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Show Make the Liver Do its Duty OUTWITTED j Tells How One Woman Settled Lawyers Bill. Mrs. Iankhurst, the suffragette. Surprised some of her friends a short while ago when she related this lit- Suffragette Nine times in ten when the Ever ft right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS J gently but firmly com-,- ; pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Jv'V'ti Cures Con-Ajatipation, Sick Headache, and Distress Alter Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature IP v ry-J 'aSeU .. . s,;a- ; f .. J ASKER'S taxuri&nt ft fTtowth. falls to Bestors Gray Ksuv to its Youthful Coiac J Pnawnte hair E. HOWARD PTomota N over f&lliugr. BURTON nrelope sod full price list sent on application. Control and umpire work solicited. LeadviUe, Col ttefersdsoe. Carbonate National Bank. wa C .'eak,Quickly 1 O ws, 'EYE WATER relieres inA&net1 808 AGBNTS WANTHU FOR THB BK8T 8BLLING boose bold speciaitics on e&nb; the goods sell ibetn E send dime for sample. Jept. 3U, WKN V ALLIS Y SALliS CO, Leavenworth, Wash. setres: W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. French HAS. A J V. all-rig- f$:il La .. W WING A successful trial run was made recently from Paris to London, about $20 miles, by a motor car driven by a revolving wing, the Paris Figaro states. The vehicle, which was designed by M. Bertrand de Lesseps, and is called All Hallows College ' ' the winged car, has the appearance of an ordinary motor car, save that In front it is shaped like the prow of. a ship. From the extremeity of the prow (Attends a shaft to which is attached the propeller or revolving wing invented by M. Filippi. The wing is small, strong and thick and revolves within a protecting cage. The engine is of 40 horse power and rotates the wing by shaft and chain transmission. There is no other mechanism, the wheels of the car being free, except for footbrakes. By the side of the driver is a single lever which controls the clutch and the forward and reverse movement of the wing. The wing can be reversed at a moments notice, thereby forming an additional brake. In the trial runs a speed of 62 miles an hour was obtained with 2,100 revolutions of the wing a mln-ntOne curious feature was that the car made no dust. e. The Cannibals Need Food. An officer of the - French colonial army brought a letter from the chief of a group of , missionaries in the southern islands of the Pacific not long afio, which winds up as follows: I regret to tell you that our little company can do little against the fanaticism of these poor wretches. Moreover, famine is ravaging the country, for the harvest has been destroyed. Therefore the dispatch of more missionaries has become urgent." La Petite Republique. . Comparative Possession. T have an abstract theory. "Thats nothing. Ive got a concrete . i' r- v Make-Believ- e. neigh-borhoo- ', on-am- a hab-llmen- ytA iyv. . , 'v; . - Many a man cant even do his duty without feeling that he is doing more than his share. . Change v W '35-19- 12. Motor Car Is Driven in the Same Manner as an Aeroplane. cellar." V IHti IfiOMPtiUk bOMACOn Troy, H, AUTOMOBILE Is Just a9 satisfactory as If you came to the store. In our new home we are better able to serve you than ever. ! Hpecimcn prices: Gold, hilver, Lead, 1: Gold, Bitver, 7:c; Gold, 60c; Zinc or Copper, $1. Mailing SOUS V. Self-deni- Hair balsam tea haW fj flwiw sad beautify 3 Buying of us by mai tle Incident: A lady had sued a railroad for $40,000 damages and secured a verdict, and was paid the full amount subject to her order. Her attorney didnt get a penny. Salt lake city utah one Why, that seems incredulous, I GO Main Street of the party said. How did it hapa son. The difference between the aristoc- pen ? She. found k way. to outwit him." racy and the commoners is exempliWhat did she do9 fied In a still more striking manner. is until 'those All the commoners "She married the lawyer. of both sexes Judge. whom it benefits regard it 33 a nat? have their lower central Incisors lira! habit in those who practice it. Her Specialty. knocked out, and even the grandchilMrs. Sutton advertised for a woman dren may conform to this practice If to do general housework, and in anthev please. The New Walker Though the people honor the king swer a colored girl called, announcRank Building, In his prime, when he attains senesing that she had come for the posicence they promptly prepare for his tion. Salt Lake City, Is killed successor. The sovereign Are you a good cook?" asked Mrs. will be ready with due ceremony at the first signs Sutton. of or old age. Any son No, indeed, I don't rook," was the for occupancy has the right to attempt to despatch reply. I'1 his father, and If successful to reign this fall. Are you a good laundress?" In his stead. The deed Is carried out I wouln't do washin and Ironing; ; at night because the king Is alone In It's too hard on the hands. Tallest building for uimiiitni his enclosure with his wives and with, 'Can you sweep? asked Mrs, Sutoldest bank between JillllllllllJ hi? out the bodyguard which attends immniis ton. . movement's Missouri River and during the day. No, wa3 the positive answer, Pacific Coast. Im not strong enough." DENTISTRY ON AN ELEPHANT Well," said the lady of the house, In fishing for compliments use fresh quite exasperated, may I ask you ' U ' , It became necessary recently to call what you can do? " bait. if "' a dentist to one of the elephants In "I dusts, came the placid reply. , the Zoological gardens at Rio de Ja- Everybodys Magazine. ' ' ' .,V' V'4iS' neiro The dentist saw at once what We make a man of your boy the trouble was a hollow tooth but His Unhealed War Wound. confessed his Inability to fill It or to Veterans and near veterans were pull it out without assistance. The ele- fighting all the old battles over phant was not In a happy frame of again In the street car. Thrilling es a mind, for it had really elephantine and blood curdling adventures But the dentist and the capes toothache. had been related by the dozen when tied a method. devised They keepers the turn came to a little old man with a strong rope to the tooth, fastening a long beard. Salt Lake City, Utah it carefully and securely with platinum a Stroking this adornment carefully, 15 men took hoid and and Day School foi hoy,. wire, and then Boaiding the old man said: Minim Academic and Senioi department,. pulled. The elephant seemed to know me war cost Just Well, boys, the for Its good was being Clauical, Scientific and Commercial , that something couraea. Fall term commence. Sept. 9th. done for It kept quiet and showed no $9CD in cold cash, I didnt want to I paid a substitute the money so go, 15 of until the that is, anger Apply to Rev. Proident. sign to serve for me. Do you know that men gave the fourth pull, brought the huge tooth out. Then the fellow went all through the war with elephant trumpeted with pain and an- out getting a scratch? I could have A POSITIVE and PER. fv i i,' ger and the 15 men deemed It wise to done the same thing and saved my MANENT CURE FOR ' t v' run. But after a few minutes of wrath money. I tell you, war is a calamity. 2 and Drunkenness the beast., now relieved of Its pain, beKansas City Journal. The accompanying picture shows the wonderful alabaster Sphinx that came calm. Opium Diseases. was recently excavated near Memphis, Egypt. It is believed to be the acknM. ladiet treated aa Tkr b m publicity, as ia their wa bones. THE KF.ELEY IN It was during a sham battle. The privately largest bbject carved out of a single block of alabaster in the .world. The ' (yJOST REMARKABLE OF BIRDS STITLTE 334 W. South Tcnaole Street. Salt Lake City next largest Egyptian object In this material Is probably the magnificent defenders established themselves In a B. of in 1370 now who died is Seti which the I., C., principal sarcophagus very advantageous position at the top treasure of the little museum Jn Lincolns Inn Fields, London, that bears the of a knoll overlooking a stream six MEN AND WOMEN name of Sir John Soane. fore on Uccnimt of nmny prided money making feet wide. To make themselves secure facilities. Good opportunities npeu and barber The discovery of the alabaster Sphinx was made about a year ago, when, in demand. We teach the trade complete, blew rail up the bride, they on the marshy plains of Memphis, on the road to Sakkareh, a member of the Molar nr Barbar Collage, 13 Commercial write posting a sign on it to that effect. British School in Egypt, found Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. curiously carved object sticking out of a Soon they saw the enemy calmly sand embankment. The season wag so far advanced that nothing could crossing the bridge. then be done, but this year the excavators went to work, and the object was Hold on! called out ihe captain found to be the tail of a Sphinx. i. Send for FREE Glli CATALOGUE of the defenders. You can't cross that The Sphinx, on being dug out, proved to weigh ninety tons and to be Ar mi & Sporting Coode Company Western Carved from a single piece of alabaster. The monster measures some 14 feet bridge. Cant you see it's blown up?" Suit bake City, Utah. In height and 26 feet in length. Alabaster being a rock " . .... , Thats all right," coolly answered ; to the foreign this Sphinx ranks as the largest that has been transported. 1 the sergeant of the attacking side. KODAKS The figure bears no Inscription, but Is considered by Prof. Flinders "Were not crossing the bridge. Cant larging. SVork ton by Profcsionals. Petrie, the director of the British School in Egypt, to have been carved about you see were swimming?" C. R. S A V A t ij t:,t' 1300 B. C. It le therefore almost contemporaneous with the Set! buke Salt CMy. Utah '- One He Didn't Make. Jir ' v.FI: "V v i The colony of artists livlng in St. The Human Yardstick. , street,, says the Boston Traveler, Botolph entire herds of cattle. Mr. Ox reDICK TURPINS HORSE-PISTO- L but exclaimed tired! Is Golly, are having... a laugh ceives a bath before he dons the tall and thin negro, meeting a short nuiswho been has a considerable of of civilization. This bath Washington, ance to them the past few months. and stout friend on consists of oil and resin, and Is supstreet. The .man on himself brusqueprides posed to free the' animals of all ticks "What you been doin to get tired?" ness that he mistakes for wit. The and parasites. His pants are then demanded the other. other night he wa3 introduced to a thoroughly soaked in oil and resiu, Well,,, explained the thin i one. voung sculptor whose fame is getting and when the swarm of flies come in a deep breath, over to drawing beyond the confines of Boston. contact with the trousers legs they Brother Smiths dey are measurin de are "So the chap that makes you die by thousands. some new carpets.- Dey house for w ; mud heads, are you? asked the witty havent got no yawdstick, and Is just man. STRANGE AFRICAN TRIBE A J L Not all of them, the sculptor re- exactly six feet tall. So to oblige 4 down Brother Smith, ls been plied, quietly. V ..i An African tribe with some most and up all over delr house." Advice With a String to It. Youths Companion. extraordinary customs has just been ' i ' ' ' discovered by Dr. C. G. Seligmann of i"Two young men of short acquaintthe Wellcome Green Food. ance- were talking together when Tropical Reseaych of one of laboratories, branches the the of older the became horse-pisto- l, Faddist. theres another thing. Ah, George, two, This There is now on iew at the Zoolog the Gordon Memorial You know, I never eat butcher's meat. college at leal gardens In London a specimen of suddenly very confidential. which was found by workmen who TUs tribe Is the Shilluk. I am much bothered," he said. "1 were dismantling the Globe room of Khartoum. or whale-headeWeary Hotel Proprietor. No, no; stork, thq shoe-hil- l which In lives a narrow strip of land one of the most remarkable of living can marry a wealthy widow whom I madam; of course not. We the Reindeer inn at Banbury, England, always Is believed to have belonged to Dick along the banks of the Nile on the birds. Jts scientific name Is Balaenl dont love or a poor girl that. I do love get ours at the,, green grocers.. Sketch. rurptn, the hero of the famous ride northern edge of the ceps rex, and It Inhabits the swamps Intensely. What shall I do?" to York. It hears the Inscription: province. There are about 40,000 of of the sudd" region of the Upper Listen to your heart." advised his them. In of small villages They live Her Opportunity. Nile. Its bill Is of Immense size, re companion, "and marry the one you .1, Presented to Dick Turpin at the White Bear Inn, Drury Lane, February huts surrounded by fences of dura semhllng a large shoe of horn. Its love." . - Young Husband. What a gloriouf An American collector has stalks. 1735. food appears to consist chiefly' of You are right, my friend. I shall day! I could dare anything, face any The most striking feature is the small fish and other ; " for the weapon, but Its $10,000 jffered aquatic animals, marry the girl. thing on a day like this! veneration paid to the king and the though how It manages to capture hwnership Is In dispute. on Come "Then Wife. can to down the you give me the widows marked line of demarcation between them with Its extraordinary coal-scu- t address? Judge. Fliegende Blatter. the aristocracy and the commoners. car-He-s Is bill uncertain. bill The FIRST BANKNOTES IN CHINA The former Is constituted a large hooked nail at the exentirely of the royal family children, grandchiltremity, and the edges are extremely tl la held that the oldest banknotes dren and of the sharp and possess enormous crushing ire the "flying money or convenient king. Royal descent, however. Is not power, while the birds color Is pale money" of China. Originally these recognized beyond the fourth genera- - gray, like that of a heron. notes were issued by the Chinese treasury, but experience dictated a ;hange to the system of banks under control. The early governmental Chinese banknotes were, i most nr. similar to the modern banknote, bearing the name of the bank, I; I UTAH he date of issue, the number of the v note, the signature of the official it. Indications of Its value in If you have any regard for appearance, any regard for figures, words and pictorial represenpermanence and economy, you will build with Concrete tations of coins or heaps of coins in amount to the full value of the the material that lasts a lifetime and seldom, if ever, P V qote, together with a notice of (he neerg repair. You should build your watering troughs, nenalties for counterfeiting. There barns, silos and dairy house of concrete, made with the MA Devil of sas also a laconic exhortation to InEVERLASTING Good Cement dustry and tbrirt In these terms: "Produce all you can; spend with economy." The notes were In blue ink on paper made from the fiber of It is always of uniformly high quality and strength; the same yesthe mulberry tree. It will successfully withstand the severterday, today and forever. skilled contractors, architects and engineers Preferred est tests. by WHERE OXEN WEAR TROUSERS v .V everywhere. Be sure you specify the "RED DEVIL brand of cement Sold by 'll Leading Dealers. Write for Free Booklets. The. latest thing In the sartorial .S' line ,ln Capetown Is trousers for oxen. i f This method of clothing beasts of burOgden, Utah 3 den Is not due to any accession of i style In South Africa, hut the garments have become a necessity to proA t s '?' t AJ 4 t w. u. . jJ. tect the animals from the tsetse files, which are a torment and often a fatal Most remhrkablt and beautiful was the acece witnessed by the tnemy. The tsetse files swarm about at a recent yacht race at Kiel, Germany. While the big yachts were In the Wnt. ( iiinim-rclu- l Urf1, lint mid out innset, traveling near flie ground, tearing through the water the Zeppelin alrehip Victoria Luiae fro Yml run no rfk wln-emerged all dradaataa. ,011 rnroll with 11,. Kail TaraPo.illon. taaraat.od tpd they have been known to poison j It hed and sailed over the racera o the ee for a long distance. all Inqulrii-- , tn uiiana Svplambar 3. Writ? Unit, lor lull liilonmitinn. Ailil II KN AtiKItS Itl SINLNS l Ol I.rtiK Ilui ns.t. Salt I. aka City, flu. i tion. Polygamy is practised, and the king has a large number of wives. The sons likewise take many wives, but the daughters must remain unmarried, for the reason that It Is unfitting for a kings daughter to marry Alabaster Sphinx of Egypt ir - THE ATTORNEY. THE WAY OUT of Food Brought Success and Happiness. An ambitious but delicate girl, after failing to go thrdugh '.school on account of nervousness and hysteria, the only thing found in Grape-Nut- s that seemed to build her up and furnish her the' peace of health. "From Infancy, she says, I have not been strong, .Being ambitious to learn at any cost J finally got to the High School, but soon had to abandon tny studies on account of nervous prostration and hysteria. "My food did not agree with me, I grew thin and despondent I could not enjoy the simplest social affair for I suffered constantly from nervousness in spite of all sorts of medicines. "This wretched condition continued when I became until I was twenty-five- , Interested in the letters of those who had cases like mlna and a ho were getting well by eating Grape-Nut"I had little faith but procured a box and after the first dish I experienced a peculiar satisfied feeling that I had never gained from any ordinary food. I slept and, rested better that night and In a few days began tc grow stronger. "I had a new feeling and peace and restfulness. In a few weeks, to my great joy, the headaches and nervousness left me and life became bright and hopefuL I resumed my studies and later taught ten months with ease of course using Grape-Nut- s every years since I bedty. It is now four I am the misgan to use Grape-Nuts- , tress of a happy homo, and the old weakness has never returned." Nams given by the Postuzn Co, Battle Creek, Mich. Theres a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," lu pkga. th Krrr bv lftlrl A new me mnwrmra Iran lime la lime. Th-- re Krnalae, Iran, and full nf ml double-barrele- Bahr-El-Ghaz- ... , . . mll-liner- 's. tie-llk- e Concrete on the Farm I V-- ' ( A i X. RED DEVIL Portland Cement J - i ,i. J X Union Portland Cement Co., k, . - . ; - .f, A , V -- .C gg . epee-tator- 111 t. n |