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Show Dr. Steele Bailey, Jr., T. R. Alfred Moyle, ,Iohu Condon, Mr. and others of the Kirkendall Published ever? Saturday. George Udall of Eureka, former- faith, went to Salt Lake City on Entered as second-clasmattei October ly of Mammoth, was yesterday, at Wednesday to attend the Demo8,1910, at thepost office at Mammoth, the judicial convention in Salt cratic convention, and to a man Utah, under theActoJ March 3, 1879. Lake, placed in nomination as up a tree, says Dr. Bailey, Sr., it rates: $2.50 perannum attorney on the Democratic looks as if they had selected a Subscription ticket. Joshua Greenwood was re- mighty fine state ticket all good nominated as district judge. I. E. DIehl, Editor. men and true. Political Pointers. s die-tri- j ct Jt At the Republican primary held at the school house last Saturday night the following delegates were elected: To the state and judicial conventions George Jones and W. H. Elmer; to the senatorial and If. J. Hassell convention Diehl. E. I, Announcement , Local News Mammoth public school will open on Monday, September 9. Mrs. Lars P. Jensen is the gnest of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Webb. Oscar Johnson is suffering from J climatio fever at the Webb boardMammoth Democrats met in ing house. and electA1 Olson injured his knee in the primary Monday evening ed the following delegates to attend Mammoth mine and is under hosthe state and judicial conventions: pital care. Dr. Steele Bailey, Jr., AlfredMoyle, Miss Hazel Webb and Ed Monta- T- - R. Tregoning and James Swen-se- n; in for a Salt Lake gue will visit with C. F. Harvielle, Patrick few days. Henry, John Condon and J. G. The stork visited the home of J. Kirkendall as alternates. F. Neilsen in the lower town with j J a new daughter. The Democratic state platform Remember Daniels & Sons, at adopted in Salt Lake this week is Swansons gallery in Eureka, when certainly a hummer and there is not much use of anyone else trying you want photographs. to think of anything that was FOR RENT Two rooms, furomitted. Even Teddy should view nished for housekeeping, Apply it with awe. at this office for particulars. j Mrs. J, M. Smith is visiting in American Fork and Miss Maude Smith will go to the valley Sunday. Heiier. who has been attending summer school in Logan, Utah, expects to return to camp next Wednesday, Joseph Treloar is' in Balt Lake this week in the interest of the Eureka high school, he being a member of the board. Miss Miss Zilpha Nisonger, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nisonger, returned Monday to her home in Santaquin. Miss Tessie Kirkman returned to her home in Provo Sunday morning, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Moyle. Mrs. Alice Moyle and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Barrett, of American Pork, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moyle during the week. Miss Della Lloyd and Miss Carrie Webb aooompanied Samuel McIntyre, Jr., to Salt Lake in his auto and will spend Sunday in the city. If wind and weather will permit Dr. Bailey, Sr., will go on a vacation to southern California for a few days, starting on the morrow. Bon voyage. Qeorge Jones, Albert Hagen and I. E. Diehl attended the meeting of the Commercial Congress in Salt Lake this week as delegates. Miss Cecelia Qavin, a Hue Irish girl, who has been on a visit to Mrs. Harvielle and Wee Wee, left yesterday for her home at The Moxum in Salt Lake City. Trans-Mississip- pi The Thespian olnb, composed of the best theatrical talent in the town, will present the play, Along the Missouri at the Mammoth house about opera Sept. 15. The Democratic state ticket nominated in Salt Lake this week, appears on the first page, as does also the proceedings of the Commercial Congress. Trans-Mississi- Archie ppi Bartlett received word today that his grandfather, Henry Bartlett, died in Springville yesterday. Archie and his wife and Mrs. James Eslick expect to go to the funeral 6unday morning. Mrs. George Hansen has returned to Tintio from Benton Harbor, Michigan, where she has resided for several months past, and is the gnest of her sister, Mrs. B. M. Cornish. Mr. Hansen will return in a few weeks. v B. M. Cornish left Wednesday for Idaho as a representative of the Mammoth residents who are interested in the Aberdeen lands. Mr. Cornish will make a thorough ex- amination of the land, the company and their methods, and will be absent about a week. SANGER'S GREATER EUROPEAN SHOWS Tre-gonin- I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination on the Republican tieket for a member of the Utah legislature to represent Juab county. Lawrence A. Eureka, Utah. Miner. t Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination ou the Republican ticket for state senator to represent Juab and Millard counties. J. R. EDGHEILL. Nephi,Utah, O- '- The New Resort Reid & Jolley opened their new saloon Wednesday and did a rushing business, The new bar and are most elegant and they will endeavor to run a clean and place. The new resort will no doubt meet with excellent success. Mr. Reid is an experienced saloon man and some time ago conducted j Silver City on Wednesday night the finest resort in Nephi. o named Bishop John S. Smith as a to State the Republican delegate Eggs and Poultry. and Judicial conventions and AnC. C. Mangum, breeder of white drew Baxter as a delegate to the Wyandotte chickens and Indian Senatorial convention. Runner ducks. Baby chicks, ducks and Jt eggs a specialty, Well also j hatch your own eggs. The Republican oounty convention will be held in Eureka this Summer Excursion Rates year about the 20th of September. The regular call and apportionment Via SALT LAKE ROUTE to various eastern destinations. Tickhas not yet been issued. ets on sale various dates May 18 to September 5. See you local The Democratic delegate from for particulars. agent Silver City who was elected to at... .Q X tend the state and judicial convenA. Daniels, the photographer, 0. tions was N. E. Dahle. has leased Swansons gallery in Eureka, where his numerous MamCard of Thanks. moth customers can see him. fix-tur- te ( Water-Pro- of ' Tents Rain Will Not Spoil the Exhibition A sudden downpour of rain or a drizzle will have no effect on the patrons of the Sangers Greater European Shows when it exhibits here. The reason of this will be apparent to everyone who sees the huge tents that will be erected for the performance. They are all constructed of mercerizedducking. This marvelous invention for the waterproofing of material has been in use for rain coats, but up to this year has never been used for tents. People who have used 'mercerized cloth know how it sheds water, and it was knowledge of this that caused Sangers Greater European Shows to have all their tents made of this material. It is quite a stride in advance of other shows, but it is only in keeping with progressiveness ofthe management of these shows. Beneath these tents spectators can sit in comfort and eae daring the heaviest of rains and be as dry as if in the finest theater in the country. This is only one of the ma ny novelties that have been added these Bhows this season. It is respectfully suggested that the children attend afternoon exhibition, where ample time is given to view the large menagerie, likewise avoiding night crowds. Uniformed ushers will attend every want of the little folks, and care and attention paid ladies and children is the first consideration cf the management. The only big show that will visit Tistic district this year is Sangers Greater European Shows, and the dateis Eureka, Wednesday, Sept. 4. SCOTT HOUSE ROOMS NEWLY OVER es YEARS EXPERIENCE FURNISHED MRS. NORA. WALLACE. First Class Board and Room by the Day, Week or Month. n long-continu- ed RATES: Single Meal or Bed 35ct Board and Room 27.50 a month, Meal ticket of 21 meals for $6.00. 'A ' UHU1 Anyone sending a sketch and description ma whether an quickly ascertain our opinion freeCommunicainvention is probably patentable. tions stnctlycouodentlaJ. HANDBOOK onPateuta sent free. Oldest agency for aecnnng patent. Patent taken through Munn A Co. receive sptcuU notice, without charge, in the Excursion Fates East. Scientific Jimerican. Various sale dates May 18th to illustrated weekly, tareest Circulation o t any scientltlo Journal. Terms S3 a four months, (1. Sold by all newsdealers. hsUNH &Co.36,BrMdwa-NeYork Branch Office, 625 F 8t Washington. D. C. A handsomely September 5th via SALT LAKE ROUTE. See agent for i WHY HOT MAKE $200., MONT- A Selling Victor Safes and - Thais H- a Day S50.00 a Week, almost SIP.00 boxes fire-pro- to merchants, doctors, lawyers, dentists and farmers, all of w hom realize the need of a safe, but do not know how easy Itistoown one. Salesmen declare our proposition one of the best, clean-cu- t opportunities ever received. Without previous experience VOU can duplicate the success of others. Our handsomely illustrated catalog will enable you to present the subject to customers in as interesting a manner as though yon were piloting them through our factory. Men appointed as salesmen receive advice and Instructions for selling safes, giving convincing talking points which It is impossible for a prospective customer to deny. Why dont YOU be the Urst to apply from your vieinity before someone else gets the territory t We can favor only one salesman out of each locality. well-to-d- o money-makin- g The 25th anniversary of onr company was celebrated by erecting the most modern safe factory in the world. Wideawake men who received onr specnil. selling inducement, rendered it necessary to double our output. We are spending many thousands of dollars enlarging our sales organization, but to learn all particulars, it will cost you only the price of a postal card. Ask for Catalogue 16 T. THE VICTOR . o- Trade Mark Designs Copyrights Ac. J-- & SAFE Our New Home. CO. OHIO CIKCtmTI, Capaolty 20,000 Safa, Annually. - LOCK Vacation Rates To various eastern destinations via SALT LAKE ROUTE. Tickets on sale various dates, May 18 to September 5th, ROUTE OF SHE LOS ANGELES LIMITED. Tee local . agent for particulars. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 fi 0 $2.50 a year 0 0 0 0 APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Read THE RECORD, 0 HASSELL B-- Q.fJ. THE POPULAR RESORT OF MAMMOTH. fj 0 fj fi BOTTLED GOODS FOR FAMILY USE ?. ?. Ci 2. ?. '22. Cl Ct w 'C. ?. STT V5 VS v- -s "Tt ry. -- 5 TT C! fj fi ? V?. fi Aug. 3, 1912. Notice is hereby given . that The Gold Chain Mining Com- o pany, a corporation, through its Mr. and Mrs. James E. LuDt and authorized agent, Cora M. Holdthank the many For the State Republican con- er man, whose family wish to address friends who helped during the death vention in Salt Lake both roads is SaltLake postoffice city, Utah, has made and burial of their dearly beloved will sell tickets at one fare for the application for a United States son and brother, Steele Luut, also round trip on Sept. 4 and 5; return patent for the Gold Chain Fraclimit the 7th. for the many floral tributes. tion lode mining claim, situate in the Tintic mining district, county of Juab, state- of Utah, and being Survey No. 6191, and described in the field notes and Should select a route lamed for its Scenic plat on file in this office, with and Superior Train Service. Attractions magnetic variation at 18 degrees, 00 minutes east, as follows: The Commencing at corner No. 1 of Gold Chain Fraction lode claim, "The Scenic Line of the World" whence the northwest corner of section 30, township 10 south, This Route offers the "Back East travelers more "EVERY 2 west, Salt Lake Base and range BEGINS scenic attractions, that can be seen from the varied MILE INSTRUCTION MONDAY, September Meridian, bears north 74 degrees A car windows without extra expense for side trips, 34 minutes west 3331.0 feet; TlCTURE than any other line. Registration of students and entrance examinations: thence south 62 degrees 13 min14th. 16.8 utes east corner feet to No. September 12th, 13th, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Special low round trip fares to Puehle, Colorado Springs, 2; thenc3 south 6 degrees 40 Denver and principal eastern points, on salalli A million dollars' worth of grounds, buildings and minutes east 996.7 feet to corner 3;15 No. thence south degrees Aug. 10, 23 and 31, Sept. 4 and equipment, and the lest teachers that can he secured are 00 minutes west 49.5 feet to cor-ne- r at your service. Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Denver, Kansas No. 4; thence notth 62 13 minutes west L90.7 feet 1 City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. Superb Dining Car Service. Courses are ottered that prepare for almost any to corner No. 5; thence north 2 Fares and full particulars will be cheerfully furnished vocation in addition to giving a broad and liberal education. on application to any Bio Grande Agent. degrees 08 minutes west 671.1 feet to corner No. 6; thence north I. A. BENTON, F. FOUTS, which describes the various courses 34 degrees 27 minutes east 290.4 THE G. A. P. D., Salt Lake City, Utah, Agent, Ogden, Utah, feet to corner No. 1, the place of and gives the registration and tuition fees, etc., is sent free on request. F. A. WADLEIGH, G. P. A., Denver, Colorado. beginning and located in the northeast quarter of section 30, township 10 south, range 2 west, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, containing an area of 1.846 acres to exclusive of conflicts with min- Travelers to Colorado - the East UNIVERSITY OF UTAH LAKE SALT CITY, Denver & Rio Grande Railroad UTAH 16 - 5,-19- de-gre- CATALOG, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Silver eral survey Lot Chain declaim, UTAH SALT LAKE CITY, Golden Chain lode, and Lot No. $35.00 5880, h Midddle Atlas (amended) lode; adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by plat of survey are Lot No. 295, Middle Atlas (amended) lode, Lot No. 320, Lizzie lode, Lot No. 339, Golden Chain lode, Survey No, 950, Oneida lode, and Survey No. 5880, Silver Chain lode. I direct that this notice be published in the Mammoth Record, published at MammotbCity.Utah. 293, Mammoth Livery Barn J-- . XT. WEJ30U, Prop. Livery, Feed s T ransfer -- Give Satisfaction. i SENIOR, First publication Aug. Phone 233 Mnnnnn.rumiUUinnnrLnnJummwvruw:tnnfUuvin Prices are Right and My Aim BDW IN W. is-t- Two Daily Trains ... ... to CALIFORNIA Sopt. 10, 1912. - Utnli. Noplii, be independent a farm and Buy Otlx LOS iDlElES to ldtb. Stop overs - Diverse routes . Return limit October 31st, 1912, Pullman and Tourist Also Free Sleepers Reclining Chair Cars. Splendid Local Sprvice Excursions to Salt Lake, Trans-Mississip- Real Estate , Mortgages, Loans and Insurance. Write me about it. National Encampment il. . Ask for Tickets QEORGE McCUNE, o Tickets on sale August 31st to Sept. 7th, inclusive. Q-- . .ZL. Register, Suit LukeCIty.rtnli. Claimant's Attorney COAL H.ATJLING My E. D. R. THOMPSON, $35.00 (CALIFORNIA No. 339, No. via Salt Lake Route! Account Commercial Congress Aug. 27.31 pi Democratic Convention, . . . Wilson Day Lagoon Barnnm and Bailey's Circus, August 29 . - " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 My goods are selected and I carry a complete stock, such as QUAKER and HARPER WHISKIES, . MILWAUKEE, ZANG and A. B. C. BEERS. 0 0 E2 E2 O 'I?. Serial No. 0 10327 United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, 0 0 30 31 |