy Vital cCgftn buffering in some degree or other. You see these vicfcvei yw here peoplw tims of who-arsubject to nervouinean, headache, people who suffer from insomnia, biliousness rheumatism, luinlmgo, sciatica and HChes ami the body. It is safe to say pains all over that about 9 people uul of 10 suffer t q soma' extent from If you suffer from stomSbh traublb otv iven if you do not feel any stomach distress, y et are tired 'and weak and ailing, dragged out, lack pep and enthusiasm find know that something is wrong although you cannot locate the exact cause ol your trouble you naturally want to? got back your grip on health a quickly as possible, Then take EATON1C, the woriderful modern remedy that brings quick ffclief from pains of indigestion, bolching, gassy' bioat, etc. Keep your stomach strong, clean and sweet. Sea now your general health improves hnw e vim, Vigor and vitality quickly the comes back! BOo a box of EATONIC front your Get big druggist today. It is guaranteed to pleas you. If jou are not satisfied your drugglaf wilt refund your money h old-tith- In Use For Oyer 30 Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 10 The Kind You Have Always Bought THI OiNTAUK COMPANY, NIVVONN OITV. ATONIC (Tor yOdk W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 1 |